#nullable disable
using System;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Handlers.Items2
public class GroupableItemsViewController2<TItemsView> : SelectableItemsViewController2<TItemsView>
where TItemsView : GroupableItemsView
// Keep a cached value for the current state of grouping around so we can avoid hitting the
// BindableProperty all the time
bool _isGrouped;
// Keep out header measurement cells for iOS handy so we don't have to
// create new ones all the time. For other versions, the reusable cells
// queueing mechanism does this for us.
// TemplatedCell2 _measurementCellTemplated;
// DefaultCell2 _measurementCellDefault;
Action _scrollAnimationEndedCallback;
public GroupableItemsViewController2(TItemsView groupableItemsView, UICollectionViewLayout layout)
: base(groupableItemsView, layout)
_isGrouped = ItemsView.IsGrouped;
protected override UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout CreateDelegator()
return new GroupableItemsViewDelegator2<TItemsView, GroupableItemsViewController2<TItemsView>>(ItemsViewLayout, this);
protected override Items.IItemsViewSource CreateItemsViewSource()
// Use the BindableProperty here (instead of _isGroupingEnabled) because the cached value might not be set yet
if (ItemsView.IsGrouped)
return Items.ItemsSourceFactory.CreateGrouped(ItemsView.ItemsSource, this);
return base.CreateItemsViewSource();
public override void UpdateItemsSource()
_isGrouped = ItemsView.IsGrouped;
protected override void RegisterViewTypes()
private protected override void RegisterSupplementaryViews(UICollectionElementKindSection kind)
if (IsHorizontal)
kind, HorizontalSupplementalView2ReuseId);
kind, HorizontalDefaultSupplementalView2ReuseId);
kind, VerticalSupplementaryView2ReuseId);
kind, VerticalDefaultSupplementalView2ReuseId);
string DetermineViewReuseId(NSString elementKind)
return DetermineViewReuseId(elementKind == UICollectionElementKindSectionKey.Header
? ItemsView.GroupHeaderTemplate
: ItemsView.GroupFooterTemplate);
public override UICollectionReusableView GetViewForSupplementaryElement(UICollectionView collectionView,
NSString elementKind, NSIndexPath indexPath)
// If the IndexPath is less than 2, it's a header or footer for a section not a group
if (indexPath.Length < 2 || (ItemsView.GroupFooterTemplate is null && ItemsView.GroupHeaderTemplate is null))
var suplementaryViewFromStructuredView = base.GetViewForSupplementaryElement(collectionView, elementKind, indexPath);
if (suplementaryViewFromStructuredView is not null)
return suplementaryViewFromStructuredView;
var reuseId = DetermineViewReuseId(elementKind);
var view = collectionView.DequeueReusableSupplementaryView(elementKind, reuseId, indexPath) as UICollectionReusableView;
switch (view)
case DefaultCell2 DefaultCell2:
UpdateDefaultSupplementaryView(DefaultCell2, elementKind, indexPath);
case TemplatedCell2 TemplatedCell2:
UpdateTemplatedSupplementaryView(TemplatedCell2, elementKind, indexPath);
return view;
void UpdateDefaultSupplementaryView(DefaultCell2 cell, NSString elementKind, NSIndexPath indexPath)
cell.Label.Text = ItemsSource?.Group(indexPath)?.ToString();
// if (cell is ItemsViewCell2)
// {
// cell.ConstrainTo(GetLayoutSpanCount() * ItemsViewLayout.ConstrainedDimension);
// }
void UpdateTemplatedSupplementaryView(TemplatedCell2 cell, NSString elementKind, NSIndexPath indexPath)
DataTemplate template = elementKind == UICollectionElementKindSectionKey.Header
? ItemsView.GroupHeaderTemplate
: ItemsView.GroupFooterTemplate;
var bindingContext = ItemsSource.Group(indexPath);
cell.Bind(template, bindingContext, ItemsView);
// if (cell is ItemsViewCell2)
// {
// cell.ConstrainTo(GetLayoutSpanCount() * ItemsViewLayout.ConstrainedDimension);
// }
string DetermineViewReuseId(DataTemplate template)
var orientation = ItemsLayoutOrientation.Vertical;
if (this.ItemsView.ItemsLayout is LinearItemsLayout linearItemsLayout)
orientation = linearItemsLayout.Orientation;
else if (this.ItemsView.ItemsLayout is GridItemsLayout gridItemsLayout)
orientation = gridItemsLayout.Orientation;
if (template == null)
// No template, fall back the the default supplemental views
return orientation == ItemsLayoutOrientation.Horizontal
? HorizontalDefaultSupplementalView2ReuseId
: VerticalDefaultSupplementalView2ReuseId;
return orientation == ItemsLayoutOrientation.Horizontal
? HorizontalSupplementalView2ReuseId
: VerticalSupplementaryView2ReuseId;
static NSString HorizontalDefaultSupplementalView2ReuseId = new NSString("Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HorizontalDefaultSupplementalGroupView2");
static NSString VerticalDefaultSupplementalView2ReuseId = new NSString("Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VerticalDefaultSupplementaryGroupView2");
static NSString HorizontalSupplementalView2ReuseId = new NSString("Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HorizontalSupplementalGroupView2");
static NSString VerticalSupplementaryView2ReuseId = new NSString("Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VerticalSupplementaryGroupView2");
// internal CGSize GetReferenceSizeForHeader(UICollectionView collectionView, UICollectionViewLayout layout, nint section)
// {
// if (!_isGrouped)
// {
// return CGSize.Empty;
// }
// // Currently we explicitly measure all of the headers/footers
// // Long-term, we might want to look at performance hints (similar to ItemSizingStrategy) for
// // headers/footers (if the dev knows for sure they'll all the be the same size)
// return GetReferenceSizeForheaderOrFooter(collectionView, ItemsView.GroupHeaderTemplate, UICollectionElementKindSectionKey.Header, section);
// }
// internal CGSize GetReferenceSizeForFooter(UICollectionView collectionView, UICollectionViewLayout layout, nint section)
// {
// if (!_isGrouped)
// {
// return CGSize.Empty;
// }
// return GetReferenceSizeForheaderOrFooter(collectionView, ItemsView.GroupFooterTemplate, UICollectionElementKindSectionKey.Footer, section);
// }
// internal CGSize GetReferenceSizeForheaderOrFooter(UICollectionView collectionView, DataTemplate template, NSString elementKind, nint section)
// {
// if (!_isGrouped || template == null)
// {
// return CGSize.Empty;
// }
// if (ItemsSource.GroupCount < 1 || section > ItemsSource.GroupCount - 1)
// {
// return CGSize.Empty;
// }
// // if (!(OperatingSystem.IsIOSVersionAtLeast(11) || OperatingSystem.IsTvOSVersionAtLeast(11)))
// // {
// // // iOS 10 crashes if we try to dequeue a cell for measurement
// // // so we'll use an alternate method
// // return MeasureSupplementaryView(elementKind, section);
// // }
// var cell = GetViewForSupplementaryElement(collectionView, elementKind,
// NSIndexPath.FromItemSection(0, section)) as ItemsViewCell2;
// return cell.Measure();
// }
internal void SetScrollAnimationEndedCallback(Action callback)
_scrollAnimationEndedCallback = callback;
internal void HandleScrollAnimationEnded()
_scrollAnimationEndedCallback = null;
// internal UIEdgeInsets GetInsetForSection(UICollectionViewLayout itemsViewLayout,
// UICollectionView collectionView, nint section)
// {
// var uIEdgeInsets = itemsViewLayout.GetInsetForSection(collectionView, itemsViewLayout, section);
// if (!ItemsView.IsGrouped)
// {
// return uIEdgeInsets;
// }
// // If we're grouping, we'll need to inset the sections to maintain the spacing between the
// // groups and their group headers/footers
// nfloat spacing = itemsViewLayout.GetMinimumLineSpacingForSection(collectionView, itemsViewLayout, section);
// var top = uIEdgeInsets.Top;
// var left = uIEdgeInsets.Left;
// if (itemsViewLayout.ScrollDirection == UICollectionViewScrollDirection.Horizontal)
// {
// left += spacing;
// }
// else
// {
// top += spacing;
// }
// return new UIEdgeInsets(top, left,
// uIEdgeInsets.Bottom, uIEdgeInsets.Right);
// }
// These measurement methods are only necessary for iOS 10 and lower
// CGSize MeasureTemplatedSupplementaryCell(NSString elementKind, nint section, NSString reuseId)
// {
// if (_measurementCellTemplated == null)
// {
// if (reuseId == HorizontalSupplementaryView2.ReuseId)
// {
// _measurementCellTemplated = new HorizontalSupplementaryView2(CGRect.Empty);
// }
// else if (reuseId == VerticalSupplementaryView2.ReuseId)
// {
// _measurementCellTemplated = new VerticalSupplementaryView2(CGRect.Empty);
// }
// }
// if (_measurementCellTemplated == null)
// {
// return CGSize.Empty;
// }
// UpdateTemplatedSupplementaryView(_measurementCellTemplated, elementKind, NSIndexPath.FromItemSection(0, section));
// return _measurementCellTemplated.Measure();
// }
// CGSize MeasureDefaultSupplementaryCell(NSString elementKind, nint section, NSString reuseId)
// {
// if (_measurementCellDefault == null)
// {
// if (reuseId == HorizontalDefaultSupplementalView2.ReuseId)
// {
// _measurementCellDefault = new HorizontalDefaultSupplementalView2(CGRect.Empty);
// }
// else if (reuseId == VerticalDefaultSupplementalView2.ReuseId)
// {
// _measurementCellDefault = new VerticalDefaultSupplementalView2(CGRect.Empty);
// }
// }
// if (_measurementCellDefault == null)
// {
// return CGSize.Empty;
// }
// UpdateDefaultSupplementaryView(_measurementCellDefault, elementKind, NSIndexPath.FromItemSection(0, section));
// return _measurementCellDefault.Measure();
// }
// CGSize MeasureSupplementaryView(NSString elementKind, nint section)
// {
// var reuseId = (NSString)DetermineViewReuseId(elementKind);
// if (reuseId == HorizontalDefaultSupplementalView2.ReuseId
// || reuseId == VerticalDefaultSupplementalView2.ReuseId)
// {
// return MeasureDefaultSupplementaryCell(elementKind, section, reuseId);
// }
// return MeasureTemplatedSupplementaryCell(elementKind, section, reuseId);
// }
// end of iOS 10 workaround stuff
} |