#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Handlers;
using Microsoft.Maui.Platform;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform
public partial class ShellView : RootNavigationView, IAppearanceObserver, IFlyoutBehaviorObserver
internal static readonly global::Windows.UI.Color DefaultBackgroundColor = global::Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 3, 169, 244);
internal static readonly global::Windows.UI.Color DefaultForegroundColor = Microsoft.UI.Colors.White;
internal static readonly global::Windows.UI.Color DefaultTitleColor = Microsoft.UI.Colors.White;
internal static readonly global::Windows.UI.Color DefaultUnselectedColor = global::Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(180, 255, 255, 255);
double _flyoutHeight = -1d;
double _flyoutWidth = -1d;
List<List<Element>> _flyoutGrouping;
ShellItemHandler ItemRenderer { get; set; }
IShellController ShellController => (IShellController)Element;
ObservableCollection<object> FlyoutItems = new ObservableCollection<object>();
IMauiContext MauiContext => Element.Handler.MauiContext;
ShellSplitView _shellSplitView;
Brush _flyoutBackdrop;
public ShellView()
IsPaneOpen = false;
MenuItemTemplateSelector = CreateShellFlyoutTemplateSelector();
MenuItemsSource = FlyoutItems;
this.Loaded += OnLoaded;
void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// We can't reliably set IsPaneOpen to true until the control has loaded
// If we set it earlier than this then WinUI will transition it back to false
if (IsPaneOpen != Element.FlyoutIsPresented)
IsPaneOpen = Element.FlyoutIsPresented;
private protected override void UpdateFlyoutCustomContent()
if (FlyoutCustomContent == null)
MenuItemsSource = FlyoutItems;
MenuItemsSource = null;
internal void SetElement(VisualElement element)
if (Element != null && element != null)
throw new NotSupportedException("Reuse of the Shell Renderer is not supported");
Element = (Shell)element;
ShellController.AddAppearanceObserver(this, Element);
internal Shell Element { get; set; }
private protected override void OnApplyTemplateCore()
_shellSplitView = new ShellSplitView(RootSplitView);
_shellSplitView.FlyoutBackdrop = _flyoutBackdrop;
internal void UpdateFlyoutPosition()
if (Element.FlyoutBehavior == FlyoutBehavior.Disabled)
var splitView = _shellSplitView;
if (splitView != null)
_shellSplitView.SetFlyoutSizes(_flyoutHeight, _flyoutWidth);
if (IsPaneOpen)
internal void UpdateFlyoutBackdrop()
if (RootSplitView != null && Element.FlyoutBehavior != FlyoutBehavior.Flyout)
var splitView = _shellSplitView;
if (splitView != null)
if (IsPaneOpen)
internal Brush FlyoutBackdrop
_flyoutBackdrop = value;
if (_shellSplitView != null)
_shellSplitView.FlyoutBackdrop = value;
internal void UpdateMenuItemSource()
var newGrouping = ((IShellController)Element).GenerateFlyoutGrouping();
if (_flyoutGrouping != newGrouping)
_flyoutGrouping = newGrouping;
var newItems = IterateItems(newGrouping).ToList();
foreach (var item in newItems)
if (!FlyoutItems.Contains(item))
for (var i = FlyoutItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var item = FlyoutItems[i];
if (!newItems.Contains(item))
if (!FlyoutItems.Contains(SelectedItem))
SelectedItem = null;
IEnumerable<object> IterateItems(List<List<Element>> groups)
int separatorNumber = 0;
foreach (var group in groups)
if (group.Count > 0 && group != groups[0])
yield return new FlyoutItemMenuSeparator(separatorNumber++); // Creates a separator
foreach (var item in group)
bool foundExistingVM = false;
// Check to see if this element already has a VM counter part
foreach (var navItem in FlyoutItems)
if (navItem is NavigationViewItemViewModel viewModel && viewModel.Data == item)
foundExistingVM = true;
yield return viewModel;
if (!foundExistingVM)
yield return new NavigationViewItemViewModel()
Data = item
partial class FlyoutItemMenuSeparator : Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.MenuFlyoutSeparator
public FlyoutItemMenuSeparator(int separatorNumber)
Id = separatorNumber;
public int Id { get; set; }
public override int GetHashCode() => Id.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj) =>
obj is FlyoutItemMenuSeparator fim && fim.Id == Id;
internal void SwitchShellItem(ShellItem newItem, bool animate = true)
var navItems = FlyoutItems.OfType<NavigationViewItemViewModel>();
// Implicit items aren't items that are surfaced to the user
// or data structures. So, we just want to find the element
// the user defined on Shell
if (Routing.IsImplicit(newItem))
if (Routing.IsImplicit(newItem.CurrentItem))
SelectedItem = navItems.GetWithData(newItem.CurrentItem.CurrentItem);
SelectedItem = navItems.GetWithData(newItem.CurrentItem);
if (navItems.TryGetWithData(newItem, out NavigationViewItemViewModel vm1))
SelectedItem = vm1;
else if (newItem.CurrentItem is not null)
if (navItems.TryGetWithData(newItem.CurrentItem, out NavigationViewItemViewModel vm2))
SelectedItem = vm2;
else if (navItems.TryGetWithData(newItem.CurrentItem.CurrentItem, out NavigationViewItemViewModel vm3))
SelectedItem = vm3;
var handler = CreateShellItemView();
if (handler.VirtualView != newItem)
#region IAppearanceObserver
void IAppearanceObserver.OnAppearanceChanged(ShellAppearance appearance)
global::Windows.UI.Color backgroundColor = DefaultBackgroundColor;
global::Windows.UI.Color titleColor = DefaultTitleColor;
if (appearance != null)
if (!appearance.BackgroundColor.IsDefault())
backgroundColor = appearance.BackgroundColor.ToWindowsColor();
if (!appearance.TitleColor.IsDefault())
titleColor = appearance.TitleColor.ToWindowsColor();
_flyoutWidth = appearance.FlyoutWidth;
_flyoutHeight = appearance.FlyoutHeight;
#endregion IAppearanceObserver
void IFlyoutBehaviorObserver.OnFlyoutBehaviorChanged(FlyoutBehavior behavior)
public virtual ShellFlyoutTemplateSelector CreateShellFlyoutTemplateSelector() => new ShellFlyoutTemplateSelector();
ShellItemHandler CreateShellItemView()
if (ItemRenderer == null)
ItemRenderer = (ShellItemHandler)Element.CurrentItem.ToHandler(MauiContext);
if (ItemRenderer.PlatformView is NavigationView nv)
nv.SelectionChanged += TabSelectionChanged;
if (ItemRenderer.PlatformView != (Content as FrameworkElement))
Content = ItemRenderer.PlatformView;
if (ItemRenderer.VirtualView != Element.CurrentItem)
return ItemRenderer;
void TabSelectionChanged(NavigationView sender, NavigationViewSelectionChangedEventArgs args) =>