Implemented interface member:
2 writes to Title
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (2)
CarouselPage\CarouselPage.cs (1)
27 page.Title = item.ToString();
TabbedPage\TabbedPage.cs (1)
66 page.Title = item.ToString();
12 references to Title
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (12)
FlyoutPage\FlyoutPage.cs (1)
100 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.Title))
NavigationPage\NavigationPageToolbar.cs (2)
277 return _currentNavigationPage?.CurrentPage?.Title ?? _currentNavigationPage?.Title;
Page\Page.cs (5)
64 /// <summary>Bindable property for <see cref="Title"/>.</summary> 65 public static readonly BindableProperty TitleProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Title), typeof(string), typeof(Page), null); 117 /// <remarks>For example, this icon might be shown in the flyout menu or a tab bar together with <see cref="Title"/>.</remarks> 947 var debugText = DebuggerDisplayHelpers.GetDebugText(nameof(BindingContext), BindingContext, nameof(Title), Title);
Shell\ShellContent.cs (1)
291 shellContent.SetBinding(TitleProperty, static (TemplatedPage page) => page.Title, BindingMode.OneWay, source: page);
ShellToolbar.cs (1)
177 Title = currentPage.Title ?? String.Empty;
Window\Window.cs (2)
112 string? ITitledElement.Title => Title ?? (Page as Shell)?.Title; 672 if (e.PropertyName == nameof(Shell.Title))