#nullable disable
using System;
using CoreGraphics;
using Microsoft.Maui.Graphics;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Handlers.Items
public class StructuredItemsViewController<TItemsView> : ItemsViewController<TItemsView>
where TItemsView : StructuredItemsView
public const int HeaderTag = 111;
public const int FooterTag = 222;
bool _disposed;
UIView _headerUIView;
VisualElement _headerViewFormsElement;
UIView _footerUIView;
VisualElement _footerViewFormsElement;
public StructuredItemsViewController(TItemsView structuredItemsView, ItemsViewLayout layout)
: base(structuredItemsView, layout)
internal override void Disconnect()
if (_headerViewFormsElement is not null)
_headerViewFormsElement.MeasureInvalidated -= OnFormsElementMeasureInvalidated;
if (_footerViewFormsElement is not null)
_footerViewFormsElement.MeasureInvalidated -= OnFormsElementMeasureInvalidated;
_headerUIView = null;
_headerViewFormsElement = null;
_footerUIView = null;
_footerViewFormsElement = null;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed)
_disposed = true;
if (disposing)
protected override bool IsHorizontal => (ItemsView?.ItemsLayout as ItemsLayout)?.Orientation == ItemsLayoutOrientation.Horizontal;
protected override CGRect DetermineEmptyViewFrame()
nfloat headerHeight = 0;
var headerView = CollectionView.ViewWithTag(HeaderTag);
if (headerView != null)
headerHeight = headerView.Frame.Height;
nfloat footerHeight = 0;
var footerView = CollectionView.ViewWithTag(FooterTag);
if (footerView != null)
footerHeight = footerView.Frame.Height;
return new CGRect(CollectionView.Frame.X, CollectionView.Frame.Y, CollectionView.Frame.Width,
Math.Abs(CollectionView.Frame.Height - (headerHeight + footerHeight)));
public override void ViewWillLayoutSubviews()
// This update is only relevant if you have a footer view because it's used to place the footer view
// based on the ContentSize so we just update the positions if the ContentSize has changed
if (_footerUIView != null)
var emptyView = CollectionView.ViewWithTag(EmptyTag);
if (IsHorizontal)
if (_footerUIView.Frame.X != ItemsViewLayout.CollectionViewContentSize.Width ||
_footerUIView.Frame.X < emptyView?.Frame.X)
if (_footerUIView.Frame.Y != ItemsViewLayout.CollectionViewContentSize.Height ||
_footerUIView.Frame.Y < (emptyView?.Frame.Y + emptyView?.Frame.Height))
internal void UpdateFooterView()
UpdateSubview(ItemsView?.Footer, ItemsView?.FooterTemplate, FooterTag,
ref _footerUIView, ref _footerViewFormsElement);
internal void UpdateHeaderView()
UpdateSubview(ItemsView?.Header, ItemsView?.HeaderTemplate, HeaderTag,
ref _headerUIView, ref _headerViewFormsElement);
internal void UpdateSubview(object view, DataTemplate viewTemplate, nint viewTag, ref UIView uiView, ref VisualElement formsElement)
if (formsElement != null)
formsElement.MeasureInvalidated -= OnFormsElementMeasureInvalidated;
UpdateView(view, viewTemplate, ref uiView, ref formsElement);
if (uiView != null)
uiView.Tag = viewTag;
if (formsElement != null)
if (formsElement != null)
formsElement.MeasureInvalidated += OnFormsElementMeasureInvalidated;
void UpdateHeaderFooterPosition()
var emptyView = CollectionView.ViewWithTag(EmptyTag);
if (IsHorizontal)
var currentInset = CollectionView.ContentInset;
nfloat headerWidth = ((ItemsView?.Header is View) ? _headerViewFormsElement?.ToPlatform() : _headerUIView)?.Frame.Width ?? 0f;
nfloat footerWidth = ((ItemsView?.Footer is View) ? _footerViewFormsElement?.ToPlatform() : _footerUIView)?.Frame.Width ?? 0f;
nfloat emptyWidth = emptyView?.Frame.Width ?? 0f;
if (_headerUIView != null && _headerUIView.Frame.X != headerWidth)
_headerUIView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(-headerWidth, 0, headerWidth, CollectionView.Frame.Height);
if (_footerUIView != null && (_footerUIView.Frame.X != ItemsViewLayout.CollectionViewContentSize.Width || emptyWidth > 0))
_footerUIView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(ItemsViewLayout.CollectionViewContentSize.Width + emptyWidth, 0, footerWidth, CollectionView.Frame.Height);
if (CollectionView.ContentInset.Left != headerWidth || CollectionView.ContentInset.Right != footerWidth)
var currentOffset = CollectionView.ContentOffset;
CollectionView.ContentInset = new UIEdgeInsets(0, headerWidth, 0, footerWidth);
var xOffset = currentOffset.X + (currentInset.Left - CollectionView.ContentInset.Left);
if (CollectionView.ContentSize.Width + headerWidth <= CollectionView.Bounds.Width)
xOffset = -headerWidth;
// if the header grows it will scroll off the screen because if you change the content inset iOS adjusts the content offset so the list doesn't move
// this changes the offset of the list by however much the header size has changed
CollectionView.ContentOffset = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(xOffset, CollectionView.ContentOffset.Y);
var currentInset = CollectionView.ContentInset;
nfloat headerHeight = ((ItemsView?.Header is View) ? _headerViewFormsElement?.ToPlatform() : _headerUIView)?.Frame.Height ?? 0f;
nfloat footerHeight = ((ItemsView?.Footer is View) ? _footerViewFormsElement?.ToPlatform() : _footerUIView)?.Frame.Height ?? 0f;
nfloat emptyHeight = emptyView?.Frame.Height ?? 0f;
if (CollectionView.ContentInset.Top != headerHeight || CollectionView.ContentInset.Bottom != footerHeight)
var currentOffset = CollectionView.ContentOffset;
CollectionView.ContentInset = new UIEdgeInsets(headerHeight, 0, footerHeight, 0);
// if the header grows it will scroll off the screen because if you change the content inset iOS adjusts the content offset so the list doesn't move
// this changes the offset of the list by however much the header size has changed
var yOffset = currentOffset.Y + (currentInset.Top - CollectionView.ContentInset.Top);
if (CollectionView.ContentSize.Height + headerHeight <= CollectionView.Bounds.Height)
yOffset = -headerHeight;
if (currentOffset.Y.Value < headerHeight)
CollectionView.ContentOffset = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(CollectionView.ContentOffset.X, yOffset);
if (_headerUIView != null && _headerUIView.Frame.Y != headerHeight)
_headerUIView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, -headerHeight, CollectionView.Frame.Width, headerHeight);
nfloat height = 0;
if (IsViewLoaded && View.Window != null)
height = ItemsViewLayout.CollectionViewContentSize.Height;
if (_footerUIView != null && (_footerUIView.Frame.Y != height || emptyHeight > 0 || _footerUIView.Frame.Height != footerHeight))
_footerUIView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, height + emptyHeight, CollectionView.Frame.Width, footerHeight);
protected override void HandleFormsElementMeasureInvalidated(VisualElement formsElement)
internal override Size? GetSize()
var size = base.GetSize();
return new Size(size.Value.Width, size.Value.Height + (_headerUIView?.Frame.Height ?? 0) + (_footerUIView?.Frame.Height ?? 0));
internal void UpdateLayoutMeasurements()
if (_headerViewFormsElement != null)
if (_footerViewFormsElement != null)
} |