// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Transforms
internal sealed class LambdaParser
public struct SourcePos
public readonly int IchMin;
public readonly int IchLim;
public readonly int LineMin;
public readonly int ColumnMin;
public readonly int LineLim;
public readonly int ColumnLim;
public SourcePos(List<int> lineMap, TextSpan span, int lineMin = 1)
Contracts.Assert(span.Min <= span.Lim);
IchMin = span.Min;
IchLim = span.Lim;
if (Utils.Size(lineMap) == 0)
LineMin = lineMin;
ColumnMin = IchMin + 1;
LineLim = lineMin;
ColumnLim = IchLim + 1;
int index = FindIndex(lineMap, IchMin, 0);
LineMin = index + lineMin;
int ichBase = index == 0 ? 0 : lineMap[index - 1];
ColumnMin = IchMin - ichBase + 1;
if (index == lineMap.Count || IchLim < lineMap[index])
// Same line.
LineLim = LineMin;
ColumnLim = IchLim - ichBase + 1;
index = FindIndex(lineMap, IchLim, index);
Contracts.Assert(index > 0);
ichBase = lineMap[index - 1];
LineLim = index + lineMin;
ColumnLim = IchLim - ichBase + 1;
private static int FindIndex(List<int> map, int value, int ivMin)
Contracts.Assert(ivMin <= map.Count);
int ivLim = map.Count;
while (ivMin < ivLim)
int iv = (ivMin + ivLim) / 2;
if (value >= map[iv])
ivMin = iv + 1;
ivLim = iv;
Contracts.Assert(0 <= ivMin && ivMin <= map.Count);
Contracts.Assert(ivMin == map.Count || value < map[ivMin]);
Contracts.Assert(ivMin == 0 || value >= map[ivMin - 1]);
return ivMin;
// This is re-usable state (if we choose to re-use).
private readonly NormStr.Pool _pool;
private readonly KeyWordTable _kwt;
private readonly Lexer _lex;
// Created lazily. If we choose to share static state in the future, this
// should be volatile and set using Interlocked.CompareExchange.
private Dictionary<TokKind, string> _mapTidStr;
// This is the parsing state.
private int[] _perm; // The parameter permutation.
private DataViewType[] _types;
private TokenCursor _curs;
private List<Error> _errors;
private List<int> _lineMap;
private LambdaParser()
_pool = new NormStr.Pool();
_kwt = new KeyWordTable(_pool);
_lex = new Lexer(_pool, _kwt);
private void InitKeyWordTable()
Action<string, TokKind> p = _kwt.AddPunctuator;
p("^", TokKind.Car);
p("*", TokKind.Mul);
p("/", TokKind.Div);
p("%", TokKind.Per);
p("+", TokKind.Add);
p("-", TokKind.Sub);
p("&&", TokKind.AmpAmp);
p("||", TokKind.BarBar);
p("!", TokKind.Bng);
p("!=", TokKind.BngEqu);
p("=", TokKind.Equ);
p("==", TokKind.EquEqu);
p("=>", TokKind.EquGrt);
p("<", TokKind.Lss);
p("<=", TokKind.LssEqu);
p("<>", TokKind.LssGrt);
p(">", TokKind.Grt);
p(">=", TokKind.GrtEqu);
p(".", TokKind.Dot);
p(",", TokKind.Comma);
p(":", TokKind.Colon);
p(";", TokKind.Semi);
p("?", TokKind.Que);
p("??", TokKind.QueQue);
p("(", TokKind.OpenParen);
p(")", TokKind.CloseParen);
Action<string, TokKind> w = _kwt.AddKeyWord;
w("false", TokKind.False);
w("true", TokKind.True);
w("not", TokKind.Not);
w("and", TokKind.And);
w("or", TokKind.Or);
w("with", TokKind.With);
public static LambdaNode Parse(out List<Error> errors, out List<int> lineMap, CharCursor chars, int[] perm, params DataViewType[] types)
Contracts.Assert(types.Length <= LambdaCompiler.MaxParams);
Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(perm) == types.Length);
LambdaParser psr = new LambdaParser();
return psr.ParseCore(out errors, out lineMap, chars, perm, types);
private LambdaNode ParseCore(out List<Error> errors, out List<int> lineMap, CharCursor chars, int[] perm, DataViewType[] types)
Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(perm) == types.Length);
_errors = null;
_lineMap = new List<int>();
_curs = new TokenCursor(_lex.LexSource(chars));
_types = types;
_perm = perm;
// Skip over initial comments, new lines, lexing errors, etc.
LambdaNode node = ParseLambda(TokCur);
if (TidCur != TokKind.Eof)
PostError(TokCur, "Expected end of input");
errors = _errors;
lineMap = _lineMap;
_errors = null;
_lineMap = null;
_curs = null;
return node;
private void AddError(Error err)
Contracts.Assert(_errors == null || _errors.Count > 0);
if (Utils.Size(_errors) > 0 && _errors[_errors.Count - 1].Token == err.Token)
// There's already an error report on this token, so don't issue another.
if (_errors == null)
_errors = new List<Error>();
private void PostError(Token tok, string msg)
var err = new Error(tok, msg);
private void PostError(Token tok, string msg, params object[] args)
var err = new Error(tok, msg, args);
private void PostTidError(Token tok, TokKind tidWanted)
Contracts.Assert(tidWanted != tok.Kind);
Contracts.Assert(tidWanted != tok.KindContext);
PostError(tok, "Expected: '{0}', Found: '{1}'", Stringize(tidWanted), Stringize(tok));
private string Stringize(Token tok)
switch (tok.Kind)
case TokKind.Ident:
return tok.As<IdentToken>().Value;
return Stringize(tok.Kind);
private string Stringize(TokKind tid)
if (_mapTidStr == null)
// Build the inverse key word table, mapping token kinds to strings.
_mapTidStr = new Dictionary<TokKind, string>();
foreach (var kvp in _kwt.KeyWords)
if (!kvp.Value.IsContextKeyWord)
_mapTidStr[kvp.Value.Kind] = kvp.Key.Value.ToString();
foreach (var kvp in _kwt.Punctuators)
_mapTidStr[kvp.Value] = kvp.Key.Value.ToString();
string str;
if (_mapTidStr.TryGetValue(tid, out str))
return str;
return string.Format("<{0}>", tid);
private TokKind TidCur
get { return _curs.TidCur; }
private TokKind CtxCur
get { return _curs.CtxCur; }
private Token TokCur
get { return _curs.TokCur; }
private Token TokPeek(int cv = 1)
Contracts.Assert(cv > 0);
for (int ctok = 0; ;)
var tok = _curs.TokPeek(++ctok);
switch (tok.Kind)
case TokKind.NewLine:
case TokKind.Comment:
case TokKind.Error:
case TokKind.ErrorInline:
if (--cv <= 0)
return tok;
private TokKind TidPeek(int cv = 1)
return TokPeek(cv).Kind;
private TokKind TidNext()
return _curs.TidCur;
private void SkipJunk()
for (; ; )
switch (_curs.TidCur)
case TokKind.NewLine:
case TokKind.Comment:
case TokKind.Error:
case TokKind.ErrorInline:
PostError(_curs.TokCur, _curs.TokCur.As<ErrorToken>().ToString());
private Token TokMove()
Token tok = TokCur;
return tok;
// Eats a token of the given kind. If the token is not the right kind,
// leaves the current token and reports and returns an error.
private bool EatTid(TokKind tid)
if (TidCur == tid || CtxCur == tid)
return true;
PostTidError(TokCur, tid);
return false;
// Returns the current token if it's of the given kind and moves to the next token.
// If the token is not the right kind, reports an error, leaves the token, and returns null.
private Token TokEat(TokKind tid)
if (TidCur == tid)
return TokMove();
PostTidError(TokCur, tid);
return null;
private LambdaNode ParseLambda(Token tokFirst)
var items = new List<ParamNode>();
if (TidCur == TokKind.Ident)
// Single parameter.
for (; ; )
if (TidCur != TokKind.Comma)
if (items.Count != _types.Length)
PostError(tokFirst, "Wrong number of parameters, expected: {0}", _types.Length);
// Allow either : or => since the latter is problematic on the command line.
Token tok = TidCur == TokKind.Colon ? TokMove() : TokEat(TokKind.EquGrt);
ExprNode expr = ParseExpr();
return new LambdaNode(tok ?? tokFirst, items.ToArray(), expr);
private ParamNode ParseParam(int index)
Contracts.Assert(0 <= index);
Token tok = TokCur;
string name;
if (tok.Kind == TokKind.Ident)
name = tok.As<IdentToken>().Value;
PostTidError(TokCur, TokKind.Ident);
name = "<missing>";
DataViewType type;
if (index < _types.Length)
type = _types[index];
for (int i = 0; ; i++)
Contracts.Assert(i < _perm.Length);
Contracts.Assert(0 <= _perm[i] && _perm[i] < _perm.Length);
if (_perm[i] == index)
index = i;
PostError(tok, "Too many parameters, expected {0}", _types.Length);
type = null;
var res = new ParamNode(tok, name, index, type);
if (res.ExprType == ExprTypeKind.None)
PostError(tok, "Unsupported type");
return res;
private ExprNode ParseExpr()
return ParseExpr(Precedence.None);
// Parses the next (maximal) expression with precedence >= precMin.
private ExprNode ParseExpr(Precedence precMin)
// ParseOperand may accept PrefixUnary and higher, so ParseExpr should never be called
// with precMin > Precedence.PrefixUnary - it will not correctly handle those cases.
Contracts.Assert(Precedence.None <= precMin);
Contracts.Assert(precMin <= Precedence.PrefixUnary);
// Get the left operand.
ExprNode node = ParsePrimary();
// Process operators and right operands as long as the precedence bound is satisfied.
for (; ; )
switch (TidCur)
case TokKind.Car:
Contracts.Assert(precMin <= Precedence.Power);
// Note that the right operand can include unary operators.
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokMove(), BinaryOp.Power, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.PrefixUnary));
case TokKind.Mul:
if (precMin > Precedence.Mul)
return node;
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokMove(), BinaryOp.Mul, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.Mul + 1));
case TokKind.Div:
if (precMin > Precedence.Mul)
return node;
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokMove(), BinaryOp.Div, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.Mul + 1));
case TokKind.Per:
if (precMin > Precedence.Mul)
return node;
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokMove(), BinaryOp.Mod, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.Mul + 1));
case TokKind.Sub:
if (precMin > Precedence.Add)
return node;
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokMove(), BinaryOp.Sub, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.Add + 1));
case TokKind.Add:
if (precMin > Precedence.Add)
return node;
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokMove(), BinaryOp.Add, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.Add + 1));
case TokKind.AmpAmp:
case TokKind.And:
if (precMin > Precedence.And)
return node;
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokMove(), BinaryOp.And, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.And + 1));
case TokKind.BarBar:
case TokKind.Or:
if (precMin > Precedence.Or)
return node;
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokMove(), BinaryOp.Or, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.Or + 1));
case TokKind.QueQue:
if (precMin > Precedence.Coalesce)
return node;
// Note that the associativity is different than other binary operators (right instead of left),
// so the recursive call accepts Precedence.Coal.
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokMove(), BinaryOp.Coalesce, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.Coalesce));
case TokKind.Que:
if (precMin > Precedence.Conditional)
return node;
node = new ConditionalNode(TokMove(), node, ParseExpr(), TokEat(TokKind.Colon), ParseExpr());
// Comparison operators
// expr = ... = expr
// expr <> ... <> expr
case TokKind.Equ:
case TokKind.EquEqu:
if (precMin > Precedence.Compare)
return node;
node = ParseCompareExpr(node, CompareOp.Equal, TokKind.Equ, TokKind.EquEqu);
case TokKind.LssGrt:
case TokKind.BngEqu:
if (precMin > Precedence.Compare)
return node;
node = ParseCompareExpr(node, CompareOp.NotEqual, TokKind.LssGrt, TokKind.BngEqu);
// expr < expr
// expr <= expr
case TokKind.Lss:
case TokKind.LssEqu:
if (precMin > Precedence.Compare)
return node;
node = ParseCompareExpr(node, CompareOp.IncrChain, TokKind.LssEqu, TokKind.Lss);
// expr > expr
// expr >= expr
case TokKind.Grt:
case TokKind.GrtEqu:
if (precMin > Precedence.Compare)
return node;
node = ParseCompareExpr(node, CompareOp.DecrChain, TokKind.GrtEqu, TokKind.Grt);
case TokKind.True:
case TokKind.False:
case TokKind.IntLit:
case TokKind.FltLit:
case TokKind.DblLit:
case TokKind.CharLit:
case TokKind.StrLit:
PostError(TokCur, "Operator expected");
node = new BinaryOpNode(TokCur, BinaryOp.Error, node, ParseExpr(Precedence.Error));
return node;
private ExprNode ParsePrimary()
switch (TidCur)
// (Expr)
case TokKind.OpenParen:
return ParseParenExpr();
// -Expr
case TokKind.Sub:
return new UnaryOpNode(TokMove(), UnaryOp.Minus, ParseExpr(Precedence.PrefixUnary));
// not Expr
case TokKind.Not:
case TokKind.Bng:
return new UnaryOpNode(TokMove(), UnaryOp.Not, ParseExpr(Precedence.PrefixUnary));
// Literals
case TokKind.IntLit:
case TokKind.FltLit:
case TokKind.DblLit:
return new NumLitNode(TokMove().As<NumLitToken>());
case TokKind.True:
case TokKind.False:
return new BoolLitNode(TokMove());
case TokKind.StrLit:
return new StrLitNode(TokMove().As<StrLitToken>());
// Name
case TokKind.Ident:
if (TidPeek() == TokKind.OpenParen)
return ParseInvocation();
if (TidPeek() == TokKind.Dot && TidPeek(2) == TokKind.Ident && TidPeek(3) == TokKind.OpenParen)
return ParseInvocationWithNameSpace();
return ParseIdent();
case TokKind.CharLit:
var result = ParseIdent();
return result;
case TokKind.With:
return ParseWith();
// Error
return ParseIdent();
private CompareNode ParseCompareExpr(ExprNode node, CompareOp op, TokKind tidLax, TokKind tidStrict)
Contracts.Assert(TidCur == tidLax || TidCur == tidStrict);
Token tok = TokCur;
List<Node> list = new List<Node>();
List<Token> ops = new List<Token>();
for (; ; )
if (TidCur != tidLax && TidCur != tidStrict)
list.Add(ParseExpr(Precedence.Compare + 1));
Contracts.Assert(list.Count >= 2);
// The grammar disallows mixed direction expressions like:
// a < b > c <= 4
// After posting an error, we continue parsing to produce: ((a < b) > c) <= 4.
// Note that this will also produce a type checking error.
Contracts.Assert(TidCur != tidLax);
Contracts.Assert(TidCur != tidStrict);
switch (TidCur)
case TokKind.LssGrt:
case TokKind.BngEqu:
case TokKind.Equ:
case TokKind.EquEqu:
case TokKind.Lss:
case TokKind.LssEqu:
case TokKind.Grt:
case TokKind.GrtEqu:
PostError(TokCur, "Mixed direction not allowed");
return new CompareNode(tok, op, new ListNode(tok, list.ToArray(), ops.ToArray()));
private IdentNode ParseIdent()
if (TidCur == TokKind.Ident)
return new IdentNode(TokMove().As<IdentToken>());
PostTidError(TokCur, TokKind.Ident);
return new IdentNode(TokCur, "<missing>", true);
private CallNode ParseInvocation()
Contracts.Assert(TidCur == TokKind.Ident);
Contracts.Assert(TidPeek() == TokKind.OpenParen);
NameNode head = new NameNode(TokMove().As<IdentToken>());
Contracts.Assert(TidCur == TokKind.OpenParen);
Token tok = TokMove();
return new CallNode(tok, head, ParseList(tok, TokKind.CloseParen), TokEat(TokKind.CloseParen));
private CallNode ParseInvocationWithNameSpace()
Contracts.Assert(TidCur == TokKind.Ident);
Contracts.Assert(TidPeek() == TokKind.Dot);
Contracts.Assert(TidPeek(2) == TokKind.Ident);
Contracts.Assert(TidPeek(3) == TokKind.OpenParen);
NameNode ns = new NameNode(TokMove().As<IdentToken>());
Contracts.Assert(TidCur == TokKind.Dot);
Token tokDot = TokMove();
NameNode head = new NameNode(TokMove().As<IdentToken>());
Contracts.Assert(TidCur == TokKind.OpenParen);
Token tokParen = TokMove();
return new CallNode(tokParen, ns, tokDot, head, ParseList(tokParen, TokKind.CloseParen), TokEat(TokKind.CloseParen));
private ExprNode ParseParenExpr()
Contracts.Assert(TidCur == TokKind.OpenParen);
ExprNode node = ParseExpr(Precedence.None);
return node;
private ListNode ParseList(Token tok, TokKind tidEmpty)
if (TidCur == tidEmpty)
return new ListNode(tok, new Node[0], null);
List<Token> commas = null;
List<Node> list = new List<Node>();
for (; ; )
if (TidCur != TokKind.Comma)
Utils.Add(ref commas, TokMove());
return new ListNode(tok, list.ToArray(), Utils.ToArray(commas));
// Note that the grammar allows multiple assignments per with expression. This is simply syntactic sugar
// for chained with expressions.
private WithNode ParseWith(Token tokWith = null)
Token tok;
Token tokOpen;
if (tokWith == null)
// We're at the beginning of the "with" syntax.
Contracts.Assert(TidCur == TokKind.With);
tokWith = TokMove();
tok = tokWith;
tokOpen = TokCur;
// We're at a comma between with assignments.
Contracts.Assert(TidCur == TokKind.Comma);
tok = TokMove();
tokOpen = tok;
var local = ParseWithLocal();
ExprNode body;
if (TidCur == TokKind.Comma)
// Recurse to get the nested scenario.
body = ParseWith(tokWith);
body = ParseExpr();
return new WithNode(tok, local, body);
private WithLocalNode ParseWithLocal()
Token tok = TokCur;
string name;
if (tok.Kind == TokKind.Ident)
name = tok.As<IdentToken>().Value;
PostTidError(TokCur, TokKind.Ident);
name = "<missing>";
if (TidCur == TokKind.Equ)
tok = TokCur;
var value = ParseExpr();
return new WithLocalNode(tok, name, value);