File: Android\Renderers\MotionEventHelper.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compatibility\Core\src\Compatibility.csproj (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility)
using Android.Views;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android
	// TODO ezhart We're still going to have to override the relevant methods in the various
	// Android controls to accomplish the touch handling consistency hacks 
	// But we can probably make this class static, make the methods static, and track the 
	// two variables in the control subclasses. That way we don't have to create an instance of this
	// class for every control.
	// Also, we can probably do all that in Forms, too. 
	class MotionEventHelper
		VisualElement _element;
		bool _isInViewCell;
		public bool HandleMotionEvent(IViewParent parent, MotionEvent motionEvent)
			if (_isInViewCell || _element == null || motionEvent == null || motionEvent.Action == MotionEventActions.Cancel)
				return false;
			var renderer = parent as Platform.DefaultRenderer;
			if (renderer == null || ShouldPassThroughElement())
				return false;
			// Let the container know that we're "fake" handling this event
			return true;
		public void UpdateElement(VisualElement element)
			_isInViewCell = false;
			_element = element;
			if (_element == null)
			// Determine whether this control is inside a ViewCell;
			// we don't fake handle the events because ListView needs them for row selection
			_isInViewCell = element.IsInViewCell();
		bool ShouldPassThroughElement()
			if (_element is Layout layout)
				if (!layout.InputTransparent)
					// If the layout is not input transparent, then the event should not pass through it
					return false;
				if (layout.CascadeInputTransparent)
					// This is a layout, and it's transparent, and all its children are transparent, then the event
					// can just pass through 
					return true;
				if (Platform.GetRenderer(_element) is Platform.DefaultRenderer renderer)
					// If the event is being bubbled up from a child which is not inputtransparent, we do not want
					// it to be passed through (just up the tree)
					if (renderer.NotReallyHandled)
						return false;
				// This event isn't being bubbled up by a non-InputTransparent child layout
				return true;
			if (_element.InputTransparent)
				// This is not a layout and it's transparent; the event can just pass through 
				return true;
			return false;