// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers
/// <summary>
/// Normalize the string according to SentencePiece normalization.
/// </summary>
public sealed class SentencePieceNormalizer : Normalizer
// Maximum size of the return value of Trie, which corresponds to the maximum size of shared common prefix in the chars map.
private const int MaxTrieResultsSize = 32;
internal const char DummyPrefix = '\u2581'; // '▁' (LOWER ONE EIGHT BLOCK)
private static readonly byte[] _spaceSymbol = { 0xe2, 0x96, 0x81 }; // Utf8 of DummyPrefix; Null terminated.
private static readonly byte[] _space = { (byte)' ' };
private static readonly byte[] _replacementBytes = { 0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD, 0 }; // Utf8 of 0xFFFD; Null terminated.
private readonly DoubleArrayTrie? _trie;
private readonly byte[]? _normalized;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a SentencePieceNormalizer object.
/// </summary>
public SentencePieceNormalizer(bool removeExtraWhiteSpaces, bool addDummyPrefix, bool escapeWhiteSpaces, bool treatWhitespaceAsSuffix, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int>? specialTokens)
RemoveExtraWhiteSpaces = removeExtraWhiteSpaces;
AddDummyPrefix = addDummyPrefix;
EscapeWhiteSpaces = escapeWhiteSpaces;
TreatWhitespaceAsSuffix = treatWhitespaceAsSuffix;
SpecialTokens = specialTokens;
internal SentencePieceNormalizer(
ReadOnlySpan<byte> precompiledCharsMap,
bool removeExtraWhiteSpaces,
bool addDummyPrefix,
bool escapeWhiteSpaces,
bool treatWhitespaceAsSuffix,
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int>? specialTokens) : this(removeExtraWhiteSpaces, addDummyPrefix, escapeWhiteSpaces, treatWhitespaceAsSuffix, specialTokens)
if (precompiledCharsMap.IsEmpty)
DecodePrecompiledCharsMap(precompiledCharsMap, out DoubleArrayUnit[]? trieBlob, out _normalized);
Debug.Assert(trieBlob is not null);
_trie = new DoubleArrayTrie(trieBlob!);
/// <summary>
/// Indicate removing extra white spaces from the original string during the normalization.
/// </summary>
public bool RemoveExtraWhiteSpaces { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicate emitting the dummy prefix character U+2581 at the beginning of sentence token during the encoding.
/// </summary>
public bool AddDummyPrefix { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicate escaping white spaces by adding the dummy prefix character U+2581.
/// </summary>
public bool EscapeWhiteSpaces { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicate treating white space as suffix.
/// </summary>
public bool TreatWhitespaceAsSuffix { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicate the added tokens.
/// </summary>
public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int>? SpecialTokens { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Normalize the original string according to SentencePiece normalization.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="original">The original string to normalize.</param>
/// <returns>The normalized string.</returns>
public override string Normalize(string original)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(original))
return string.Empty;
return Normalize(original.AsSpan());
/// <summary>
/// Normalize the original string according to SentencePiece normalization.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="original">The original string to normalize.</param>
/// <returns>The normalized string.</returns>
public override string Normalize(ReadOnlySpan<char> original)
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = original.Length - 1;
if (RemoveExtraWhiteSpaces)
while (startIndex <= endIndex && original[startIndex] == ' ')
while (endIndex >= startIndex && original[endIndex] == ' ')
if (startIndex == endIndex)
return string.Empty;
int length = endIndex - startIndex + 1;
Span<char> span = stackalloc char[512];
char[]? buffer = null;
int spanLength = AddDummyPrefix ? length + 1 : length;
if (span.Length < spanLength)
// Add dummy prefix if needed
buffer = ArrayPool<char>.Shared.Rent(spanLength);
span = buffer;
span = span.Slice(0, spanLength);
int bufferIndex = 0;
if (AddDummyPrefix && !TreatWhitespaceAsSuffix)
if (SpecialTokens is not null)
InsertDummyPrefix(original, ref startIndex, endIndex, span, ref bufferIndex);
span[bufferIndex++] = EscapeWhiteSpaces ? DummyPrefix : ' ';
int originalStart = startIndex;
while (startIndex <= endIndex)
char c = original[startIndex++];
if (c == ' ')
span[bufferIndex++] = EscapeWhiteSpaces ? DummyPrefix : c;
if (RemoveExtraWhiteSpaces)
while (startIndex <= endIndex && original[startIndex] == ' ')
span[bufferIndex++] = c;
if (AddDummyPrefix && TreatWhitespaceAsSuffix)
if (SpecialTokens is not null)
InsertDummyPrefixAtEnd(span, ref bufferIndex);
// Add dummy prefix if needed
span[bufferIndex++] = EscapeWhiteSpaces ? DummyPrefix : ' ';
string result = span.Slice(0, bufferIndex).ToString();
if (buffer is not null)
return result;
private void InsertDummyPrefix(ReadOnlySpan<char> original, ref int startIndex, int endIndex, Span<char> span, ref int bufferIndex)
int currentStartIndex;
currentStartIndex = startIndex;
foreach (var kvp in SpecialTokens!)
var token = kvp.Key;
var tokenLength = token.Length;
if (startIndex + tokenLength <= endIndex && original.Slice(startIndex, tokenLength).SequenceEqual(token.AsSpan()))
bufferIndex += tokenLength;
startIndex += tokenLength;
} while (currentStartIndex < startIndex);
if (startIndex < endIndex)
// prefix should be followed with more characters, otherwise startIndex should be greater endIndex
Debug.Assert(bufferIndex < span.Length - 1);
span[bufferIndex++] = EscapeWhiteSpaces ? DummyPrefix : ' ';
private void InsertDummyPrefixAtEnd(Span<char> span, ref int bufferIndex)
int currentIndex;
int currentBufferIndex = bufferIndex - 1;
if (currentBufferIndex < 0)
currentIndex = currentBufferIndex;
foreach (var kvp in SpecialTokens!)
var token = kvp.Key;
var tokenLength = token.Length;
if (currentIndex >= tokenLength - 1 && span.Slice(currentIndex - tokenLength + 1, tokenLength).SequenceEqual(token.AsSpan()))
currentBufferIndex -= tokenLength;
} while (currentBufferIndex > 0 && currentBufferIndex < currentIndex);
if (currentBufferIndex > 0)
// prefix should be proceeded with more characters, otherwise currentBufferIndex should be 0 or less
Debug.Assert(bufferIndex < span.Length);
int i = bufferIndex;
while (i > currentBufferIndex + 1)
span[i] = span[i - 1];
span[currentBufferIndex + 1] = EscapeWhiteSpaces ? DummyPrefix : ' ';
// Returns the longest consumed prefix of |input| that can be normalized.
// if we return normalizedPrefix == default, means no normalization and the original input span should be used.
private int NormalizePrefix(ReadOnlySpan<byte> input, out Memory<byte> normalizedPrefix)
int longestLength = 0;
int longestValue = 0;
if (_trie is not null)
// Allocates trie_results in stack, which makes the encoding speed 36% faster. (38k sentences/sec => 60k sentences/sec).
// Builder checks that the result size never exceeds kMaxTrieResultsSize. This array consumes 0.5kByte in stack,
// which is less than default stack frames (16kByte).
Span<DoubleArrayResultPair> trieResults = stackalloc DoubleArrayResultPair[MaxTrieResultsSize];
int numNodes = _trie.CommonPrefixSearch(input, trieResults);
// Finds the longest rule.
for (int k = 0; k < numNodes; ++k)
if (longestLength == 0 || trieResults[k].Length > longestLength)
longestLength = trieResults[k].Length; // length of prefix
longestValue = trieResults[k].Value; // pointer to |_normalized|.
int result;
if (longestLength == 0)
if (!Helpers.IsValidDecodeUtf8(input, out int length))
// Found a malformed utf8.
// The rune is set to be 0xFFFD (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER), which is a valid Unicode of three bytes in utf8, but here we only consume one byte.
result = 1;
normalizedPrefix = new Memory<byte>(_replacementBytes, 0, 3);
result = length;
normalizedPrefix = default;
Debug.Assert(_normalized is not null);
result = longestLength;
// Calculate the length of the normalized prefix.
int normalizedLength = longestValue;
while (normalizedLength < _normalized!.Length && _normalized[normalizedLength] != 0)
normalizedPrefix = new Memory<byte>(_normalized, longestValue, normalizedLength - longestValue);
return result;
internal int Normalize(ReadOnlySpan<byte> input, ref Span<byte> normalized, ref byte[]? poolArray)
if (input.IsEmpty)
return 0;
int consumed = 0;
// Ignores heading space.
if (RemoveExtraWhiteSpaces)
while (!input.IsEmpty)
int p = NormalizePrefix(input, out Memory<byte> normalizedPrefix);
Debug.Assert(p > 0);
if (p != 1)
ReadOnlySpan<byte> normalizedByte = normalizedPrefix.Length == 0 ? input.Slice(0, p) : normalizedPrefix.Span;
if (normalizedByte[0] != (byte)' ')
input = input.Slice(p);
consumed += p;
// all chars are whitespace.
if (input.IsEmpty)
return 0;
int normalizedIndex = 0;
// Adds a space symbol as a prefix (default is true) With this prefix, "world" and "hello world" are converted into
// "_world" and "_hello_world", which help the trainer to extract "_world" as one symbol.
if (!TreatWhitespaceAsSuffix && AddDummyPrefix)
AddWhiteSpace(this, normalized, ref normalizedIndex, ref poolArray);
bool isPrevSpace = RemoveExtraWhiteSpaces;
while (!input.IsEmpty)
int p = NormalizePrefix(input, out Memory<byte> normalizedPrefix);
ReadOnlySpan<byte> sp = normalizedPrefix.Length == 0 ? input.Slice(0, p) : normalizedPrefix.Span;
// Removes heading spaces in sentence piece, if the previous sentence piece ends with whitespace.
while (isPrevSpace && sp.Length > 0 && sp[0] == (byte)' ')
sp = sp.Slice(1);
if (!sp.IsEmpty)
for (int n = 0; n < sp.Length; ++n)
if (EscapeWhiteSpaces && sp[n] == ' ')
if (normalized.Length <= normalizedIndex + _spaceSymbol.Length)
Helpers.ArrayPoolGrow(ref normalized, ref poolArray, (normalizedIndex + _spaceSymbol.Length) << 1);
// replace ' ' with _spaceSymbol.
normalizedIndex += _spaceSymbol.Length;
if (normalized.Length <= normalizedIndex + 1)
Helpers.ArrayPoolGrow(ref normalized, ref poolArray, (normalizedIndex + 1) << 1);
normalized[normalizedIndex++] = sp[n];
// Checks whether the last character of sp is whitespace.
isPrevSpace = sp[sp.Length - 1] == (byte)' ';
input = input.Slice(p);
if (!RemoveExtraWhiteSpaces)
isPrevSpace = false;
// Ignores trailing space.
if (RemoveExtraWhiteSpaces)
Span<byte> space = EscapeWhiteSpaces ? _spaceSymbol : _space;
while (normalized.Slice(0, normalizedIndex).EndsWith(space))
int length = normalizedIndex - space.Length;
if (length < 0)
return normalizedIndex;
normalizedIndex = length; // cut spaces
// Adds a space symbol as a suffix (default is false)
if (TreatWhitespaceAsSuffix && AddDummyPrefix)
AddWhiteSpace(this, normalized, ref normalizedIndex, ref poolArray);
return normalizedIndex;
// adds _spaceSymbol to the current context.
static void AddWhiteSpace(SentencePieceNormalizer normalizer, Span<byte> normalized, ref int normalizedIndex, ref byte[]? poolArray)
if (normalizer.EscapeWhiteSpaces)
if (normalized.Length <= normalizedIndex + _spaceSymbol.Length)
Helpers.ArrayPoolGrow(ref normalized, ref poolArray, (normalizedIndex + _spaceSymbol.Length) << 1);
normalizedIndex += _spaceSymbol.Length;
if (normalized.Length <= normalizedIndex + 1)
Helpers.ArrayPoolGrow(ref normalized, ref poolArray, (normalizedIndex + 1) << 1);
normalized[normalizedIndex] = (byte)' ';
private unsafe void DecodePrecompiledCharsMap(ReadOnlySpan<byte> blob, out DoubleArrayUnit[]? trieBlob, out byte[]? normalized)
uint trieBlobSize = 0;
if (blob.Length <= sizeof(uint))
throw new ArgumentException("Blob for normalization rule is broken.");
fixed (byte* pBlob = blob)
trieBlobSize = *(uint*)pBlob;
if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
trieBlobSize = Helpers.Swap32(trieBlobSize);
if (trieBlobSize >= blob.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("Trie data size exceeds the input blob size.");
blob = blob.Slice(sizeof(uint));
if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
fixed (byte* pBlob = blob)
uint* data = (uint*)pBlob;
// Perform necessary operations for Big Endian
for (int i = 0; i < trieBlobSize / 4; ++i)
data[i] = Helpers.Swap32(data[i]);
fixed (byte* pBlob = blob.Slice(0, (int)trieBlobSize))
trieBlob = new Span<DoubleArrayUnit>((DoubleArrayUnit*)pBlob, (int)trieBlobSize / 4).ToArray();
normalized = blob.Slice((int)trieBlobSize).ToArray();