2 instantiations of XamlCache
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Build.Tasks (2)
DebugXamlCTask.cs (1)
14 readonly XamlCache cache = new();
XamlCTask.cs (1)
125 readonly XamlCache cache = new();
61 references to XamlCache
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Build.Tasks (61)
BindablePropertyReferenceExtensions.cs (2)
12 public static TypeReference GetBindablePropertyType(this FieldReference bpRef, XamlCache cache, IXmlLineInfo iXmlLineInfo, ModuleDefinition module) 33 public static TypeReference GetBindablePropertyTypeConverter(this FieldReference bpRef, XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module)
CompiledConverters\BindablePropertyConverter.cs (1)
107 public static FieldReference GetBindablePropertyFieldReference(XamlCache cache, TypeReference typeRef, string propertyName, ModuleDefinition module)
CompiledConverters\RDSourceTypeConverter.cs (1)
178 private static TypeReference GetTypeForPath(XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module, string path)
CompiledMarkupExtensions\StaticExtension.cs (2)
82 public static FieldReference GetFieldReference(XamlCache cache, TypeReference typeRef, string fieldName, ModuleDefinition module) 109 public static PropertyDefinition GetPropertyDefinition(XamlCache cache, TypeReference typeRef, string propertyName, ModuleDefinition module)
DebugXamlCTask.cs (1)
14 readonly XamlCache cache = new();
ILContext.cs (2)
12 public ILContext(ILProcessor il, MethodBody body, ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, FieldDefinition parentContextValues = null) 26 public XamlCache Cache { get; private set; }
ModuleDefinitionExtensions.cs (23)
11 public static TypeReference ImportReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type) => cache.GetOrAddTypeReference(module, type); 13 public static TypeReference ImportReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName)[] classArguments) 19 public static TypeReference ImportArrayReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type) 25 static MethodReference ImportCtorReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, TypeReference type, TypeReference[] classArguments, Func<MethodDefinition, bool> predicate) 36 public static MethodReference ImportCtorReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, TypeReference type, TypeReference[] parameterTypes) 50 public static MethodReference ImportCtorReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type, int paramCount) 56 public static MethodReference ImportCtorReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, TypeReference type, int paramCount) 62 public static MethodReference ImportCtorReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type, int paramCount, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName)[] classArguments) 68 public static MethodReference ImportCtorReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type, int paramCount, TypeReference[] classArguments) 74 public static MethodReference ImportCtorReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName)[] parameterTypes, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName)[] classArguments) 88 public static MethodReference ImportCtorReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName)[] parameterTypes) 102 static MethodReference ImportPropertyGetterReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, TypeReference type, string propertyName, Func<PropertyDefinition, bool> predicate = null, bool flatten = false, bool caseSensitive = true) 117 public static MethodReference ImportPropertyGetterReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type, string propertyName, bool isStatic = false, bool flatten = false, bool caseSensitive = true) 123 static MethodReference ImportPropertySetterReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, TypeReference type, string propertyName, Func<PropertyDefinition, bool> predicate = null) 137 public static MethodReference ImportPropertySetterReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type, string propertyName, bool isStatic = false) 143 static MethodReference ImportMethodReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, TypeReference type, string methodName, Func<MethodDefinition, bool> predicate = null, TypeReference[] classArguments = null) 163 XamlCache cache, 187 XamlCache cache, 213 XamlCache cache, 235 static FieldReference ImportFieldReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, TypeReference type, string fieldName, Func<FieldDefinition, bool> predicate = null, bool caseSensitive = true) 247 public static FieldReference ImportFieldReference(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type, string fieldName, bool isStatic = false, bool caseSensitive = true) 253 public static TypeDefinition GetTypeDefinition(this ModuleDefinition module, XamlCache cache, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) type) 281 static IEnumerable<PropertyDefinition> Properties(this TypeDefinition typedef, XamlCache cache, bool flatten)
NodeILExtensions.cs (2)
334 public static TypeReference[] GetRequiredServices(this TypeReference type, XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module) 340 static Instruction PushParsedEnum(XamlCache cache, TypeReference enumRef, string value, IXmlLineInfo lineInfo)
SetPropertiesVisitor.cs (1)
240 internal static string GetContentProperty(XamlCache cache, TypeReference typeRef)
TypeDefinitionExtensions.cs (3)
13 public static MethodDefinition AddDefaultConstructor(this TypeDefinition targetType, XamlCache cache) 21 public static MethodDefinition AddDefaultConstructor(this TypeDefinition targetType, XamlCache cache, TypeReference parentType) 49 public static IEnumerable<(MethodDefinition methodDef, TypeReference declTypeRef)> AllMethods(this TypeDefinition self, XamlCache cache)
TypeReferenceExtensions.cs (13)
62 public static PropertyDefinition GetProperty(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, Func<PropertyDefinition, bool> predicate, 87 public static EventDefinition GetEvent(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, Func<EventDefinition, bool> predicate, 104 static EventDefinition ResolveGenericEvent(this EventDefinition eventDef, XamlCache cache, TypeReference declaringTypeRef) 124 public static FieldDefinition GetField(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, Func<FieldDefinition, bool> predicate, 138 public static bool ImplementsInterface(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, TypeReference @interface) 149 public static bool ImplementsGenericInterface(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, string @interface, 187 public static bool InheritsFromOrImplements(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, TypeReference baseClass) 250 static CustomAttribute GetCustomAttribute(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, TypeReference attribute) 263 public static CustomAttribute GetCustomAttribute(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module, (string assemblyName, string clrNamespace, string typeName) attributeType) 268 public static IEnumerable<Tuple<MethodDefinition, TypeReference>> GetMethods(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, 274 public static IEnumerable<Tuple<MethodDefinition, TypeReference>> GetMethods(this TypeReference typeRef, XamlCache cache, 304 public static MethodReference GetImplicitOperatorTo(this TypeReference fromType, XamlCache cache, TypeReference toType, ModuleDefinition module) 424 public static TypeDefinition ResolveCached(this TypeReference typeReference, XamlCache cache) => cache.Resolve(typeReference);
VariableDefinitionExtensions.cs (1)
9 public static IEnumerable<Instruction> LoadAs(this VariableDefinition self, XamlCache cache, TypeReference type, ModuleDefinition module, bool box = true, bool unbox = true)
XamlCTask.cs (3)
125 readonly XamlCache cache = new(); 459 internal static string GetPathForType(XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module, TypeReference type) 472 internal static string GetResourceIdForPath(XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module, string path)
XamlTask.cs (2)
70 public static bool IsXaml(this EmbeddedResource resource, XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module, out string classname) 104 static TypeReference GetTypeForResourceId(XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module, string resourceId)
XmlTypeExtensions.cs (4)
53 public static TypeReference GetTypeReference(XamlCache cache, string typeName, ModuleDefinition module, BaseNode node, bool expandToExtension = true) 66 public static TypeReference GetTypeReference(XamlCache cache, string namespaceURI, string typename, ModuleDefinition module, IXmlLineInfo xmlInfo, bool expandToExtension = true) 71 public static bool TryGetTypeReference(this XmlType xmlType, XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module, IXmlLineInfo xmlInfo, bool expandToExtension, out TypeReference typeReference) 92 public static TypeReference GetTypeReference(this XmlType xmlType, XamlCache cache, ModuleDefinition module, IXmlLineInfo xmlInfo, bool expandToExtension = true)