// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.NasBert.Modules.Layers;
namespace Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.NasBert.Modules
internal static class SearchSpace
public static readonly int[] HiddenSizeChoices = { 128, 192, 384, 512, 768 };
public static readonly int[] EmbSizeChoices = { 64, 128, 256, 384, 512 };
public static readonly int[] ArchHiddenSize =
0, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128,
0, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,
0, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384,
0, 512, 512, 512, 512, 512,
0, 768, 768, 768, 768, 768,
/// <summary>
/// Check whether all hidden dimensions in hiddenList are the same (except for 0),
/// and return the maximum among them.
/// </summary>
public static int CheckHiddenDimensionsAndReturnMax(int[] hiddenList)
var maxHidden = hiddenList.Max();
if (!hiddenList.All(hidden => hidden == 0 || hidden == maxHidden))
throw new ArgumentException("all non-zero hidden dimensions should be the same.");
return maxHidden;
public const int NumLayerChoices = 30;
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Reliability", "CA2000:Dispose objects before losing scope",
Justification = "The torch.nn.Module created in this method are meant to be alive out of the scope.")]
public static Layer GetLayer(
int layerIndex,
double dropout,
double attentionDropout,
double activationDropout,
string activationFn,
bool addBiasKv,
bool addZeroAttention,
bool dynamicDropout)
return layerIndex switch
0 => new IdentityLayer(),
1 => new SelfAttentionLayer(
embeddingDim: 128,
numAttentionHeads: 2,
dropoutRate: dropout,
attentionDropoutRate: attentionDropout,
addBiasKv: addBiasKv,
addZeroAttention: addZeroAttention),
2 => new FeedForwardLayer(
embeddingDim: 128,
ffnEmbeddingDim: 128 * 4,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn,
dynamicDropout: dynamicDropout),
3 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 128,
kernelSize: 3,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
4 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 128,
kernelSize: 5,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
5 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 128,
kernelSize: 7,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
6 => new IdentityLayer(),
7 => new SelfAttentionLayer(
embeddingDim: 192,
numAttentionHeads: 3,
dropoutRate: dropout,
attentionDropoutRate: attentionDropout,
addBiasKv: addBiasKv,
addZeroAttention: addZeroAttention),
8 => new FeedForwardLayer(
embeddingDim: 192,
ffnEmbeddingDim: 192 * 4,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn,
dynamicDropout: dynamicDropout),
9 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 192,
kernelSize: 3,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
10 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 192,
kernelSize: 5,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
11 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 192,
kernelSize: 7,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
12 => new IdentityLayer(),
13 => new SelfAttentionLayer(
embeddingDim: 384,
numAttentionHeads: 6,
dropoutRate: dropout,
attentionDropoutRate: attentionDropout,
addBiasKv: addBiasKv,
addZeroAttention: addZeroAttention),
14 => new FeedForwardLayer(
embeddingDim: 384,
ffnEmbeddingDim: 384 * 4,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn,
dynamicDropout: dynamicDropout),
15 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 384,
kernelSize: 3,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
16 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 384,
kernelSize: 5,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
17 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 384,
kernelSize: 7,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
18 => new IdentityLayer(),
19 => new SelfAttentionLayer(
embeddingDim: 512,
numAttentionHeads: 8,
dropoutRate: dropout,
attentionDropoutRate: attentionDropout,
addBiasKv: addBiasKv,
addZeroAttention: addZeroAttention),
20 => new FeedForwardLayer(
embeddingDim: 512,
ffnEmbeddingDim: 512 * 4,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn,
dynamicDropout: dynamicDropout),
21 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 512,
kernelSize: 3,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
22 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 512,
kernelSize: 5,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
23 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 512,
kernelSize: 7,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
24 => new IdentityLayer(),
25 => new SelfAttentionLayer(
embeddingDim: 768,
numAttentionHeads: 12,
dropoutRate: dropout,
attentionDropoutRate: attentionDropout,
addBiasKv: addBiasKv,
addZeroAttention: addZeroAttention),
26 => new FeedForwardLayer(
embeddingDim: 768,
ffnEmbeddingDim: 768 * 4,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn,
dynamicDropout: dynamicDropout),
27 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 768,
kernelSize: 3,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
28 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 768,
kernelSize: 5,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
29 => new EncConvLayer(
channel: 768,
kernelSize: 7,
dropoutRate: dropout,
activationDropoutRate: activationDropout,
activationFn: activationFn),
_ => throw new NotSupportedException(
$"Unsupported layer index {layerIndex}. Expected to be within [0, {NumLayerChoices})."),