7 types derived from Page
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (7)
FlyoutPage\FlyoutPage.cs (1)
17 public partial class FlyoutPage : Page, IFlyoutPageController, IElementConfiguration<FlyoutPage>, IFlyoutView
MultiPage.cs (1)
16 public abstract class MultiPage<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(BindableProperty.DeclaringTypeMembers | BindableProperty.ReturnTypeMembers)] T> : Page, IViewContainer<T>, IPageContainer<T>, IItemsView<T>, IMultiPageController<T> where T : Page
NavigationPage\NavigationPage.cs (2)
15 public partial class NavigationPage : Page, IPageContainer<Page>, IBarElement, IElementConfiguration<NavigationPage>, IStackNavigationView, IToolbarElement
Shell\Shell.cs (2)
24 public partial class Shell : Page, IShellController, IPropertyPropagationController, IPageContainer<Page>, IFlyoutView
TemplatedPage.cs (1)
9 public class TemplatedPage : Page, IControlTemplated
1 instantiation of Page
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (1)
TabbedPage\TabbedPage.cs (1)
64 var page = new Page();
523 references to Page
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (523)
Application\Application.cs (6)
87 Page? _singleWindowMainPage; 90 public Page? MainPage 303 public event EventHandler<Page>? PageAppearing; 305 public event EventHandler<Page>? PageDisappearing; 391 internal void OnPageAppearing(Page page) 394 internal void OnPageDisappearing(Page page)
Element\Element.cs (1)
35 /// <term><see cref = "Page"/>
FlyoutPage\FlyoutPage.cs (6)
30 Page _detail; 34 Page _flyout; 41 public Page Detail 55 var previousDetail = _detail; 92 public Page Flyout 110 var previousFlyout = _flyout;
Hosting\AppHostBuilderExtensions.cs (1)
86 handlersCollection.AddHandler<Page, PageHandler>();
INavigation.cs (13)
10 IReadOnlyList<Page> ModalStack { get; } 12 IReadOnlyList<Page> NavigationStack { get; } 14 void InsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before); 15 Task<Page> PopAsync(); 16 Task<Page> PopAsync(bool animated); 17 Task<Page> PopModalAsync(); 18 Task<Page> PopModalAsync(bool animated); 22 Task PushAsync(Page page); 24 Task PushAsync(Page page, bool animated); 25 Task PushModalAsync(Page page); 26 Task PushModalAsync(Page page, bool animated); 28 void RemovePage(Page page);
INavigationPageController.cs (5)
11 Task<Page> RemoveAsyncInner(Page page, bool animated, bool fast); 13 Page Peek(int depth = 0); 15 IEnumerable<Page> Pages { get; } 19 Task<Page> PopAsyncInner(bool animated, bool fast = false);
Internals\NavigationRequestedEventArgs.cs (4)
12 public NavigationRequestedEventArgs(Page page, bool animated) : base(page) 18 public NavigationRequestedEventArgs(Page page, Page before, bool animated) : this(page, animated) 27 public Page BeforePage { get; set; }
Internals\PageExtensions.cs (3)
11 public static Page AncestorToRoot(this Page page) 17 return parent as Page;
IPageContainer.cs (1)
4 public interface IPageContainer<out T> where T : Page
ListView\ListView.cs (1)
675 if (view == null || view is Page)
Menu\MenuBarTracker.cs (1)
60 protected override IList<MenuBarItem> GetMenuItems(Page page) =>
Menu\MenuItemTracker.cs (27)
15 WeakReference<Page> _target; 16 List<WeakReference<Page>> _additionalTargets = new(); 21 protected abstract IList<TMenuItem> GetMenuItems(Page page); 25 public IEnumerable<Page> AdditionalTargets 31 if (target.TryGetTarget(out var page)) 40 foreach (var page in value) 55 public Page Target 57 get => _target is not null && _target.TryGetTarget(out var target) ? target : null; 60 var target = Target; 86 foreach (var item in AdditionalTargets) 101 List<TMenuItem> GetCurrentToolbarItems(Page page) 132 if (shell.GetCurrentShellPage() is Page shellPage && shellPage != shell) 135 else if (page is IPageContainer<Page>) 137 var container = (IPageContainer<Page>)page; 147 var page = eventArgs.Element as Page; 156 var page = eventArgs.Element as Page; 184 void RegisterChildPage(Page page) 199 void TrackTarget(Page page) 214 if (shell.GetCurrentShellPage() is Page currentShellPage) 220 page.Descendants<Page>().ForEach(RegisterChildPage); 230 if (((Shell)sender).GetCurrentShellPage() is Page page) 236 if (((Shell)sender).GetCurrentShellPage() is Page page) 245 void UnregisterChildPage(Page page) 255 void UntrackTarget(Page page) 271 page.Descendants().OfType<Page>().ForEach(UnregisterChildPage);
ModalEventArgs.cs (2)
9 protected ModalEventArgs(Page modal) 15 public Page Modal { get; private set; }
ModalPoppedEventArgs.cs (1)
8 public ModalPoppedEventArgs(Page modal) : base(modal)
ModalPoppingEventArgs.cs (1)
8 public ModalPoppingEventArgs(Page modal) : base(modal)
ModalPushedEventArgs.cs (1)
8 public ModalPushedEventArgs(Page modal) : base(modal)
ModalPushingEventArgs.cs (1)
8 public ModalPushingEventArgs(Page modal) : base(modal)
MultiPage.cs (3)
16 public abstract class MultiPage<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(BindableProperty.DeclaringTypeMembers | BindableProperty.ReturnTypeMembers)] T> : Page, IViewContainer<T>, IPageContainer<T>, IItemsView<T>, IMultiPageController<T> where T : Page 27 internal static readonly BindableProperty IndexProperty = BindableProperty.Create("Index", typeof(int), typeof(Page), -1); 198 public static void SetIndex(Page page, int index)
NavigableElement\NavigableElement.cs (1)
9 /// <summary>Represents an <see cref="Element"/> with base functionality for <see cref="Page"/> navigation. Does not necessarily render on screen.</summary>
NavigationEventArgs.cs (2)
10 public NavigationEventArgs(Page page) 19 public Page Page { get; private set; }
NavigationModel.cs (33)
10 readonly List<Page> _modalStack = new List<Page>(); 11 readonly List<List<Page>> _navTree = new List<List<Page>>(); 14 public Page CurrentPage 24 public Page LastRoot 37 public IReadOnlyList<Page> Modals 43 public IEnumerable<Page> Roots 47 foreach (List<Page> list in _navTree) 55 public IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<Page>> Tree 68 public void InsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) 70 List<Page> currentStack = _navTree.Last(); 80 public Page Pop(Page ancestralNav) 83 foreach (List<Page> stack in _navTree) 89 Page result = stack.Last(); 99 public Page PopModal() 104 var previousPage = CurrentPage; 105 Page modal = _navTree.Last()[0]; 125 public Page PopTopPage() 127 Page itemToRemove; 148 public void PopToRoot(Page ancestralNav) 151 foreach (List<Page> stack in _navTree) 166 public void Push(Page page, Page ancestralNav) 172 _navTree.Add(new List<Page> { page }); 178 foreach (List<Page> stack in _navTree) 191 public void PushModal(Page page) 193 var previousPage = CurrentPage; 194 _navTree.Add(new List<Page> { page }); 211 public bool RemovePage(Page page) 214 List<Page> currentStack = _navTree.Last();
NavigationPage\NavigationPage.cs (52)
18 public static readonly BindableProperty BackButtonTitleProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached("BackButtonTitle", typeof(string), typeof(Page), null); 22 BindableProperty.CreateAttached("HasNavigationBar", typeof(bool), typeof(Page), true); 46 static readonly BindablePropertyKey CurrentPagePropertyKey = BindableProperty.CreateReadOnly(nameof(CurrentPage), typeof(Page), typeof(NavigationPage), null, propertyChanged: OnCurrentPageChanged); 51 static readonly BindablePropertyKey RootPagePropertyKey = BindableProperty.CreateReadOnly(nameof(RootPage), typeof(Page), typeof(NavigationPage), null); 72 public NavigationPage(Page root) : this(UseMauiHandler, root) 76 internal NavigationPage(bool setforMaui, Page root = null) 117 public Page Peek(int depth) 129 return (Page)InternalChildren[InternalChildren.Count - depth - 1]; 132 IEnumerable<Page> INavigationPageController.Pages => InternalChildren.Cast<Page>(); 140 public Page CurrentPage 142 get { return (Page)GetValue(CurrentPageProperty); } 147 public Page RootPage 149 get { return (Page)GetValue(RootPageProperty); } 158 if (bindable is Page page) 171 public static bool GetHasBackButton(Page page) 208 public Task<Page> PopAsync() 214 public async Task<Page> PopAsync(bool animated) 235 var result = await (this as INavigationPageController).PopAsyncInner(animated, false); 288 public Task PushAsync(Page page) 294 public async Task PushAsync(Page page, bool animated) 332 public static void SetHasBackButton(Page page, bool value) 377 void SendNavigated(Page previousPage, NavigationType navigationType) 383 void SendNavigating(Page navigatingFrom = null) 389 void FireDisappearing(Page page) 395 void FireAppearing(Page page) 464 CurrentPage = (Page)newStack[newStack.Count - 1]; 465 RootPage = (Page)newStack[0]; 510 if (oldValue is Page oldPage) 513 if (newValue is Page newPage && ((NavigationPage)bindable).HasAppeared) 584 var topLevelPage = parentPages[parentPages.Count - 1]; 604 else if (toolbarRoot is Page p) 691 var visiblePage = Navigation.NavigationStack[NavigationStack.Count - 1]; 720 readonly Lazy<ReadOnlyCastingList<Page, Element>> _castingList; 725 _castingList = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCastingList<Page, Element>>(() => new ReadOnlyCastingList<Page, Element>(Owner.InternalChildren)); 730 protected override IReadOnlyList<Page> GetNavigationStack() 735 protected override void OnInsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) 773 protected async override Task<Page> OnPopAsync(bool animated) 780 var currentPage = NavigationStack[NavigationStack.Count - 1]; 781 var newCurrentPage = NavigationStack[NavigationStack.Count - 2]; 813 Page previousPage = Owner.CurrentPage; 814 Page newPage = Owner.RootPage; 815 List<Page> pagesToRemove = new List<Page>(); 823 var page = (Page)NavigationStack[lastIndex]; 843 protected override Task OnPushAsync(Page root, bool animated) 848 var previousPage = Owner.CurrentPage; 868 protected override void OnRemovePage(Page page) 892 Owner.RootPage = (Page)Owner.InternalChildren[0];
NavigationPage\NavigationPage.Legacy.cs (31)
17 async Task<Page> PopAsyncInner( 26 var page = (Page)InternalChildren.Last(); 27 var previousPage = CurrentPage; 29 var removedPage = await RemoveAsyncInner(page, animated, fast); 34 async Task<Page> RemoveAsyncInner( 35 Page page, 47 FireAppearing((Page)InternalChildren[NavigationPageController.StackDepth - 2]); 67 CurrentPage = (Page)InternalChildren.Last(); 75 Task<Page> INavigationPageController.PopAsyncInner(bool animated, bool fast) 80 Task<Page> INavigationPageController.RemoveAsyncInner(Page page, bool animated, bool fast) 120 void InsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) 152 var previousPage = CurrentPage; 155 FireAppearing((Page)InternalChildren[0]); 176 PoppedToRoot?.Invoke(this, new PoppedToRootEventArgs(RootPage, childrenToRemove.OfType<Page>().ToList())); 180 async Task PushAsyncInner(Page page, bool animated) 185 var previousPage = CurrentPage; 221 void PushPage(Page page) 231 void RemovePage(Page page) 253 RootPage = (Page)InternalChildren.First(); 258 readonly Lazy<ReadOnlyCastingList<Page, Element>> _castingList; 263 _castingList = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCastingList<Page, Element>>(() => new ReadOnlyCastingList<Page, Element>(Owner.InternalChildren)); 268 protected override IReadOnlyList<Page> GetNavigationStack() 273 protected override void OnInsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) 278 protected override Task<Page> OnPopAsync(bool animated) 288 protected override Task OnPushAsync(Page root, bool animated) 293 protected override void OnRemovePage(Page page)
NavigationPage\NavigationPageToolbar.cs (8)
12 Page _currentPage; 21 internal Page RootPage { get; private set; } 31 public NavigationPageToolbar(Maui.IElement parent, Page rootPage) : base(parent) 51 e.IsOneOf(Page.TitleProperty, 215 var currentPage = _currentPage; 217 Page previousPage = null; 287 Page target = _currentNavigationPage; 289 if (_currentNavigationPage.CurrentPage is Page currentPage)
NavigationProxy.cs (34)
27 Lazy<List<Page>> _pushStack = new Lazy<List<Page>>(() => new List<Page>()); 43 _pushStack = new Lazy<List<Page>>(() => new List<Page>()); 50 foreach (Page page in _pushStack.Value) 71 public void InsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) 77 public IReadOnlyList<Page> ModalStack 83 public IReadOnlyList<Page> NavigationStack 89 public Task<Page> PopAsync() 95 public Task<Page> PopAsync(bool animated) 101 public Task<Page> PopModalAsync() 107 public Task<Page> PopModalAsync(bool animated) 125 public Task PushAsync(Page root) 131 public Task PushAsync(Page root, bool animated) 139 public Task PushModalAsync(Page modal) 145 public Task PushModalAsync(Page modal, bool animated) 153 public void RemovePage(Page page) 158 protected virtual IReadOnlyList<Page> GetModalStack() 164 protected virtual IReadOnlyList<Page> GetNavigationStack() 170 protected virtual void OnInsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) 186 protected virtual Task<Page> OnPopAsync(bool animated) 192 protected virtual Task<Page> OnPopModal(bool animated) 204 return Task.FromResult<Page>(null); 206 Page root = _pushStack.Value.Last(); 214 protected virtual Task OnPushAsync(Page page, bool animated) 225 protected virtual Task OnPushModal(Page modal, bool animated) 236 protected virtual void OnRemovePage(Page page) 249 Page Pop() 251 List<Page> list = _pushStack.Value; 254 Page result = list[list.Count - 1]; 259 Page PopModal()
NavigationStepRequest.cs (8)
10 public NavigationStepRequest(Page page, bool isModal, bool isAnimated) 19 public Page Page { get; } 25 List<Page> _pages = new List<Page>(); 27 public IReadOnlyList<Page> Pages => _pages; 44 public void Remove(Page page) 88 var pages = new Page[array.Length]; 118 internal bool TryGetValue(Page page, [NotNullWhen(true)] out NavigationStepRequest? request)
Page\NavigatedFromEventArgs.cs (2)
22 internal Page DestinationPage { get; } 24 internal NavigatedFromEventArgs(Page destinationPage, NavigationType navigationType)
Page\NavigatedToEventArgs.cs (2)
8 internal NavigatedToEventArgs(Page previousPage) 13 internal Page PreviousPage { get; }
Page\Page.cs (27)
21 /// <remarks><see cref = "Page" /> is primarily a base class for more useful derived types. Objects that are derived from the <see cref="Page"/> class are most prominently used as the top level UI element in .NET MAUI applications. In addition to their role as the main pages of applications, <see cref="Page"/> objects and their descendants can be used with navigation classes, such as <see cref="NavigationPage"/> or <see cref="FlyoutPage"/>, among others, to provide rich user experiences that conform to the expected behaviors on each platform. 24 public partial class Page : VisualElement, ILayout, IPageController, IElementConfiguration<Page>, IPaddingElement, ISafeAreaView, ISafeAreaView2, IView, ITitledElement, IToolbarElement 53 internal static readonly BindableProperty IgnoresContainerAreaProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(IgnoresContainerArea), typeof(bool), typeof(Page), false); 56 public static readonly BindableProperty BackgroundImageSourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(BackgroundImageSource), typeof(ImageSource), typeof(Page), default(ImageSource)); 59 public static readonly BindableProperty IsBusyProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(IsBusy), typeof(bool), typeof(Page), false, propertyChanged: (bo, o, n) => ((Page)bo).OnPageBusyChanged()); 65 public static readonly BindableProperty TitleProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Title), typeof(string), typeof(Page), null); 68 public static readonly BindableProperty IconImageSourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(IconImageSource), typeof(ImageSource), typeof(Page), default(ImageSource)); 70 readonly Lazy<PlatformConfigurationRegistry<Page>> _platformConfigurationRegistry; 84 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Page"/> class. 101 _platformConfigurationRegistry = new Lazy<PlatformConfigurationRegistry<Page>>(() => new PlatformConfigurationRegistry<Page>(this)); 440 var page = child as Page; 548 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the page's <see cref="Element.RealParent"/> can't be casted to <see cref="Page"/> or <see cref="BaseShellItem"/>.</exception> 551 if (!Application.IsApplicationOrWindowOrNull(RealParent) && !(RealParent is Page) && !(RealParent is BaseShellItem)) 613 var container = this as IPageContainer<Page>; 616 Page page = container.CurrentPage; 693 var pageContainer = this as IPageContainer<Page>; 716 var pageContainer = this as IPageContainer<Page>; 801 var container = this as IPageContainer<Page>; 823 public IPlatformElementConfiguration<T, Page> On<T>() where T : IConfigPlatform 869 (this as IPageContainer<Page>)?.CurrentPage?.SendNavigatedTo(args); 876 (this as IPageContainer<Page>)?.CurrentPage?.SendNavigatingFrom(args); 884 (this as IPageContainer<Page>)?.CurrentPage?.SendNavigatedFrom(args, false);
Platform\ModalNavigationManager\ModalNavigationManager.cs (17)
13 public IReadOnlyList<Page> ModalStack => _modalPages.Pages; 16 List<Page> _platformModalPages = new List<Page>(); 19 Page? _currentPage; 21 Page CurrentPlatformPage => 24 Page CurrentPlatformModalPage => 27 Page? CurrentPage 31 var currentPage = _modalPages.Count > 0 ? _modalPages[_modalPages.Count - 1].Page : _window.Page; 74 public Task<Page?> PopModalAsync() 79 public Task PushModalAsync(Page modal) 159 var page = await PopModalPlatformAsync(animated); 171 var nextPage = nextRequest.Page; 198 public async Task<Page?> PopModalAsync(bool animated) 205 Page modal = _modalPages[_modalPages.Count - 1].Page; 256 public async Task PushModalAsync(Page modal, bool animated) 262 var previousPage = CurrentPage; 324 var previousPage = _currentPage;
Platform\ModalNavigationManager\ModalNavigationManager.Standard.cs (3)
11 Task<Page> PopModalPlatformAsync(bool animated) 13 var currentPage = CurrentPlatformPage!; 18 Task PushModalPlatformAsync(Page modal, bool animated)
Platform\PageExtensions.cs (4)
9 internal static Page GetCurrentPage(this Page currentPage) 11 if (currentPage.NavigationProxy.ModalStack.LastOrDefault() is Page modal) 17 else if (currentPage is IPageContainer<Page> pc)
PlatformConfiguration\iOSSpecific\Page.cs (22)
6 using FormsElement = Maui.Controls.Page; 44 public static StatusBarHiddenMode PrefersStatusBarHidden(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config) 55 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> SetPrefersStatusBarHidden(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config, StatusBarHiddenMode value) 97 public static UIStatusBarAnimation PreferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config) 108 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> SetPreferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config, UIStatusBarAnimation value) 149 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> SetUseSafeArea(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config, bool value) 160 public static bool UsingSafeArea(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config) 193 public static LargeTitleDisplayMode LargeTitleDisplay(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config) 204 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> SetLargeTitleDisplay(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config, LargeTitleDisplayMode value) 237 public static Thickness SafeAreaInsets(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config) 249 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> SetSafeAreaInsets(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config, Thickness value) 266 public static UIModalPresentationStyle ModalPresentationStyle(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config) 277 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> SetModalPresentationStyle(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config, UIModalPresentationStyle value) 332 public static bool PrefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config) 343 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> SetPrefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS, FormsElement> config, bool value)
PlatformConfiguration\macOSSpecific\Page.cs (4)
4 using FormsElement = Maui.Controls.Page; 26 public static VisualElement[] GetTabOrder(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<macOS, FormsElement> config) 32 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<macOS, FormsElement> SetTabOrder(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<macOS, FormsElement> config, params VisualElement[] value)
PlatformConfiguration\TizenSpecific\Page.cs (5)
4 using FormsElement = Maui.Controls.Page; 12 = BindableProperty.CreateAttached("BreadCrumb", typeof(string), typeof(FormsElement), default(string)); 27 public static string GetBreadCrumb(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<Tizen, FormsElement> config) 33 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<Tizen, FormsElement> SetBreadCrumb(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<Tizen, FormsElement> config, string value)
PlatformConfiguration\WindowsSpecific\Page.cs (9)
10 using FormsElement = Maui.Controls.Page; 24 typeof(FormsElement), ToolbarPlacement.Default); 51 public static ToolbarPlacement GetToolbarPlacement(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<Windows, FormsElement> config) 62 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<Windows, FormsElement> SetToolbarPlacement( 63 this IPlatformElementConfiguration<Windows, FormsElement> config, ToolbarPlacement value) 78 typeof(FormsElement), true); 105 public static bool GetToolbarDynamicOverflowEnabled(this IPlatformElementConfiguration<Windows, FormsElement> config) 116 public static IPlatformElementConfiguration<Windows, FormsElement> SetToolbarDynamicOverflowEnabled( 117 this IPlatformElementConfiguration<Windows, FormsElement> config, bool value)
PoppedToRootEventArgs.cs (3)
11 public PoppedToRootEventArgs(Page page, IEnumerable<Page> poppedPages) : base(page) 20 public IEnumerable<Page> PoppedPages { get; private set; }
Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs (2)
86[assembly: StyleProperty("background-image", typeof(Page), nameof(Page.BackgroundImageSourceProperty))]
RadioButton\RadioButtonGroup.cs (1)
104 while (parent != null && !(parent is Page))
Routing.cs (5)
14 static Dictionary<string, Page> s_implicitPageRoutes = new(StringComparer.Ordinal); 28 internal static void RegisterImplicitPageRoute(Page page) 54 var page = section.Navigation.ModalStack[i]; 59 foreach (var npPages in np.Pages) 162 if (s_implicitPageRoutes.TryGetValue(route, out var page))
Shell\IShellContentController.cs (3)
8 Page GetOrCreateContent(); 10 void RecyclePage(Page page); 12 Page Page { get; }
Shell\IShellController.cs (1)
47 bool ProposeNavigation(ShellNavigationSource source, ShellItem item, ShellSection shellSection, ShellContent shellContent, IReadOnlyList<Page> stack, bool canCancel);
Shell\IShellSectionController.cs (4)
15 Page PresentedPage { get; } 19 void AddDisplayedPageObserver(object observer, Action<Page> callback); 36 void SendPopping(Page page); 40 void SendPopped(Page page);
Shell\Shell.cs (22)
29 public Page CurrentPage => GetVisiblePage() as Page; 75 ?? (bindable as Page)?.FindParentOfType<Shell>(); 209 /// Sets the navigation animation that plays when a <see cref="Page"/> is navigated to with the <see cref = "GoToAsync(ShellNavigationState, bool)" /> method. 904 bool IShellController.ProposeNavigation(ShellNavigationSource source, ShellItem shellItem, ShellSection shellSection, ShellContent shellContent, IReadOnlyList<Page> stack, bool canCancel) 1153 Page _previousPage; 1532 if (GetVisiblePage() is Page page && page.SendBackButtonPressed()) 1925 internal void SendPageAppearing(Page page) 1935 internal Page GetCurrentShellPage() 1938 Page currentPage = null; 2084 protected override IReadOnlyList<Page> GetNavigationStack() => SectionProxy?.NavigationStack; 2086 protected override void OnInsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) => SectionProxy.InsertPageBefore(page, before); 2088 protected override Task<Page> OnPopAsync(bool animated) => SectionProxy.PopAsync(animated); 2092 protected override Task OnPushAsync(Page page, bool animated) => SectionProxy.PushAsync(page, animated); 2094 protected override void OnRemovePage(Page page) => SectionProxy.RemovePage(page); 2096 protected override async Task<Page> OnPopModal(bool animated) 2100 var page = _shell.CurrentPage; 2105 var modalPopped = await base.OnPopModal(animated); 2113 protected override async Task OnPushModal(Page modal, bool animated) 2148 protected override Task<Page> OnPopModal(bool animated) => _shellProxy.PopModalAsync(animated); 2150 protected override Task OnPushModal(Page modal, bool animated) => _shellProxy.PushModalAsync(modal, animated);
Shell\ShellContent.cs (19)
52 Page IShellContentController.Page => ContentCache; 58 Page IShellContentController.GetOrCreateContent() 63 Page result = null; 66 if (content is Page page) 91 result = ContentCache ?? (Page)template.CreateContent(content, this); 113 void IShellContentController.RecyclePage(Page page) 117 Page _contentCache; 130 ((ContentCache ?? Content) as Page)?.SendDisappearing(); 142 SendPageAppearing((ContentCache ?? Content) as Page); 145 void SendPageAppearing(Page page) 156 (sender as Page).ParentSet -= OnPresentedPageParentSet; 168 if (child is Page page) 178 if (child is Page page) 187 if (e.PropertyName == Page.IsVisibleProperty.PropertyName) 191 Page ContentCache 199 var oldCache = _contentCache; 306 if (oldValue is Page oldElement) 311 if (newValue is Page newElement) 317 throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(ShellContent)} {nameof(Content)} should be of type {nameof(Page)}. Title {shellContent?.Title}, Route {shellContent?.Route} ");
Shell\ShellItem.cs (1)
105 var displayedPage = shell.GetCurrentShellPage();
Shell\ShellNavigationManager.cs (12)
346 IReadOnlyList<Page> stack, 484 IReadOnlyList<Page> sectionStack, 485 IReadOnlyList<Page> modalStack) 490 var topNavStackPage = 517 public static ShellNavigationState GetNavigationState(ShellItem shellItem, ShellSection shellSection, ShellContent shellContent, IReadOnlyList<Page> sectionStack, IReadOnlyList<Page> modalStack) 547 var page = sectionStack[i]; 556 var topPage = modalStack[i]; 575 public static List<Page> BuildFlattenedNavigationStack(Shell shell) 581 public static List<Page> BuildFlattenedNavigationStack(IReadOnlyList<Page> startingList, IReadOnlyList<Page> modalStack)
Shell\ShellNavigationParameters.cs (1)
19 public Page PagePushing { get; set; }
Shell\ShellSection.cs (62)
38 readonly List<(object Observer, Action<Page> Callback)> _displayedPageObservers = 39 new List<(object Observer, Action<Page> Callback)>(); 52 Page IShellSectionController.PresentedPage 79 void IShellSectionController.AddDisplayedPageObserver(object observer, Action<Page> callback) 117 var page = _navStack[_navStack.Count - 1]; 135 _navStack = new List<Page> { null }; 157 var last = _navStack[_navStack.Count - 1]; 168 void IShellSectionController.SendPopping(Page page) 179 void IShellSectionController.SendPopped(Page page) 211 Page _displayedPage; 212 List<Page> _navStack = new List<Page> { null }; 255 public IReadOnlyList<Page> Stack => _navStack; 257 internal Page DisplayedPage 321 List<Page> navStack = null; 330 var navStackCopy = new List<Page>(_navStack); 351 List<Page> pagesToInsert = new List<Page>(); 362 var page = GetOrCreateFromRoute(globalRoutes[i], queryData, services, i == globalRoutes.Count - 1, false); 393 Page navPage = navStack.Count > i + 1 ? navStack[i + 1] : null; 496 Page GetOrCreateFromRoute(string route, ShellRouteParameters queryData, IServiceProvider services, bool isLast, bool isPopping) 498 var content = Routing.GetOrCreateContent(route, services) as Page; 523 List<Page> modalPageStacks = new List<Page>(); 524 List<Page> nonModalPageStacks = new List<Page>(); 539 var content = GetOrCreateFromRoute(globalRoutes[i], queryData, services, isLast, false); 571 var modalPage = modalPageStacks[i]; 600 Task PushModalAsync(Page page, bool isAnimated) 608 async Task PushStackOfPages(List<Page> pages, bool? animate) 645 protected virtual IReadOnlyList<Page> GetNavigationStack() => _navStack; 650 var previousPage = DisplayedPage; 737 protected virtual void OnInsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) 769 protected async virtual Task<Page> OnPopAsync(bool animated) 774 List<Page> stack = _navStack.ToList(); 788 var page = _navStack[_navStack.Count - 1]; 827 var page = _navStack[_navStack.Count - 1]; 835 _navStack = new List<Page> { null }; 852 protected virtual Task OnPushAsync(Page page, bool animated) 854 List<Page> stack = _navStack.ToList(); 884 internal async Task PopModalStackToPage(Page page, bool? animated) 892 var pageToPop = Navigation.ModalStack[Navigation.ModalStack.Count - 1]; 917 protected virtual void OnRemovePage(Page page) 971 var presentedPage = sectionController.PresentedPage; 981 (sender as Page).ParentSet -= OnPresentedPageParentSet; 1018 void AddPage(Page page) 1023 void RemovePage(Page page) 1058 protected override IReadOnlyList<Page> GetNavigationStack() => _owner.GetNavigationStack(); 1060 protected override async Task<Page> OnPopAsync(bool animated) 1073 var returnedPage = (_owner as IShellSectionController).PresentedPage; 1109 protected override Task OnPushAsync(Page page, bool animated) 1125 internal Task PushModalInnerAsync(Page modal, bool animated) 1132 internal Task<Page> PopModalInnerAsync(bool animated) 1137 protected override async Task OnPushModal(Page modal, bool animated) 1160 protected async override Task<Page> OnPopModal(bool animated) 1165 var page = ModalStack[ModalStack.Count - 1]; 1170 protected override void OnRemovePage(Page page) 1195 protected override void OnInsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) 1224 ShellNavigationState GetUpdatedStatus(IReadOnlyList<Page> stack)
Shell\ShellUriHandler.cs (2)
38 var lastPage = pages[pages.Count - 1]; 46 foreach (var page in pages)
ShellToolbar.cs (7)
14 Page? _currentPage; 23 public Page? CurrentPage => _currentPage; 56 var currentPage = _shell.GetCurrentShellPage(); 81 Page? previousPage = null; 151 if (e.Is(Page.TitleProperty)) 174 Page? currentPage = _shell.GetCurrentShellPage(); 175 if (currentPage?.IsSet(Page.TitleProperty) == true)
TabbedPage\TabbedPage.cs (5)
9 public partial class TabbedPage : MultiPage<Page>, IBarElement, IElementConfiguration<TabbedPage>, ITabbedView 62 protected override Page CreateDefault(object item) 64 var page = new Page(); 116 foreach (var page in Children) 127 if (e.PropertyName == Page.TitleProperty.PropertyName)
Toolbar\ToolbarTracker.cs (1)
14 protected override IList<ToolbarItem> GetMenuItems(Page page) =>
ViewExtensions.cs (7)
378 internal static List<Page> GetParentPages(this Page target) 380 var result = new List<Page>(); 382 var parent = target.RealParent as Page; 386 parent = parent!.RealParent as Page; 513 var currentPage = modalStack[modalStack.Count - 1];
VisualElement\VisualElement.Mapper.cs (1)
27 viewMapper.ReplaceMapping<IView, IViewHandler>(nameof(Page.BackgroundImageSource), MapBackgroundImageSource);
Window\Window.cs (22)
23 nameof(Page), typeof(Page), typeof(Window), default(Page?), 25 propertyChanged: (b, o, n) => ((Window)b).OnPageChanged(o as Page, n as Page)); 98 public Window(Page page) 114 public Page? Page 116 get => (Page?)GetValue(PageProperty); 439 internal void OnModalPopped(Page modalPage) 454 internal bool OnModalPopping(Page modalPage) 462 internal void OnModalPushed(Page modalPage) 475 internal void OnModalPushing(Page modalPage) 605 if (oldValue is Page oldPage) 609 void OnPageChanged(Page? oldPage, Page? newPage) 700 protected override void OnInsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before) 705 protected override Task OnPushAsync(Page page, bool animated) 710 protected override Task<Page> OnPopAsync(bool animated) 720 protected override void OnRemovePage(Page page) 725 protected override IReadOnlyList<Page> GetModalStack() 730 protected override Task<Page?> OnPopModal(bool animated) 735 protected override Task OnPushModal(Page modal, bool animated)