File: iOS\CollectionView\TemplatedCell.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compatibility\Core\src\Compatibility.csproj (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility)
using System;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals;
using Microsoft.Maui.Graphics;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.iOS
	public abstract class TemplatedCell : ItemsViewCell
		public event EventHandler<EventArgs> ContentSizeChanged;
		public event EventHandler<LayoutAttributesChangedEventArgs> LayoutAttributesChanged;
		protected CGSize ConstrainedSize;
		protected nfloat ConstrainedDimension;
		public DataTemplate CurrentTemplate { get; private set; }
		// Keep track of the cell size so we can verify whether a measure invalidation 
		// actually changed the size of the cell
		Size _size;
		internal CGSize CurrentSize => _size.ToSizeF();
		[Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.Preserve(Conditional = true)]
		protected TemplatedCell(CGRect frame) : base(frame)
		internal IVisualElementRenderer VisualElementRenderer { get; private set; }
		public override void ConstrainTo(CGSize constraint)
			ConstrainedSize = constraint;
		public override void ConstrainTo(nfloat constant)
			ConstrainedDimension = constant;
		protected void ClearConstraints()
			ConstrainedSize = default;
			ConstrainedDimension = default;
		public override UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes PreferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes(
			UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes layoutAttributes)
			var preferredAttributes = base.PreferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes(layoutAttributes);
			var preferredSize = preferredAttributes.Frame.Size;
			if (SizesAreSame(preferredSize, _size)
				&& AttributesConsistentWithConstrainedDimension(preferredAttributes))
				return preferredAttributes;
			var size = UpdateCellSize();
			// Adjust the preferred attributes to include space for the Forms element
			preferredAttributes.Frame = new CGRect(preferredAttributes.Frame.Location, size);
			//_isMeasured = true;
			return preferredAttributes;
		CGSize UpdateCellSize()
			// Measure this cell (including the Forms element) if there is no constrained size
			var size = ConstrainedSize == default ? Measure() : ConstrainedSize;
			// Update the size of the root view to accommodate the Forms element
			var nativeView = VisualElementRenderer.NativeView;
			nativeView.Frame = new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, size);
			// Layout the Forms element 
			var nativeBounds = nativeView.Frame.ToRectangle();
			_size = nativeBounds.Size;
			return size;
		public void Bind(DataTemplate template, object bindingContext, ItemsView itemsView)
			var oldElement = VisualElementRenderer?.Element;
			// Run this through the extension method in case it's really a DataTemplateSelector
			var itemTemplate = template.SelectDataTemplate(bindingContext, itemsView);
			if (itemTemplate != CurrentTemplate)
				// Remove the old view, if it exists
				if (oldElement != null)
					oldElement.MeasureInvalidated -= MeasureInvalidated;
					oldElement.BindingContext = null;
					_size = Size.Zero;
				// Create the content and renderer for the view 
				var view = itemTemplate.CreateContent() as View;
				// Set the binding context _before_ we create the renderer; that way, it's available during OnElementChanged
				view.BindingContext = bindingContext;
				var renderer = TemplateHelpers.CreateRenderer(view);
				// And make the new Element a "child" of the ItemsView
				// We deliberately do this _after_ setting the binding context for the new element;
				// if we do it before, the element briefly inherits the ItemsView's bindingcontext and we 
				// emit a bunch of needless binding errors
				// Prevents the use of default color when there are VisualStateManager with Selected state setting the background color
				// First we check whether the cell has the default selected background color; if it does, then we should check
				// to see if the cell content is the VSM to set a selected color 
				if (SelectedBackgroundView.BackgroundColor == Maui.Platform.ColorExtensions.Gray && IsUsingVSMForSelectionColor(view))
					SelectedBackgroundView = new UIView
						BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear
				// Same template
				if (oldElement != null)
					if (oldElement.BindingContext == null || !(oldElement.BindingContext.Equals(bindingContext)))
						// If the data is different, update it
						// Unhook the MeasureInvalidated handler, otherwise it'll fire for every invalidation during the 
						// BindingContext change
						oldElement.MeasureInvalidated -= MeasureInvalidated;
						oldElement.BindingContext = bindingContext;
						oldElement.MeasureInvalidated += MeasureInvalidated;
			CurrentTemplate = itemTemplate;
		void SetRenderer(IVisualElementRenderer renderer)
			VisualElementRenderer = renderer;
			var nativeView = VisualElementRenderer.NativeView;
			// Clear out any old views if this cell is being reused
			renderer.Element.MeasureInvalidated += MeasureInvalidated;
		protected void Layout(CGSize constraints)
			var nativeView = VisualElementRenderer.NativeView;
			var width = constraints.Width;
			var height = constraints.Height;
			VisualElementRenderer.Element.Measure(width, height, MeasureFlags.IncludeMargins);
			nativeView.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, width, height);
			var rectangle = nativeView.Frame.ToRectangle();
			_size = rectangle.Size;
		internal void UseContent(TemplatedCell measurementCell)
			// Copy all the content and values from the measurement cell 
			ConstrainedDimension = measurementCell.ConstrainedDimension;
			ConstrainedSize = measurementCell.ConstrainedSize;
			CurrentTemplate = measurementCell.CurrentTemplate;
			_size = measurementCell._size;
		bool IsUsingVSMForSelectionColor(View view)
			var groups = VisualStateManager.GetVisualStateGroups(view);
			for (var groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groups.Count; groupIndex++)
				var group = groups[groupIndex];
				for (var stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < group.States.Count; stateIndex++)
					var state = group.States[stateIndex];
					if (state.Name != VisualStateManager.CommonStates.Selected)
					for (var setterIndex = 0; setterIndex < state.Setters.Count; setterIndex++)
						var setter = state.Setters[setterIndex];
						if (setter.Property.PropertyName == VisualElement.BackgroundColorProperty.PropertyName)
							return true;
			return false;
		public override bool Selected
			get => base.Selected;
				base.Selected = value;
		protected abstract (bool, Size) NeedsContentSizeUpdate(Size currentSize);
		void MeasureInvalidated(object sender, EventArgs args)
			var (needsUpdate, toSize) = NeedsContentSizeUpdate(_size);
			if (!needsUpdate)
			// Cache the size for next time
			_size = toSize;
			// Let the controller know that things need to be arranged again
		protected void OnContentSizeChanged()
			ContentSizeChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
		protected void OnLayoutAttributesChanged(UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes newAttributes)
			LayoutAttributesChanged?.Invoke(this, new LayoutAttributesChangedEventArgs(newAttributes));
		protected abstract bool AttributesConsistentWithConstrainedDimension(UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes attributes);
		bool SizesAreSame(CGSize preferredSize, Size elementSize)
			const double tolerance = 0.000001;
			if (Math.Abs(preferredSize.Height - elementSize.Height) > tolerance)
				return false;
			if (Math.Abs(preferredSize.Width - elementSize.Width) > tolerance)
				return false;
			return true;
		void UpdateVisualStates()
			var element = VisualElementRenderer?.Element;
			if (element != null)
				VisualStateManager.GoToState(element, Selected
					? VisualStateManager.CommonStates.Selected
					: VisualStateManager.CommonStates.Normal);