// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.CommandLine;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Model;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Transforms;
[assembly: LoadableClass(LearnerFeatureSelectionTransform.Summary, typeof(IDataTransform), typeof(LearnerFeatureSelectionTransform), typeof(LearnerFeatureSelectionTransform.Options), typeof(SignatureDataTransform),
"Learner Feature Selection Transform", "LearnerFeatureSelectionTransform", "LearnerFeatureSelection")]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Transforms
/// <summary>
/// Selects the slots for which the absolute value of the corresponding weight in a linear learner
/// is greater than a threshold.
/// Instantiates a DropSlots transform to actually drop the slots.
/// </summary>
internal static class LearnerFeatureSelectionTransform
internal const string Summary = "Selects the slots for which the absolute value of the corresponding weight in a linear learner is greater than a threshold.";
#pragma warning disable CS0649 // The fields will still be set via the reflection driven mechanisms.
public sealed class Options
[Argument(ArgumentType.LastOccurrenceWins, HelpText = "If the corresponding absolute value of the weight for a slot is greater than this threshold, the slot is preserved", ShortName = "ft", SortOrder = 2)]
public Single? Threshold;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The number of slots to preserve", ShortName = "topk", SortOrder = 1)]
public int? NumSlotsToKeep;
// If we make this public again it should be an *estimator* of this type of predictor, rather than the (deprecated) ITrainer, but the utility
// of this would be limited because estimators and transformers now act more or less like this transform used to.
[Argument(ArgumentType.Multiple, HelpText = "Filter", ShortName = "f", SortOrder = 1, SignatureType = typeof(SignatureFeatureScorerTrainer))]
public IComponentFactory<ITrainer<IPredictorWithFeatureWeights<Single>>> Filter =
ComponentFactoryUtils.CreateFromFunction(env =>
// ML.Transforms doesn't have a direct reference to ML.StandardTrainers, so use ComponentCatalog to create the Filter
ComponentCatalog.CreateInstance<ITrainer<IPredictorWithFeatureWeights<Single>>>(env, typeof(SignatureFeatureScorerTrainer), "SDCA", options: null));
[Argument(ArgumentType.LastOccurrenceWins, HelpText = "Column to use for features", ShortName = "feat,col", SortOrder = 3, Purpose = SpecialPurpose.ColumnName)]
public string FeatureColumn = DefaultColumnNames.Features;
[Argument(ArgumentType.LastOccurrenceWins, HelpText = "Column to use for labels", ShortName = "lab", SortOrder = 4, Purpose = SpecialPurpose.ColumnName)]
public string LabelColumn = DefaultColumnNames.Label;
[Argument(ArgumentType.LastOccurrenceWins, HelpText = "Column to use for example weight", ShortName = "weight", SortOrder = 5, Purpose = SpecialPurpose.ColumnName)]
public string WeightColumn = DefaultColumnNames.Weight;
[Argument(ArgumentType.LastOccurrenceWins, HelpText = "Column to use for grouping", ShortName = "group", Purpose = SpecialPurpose.ColumnName)]
public string GroupColumn = DefaultColumnNames.GroupId;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Name column name", ShortName = "name", Purpose = SpecialPurpose.ColumnName)]
public string NameColumn = DefaultColumnNames.Name;
[Argument(ArgumentType.LastOccurrenceWins, HelpText = "Columns with custom kinds declared through key assignments, for example, col[Kind]=Name to assign column named 'Name' kind 'Kind'",
Name = "CustomColumn")]
public KeyValuePair<string, string>[] CustomColumns;
[Argument(ArgumentType.LastOccurrenceWins, HelpText = "Normalize option for the feature column", ShortName = "norm")]
public NormalizeOption NormalizeFeatures = NormalizeOption.Auto;
[Argument(ArgumentType.LastOccurrenceWins, HelpText = "Whether we should cache input training data", ShortName = "cache")]
public bool? CacheData;
internal void Check(IExceptionContext ectx)
if (Threshold.HasValue == NumSlotsToKeep.HasValue)
throw ectx.ExceptUserArg(nameof(Threshold),
$"Either {nameof(Threshold)} or {nameof(NumSlotsToKeep)} to keep must be specified (but not both).");
ectx.CheckUserArg((Threshold ?? 0) >= 0, nameof(Threshold), "Must be non-negative");
ectx.CheckUserArg((NumSlotsToKeep ?? int.MaxValue) > 0, nameof(NumSlotsToKeep), "Must be positive");
#pragma warning restore CS0649
internal static string RegistrationName = "LearnerFeatureSelectionTransform";
// Factory method for SignatureDataTransform.
private static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, Options options, IDataView input)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
var host = env.Register(RegistrationName);
host.CheckValue(options, nameof(options));
host.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
var scores = default(VBuffer<Single>);
TrainCore(host, input, options, ref scores);
using (var ch = host.Start("Dropping Slots"))
int selectedCount;
var column = CreateDropSlotsColumn(options, in scores, out selectedCount);
if (column == null)
ch.Info("No features are being dropped.");
return NopTransform.CreateIfNeeded(host, input);
ch.Info(MessageSensitivity.Schema, "Selected {0} slots out of {1} in column '{2}'", selectedCount, scores.Length, options.FeatureColumn);
return new SlotsDroppingTransformer(host, column).Transform(input) as IDataTransform;
private static SlotsDroppingTransformer.ColumnOptions CreateDropSlotsColumn(Options options, in VBuffer<Single> scores, out int selectedCount)
// Not checking the scores.Length, because:
// 1. If it's the same as the features column length, we should be constructing the right DropSlots arguments.
// 2. If it's less, we assume that the rest of the scores are zero and we drop the slots.
// 3. If it's greater, the drop slots ignores the ranges that are outside the valid range of indices for the column.
Contracts.Assert(options.Threshold.HasValue != options.NumSlotsToKeep.HasValue);
var col = new SlotsDroppingTransformer.Column();
col.Source = options.FeatureColumn;
selectedCount = 0;
var scoresValues = scores.GetValues();
// Degenerate case, dropping all slots.
if (scoresValues.Length == 0)
return new SlotsDroppingTransformer.ColumnOptions(options.FeatureColumn);
int tiedScoresToKeep;
float threshold;
if (options.Threshold.HasValue)
threshold = options.Threshold.Value;
tiedScoresToKeep = threshold > 0 ? int.MaxValue : 0;
threshold = ComputeThreshold(scoresValues, options.NumSlotsToKeep.Value, out tiedScoresToKeep);
var slots = new List<(int min, int? max)>();
for (int i = 0; i < scoresValues.Length; i++)
var score = Math.Abs(scoresValues[i]);
if (score > threshold)
if (score == threshold && tiedScoresToKeep > 0)
int min = i;
while (++i < scoresValues.Length)
score = Math.Abs(scoresValues[i]);
if (score > threshold)
if (score == threshold && tiedScoresToKeep > 0)
int max = i - 1;
slots.Add((min, max));
if (!scores.IsDense)
var scoresIndices = scores.GetIndices();
int ii = 0;
var count = slots.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var range = slots[i];
Contracts.Assert(range.max != null);
var min = range.min;
var max = range.max.Value;
Contracts.Assert(min <= max);
Contracts.Assert(max < scoresValues.Length);
range.min = min == 0 ? 0 : scoresIndices[min - 1] + 1;
range.max = max == scoresIndices.Length - 1 ? scores.Length - 1 : scoresIndices[max + 1] - 1;
// Add the gaps before this range.
for (; ii < min; ii++)
var gapMin = ii == 0 ? 0 : scoresIndices[ii - 1] + 1;
var gapMax = scoresIndices[ii] - 1;
if (gapMin <= gapMax)
slots.Add((gapMin, gapMax));
ii = max;
// Add the gaps after the last range.
for (; ii <= scoresIndices.Length; ii++)
var gapMin = ii == 0 ? 0 : scoresIndices[ii - 1] + 1;
var gapMax = ii == scoresIndices.Length ? scores.Length - 1 : scoresIndices[ii] - 1;
if (gapMin <= gapMax)
slots.Add((gapMin, gapMax));
// Remove all slots past scores.Length.
slots.Add((scores.Length, null));
if (slots.Count > 0)
return new SlotsDroppingTransformer.ColumnOptions(options.FeatureColumn, slots: slots.ToArray());
return null;
private static float ComputeThreshold(ReadOnlySpan<float> scores, int topk, out int tiedScoresToKeep)
// Use a min-heap for the topk elements
var heap = new Heap<float>((f1, f2) => f1 > f2, topk);
for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)
var score = Math.Abs(scores[i]);
if (float.IsNaN(score))
if (heap.Count < topk)
else if (heap.Top < score)
Contracts.Assert(heap.Count == topk);
var threshold = heap.Top;
tiedScoresToKeep = 0;
if (threshold == 0)
return threshold;
while (heap.Count > 0)
var top = heap.Pop();
Contracts.Assert(top >= threshold);
if (top > threshold)
return threshold;
private static void TrainCore(IHost host, IDataView input, Options options, ref VBuffer<Single> scores)
host.Assert(options.Threshold.HasValue != options.NumSlotsToKeep.HasValue);
using (var ch = host.Start("Train"))
ch.Trace("Constructing trainer");
ITrainer trainer = options.Filter.CreateComponent(host);
IDataView view = input;
var schema = view.Schema;
var label = TrainUtils.MatchNameOrDefaultOrNull(ch, schema, nameof(options.LabelColumn), options.LabelColumn, DefaultColumnNames.Label);
var feature = TrainUtils.MatchNameOrDefaultOrNull(ch, schema, nameof(options.FeatureColumn), options.FeatureColumn, DefaultColumnNames.Features);
var group = TrainUtils.MatchNameOrDefaultOrNull(ch, schema, nameof(options.GroupColumn), options.GroupColumn, DefaultColumnNames.GroupId);
var weight = TrainUtils.MatchNameOrDefaultOrNull(ch, schema, nameof(options.WeightColumn), options.WeightColumn, DefaultColumnNames.Weight);
var name = TrainUtils.MatchNameOrDefaultOrNull(ch, schema, nameof(options.NameColumn), options.NameColumn, DefaultColumnNames.Name);
TrainUtils.AddNormalizerIfNeeded(host, ch, trainer, ref view, feature, options.NormalizeFeatures);
ch.Trace("Binding columns");
var customCols = TrainUtils.CheckAndGenerateCustomColumns(ch, options.CustomColumns);
var data = new RoleMappedData(view, label, feature, group, weight, name, customCols);
var predictor = TrainUtils.Train(host, ch, data, trainer, null,
null, 0, options.CacheData);
var rfs = predictor as IPredictorWithFeatureWeights<Single>;
rfs.GetFeatureWeights(ref scores);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a score for each slot of the features column.
/// </summary>
public static void Train(IHostEnvironment env, IDataView input, Options options, ref VBuffer<Single> scores)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
var host = env.Register(RegistrationName);
host.CheckValue(options, nameof(options));
host.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
TrainCore(host, input, options, ref scores);