// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Data
public static class SvmLightLoaderSaverCatalog
/// <summary>
/// Creates a loader that loads SVM-light format files. <see cref="SvmLightLoader"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="catalog">The <see cref="DataOperationsCatalog"/> catalog.</param>
/// <param name="inputSize">The number of features in the Features column. If 0 is specified, the
/// loader will determine it by looking at the file sample given in <paramref name="dataSample"/>.</param>
/// <param name="numberOfRows">The number of rows from the sample to be used for determining the number of features.</param>
/// <param name="zeroBased">If the file contains zero-based indices, this parameter should be set to true. If they are one-based
/// it should be set to false.</param>
/// <param name="dataSample">A data sample to be used for determining the number of features in the Features column.</param>
/// <example>
/// <format type="text/markdown">
/// <]
/// ]]>
/// </format>
/// </example>
public static SvmLightLoader CreateSvmLightLoader(this DataOperationsCatalog catalog,
long? numberOfRows = null,
int inputSize = 0,
bool zeroBased = false,
IMultiStreamSource dataSample = null)
=> new SvmLightLoader(CatalogUtils.GetEnvironment(catalog), new SvmLightLoader.Options()
InputSize = inputSize,
NumberOfRows = numberOfRows,
FeatureIndices = zeroBased ?
SvmLightLoader.FeatureIndices.ZeroBased : SvmLightLoader.FeatureIndices.OneBased
}, dataSample);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a loader that loads SVM-light like files, where features are specified by their names.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="catalog">The <see cref="DataOperationsCatalog"/> catalog.</param>
/// <param name="numberOfRows">The number of rows from the sample to be used for determining the set of feature names.</param>
/// <param name="dataSample">A data sample to be used for determining the set of features names.</param>
public static SvmLightLoader CreateSvmLightLoaderWithFeatureNames(this DataOperationsCatalog catalog,
long? numberOfRows = null,
IMultiStreamSource dataSample = null)
=> new SvmLightLoader(CatalogUtils.GetEnvironment(catalog), new SvmLightLoader.Options()
{ NumberOfRows = numberOfRows, FeatureIndices = SvmLightLoader.FeatureIndices.Names }, dataSample);
/// <summary>
/// Load a <see cref="IDataView"/> from a text file using <see cref="SvmLightLoader"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="catalog">The <see cref="DataOperationsCatalog"/> catalog.</param>
/// <param name="path">The path to the file.</param>
/// <param name="inputSize">The number of features in the Features column. If 0 is specified, the
/// loader will determine it by looking at the file given in <paramref name="path"/>.</param>
/// <param name="zeroBased">If the file contains zero-based indices, this parameter should be set to true. If they are one-based
/// it should be set to false.</param>
/// <param name="numberOfRows">The number of rows from the sample to be used for determining the number of features.</param>
public static IDataView LoadFromSvmLightFile(this DataOperationsCatalog catalog,
string path,
long? numberOfRows = null,
int inputSize = 0,
bool zeroBased = false)
Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(path, nameof(path));
if (!File.Exists(path))
throw Contracts.ExceptParam(nameof(path), "File does not exist at path: {0}", path);
var file = new MultiFileSource(path);
var loader = catalog.CreateSvmLightLoader(numberOfRows, inputSize, zeroBased, file);
return loader.Load(file);
/// <summary>
/// Load a <see cref="IDataView"/> from a text file containing features specified by feature names,
/// using <see cref="SvmLightLoader"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="catalog">The <see cref="DataOperationsCatalog"/> catalog.</param>
/// <param name="path">The path to the file.</param>
/// <param name="numberOfRows">The number of rows from the sample to be used for determining the set of feature names.</param>
public static IDataView LoadFromSvmLightFileWithFeatureNames(this DataOperationsCatalog catalog,
string path,
long? numberOfRows = null)
Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(path, nameof(path));
if (!File.Exists(path))
throw Contracts.ExceptParam(nameof(path), "File does not exist at path: {0}", path);
var file = new MultiFileSource(path);
var loader = catalog.CreateSvmLightLoaderWithFeatureNames(numberOfRows, file);
return loader.Load(file);
/// <summary>
/// Save the <see cref="IDataView"/> in SVM-light format. Four columns can be saved: a label and a features column,
/// and optionally a group ID column and an example weight column.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="catalog">The <see cref="DataOperationsCatalog"/> catalog.</param>
/// <param name="data">The data view to save.</param>
/// <param name="stream">The stream to write to.</param>
/// <param name="zeroBasedIndexing">Whether to index the features starting at 0 or at 1.</param>
/// <param name="binaryLabel">If set to true, saves 1 for positive labels, -1 for non-positive labels and 0 for NaN.
/// Otherwise, saves the value of the label in the data view.</param>
/// <param name="labelColumnName">The name of the column to be saved as the label column.</param>
/// <param name="featureColumnName">The name of the column to be saved as the features column.</param>
/// <param name="rowGroupColumnName">The name of the column to be saved as the group ID column. If null, a group ID column
/// will not be saved.</param>
/// <param name="exampleWeightColumnName">The name of the column to be saved as the weight column. If null, a weight column
/// will not be saved.</param>
public static void SaveInSvmLightFormat(this DataOperationsCatalog catalog,
IDataView data,
Stream stream,
bool zeroBasedIndexing = false,
bool binaryLabel = false,
string labelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
string featureColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Features,
string rowGroupColumnName = null,
string exampleWeightColumnName = null)
var args = new SvmLightSaver.Arguments()
Zero = zeroBasedIndexing,
Binary = binaryLabel,
LabelColumnName = labelColumnName,
FeatureColumnName = featureColumnName,
RowGroupColumnName = rowGroupColumnName,
ExampleWeightColumnName = exampleWeightColumnName
var saver = new SvmLightSaver(CatalogUtils.GetEnvironment(catalog), args);
saver.SaveData(stream, data, data.Schema.Select(col => col.Index).ToArray());