// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers;
#nullable enable
namespace System.Text
internal ref partial struct ValueStringBuilder
private char[]? _arrayToReturnToPool;
private Span<char> _chars;
private int _pos;
public ValueStringBuilder(Span<char> initialBuffer)
_arrayToReturnToPool = null;
_chars = initialBuffer;
_pos = 0;
public ValueStringBuilder(int initialCapacity)
_arrayToReturnToPool = ArrayPool<char>.Shared.Rent(initialCapacity);
_chars = _arrayToReturnToPool;
_pos = 0;
public int Length
get => _pos;
Debug.Assert(value >= 0);
Debug.Assert(value <= _chars.Length);
_pos = value;
public int Capacity => _chars.Length;
public void EnsureCapacity(int capacity)
// This is not expected to be called this with negative capacity
Debug.Assert(capacity >= 0);
// If the caller has a bug and calls this with negative capacity, make sure to call Grow to throw an exception.
if ((uint)capacity > (uint)_chars.Length)
Grow(capacity - _pos);
/// <summary>
/// Get a pinnable reference to the builder.
/// Does not ensure there is a null char after <see cref="Length"/>
/// This overload is pattern matched in the C# 7.3+ compiler so you can omit
/// the explicit method call, and write eg "fixed (char* c = builder)"
/// </summary>
public ref char GetPinnableReference()
return ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(_chars);
/// <summary>
/// Get a pinnable reference to the builder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="terminate">Ensures that the builder has a null char after <see cref="Length"/></param>
public ref char GetPinnableReference(bool terminate)
if (terminate)
EnsureCapacity(Length + 1);
_chars[Length] = '\0';
return ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(_chars);
public ref char this[int index]
Debug.Assert(index < _pos);
return ref _chars[index];
// Replace a char before returning the string
public string ToString(char oldValue, char newValue)
Span<char> span = _chars.Slice(0, _pos);
Helpers.Replace(span, oldValue, newValue);
string s = span.ToString();
return s;
public override string ToString()
string s = _chars.Slice(0, _pos).ToString();
return s;
/// <summary>Returns the underlying storage of the builder.</summary>
public Span<char> RawChars => _chars;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a span around the contents of the builder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="terminate">Ensures that the builder has a null char after <see cref="Length"/></param>
public ReadOnlySpan<char> AsSpan(bool terminate)
if (terminate)
EnsureCapacity(Length + 1);
_chars[Length] = '\0';
return _chars.Slice(0, _pos);
/// <summary>
/// Remove last character in the builder.
/// </summary>
public void RemoveLastChar()
if (_pos > 0)
public ReadOnlySpan<char> AsSpan() => _chars.Slice(0, _pos);
public ReadOnlySpan<char> AsSpan(int start) => _chars.Slice(start, _pos - start);
public ReadOnlySpan<char> AsSpan(int start, int length) => _chars.Slice(start, length);
public bool TryCopyTo(Span<char> destination, out int charsWritten)
if (_chars.Slice(0, _pos).TryCopyTo(destination))
charsWritten = _pos;
return true;
charsWritten = 0;
return false;
public void Replace(string oldValue, string newValue)
int oldLength = oldValue.Length;
int newLength = newValue.Length;
int index = 0;
while (index <= _pos - oldLength)
ReadOnlySpan<char> buffer = _chars.Slice(index, _pos - index);
int subIndex = buffer.IndexOf(oldValue.AsSpan(), StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (subIndex < 0)
index += subIndex;
if (oldLength >= newLength)
if (oldLength > newLength)
int newIndex = index + oldLength;
_chars.Slice(newIndex, _pos - newIndex).CopyTo(_chars.Slice(index + newLength));
_pos -= oldLength - newLength;
Insert(index, newValue);
int newIndex = index + newLength + oldLength;
_chars.Slice(newIndex, _pos - newIndex).CopyTo(_chars.Slice(index + newLength));
_pos -= oldLength;
index += newLength;
public bool RemoveSuffix(string value)
if (EndsWith(value))
_pos -= value.Length;
return true;
return false;
public void Remove(int start, int length)
if (length > 0 && start + length <= _pos)
int remaining = _pos - start - length;
_chars.Slice(start + length, remaining).CopyTo(_chars.Slice(start));
_pos -= length;
public bool EndsWith(string value)
int valueLength = value.Length;
if (valueLength > _pos)
return false;
return _chars.Slice(_pos - valueLength, valueLength).SequenceEqual(value.AsSpan());
public void Insert(int index, char value, int count)
if (_pos > _chars.Length - count)
int remaining = _pos - index;
_chars.Slice(index, remaining).CopyTo(_chars.Slice(index + count));
_chars.Slice(index, count).Fill(value);
_pos += count;
public void Insert(int index, string? s)
if (s == null)
int count = s.Length;
if (_pos > (_chars.Length - count))
int remaining = _pos - index;
_chars.Slice(index, remaining).CopyTo(_chars.Slice(index + count));
_pos += count;
public void Append(char c)
int pos = _pos;
Span<char> chars = _chars;
if ((uint)pos < (uint)chars.Length)
chars[pos] = c;
_pos = pos + 1;
public void Append(string? s)
if (s == null)
int pos = _pos;
if (s.Length == 1 && (uint)pos < (uint)_chars.Length) // very common case, e.g. appending strings from NumberFormatInfo like separators, percent symbols, etc.
_chars[pos] = s[0];
_pos = pos + 1;
private void AppendSlow(string s)
int pos = _pos;
if (pos > _chars.Length - s.Length)
_pos += s.Length;
public void Append(char c, int count)
if (_pos > _chars.Length - count)
Span<char> dst = _chars.Slice(_pos, count);
for (int i = 0; i < dst.Length; i++)
dst[i] = c;
_pos += count;
public unsafe void Append(char* value, int length)
int pos = _pos;
if (pos > _chars.Length - length)
Span<char> dst = _chars.Slice(_pos, length);
for (int i = 0; i < dst.Length; i++)
dst[i] = *value++;
_pos += length;
public void Append(scoped ReadOnlySpan<char> value)
int pos = _pos;
if (pos > _chars.Length - value.Length)
_pos += value.Length;
public Span<char> AppendSpan(int length)
int origPos = _pos;
if (origPos > _chars.Length - length)
_pos = origPos + length;
return _chars.Slice(origPos, length);
private void GrowAndAppend(char c)
private const uint ArrayMaxLength = 0x7FFFFFC7; // same as Array.MaxLength
/// <summary>
/// Resize the internal buffer either by doubling current buffer size or
/// by adding <paramref name="additionalCapacityBeyondPos"/> to
/// <see cref="_pos"/> whichever is greater.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="additionalCapacityBeyondPos">
/// Number of chars requested beyond current position.
/// </param>
private void Grow(int additionalCapacityBeyondPos)
Debug.Assert(additionalCapacityBeyondPos > 0);
Debug.Assert(_pos > _chars.Length - additionalCapacityBeyondPos, "Grow called incorrectly, no resize is needed.");
// Increase to at least the required size (_pos + additionalCapacityBeyondPos), but try
// to double the size if possible, bounding the doubling to not go beyond the max array length.
int newCapacity = (int)Math.Max(
(uint)(_pos + additionalCapacityBeyondPos),
Math.Min((uint)_chars.Length * 2, ArrayMaxLength));
// Make sure to let Rent throw an exception if the caller has a bug and the desired capacity is negative.
// This could also go negative if the actual required length wraps around.
char[] poolArray = ArrayPool<char>.Shared.Rent(newCapacity);
_chars.Slice(0, _pos).CopyTo(poolArray);
char[]? toReturn = _arrayToReturnToPool;
_chars = _arrayToReturnToPool = poolArray;
if (toReturn != null)
public void Dispose()
char[]? toReturn = _arrayToReturnToPool;
this = default; // for safety, to avoid using pooled array if this instance is erroneously appended to again
if (toReturn != null)