File: Compatibility\Handlers\iOS\MauiNavigationBar.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Controls\src\Core\Controls.Core.csproj (Microsoft.Maui.Controls)
using System;
using CoreGraphics;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
using RectangleF = CoreGraphics.CGRect;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Handlers.Compatibility;
/// <summary>
/// This class is used to adjust the navigation bar for the title bar on Mac Catalyst when a new titlebar is added or removed.
/// </summary>
internal class MauiNavigationBar : UINavigationBar
	internal bool TitleBarNeedsRefresh { get; set; }
	nfloat? _originalSafeAreaConstant = null;
	[Internals.Preserve(Conditional = true)]
	public MauiNavigationBar() : base()
	[Internals.Preserve(Conditional = true)]
	public MauiNavigationBar(Foundation.NSCoder coder) : base(coder)
	[Internals.Preserve(Conditional = true)]
	protected MauiNavigationBar(Foundation.NSObjectFlag t) : base(t)
	[Internals.Preserve(Conditional = true)]
	protected internal MauiNavigationBar(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
	[Internals.Preserve(Conditional = true)]
	public MauiNavigationBar(RectangleF frame) : base(frame)
	protected internal MauiNavigationBar(NativeHandle handle) : base(handle)
	public override void SafeAreaInsetsDidChange()
		if (_originalSafeAreaConstant is null)
			_originalSafeAreaConstant = SafeAreaInsets.Top;
    void AdjustForTitleBar()
        var controller = Window?.RootViewController as WindowViewController;
        if (controller?.HasCustomTitleBar == true && _originalSafeAreaConstant is nfloat originalSafeAreaConstant)
            var currentSafeAreaTop = SafeAreaInsets.Top;
            var titleBarHeight = controller._contentWrapperTopConstraint?.Constant ?? 0;
            if (currentSafeAreaTop > 0 && Frame.Y < originalSafeAreaConstant && titleBarHeight == 0)
                controller.IsFirstLayout = false;
                Frame = new CGRect(Frame.X, originalSafeAreaConstant, Frame.Width, Frame.Height);
                TitleBarNeedsRefresh = true;
            else if (controller.IsFirstLayout)
                controller.IsFirstLayout = false;
                Frame = new CGRect(Frame.X, Math.Max(originalSafeAreaConstant - titleBarHeight, 0), Frame.Width, Frame.Height);
                TitleBarNeedsRefresh = true;
	internal void RefreshIfNeeded()
		if (TitleBarNeedsRefresh)
			TitleBarNeedsRefresh = false;