using System;
using CoreGraphics;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.iOS
internal class SnapHelpers
public static CGPoint AdjustContentOffset(CGPoint proposedContentOffset, CGRect itemFrame,
CGRect viewport, SnapPointsAlignment alignment, UICollectionViewScrollDirection scrollDirection)
var offset = GetViewportOffset(itemFrame, viewport, alignment, scrollDirection);
return new CGPoint(proposedContentOffset.X - offset.X, proposedContentOffset.Y - offset.Y);
public static CGPoint FindAlignmentTarget(SnapPointsAlignment snapPointsAlignment,
CGPoint contentOffset, UICollectionView collectionView, UICollectionViewScrollDirection scrollDirection)
var inset = collectionView.ContentInset;
var bounds = collectionView.Bounds;
switch (scrollDirection)
case UICollectionViewScrollDirection.Vertical:
var y = FindAlignmentTarget(snapPointsAlignment, contentOffset.Y, inset.Top,
contentOffset.Y + bounds.Height, inset.Bottom);
return new CGPoint(contentOffset.X, y);
case UICollectionViewScrollDirection.Horizontal:
var x = FindAlignmentTarget(snapPointsAlignment, contentOffset.X, inset.Left,
contentOffset.X + bounds.Width, inset.Right);
return new CGPoint(x, contentOffset.Y);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
public static UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes FindBestSnapCandidate(UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[] items,
CGRect viewport, CGPoint alignmentTarget)
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes bestCandidate = null;
foreach (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes item in items)
if (!IsAtLeastHalfVisible(item, viewport))
bestCandidate = bestCandidate == null ? item : Nearer(bestCandidate, item, alignmentTarget);
return bestCandidate;
static nfloat Area(CGRect rect)
return rect.Height * rect.Width;
static CGPoint Center(CGRect rect)
return new CGPoint(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2);
static nfloat DistanceSquared(CGRect rect, CGPoint target)
var rectCenter = Center(rect);
return (target.X - rectCenter.X) * (target.X - rectCenter.X) +
(target.Y - rectCenter.Y) * (target.Y - rectCenter.Y);
static int Clamp(int n, int min, int max)
if (n < min)
return min;
if (n > max)
return max;
return n;
static nfloat FindAlignmentTarget(SnapPointsAlignment snapPointsAlignment, nfloat start, nfloat startInset,
nfloat end, nfloat endInset)
switch (snapPointsAlignment)
case SnapPointsAlignment.Center:
var viewPortStart = start + startInset;
var viewPortEnd = end - endInset;
var viewPortSize = viewPortEnd - viewPortStart;
return viewPortStart + (viewPortSize / 2);
case SnapPointsAlignment.End:
return end - endInset;
case SnapPointsAlignment.Start:
return start + startInset;
static CGPoint GetViewportOffset(CGRect itemFrame, CGRect viewport, SnapPointsAlignment snapPointsAlignment,
UICollectionViewScrollDirection scrollDirection)
if (scrollDirection == UICollectionViewScrollDirection.Horizontal)
if (snapPointsAlignment == SnapPointsAlignment.Start)
return new CGPoint(viewport.Left - itemFrame.Left, 0);
if (snapPointsAlignment == SnapPointsAlignment.End)
return new CGPoint(viewport.Right - itemFrame.Right, 0);
var centerViewport = Center(viewport);
var centerItem = Center(itemFrame);
return new CGPoint(centerViewport.X - centerItem.X, 0);
if (snapPointsAlignment == SnapPointsAlignment.Start)
return new CGPoint(0, viewport.Top - itemFrame.Top);
if (snapPointsAlignment == SnapPointsAlignment.End)
return new CGPoint(0, viewport.Bottom - itemFrame.Bottom);
var centerViewport1 = Center(viewport);
var centerItem1 = Center(itemFrame);
return new CGPoint(0, centerViewport1.Y - centerItem1.Y);
static bool IsAtLeastHalfVisible(UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes item, CGRect viewport)
var itemFrame = item.Frame;
var visibleArea = Area(CGRect.Intersect(itemFrame, viewport));
return visibleArea >= Area(itemFrame) / 2;
static UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes Nearer(UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes a,
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes b,
CGPoint target)
var dA = DistanceSquared(a.Frame, target);
var dB = DistanceSquared(b.Frame, target);
if (dA < dB)
return a;
return b;
public static UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes FindNextItem(UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[] items,
UICollectionViewScrollDirection direction, int step, CGPoint scrollingVelocity, int currentIndex)
var velocity = direction == UICollectionViewScrollDirection.Horizontal
? scrollingVelocity.X
: scrollingVelocity.Y;
if (velocity == 0)
// The user isn't scrolling at all, just stay where we are
return items[currentIndex];
// Move the index up or down by increment, depending on the velocity
if (velocity > 0)
currentIndex = currentIndex + step;
else if (velocity < 0)
currentIndex = currentIndex - step;
// Make sure we're not out of bounds
currentIndex = Clamp(currentIndex, 0, items.Length - 1);
return items[currentIndex];
} |