1 instantiation of Candidate
Microsoft.ML.Transforms (1)
Expression\LambdaBinder.cs (1)
1215cand = new Candidate(provider, meth, kinds, kindRet, isVar);
15 references to Candidate
Microsoft.ML.Transforms (15)
Expression\LambdaBinder.cs (15)
1153public static bool TryGetCandidate(CallNode node, IFunctionProvider provider, MethodInfo meth, Action<string> printError, out Candidate cand) 1155cand = default(Candidate); 1266public int CompareSignatures(Candidate other) 1305var candidates = new List<Candidate>(); 1317Candidate cand; 1318if (!Candidate.TryGetCandidate(node, prov, meth, _printError, out cand)) 1379var cand = candidates[i]; 1396Candidate best; 1550private Candidate GetBestOverload(CallNode node, List<Candidate> candidates) 1554var dup1 = default(Candidate); 1555var dup2 = default(Candidate); 1558var c1 = candidates[i];