using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Content.Res;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Util;
using Android.Views;
using AndroidX.Core.Content;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android;
using Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals;
using Microsoft.Maui.Graphics;
using AColor = Android.Graphics.Color;
using AndroidResource = Android.Resource;
using Size = Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Size;
using Trace = System.Diagnostics.Trace;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility
#pragma warning disable CA1815 // Override equals and operator equals on value types
public struct InitializationOptions
public struct EffectScope
#pragma warning restore CA1815 // Override equals and operator equals on value types
public string Name;
public ExportEffectAttribute[] Effects;
public InitializationOptions(Context activity, Bundle bundle, Assembly resourceAssembly)
this = default(InitializationOptions);
Activity = activity;
Bundle = bundle;
ResourceAssembly = resourceAssembly;
public Context Activity;
public Bundle Bundle;
public Assembly ResourceAssembly;
public HandlerAttribute[] Handlers;
public EffectScope[] EffectScopes;
public InitializationFlags Flags;
public static class Forms
const int TabletCrossover = 600;
// One per process; does not change, suitable for loading resources (e.g., ResourceProvider)
internal static Context ApplicationContext { get; private set; } = global::Android.App.Application.Context;
internal static IMauiContext MauiContext { get; private set; }
public static bool IsInitialized { get; private set; }
static bool _ColorButtonNormalSet;
static Color _ColorButtonNormal = null;
public static Color ColorButtonNormalOverride { get; set; }
public static float GetFontSizeNormal(Context context)
float size = 50;
// Android 5.0+
//this doesn't seem to work
using (var value = new TypedValue())
if (context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(AndroidResource.Attribute.TextSize, value, true))
size = value.Data;
return size;
public static Color GetColorButtonNormal(Context context)
if (!_ColorButtonNormalSet)
_ColorButtonNormal = GetButtonColor(context);
_ColorButtonNormalSet = true;
return _ColorButtonNormal;
public static void Init(IActivationState activationState, InitializationOptions? options = null) =>
Init(activationState.Context, options);
public static void Init(IMauiContext context, InitializationOptions? options = null)
Assembly resourceAssembly;
resourceAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
SetupInit(context, resourceAssembly, options);
public static void Init(IMauiContext context, Assembly resourceAssembly)
SetupInit(context, resourceAssembly, null);
public static void SetTitleBarVisibility(Activity activity, AndroidTitleBarVisibility visibility)
if (visibility == AndroidTitleBarVisibility.Never)
if (!activity.Window.Attributes.Flags.HasFlag(WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen))
if (activity.Window.Attributes.Flags.HasFlag(WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen))
public static event EventHandler<ViewInitializedEventArgs> ViewInitialized;
internal static void SendViewInitialized(this VisualElement self, global::Android.Views.View nativeView)
EventHandler<ViewInitializedEventArgs> viewInitialized = ViewInitialized;
if (viewInitialized != null)
viewInitialized(self, new ViewInitializedEventArgs { View = self, NativeView = nativeView });
static bool IsInitializedRenderers;
// Once we get essentials/cg converted to using startup.cs
// we will delete all the renderer code inside this file
internal static void RenderersRegistered()
IsInitializedRenderers = true;
internal static void RegisterCompatRenderers(IMauiContext context, InitializationOptions? maybeOptions)
if (!IsInitializedRenderers)
IsInitializedRenderers = true;
if (maybeOptions.HasValue)
var options = maybeOptions.Value;
var handlers = options.Handlers;
var flags = options.Flags;
var effectScopes = options.EffectScopes;
//TODO: ExportCell?
//TODO: ExportFont
// renderers
// effects
if (effectScopes != null)
for (var i = 0; i < effectScopes.Length; i++)
var effectScope = effectScopes[0];
Registrar.RegisterEffects(effectScope.Name, effectScope.Effects);
// css
// Only need to do this once
Registrar.RegisterAll(new[] {
}, context?.Services?.GetService<IFontRegistrar>());
static void SetupInit(
IMauiContext context,
Assembly resourceAssembly,
InitializationOptions? maybeOptions = null
var activity = context.Context;
// Allow this multiple times to support the app and then the activity
ApplicationContext = activity.ApplicationContext;
MauiContext = context;
if (!IsInitialized)
// Only need to do this once
// We want this to be updated when we have a new activity (e.g. on a configuration change)
// This could change if the UI mode changes (e.g., if night mode is enabled)
Application.AccentColor = GetAccentColor(activity);
_ColorButtonNormalSet = false;
// We want this to be updated when we have a new activity (e.g. on a configuration change)
// because AndroidPlatformServices needs a current activity to launch URIs from
Device.DefaultRendererAssembly = typeof(Forms).Assembly;
if (maybeOptions?.Flags.HasFlag(InitializationFlags.SkipRenderers) != true)
RegisterCompatRenderers(context, maybeOptions);
if (ExpressionSearch.Default == null)
ExpressionSearch.Default = new AndroidExpressionSearch();
IsInitialized = true;
static Color GetAccentColor(Context context)
Color rc;
using (var value = new TypedValue())
if (context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(global::Android.Resource.Attribute.ColorAccent, value, true)) // Android 5.0+
rc = Color.FromUint((uint)value.Data);
else if (context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(context.Resources.GetIdentifier("colorAccent", "attr", context.PackageName), value, true)) // < Android 5.0
rc = Color.FromUint((uint)value.Data);
else // fallback to old code if nothing works (don't know if that ever happens)
// Hardcoded because could not get color from the theme drawable
// Holo dark light blue
rc = Color.FromArgb("#ff33b5e5");
return rc;
static Color GetButtonColor(Context context)
Color rc = ColorButtonNormalOverride;
if (ColorButtonNormalOverride == null)
using (var value = new TypedValue())
if (context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(global::Android.Resource.Attribute.ColorButtonNormal, value, true)) // Android 5.0+
rc = Color.FromUint((uint)value.Data);
else if (context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(context.Resources.GetIdentifier("colorButtonNormal", "attr", context.PackageName), value, true)) // < Android 5.0
rc = Color.FromUint((uint)value.Data);
return rc;
class AndroidExpressionSearch : ExpressionVisitor, IExpressionSearch
List<object> _results;
Type _targetType;
public List<T> FindObjects<T>(Expression expression) where T : class
_results = new List<object>();
_targetType = typeof(T);
return _results.Select(o => o as T).ToList();
protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
if (node.Expression is ConstantExpression && node.Member is FieldInfo)
object container = ((ConstantExpression)node.Expression).Value;
object value = ((FieldInfo)node.Member).GetValue(container);
if (_targetType.IsInstanceOfType(value))
return base.VisitMember(node);