Implemented interface member:
3 writes to Opacity
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (3)
RadioButton\RadioButton.cs (1)
491 Opacity = 0,
TitleBar\TitleBar.cs (1)
489 Opacity = 0.7,
ViewExtensions.cs (1)
76 return AnimateTo(view, view.Opacity, opacity, nameof(FadeTo), (v, value) => v.Opacity = value, length, easing);
5 references to Opacity
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (5)
TitleBar\TitleBar.cs (1)
381 static (TitleBar tb) => tb.Opacity,
ViewExtensions.cs (1)
76 return AnimateTo(view, view.Opacity, opacity, nameof(FadeTo), (v, value) => v.Opacity = value, length, easing);
VisualElement\VisualElement.cs (3)
276 /// <summary>Bindable property for <see cref="Opacity"/>.</summary> 277 public static readonly BindableProperty OpacityProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Opacity), typeof(double), typeof(VisualElement), 1d, coerceValue: (bindable, value) => ((double)value).Clamp(0, 1)); 772 /// The opacity value has no effect unless <see cref="IsVisible"/> is <see langword="true"/>. The effective opacity of an element is the value of <see cref="Opacity"/> multiplied by the opacity of the element's <c>Parent</c>. If a parent has 0.5 opacity, and a child has 0.5 opacity, the child will render with an effective 0.25 opacity.