2 overrides of TryMapIdToToken
Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers (2)
Model\SentencePieceBpeModel.cs (1)
111public override bool TryMapIdToToken(int id, out string? token) => _vocabReverse.TryGetValue(id, out token);
Model\SentencePieceUnigramModel.cs (1)
182public override bool TryMapIdToToken(int id, out string? token)
6 references to TryMapIdToToken
Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers (6)
Model\SentencePieceBaseModel.cs (6)
251else if (!TryDecodeAsSpecialToken(this, current, considerSpecialTokens, ref sb) && TryMapIdToToken(current, out string? token)) 256else if (!TryDecodeAsSpecialToken(this, current, considerSpecialTokens, ref sb) && TryMapIdToToken(current, out string? token)) 304if (!TryDecodeAsSpecialToken(this, current, considerSpecialTokens, ref sb) && TryMapIdToToken(current, out string? token)) 491if (!isSpecialToken && TryMapIdToToken(current, out string? token)) 512if (!isSpecialToken && TryMapIdToToken(current, out string? token)) 589if (!isSpecialToken && TryMapIdToToken(current, out string? token))