2 writes to Depth
Microsoft.ML.Transforms (2)
Dracula\CMCountTable.cs (2)
56Depth = depth; 88Depth = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
9 references to Depth
Microsoft.ML.Transforms (9)
Dracula\CMCountTable.cs (9)
57Contracts.Check(Depth > 0, "depth must be positive"); 58Contracts.Check(tables.All(x => Utils.Size(x) == Depth), "Depth must be the same for all labels"); 89env.CheckDecode(Depth > 0); 96Tables[i] = new Dictionary<int, float>[Depth]; 97for (int j = 0; j < Depth; j++) 127ctx.Writer.Write(Depth); 132for (int iDepth = 0; iDepth < Depth; iDepth++) 153for (int idepth = 0; idepth < Depth; idepth++) 242_depth = table.Depth;