4 types derived from ContentView
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (4)
Frame\Frame.cs (1)
11 public partial class Frame : ContentView, IElementConfiguration<Frame>, IPaddingElement, IBorderElement, IView, IContentView
RefreshView\RefreshView.cs (1)
15 public partial class RefreshView : ContentView, IElementConfiguration<RefreshView>, IRefreshView, ICommandElement
SwipeView\SwipeItemView.cs (1)
10 public partial class SwipeItemView : ContentView, Controls.ISwipeItem, Maui.ISwipeItemView
SwipeView\SwipeView.cs (1)
12 public partial class SwipeView : ContentView, IElementConfiguration<SwipeView>, ISwipeViewController, ISwipeView, IVisualTreeElement
5 instantiations of ContentView
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (3)
TitleBar\TitleBar.cs (3)
386 var leadingContent = new ContentView() 512 var content = new ContentView() 531 var trailingContent = new ContentView()
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Foldable (2)
TwoPaneView.cs (2)
230 _content1 = new ContentView(); 231 _content2 = new ContentView();
11 references to ContentView
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (9)
ContentConverter.cs (1)
121 if (parent is ContentView)
ContentView\ContentView.cs (1)
15 public static readonly BindableProperty ContentProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Content), typeof(View), typeof(ContentView), null, propertyChanged: TemplateUtilities.OnContentChanged);
Hosting\AppHostBuilderExtensions.cs (1)
95 handlersCollection.AddHandler<ContentView, ContentViewHandler>();
TitleBar\TitleBar.cs (6)
386 var leadingContent = new ContentView() 395 ContentView.ContentProperty, 512 var content = new ContentView() 521 ContentView.ContentProperty, 531 var trailingContent = new ContentView() 540 ContentView.ContentProperty,
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Foldable (2)
TwoPaneView.cs (2)
37 ContentView _content1; 38 ContentView _content2;