File: EnglishRobertaTests.cs
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Project: src\test\Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers.Tests\Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Xunit;
using System.Buffers;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers.Tests
    public class EnglishRobertaTests
        public static IEnumerable<object[]> BertaData
                // Sentence, Expected Ids, Expected Tokens, Expected Offsets, Decoded Tokens, Token occurrence values
                yield return new object[]
                    "Hello Berta",
                    new int[] { 15496, 22108, 64 },
                    new string[] { "Hello", "\u0120Bert", "a" },
                    new (int, int)[] { (0, 5), (5, 5), (10, 1) },
                    new int[] { 35245, 144292, 18759122 },
                    new string[] { "Hello", " Bert", "a" },
                // Intentionally repeating the same case data to test caching.
                // Sentence, Expected Ids, Expected Tokens, Expected Offsets, Decoded Tokens, Token occurrence values
                yield return new object[]
                    "Hello Berta",
                    new int[] { 15496, 22108, 64 },
                    new string[] { "Hello", "\u0120Bert", "a" },
                    new (int, int)[] { (0, 5), (5, 5), (10, 1) },
                    new int[] { 35245, 144292, 18759122 },
                    new string[] { "Hello", " Bert", "a" },
                // Sentence, Expected Ids, Expected Tokens, Expected Offsets, Decoded Tokens, Token occurrence values
                yield return new object[]
                    "In the night.", // Highest occurrence tokens
                    new int[] { 818, 262, 1755, 13 },
                    new string[] { "In", "\u0120the", "\u0120night", "." },
                    new (int, int)[] { (0, 2), (2, 4), (6, 6), (12, 1) },
                    new int[] { 2224123, 800385005, 6062347, 850314647 },
                    new string[] { "In", " the", " night", "." },
                // Sentence, Expected Ids, Expected Tokens, Expected Offsets, Decoded Tokens, Token occurrence values
                yield return new object[]
                    "He\U0001F601llo Ber\U0001F601ta", // Non-Latin characters should be ignored
                    new int[] { 1544, 18798, 4312, 8326 },
                    new string[] { "He", "llo", "ĠBer", "ta" },
                    new (int, int)[] { (0, 2), (4, 3), (7, 4), (13, 2) },
                    new int[] { 2759525, 207306, 565286, 560191 },
                    new string[] { "He", "llo", " Ber", "ta" },
                // Sentence, Expected Ids, Expected Tokens, Expected Offsets, Decoded Tokens, Token occurrence values
                yield return new object[]
                    "\U0001F601\U0001F601\u0660\u0340", // Full Non-Latin string
                    new int[] { },
                    new string[] {  },
                    new (int, int)[] { },
                    new int[] {  },
                    new string[] {  },
        private static Tokenizer? _robertaTokenizer = null;
        private static Tokenizer GetRobertaTokenizer()
            if (_robertaTokenizer is null)
                // encoder.json is same as vocab.json
                // vocab.bpe is same as merges.txt
                // "";
                // "";
                // "";
                _robertaTokenizer = EnglishRobertaTokenizer.Create(
                                            Path.Combine(@"Gpt-2", "vocab.json"),
                                            Path.Combine(@"Gpt-2", "merges.txt"),
                                            Path.Combine(@"Gpt-2", "dict.txt"),
            return _robertaTokenizer;
        public void TokenizationTest()
            // encoder.json is same as vocab.json
            // vocab.bpe is same as merges.txt
            // "";
            // "";
            // "";
            string vocabFile = Path.Combine(@"Gpt-2", "vocab.json");
            string mergeFile = Path.Combine(@"Gpt-2", "merges.txt");
            string translationFile = Path.Combine(@"Gpt-2", "dict.txt");
            Tokenizer tokenizer = EnglishRobertaTokenizer.Create(vocabFile, mergeFile, translationFile, RobertaPreTokenizer.Instance);
            tokenizer = EnglishRobertaTokenizer.Create(vocabFile, mergeFile, translationFile, RobertaPreTokenizer.Instance, filterUnsupportedChars: false);
            using Stream vocabStream = File.OpenRead(vocabFile);
            using Stream mergeStream = File.OpenRead(mergeFile);
            using Stream translationStream = File.OpenRead(translationFile);
            tokenizer = EnglishRobertaTokenizer.Create(vocabStream, mergeStream, translationStream, RobertaPreTokenizer.Instance);
            // Ensure caching works regardless of which method is called first.
            for (CallingOrder order = CallingOrder.Encode; order <= CallingOrder.CountTokens; order++)
                tokenizer = EnglishRobertaTokenizer.Create(vocabFile, mergeFile, translationFile, RobertaPreTokenizer.Instance);
                TestTokenizer(tokenizer, order);
                tokenizer = EnglishRobertaTokenizer.Create(vocabFile, mergeFile, translationFile, RobertaPreTokenizer.Instance, filterUnsupportedChars: false);
                TestTokenizer(tokenizer, order);
        public static IEnumerable<object?[]> RobertaTestData
                // string to tokenize, produced tokens, the token offsets
                yield return new object?[]
                    "the brown fox jumped over the lazy dog!",
                    new string[] { "the", "Ġbrown", "Ġfox", "Ġjumped", "Ġover", "Ġthe", "Ġlazy", "Ġdog", "!" },
                    new (int Index, int Length)[] { (0, 3), (3, 6), (9, 4), (13, 7), (20, 5), (25, 4), (29, 5), (34, 4), (38, 1) },
                    new int[] { 1169, 7586, 21831, 11687, 625, 262, 16931, 3290, 0 }
                yield return new object?[]
                    "he traveled to Egypt during the summer, the weather was hot and ammunition." ,
                    new string[] { "he", "Ġtraveled", "Ġto", "ĠEgypt", "Ġduring", "Ġthe", "Ġsummer", ",", "Ġthe", "Ġweather", "Ġwas", "Ġhot", "Ġand", "Ġammunition", "." },
                    new (int Index, int Length)[] { (0, 2), (2, 9), (11, 3), (14, 6), (20, 7), (27, 4), (31, 7), (38, 1), (39, 4), (43, 8), (51, 4), (55, 4), (59, 4), (63, 11), (74, 1) },
                    new int[] { 258, 14113, 284, 6365, 1141, 262, 3931, 11, 262, 6193, 373, 3024, 290, 14271, 13 }
                yield return new object?[]
                    "She played many games and she felt exhausted afterward",
                    new string[] { "She", "Ġplayed", "Ġmany", "Ġgames", "Ġand", "Ġshe", "Ġfelt", "Ġexhausted", "Ġafterward" },
                    new (int Index, int Length)[] { (0, 3), (3, 7), (10, 5), (15, 6), (21, 4), (25, 4), (29, 5), (34, 10), (44, 10) },
                    new int[] { 3347, 2826, 867, 1830, 290, 673, 2936, 19064, 20875 }
                yield return new object?[]
                    "Hello, y'all! How are you 😁 ?",
                    new string[] { "Hello", ",", "Ġy", "'", "all", "!", "ĠHow", "Ġare", "Ġyou", "Ġ", "Ġ?" },
                    new (int Index, int Length)[] { (0, 5), (5, 1), (6, 2), (8, 1), (9, 3), (12, 1), (13, 4), (17, 4), (21, 4), (25, 1), (28, 2) },
                    new int[] { 15496, 11, 331, 6, 439, 0, 1374, 389, 345, 220, 5633 }
        public void TestTokenizerEncoding(string text, string[] expectedTokens, (int Index, int Length)[] expectedOffsets, int[] expectedIds)
            Tokenizer tokenizer = GetRobertaTokenizer();
            IReadOnlyList<EncodedToken> encoding = tokenizer.EncodeToTokens(text, out _);
            IReadOnlyList<EncodedToken> encoding1 = tokenizer.EncodeToTokens(text.AsSpan(), out _);
            Assert.Equal(expectedTokens, encoding.Select(t => t.Value).ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(expectedOffsets, encoding.Select(t => t.Offset).ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds, encoding.Select(t => t.Id).ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(expectedTokens, encoding1.Select(t => t.Value).ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(expectedOffsets, encoding1.Select(t => t.Offset).ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds, encoding1.Select(t => t.Id).ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds, tokenizer.EncodeToIds(text));
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds, tokenizer.EncodeToIds(text.AsSpan()));
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds, tokenizer.EncodeToIds(text, expectedIds.Length, out string? normalizedString, out int length));
            Assert.Equal(text.Length, length);
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds, tokenizer.EncodeToIds(text.AsSpan(), expectedIds.Length, out normalizedString, out length));
            Assert.Equal(text.Length, length);
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds.Take(expectedIds.Length - 2), tokenizer.EncodeToIds(text, expectedIds.Length - 2, out normalizedString, out length));
            int expectedLength = expectedOffsets[expectedOffsets.Length - 3].Index + expectedOffsets[expectedOffsets.Length - 3].Length;
            Assert.Equal(expectedLength, length);
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds.Take(expectedIds.Length - 2), tokenizer.EncodeToIds(text.AsSpan(), expectedIds.Length - 2, out normalizedString, out length));
            Assert.Equal(expectedLength, length);
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds.Length, tokenizer.CountTokens(text));
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds.Length, tokenizer.CountTokens(text.AsSpan()));
            Assert.Equal(expectedOffsets[expectedOffsets.Length - 4].Index + expectedOffsets[expectedOffsets.Length - 4].Length, tokenizer.GetIndexByTokenCount(text, expectedIds.Length - 3, out normalizedString, out int tokenCount));
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds.Length - 3, tokenCount);
            Assert.Equal(expectedOffsets[expectedOffsets.Length - 4].Index + expectedOffsets[expectedOffsets.Length - 4].Length, tokenizer.GetIndexByTokenCount(text.AsSpan(), expectedIds.Length - 3, out normalizedString, out tokenCount));
            Assert.Equal(expectedIds.Length - 3, tokenCount);
            Assert.Equal(expectedOffsets[expectedOffsets.Length - 3].Index, tokenizer.GetIndexByTokenCountFromEnd(text, 3, out normalizedString, out tokenCount));
            Assert.Equal(3, tokenCount);
            Assert.Equal(expectedOffsets[expectedOffsets.Length - 3].Index, tokenizer.GetIndexByTokenCountFromEnd(text.AsSpan(), 3, out normalizedString, out tokenCount));
            Assert.Equal(3, tokenCount);
        private enum CallingOrder
        // Calling EncodeToIds after calling Encode will cause EncodeToIds uses the cached data from the previous Encode call.
        // Calling with callIdsFirst = true will test the other way around.
        private void TestTokenizer(Tokenizer tokenizer, CallingOrder callingOrder = CallingOrder.Encode)
            Assert.True(tokenizer is EnglishRobertaTokenizer);
            Assert.True(tokenizer.PreTokenizer is RobertaPreTokenizer);
            foreach (object[] p in BertaData)
                IReadOnlyList<int> ids;
                IReadOnlyList<EncodedToken> encoding;
                int idsCount;
                if (callingOrder == CallingOrder.Encode)
                    encoding = tokenizer.EncodeToTokens((string)p[0], out _);
                    ids = tokenizer.EncodeToIds((string)p[0]);
                    idsCount = tokenizer.CountTokens((string)p[0]);
                else if (callingOrder == CallingOrder.EncodeToIds)
                    ids = tokenizer.EncodeToIds((string)p[0]);
                    encoding = tokenizer.EncodeToTokens((string)p[0], out _);
                    idsCount = tokenizer.CountTokens((string)p[0]);
                else // CountTokens
                    idsCount = tokenizer.CountTokens((string)p[0]);
                    ids = tokenizer.EncodeToIds((string)p[0]);
                    encoding = tokenizer.EncodeToTokens((string)p[0], out _);
                int[] encodingIds = encoding.Select(t => t.Id).ToArray();
                (int, int)[] offsets = encoding.Select(t => t.Offset).ToArray();
                string[] tokens = encoding.Select(t => t.Value).ToArray();
                Assert.Equal(p[1], encodingIds);
                Assert.Equal(p[1], ids);
                Assert.Equal(((int[])p[1]).Length, idsCount);
                Assert.Equal(p[3], offsets);
                EnglishRobertaTokenizer? robertaModel = tokenizer as EnglishRobertaTokenizer;
                Assert.Equal(p[2], tokens);
                string expectedDecodedString = string.Concat((string[])(p[robertaModel!.FilterUnsupportedChars ? 5 : 2]));
                Assert.Equal(expectedDecodedString, tokenizer.Decode(encodingIds));
                TestDecodingWithSpan(robertaModel, encodingIds, expectedDecodedString);
                Assert.Equal(encodingIds, robertaModel!.ConvertOccurrenceRanksToIds(robertaModel!.ConvertIdsToOccurrenceRanks(encodingIds)));
                Assert.Equal(p[4], robertaModel.ConvertIdsToOccurrenceValues(encodingIds));
                var reverseVocab = robertaModel.Vocabulary.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Value, kvp => kvp.Key);
                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                    if (robertaModel.FilterUnsupportedChars)
                        string[]? filteredToken = p[5] as string[];
                        Assert.Equal(filteredToken![i], reverseVocab[encodingIds[i]].Replace("\u0120", " "));
                        Assert.Equal(tokens[i], reverseVocab[encodingIds[i]]);
                        string[]? unfilteredToken = p[2] as string[];
                        Assert.Equal(unfilteredToken![i], reverseVocab[encodingIds[i]]);
                    Assert.Equal(encodingIds[i], robertaModel.Vocabulary[tokens[i]]);
        private void TestDecodingWithSpan(EnglishRobertaTokenizer tokenizer, int[] ids, string expectedDecoded)
            char[] destinationBuffer = new char[expectedDecoded.Length];
            OperationStatus status;
            int lastIdsConsumed = 0;
            int lastCharactersWritten = 0;
            int idsConsumed;
            int charactersWritten;
            for (int i = 1; i < destinationBuffer.Length - 1; i += Math.Max(1, destinationBuffer.Length - 3)) // enough to test length 1, and destinationBuffer.Length - 2 only.
                status = tokenizer.Decode(ids, destinationBuffer.AsSpan().Slice(0, i), out idsConsumed, out charactersWritten);
                Assert.Equal(OperationStatus.DestinationTooSmall, status);
                Assert.True(idsConsumed < ids.Length);
                Assert.True(idsConsumed >= lastIdsConsumed);
                Assert.True(charactersWritten < expectedDecoded.Length);
                Assert.True(charactersWritten >= lastCharactersWritten);
            status = tokenizer.Decode(ids, destinationBuffer.AsSpan(), out idsConsumed, out charactersWritten);
            Assert.Equal(OperationStatus.Done, status);
            Assert.Equal(ids.Length, idsConsumed);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDecoded.Length, charactersWritten);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDecoded, destinationBuffer.AsSpan().ToString());