2 writes to _labelBinCount
Microsoft.ML.Transforms (2)
Dracula\Featurizer.cs (2)
51_labelBinCount = (int)labelBinCount; 78_labelBinCount = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
18 references to _labelBinCount
Microsoft.ML.Transforms (18)
Dracula\Featurizer.cs (18)
52_logOddsCount = _labelBinCount == 2 ? 1 : _labelBinCount; 53NumFeatures = _labelBinCount + _logOddsCount + 1; 79_host.CheckDecode(_labelBinCount > 1); 80_logOddsCount = _labelBinCount == 2 ? 1 : _labelBinCount; 83_host.CheckDecode(NumFeatures == _labelBinCount + _logOddsCount + 1); 109ctx.Writer.Write(_labelBinCount); 122classNames = new string[_labelBinCount]; 123for (int i = 0; i < _labelBinCount; i++) 127Contracts.Check(Utils.Size(classNames) == _labelBinCount, "incorrect class names"); 130for (int i = 0; i < _labelBinCount; i++) 133editor.Values[_labelBinCount + i] = $"{classNames[i]}_LogOdds".AsMemory(); 143var countsBuffer = features.Slice(0, _labelBinCount); 162GenerateLogOdds(iCol, countTable, countsBuffer, features.Slice(_labelBinCount, _logOddsCount), sum); 173_host.Assert(_labelBinCount == counts.Length); 176for (int ifeat = 0; ifeat < _labelBinCount; ifeat++) 194_host.Assert(counts.Length == _labelBinCount);