File: OneHotHashEncoding.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.Transforms\Microsoft.ML.Transforms.csproj (Microsoft.ML.Transforms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.CommandLine;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Transforms;
[assembly: LoadableClass(OneHotHashEncodingTransformer.Summary, typeof(IDataTransform), typeof(OneHotHashEncodingTransformer), typeof(OneHotHashEncodingTransformer.Options), typeof(SignatureDataTransform),
    OneHotHashEncodingTransformer.UserName, "CategoricalHashTransform", "CatHashTransform", "CategoricalHash", "CatHash")]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Transforms
    /// <summary>
    /// <see cref="ITransformer"/> resulting from fitting a <see cref="OneHotHashEncodingEstimator"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class OneHotHashEncodingTransformer : ITransformer
        internal sealed class Column : OneToOneColumn
                HelpText = "The number of bits to hash into. Must be between 1 and 30, inclusive.",
                ShortName = "bits")]
            public int? NumberOfBits;
            [Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Hashing seed")]
            public uint? Seed;
            [Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Whether the position of each term should be included in the hash", ShortName = "ord")]
            public bool? Ordered;
                HelpText = "Limit the number of keys used to generate the slot name to this many. 0 means no invert hashing, -1 means no limit.",
                ShortName = "ih")]
            public int? MaximumNumberOfInverts;
            [Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Output kind: Bag (multi-set vector), Ind (indicator vector), or Key (index)",
                ShortName = "kind", SortOrder = 102)]
            public OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind? OutputKind;
            internal static Column Parse(string str)
                var res = new Column();
                if (res.TryParse(str))
                    return res;
                return null;
            private protected override bool TryParse(string str)
                // We accept N:B:S where N is the new column name, B is the number of bits,
                // and S is source column names.
                if (!TryParse(str, out string extra))
                    return false;
                if (extra == null)
                    return true;
                if (!int.TryParse(extra, out int bits))
                    return false;
                NumberOfBits = bits;
                return true;
            internal bool TryUnparse(StringBuilder sb)
                if (Seed != null || Ordered != null || MaximumNumberOfInverts != null)
                    return false;
                if (NumberOfBits == null)
                    return TryUnparseCore(sb);
                string extra = NumberOfBits.Value.ToString();
                return TryUnparseCore(sb, extra);
        /// <summary>
        /// This class is a merger of <see cref="HashingTransformer.Options"/> and <see cref="KeyToVectorMappingTransformer.Options"/>
        /// with join option removed
        /// </summary>
        internal sealed class Options : TransformInputBase
            [Argument(ArgumentType.Multiple | ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "New column definition(s) (optional form: name:numberOfBits:src)", Name = "Column", ShortName = "col", SortOrder = 1)]
            public Column[] Columns;
            [Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Number of bits to hash into. Must be between 1 and 30, inclusive.",
                ShortName = "bits", SortOrder = 2)]
            public int NumberOfBits = OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.Defaults.NumberOfBits;
            [Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Hashing seed")]
            public uint Seed = OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.Defaults.Seed;
            [Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Whether the position of each term should be included in the hash", ShortName = "ord")]
            public bool Ordered = OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.Defaults.UseOrderedHashing;
                HelpText = "Limit the number of keys used to generate the slot name to this many. 0 means no invert hashing, -1 means no limit.",
                ShortName = "ih")]
            public int MaximumNumberOfInverts = OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.Defaults.MaximumNumberOfInverts;
            [Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Output kind: Bag (multi-set vector), Ind (indicator vector), or Key (index)",
                ShortName = "kind", SortOrder = 102)]
            public OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind OutputKind = OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.Defaults.OutputKind;
        internal const string Summary = "Converts the categorical value into an indicator array by hashing the value and using the hash as an index in the "
            + "bag. If the input column is a vector, a single indicator bag is returned for it.";
        internal const string UserName = "Categorical Hash Transform";
        /// <summary>
        /// A helper method to create <see cref="OneHotHashEncodingTransformer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="env">Host Environment.</param>
        /// <param name="input">Input <see cref="IDataView"/>. This is the output from previous transform or loader.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the output column.</param>
        /// <param name="source">Name of the column to be transformed. If this is null '<paramref name="name"/>' will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfBits">Number of bits to hash into. Must be between 1 and 30, inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumNumberOfInverts">During hashing we construct mappings between original values and the produced hash values.
        /// Text representation of original values are stored in the slot names of the  metadata for the new column.Hashing, as such, can map many initial values to one.
        /// <paramref name="maximumNumberOfInverts"/> specifies the upper bound of the number of distinct input values mapping to a hash that should be retained.
        /// <value>0</value> does not retain any input values. <value>-1</value> retains all input values mapping to each hash.</param>
        /// <param name="outputKind">The type of output expected.</param>
        private static IDataView Create(IHostEnvironment env,
            IDataView input,
            string name,
            string source = null,
            int numberOfBits = OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.Defaults.NumberOfBits,
            int maximumNumberOfInverts = OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.Defaults.MaximumNumberOfInverts,
            OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind outputKind = OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.Defaults.OutputKind)
            return new OneHotHashEncodingEstimator(env, name, source, numberOfBits, maximumNumberOfInverts, outputKind).Fit(input).Transform(input) as IDataView;
        internal static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, Options options, IDataView input)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            var h = env.Register("Categorical");
            h.CheckValue(options, nameof(options));
            h.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
            h.CheckUserArg(Utils.Size(options.Columns) > 0, nameof(options.Columns));
            var columns = new List<OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.ColumnOptions>();
            foreach (var column in options.Columns)
                var col = new OneHotHashEncodingEstimator.ColumnOptions(
                    column.Source ?? column.Name,
                    column.OutputKind ?? options.OutputKind,
                    column.NumberOfBits ?? options.NumberOfBits,
                    column.Seed ?? options.Seed,
                    column.Ordered ?? options.Ordered,
                    column.MaximumNumberOfInverts ?? options.MaximumNumberOfInverts);
            return new OneHotHashEncodingEstimator(env, columns.ToArray()).Fit(input).Transform(input) as IDataTransform;
        private readonly TransformerChain<ITransformer> _transformer;
        internal OneHotHashEncodingTransformer(HashingEstimator hash, IEstimator<ITransformer> keyToVector, IDataView input)
            if (keyToVector != null)
                _transformer = hash.Append(keyToVector).Fit(input);
                _transformer = new TransformerChain<ITransformer>(hash.Fit(input));
        /// <summary>
        /// Schema propagation for transformers. Returns the output schema of the data, if
        /// the input schema is like the one provided.
        /// </summary>
        public DataViewSchema GetOutputSchema(DataViewSchema inputSchema) => _transformer.GetOutputSchema(inputSchema);
        /// <summary>
        /// Take the data in, make transformations, output the data. Note that <see cref="IDataView"/>
        /// are lazy, so no actual transformations happen here, just schema validation.
        /// </summary>
        public IDataView Transform(IDataView input) => _transformer.Transform(input);
        void ICanSaveModel.Save(ModelSaveContext ctx) => (_transformer as ICanSaveModel).Save(ctx);
        /// <summary>
        /// Whether a call to <see cref="ITransformer.GetRowToRowMapper"/> should succeed, on an appropriate schema.
        /// </summary>
        bool ITransformer.IsRowToRowMapper => ((ITransformer)_transformer).IsRowToRowMapper;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a row-to-row mapper based on an input schema.
        /// </summary>
        IRowToRowMapper ITransformer.GetRowToRowMapper(DataViewSchema inputSchema) => ((ITransformer)_transformer).GetRowToRowMapper(inputSchema);
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts one or more input columns of categorical values into as many output columns of hash-based one-hot encoded vectors.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <format type="text/markdown"><![CDATA[
    /// ###  Estimator Characteristics
    /// |  |  |
    /// | -- | -- |
    /// | Does this estimator need to look at the data to train its parameters? | Yes |
    /// | Input column data type | Scalar or vector of numeric, boolean, [text](xref:Microsoft.ML.Data.TextDataViewType), or [key](xref:Microsoft.ML.Data.KeyDataViewType) type. |
    /// | Output column data type | Scalar or vector of [key](xref:Microsoft.ML.Data.KeyDataViewType), or vector of <xref:System.Single> type. |
    /// | Exportable to ONNX | No |
    /// The resulting <xref:Microsoft.ML.Transforms.OneHotEncodingTransformer> converts one or more input columns into as many output
    /// columns of one-hot encoded vectors, where indexing is done by hashing the value and using the hash as an index.
    /// The <xref:Microsoft.ML.Transforms.OneHotEncodingEstimator> is often used to convert categorical data into a form that can be
    /// provided to a machine learning algorithm.
    /// The output of this transform is specified by <xref:Microsoft.ML.Transforms.OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind>:
    /// - <xref:Microsoft.ML.Transforms.OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Indicator> produces an [indicator vector](
    /// Each slot in this vector corresponds to a category in the dictionary, so its length is the size of the built dictionary.
    /// If a value is not found in the dictionary, the output is the zero vector.
    /// - <xref:Microsoft.ML.Transforms.OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Bag> produces one vector such that each slot stores the number
    /// of occurrences of the corresponding value in the input vector.
    /// Each slot in this vector corresponds to a value in the dictionary, so its length is the size of the built dictionary.
    /// <xref:Microsoft.ML.Transforms.OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Indicator> and <xref:Microsoft.ML.Transforms.OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Bag>
    /// differ simply in how the bit-vectors generated from individual slots in the input column are aggregated:
    /// for Indicator they are concatenated and for Bag they are added. When the source column is a Scalar, the Indicator and Bag options are identical.
    /// - <xref:Microsoft.ML.Transforms.OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Key> produces keys in a <xref:Microsoft.ML.Data.KeyDataViewType> column.
    /// If the input column is a vector, the output contains a vector [key](xref:Microsoft.ML.Data.KeyDataViewType) type, where each slot of the
    /// vector corresponds to the respective slot of the input vector.
    /// If a category is not found in the built dictionary, it is assigned the value zero.
    /// - <xref:Microsoft.ML.Transforms.OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Binary> produces a binary encoded vector to represent the values found in the dictionary
    /// that are present in the input column. If a value in the input column is not found in the dictionary, the output is the zero vector.
    /// The OneHotEncodingTransformer can be applied to one or more columns, in which case it builds and uses a separate dictionary
    /// for each column that it is applied to.
    /// Check the See Also section for links to usage examples.
    /// ]]>
    /// </format>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <seealso cref="CategoricalCatalog.OneHotHashEncoding(TransformsCatalog.CategoricalTransforms, string, string, OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind, int, uint, bool, int)"/>
    /// <seealso cref="CategoricalCatalog.OneHotHashEncoding(TransformsCatalog.CategoricalTransforms, InputOutputColumnPair[], OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind, int, uint, bool, int)"/>
    public sealed class OneHotHashEncodingEstimator : IEstimator<OneHotHashEncodingTransformer>
        internal static class Defaults
            public const int NumberOfBits = 16;
            public const uint Seed = 314489979;
            public const bool UseOrderedHashing = true;
            public const int MaximumNumberOfInverts = 0;
            public const OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind OutputKind = OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Bag;
        /// <summary>
        /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
        /// </summary>
        internal sealed class ColumnOptions
            public readonly HashingEstimator.ColumnOptions HashingOptions;
            public readonly OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind OutputKind;
            /// <summary>
            /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="name">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
            /// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of column to transform. If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="name"/> will be used as source.</param>
            /// <param name="outputKind">Kind of output: bag, indicator vector etc.</param>
            /// <param name="numberOfBits">Number of bits to hash into. Must be between 1 and 31, inclusive.</param>
            /// <param name="seed">Hashing seed.</param>
            /// <param name="useOrderedHashing">Whether the position of each term should be included in the hash.</param>
            /// <param name="maximumNumberOfInverts">During hashing we construct mappings between original values and the produced hash values.
            /// Text representation of original values are stored in the slot names of the  metadata for the new column.Hashing, as such, can map many initial values to one.
            /// <paramref name="maximumNumberOfInverts"/> specifies the upper bound of the number of distinct input values mapping to a hash that should be retained.
            /// <value>0</value> does not retain any input values. <value>-1</value> retains all input values mapping to each hash.</param>
            public ColumnOptions(string name, string inputColumnName = null,
                OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind outputKind = Defaults.OutputKind,
                int numberOfBits = Defaults.NumberOfBits,
                uint seed = Defaults.Seed,
                bool useOrderedHashing = Defaults.UseOrderedHashing,
                int maximumNumberOfInverts = Defaults.MaximumNumberOfInverts)
                HashingOptions = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptions(name, inputColumnName ?? name, numberOfBits, seed, useOrderedHashing, maximumNumberOfInverts);
                OutputKind = outputKind;
        private readonly IHost _host;
        private readonly IEstimator<ITransformer> _toSomething;
        private readonly HashingEstimator _hash;
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a new instance of <see cref="OneHotHashEncodingEstimator"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="env">Host Environment.</param>
        /// <param name="outputColumnName">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of the column to transform.
        /// If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="outputColumnName"/> will be used as source.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfBits">Number of bits to hash into. Must be between 1 and 30, inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumNumberOfInverts">During hashing we construct mappings between original values and the produced hash values.
        /// Text representation of original values are stored in the slot names of the  metadata for the new column.Hashing, as such, can map many initial values to one.
        /// <paramref name="maximumNumberOfInverts"/> specifies the upper bound of the number of distinct input values mapping to a hash that should be retained.
        /// <value>0</value> does not retain any input values. <value>-1</value> retains all input values mapping to each hash.</param>
        /// <param name="outputKind">The type of output expected.</param>
        internal OneHotHashEncodingEstimator(IHostEnvironment env,
            string outputColumnName,
            string inputColumnName = null,
            int numberOfBits = Defaults.NumberOfBits,
            int maximumNumberOfInverts = Defaults.MaximumNumberOfInverts,
            OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind outputKind = Defaults.OutputKind)
            : this(env, new ColumnOptions(outputColumnName, inputColumnName ?? outputColumnName, outputKind, numberOfBits, maximumNumberOfInverts: maximumNumberOfInverts))
        internal OneHotHashEncodingEstimator(IHostEnvironment env, params ColumnOptions[] columns)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            _host = env.Register(nameof(ValueToKeyMappingEstimator));
            _hash = new HashingEstimator(_host, columns.Select(x => x.HashingOptions).ToArray());
            using (var ch = _host.Start(nameof(OneHotHashEncodingEstimator)))
                var binaryCols = new List<(string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName)>();
                var cols = new List<(string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName, bool bag)>();
                for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                    var column = columns[i];
                    OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind kind = columns[i].OutputKind;
                    switch (kind)
                            throw _host.ExceptUserArg(nameof(column.OutputKind));
                        case OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Key:
                        case OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Binary:
                            if ((column.HashingOptions.MaximumNumberOfInverts) != 0)
                                ch.Warning("Invert hashing is being used with binary encoding.");
                            binaryCols.Add((column.HashingOptions.Name, column.HashingOptions.Name));
                        case OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Indicator:
                            cols.Add((column.HashingOptions.Name, column.HashingOptions.Name, false));
                        case OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind.Bag:
                            cols.Add((column.HashingOptions.Name, column.HashingOptions.Name, true));
                IEstimator<ITransformer> toBinVector = null;
                IEstimator<ITransformer> toVector = null;
                if (binaryCols.Count > 0)
                    toBinVector = new KeyToBinaryVectorMappingEstimator(_host, binaryCols.Select(x => (x.outputColumnName, x.inputColumnName)).ToArray());
                if (cols.Count > 0)
                    toVector = new KeyToVectorMappingEstimator(_host, cols.Select(x => new KeyToVectorMappingEstimator.ColumnOptions(x.outputColumnName, x.inputColumnName, x.bag)).ToArray());
                if (toBinVector != null && toVector != null)
                    _toSomething = toVector.Append(toBinVector);
                    if (toBinVector != null)
                        _toSomething = toBinVector;
                        _toSomething = toVector;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the <see cref="SchemaShape"/> of the schema which will be produced by the transformer.
        /// Used for schema propagation and verification in a pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        public SchemaShape GetOutputSchema(SchemaShape inputSchema)
            if (_toSomething != null)
                return _hash.Append(_toSomething).GetOutputSchema(inputSchema);
                return _hash.GetOutputSchema(inputSchema);
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains and returns a <see cref="OneHotHashEncodingTransformer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public OneHotHashEncodingTransformer Fit(IDataView input) => new OneHotHashEncodingTransformer(_hash, _toSomething, input);