// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.CommandLine;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries;
[assembly: LoadableClass(SsaForecastingTransformer.Summary, typeof(IDataTransform), typeof(SsaForecastingTransformer), typeof(SsaForecastingTransformer.Options), typeof(SignatureDataTransform),
SsaForecastingTransformer.UserName, SsaForecastingTransformer.LoaderSignature, SsaForecastingTransformer.ShortName)]
[assembly: LoadableClass(SsaForecastingTransformer.Summary, typeof(IDataTransform), typeof(SsaForecastingTransformer), null, typeof(SignatureLoadDataTransform),
SsaForecastingTransformer.UserName, SsaForecastingTransformer.LoaderSignature)]
[assembly: LoadableClass(SsaForecastingTransformer.Summary, typeof(SsaForecastingTransformer), null, typeof(SignatureLoadModel),
SsaForecastingTransformer.UserName, SsaForecastingTransformer.LoaderSignature)]
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(IRowMapper), typeof(SsaForecastingTransformer), null, typeof(SignatureLoadRowMapper),
SsaForecastingTransformer.UserName, SsaForecastingTransformer.LoaderSignature)]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="ITransformer"/> resulting from fitting a <see cref="SsaForecastingEstimator"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class SsaForecastingTransformer : SsaForecastingBaseWrapper, IStatefulTransformer
internal const string Summary = "This transform forecasts using Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA).";
internal const string LoaderSignature = "SsaForecasting";
internal const string UserName = "SSA Forecasting";
internal const string ShortName = "ssafcst";
internal sealed class Options : TransformInputBase
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The name of the source column.", ShortName = "src", SortOrder = 1, Purpose = SpecialPurpose.ColumnName)]
public string Source;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The name of the new column.", SortOrder = 2)]
public string Name;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The name of the confidence interval lower bound column.", ShortName = "cnfminname", SortOrder = 3)]
public string ConfidenceLowerBoundColumn;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The name of the confidence interval upper bound column.", ShortName = "cnfmaxnname", SortOrder = 3)]
public string ConfidenceUpperBoundColumn;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The discount factor in [0,1] used for online updates.", ShortName = "disc", SortOrder = 5)]
public float DiscountFactor = 1;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The flag determing whether the model is adaptive", ShortName = "adp", SortOrder = 6)]
public bool IsAdaptive = false;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The length of the window on the series for building the trajectory matrix (parameter L).", SortOrder = 2)]
public int WindowSize;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The rank selection method.", SortOrder = 3)]
public RankSelectionMethod RankSelectionMethod = RankSelectionMethod.Exact;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The desired rank of the subspace used for SSA projection (parameter r). This parameter should be in the range in [1, windowSize]. " +
"If set to null, the rank is automatically determined based on prediction error minimization.", SortOrder = 3)]
public int? Rank = null;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The maximum rank considered during the rank selection process. If not provided (i.e. set to null), it is set to windowSize - 1.", SortOrder = 3)]
public int? MaxRank = null;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The flag determining whether the model should be stabilized.", SortOrder = 3)]
public bool ShouldStabilize = true;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The flag determining whether the meta information for the model needs to be maintained.", SortOrder = 3)]
public bool ShouldMaintainInfo = false;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The maximum growth on the exponential trend.", SortOrder = 3)]
public GrowthRatio? MaxGrowth = null;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The length of series that is kept in buffer for modeling (parameter N).", SortOrder = 2)]
public int SeriesLength;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The length of series from the beginning used for training.", SortOrder = 2)]
public int TrainSize;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The number of values to forecast.", SortOrder = 2)]
public int Horizon;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The confidence level in [0, 1) for forecasting.", SortOrder = 2)]
public float ConfidenceLevel = 0.95f;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Set this to true horizon will change at prediction time.", SortOrder = 2)]
public bool VariableHorizon;
private sealed class BaseArguments : SsaForecastingOptions
public BaseArguments(Options options)
Source = options.Source;
Name = options.Name;
ConfidenceLowerBoundColumn = options.ConfidenceLowerBoundColumn;
ConfidenceUpperBoundColumn = options.ConfidenceUpperBoundColumn;
WindowSize = options.WindowSize;
DiscountFactor = options.DiscountFactor;
IsAdaptive = options.IsAdaptive;
RankSelectionMethod = options.RankSelectionMethod;
Rank = options.Rank;
ShouldStablize = options.ShouldStabilize;
MaxGrowth = options.MaxGrowth;
SeriesLength = options.SeriesLength;
TrainSize = options.TrainSize;
Horizon = options.Horizon;
ConfidenceLevel = options.ConfidenceLevel;
VariableHorizon = options.VariableHorizon;
private static VersionInfo GetVersionInfo()
return new VersionInfo(
modelSignature: "FRCSTRNS",
verWrittenCur: 0x00010001, // Initial
verReadableCur: 0x00010001,
verWeCanReadBack: 0x00010001,
loaderSignature: LoaderSignature,
loaderAssemblyName: typeof(SsaForecastingTransformer).Assembly.FullName);
internal SsaForecastingTransformer(IHostEnvironment env, Options options, IDataView input)
: base(new BaseArguments(options), LoaderSignature, env)
InternalTransform.Model.Train(new RoleMappedData(input, null, InternalTransform.InputColumnName));
// Factory method for SignatureDataTransform.
private static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, Options options, IDataView input)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
env.CheckValue(options, nameof(options));
env.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
return new SsaForecastingTransformer(env, options, input).MakeDataTransform(input);
internal SsaForecastingTransformer(IHostEnvironment env, Options options)
: base(new BaseArguments(options), LoaderSignature, env)
// This constructor is empty.
// Factory method for SignatureLoadDataTransform.
private static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx, IDataView input)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
env.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
env.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
return new SsaForecastingTransformer(env, ctx).MakeDataTransform(input);
IStatefulTransformer IStatefulTransformer.Clone()
var clone = (SsaForecastingTransformer)MemberwiseClone();
clone.InternalTransform.Model = clone.InternalTransform.Model.Clone();
clone.InternalTransform.StateRef = (SsaForecastingBase.State)clone.InternalTransform.StateRef.Clone();
clone.InternalTransform.StateRef.InitState(clone.InternalTransform, InternalTransform.Host);
return clone;
// Factory method for SignatureLoadModel.
internal static SsaForecastingTransformer Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
env.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
return new SsaForecastingTransformer(env, ctx);
private SsaForecastingTransformer(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
: base(env, ctx, LoaderSignature)
// *** Binary format ***
// <base>
InternalTransform.Host.CheckDecode(InternalTransform.IsAdaptive == false);
private protected override void SaveModel(ModelSaveContext ctx)
InternalTransform.Host.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
InternalTransform.Host.Assert(InternalTransform.IsAdaptive == false);
// *** Binary format ***
// <base>
// Factory method for SignatureLoadRowMapper.
private static IRowMapper Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx, DataViewSchema inputSchema)
=> Create(env, ctx).MakeRowMapper(inputSchema);
/// <summary>
/// Forecasts using Singular Spectrum Analysis.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <format type="text/markdown"><)
/// [!include[io](~/../docs/samples/docs/api-reference/io-time-series-ssa-forecast.md)]
/// ### Estimator Characteristics
/// | | |
/// | -- | -- |
/// | Does this estimator need to look at the data to train its parameters? | Yes |
/// | Input column data type | <xref:System.Single> |
/// | Output column data type | Vector of <xref:System.Single> |
/// | Exportable to ONNX | No |
/// [!include[io](~/../docs/samples/docs/api-reference/time-series-props.md)]
/// [!include[io](~/../docs/samples/docs/api-reference/time-series-ssa.md)]
/// Check the See Also section for links to usage examples.
/// ]]>
/// </format>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Microsoft.ML.TimeSeriesCatalog.ForecastBySsa(Microsoft.ML.ForecastingCatalog,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Single,Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries.RankSelectionMethod,System.Int32?,System.Int32?,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries.GrowthRatio?,System.String,System.String,System.Single,System.Boolean)" />
public sealed class SsaForecastingEstimator : IEstimator<SsaForecastingTransformer>
private readonly IHost _host;
private readonly SsaForecastingTransformer.Options _options;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new instance of <see cref="SsaForecastingEstimator"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="env">Host Environment.</param>
/// <param name="outputColumnName">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
/// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of column to transform. If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="outputColumnName"/> will be used as source.
/// The vector contains Alert, Raw Score, P-Value as first three values.</param>
/// <param name="windowSize">The length of the window on the series for building the trajectory matrix (parameter L).</param>
/// <param name="seriesLength">The length of series that is kept in buffer for modeling (parameter N).</param>
/// <param name="trainSize">The length of series from the beginning used for training.</param>
/// <param name="horizon">The number of values to forecast.</param>
/// <param name="isAdaptive">The flag determing whether the model is adaptive.</param>
/// <param name="discountFactor">The discount factor in [0,1] used for online updates.</param>
/// <param name="rankSelectionMethod">The rank selection method.</param>
/// <param name="rank">The desired rank of the subspace used for SSA projection (parameter r). This parameter should be in the range in [1, windowSize].
/// If set to null, the rank is automatically determined based on prediction error minimization.</param>
/// <param name="maxRank">The maximum rank considered during the rank selection process. If not provided (i.e. set to null), it is set to windowSize - 1.</param>
/// <param name="shouldStabilize">The flag determining whether the model should be stabilized.</param>
/// <param name="shouldMaintainInfo">The flag determining whether the meta information for the model needs to be maintained.</param>
/// <param name="maxGrowth">The maximum growth on the exponential trend.</param>
/// <param name="confidenceLowerBoundColumn">The name of the confidence interval lower bound column. If not specified then confidence intervals will not be calculated.</param>
/// <param name="confidenceUpperBoundColumn">The name of the confidence interval upper bound column. If not specified then confidence intervals will not be calculated.</param>
/// <param name="confidenceLevel">The confidence level for forecasting.</param>
/// <param name="variableHorizon">Set this to true if horizon will change after training.</param>
internal SsaForecastingEstimator(IHostEnvironment env,
string outputColumnName,
string inputColumnName,
int windowSize,
int seriesLength,
int trainSize,
int horizon,
bool isAdaptive = false,
float discountFactor = 1,
RankSelectionMethod rankSelectionMethod = RankSelectionMethod.Exact,
int? rank = null,
int? maxRank = null,
bool shouldStabilize = true,
bool shouldMaintainInfo = false,
GrowthRatio? maxGrowth = null,
string confidenceLowerBoundColumn = null,
string confidenceUpperBoundColumn = null,
float confidenceLevel = 0.95f,
bool variableHorizon = false)
: this(env, new SsaForecastingTransformer.Options
Source = inputColumnName ?? outputColumnName,
Name = outputColumnName,
DiscountFactor = discountFactor,
IsAdaptive = isAdaptive,
WindowSize = windowSize,
RankSelectionMethod = rankSelectionMethod,
Rank = rank,
MaxRank = maxRank,
ShouldStabilize = shouldStabilize,
ShouldMaintainInfo = shouldMaintainInfo,
MaxGrowth = maxGrowth,
ConfidenceLevel = confidenceLevel,
ConfidenceLowerBoundColumn = confidenceLowerBoundColumn,
ConfidenceUpperBoundColumn = confidenceUpperBoundColumn,
SeriesLength = seriesLength,
TrainSize = trainSize,
VariableHorizon = variableHorizon,
Horizon = horizon
internal SsaForecastingEstimator(IHostEnvironment env, SsaForecastingTransformer.Options options)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
_host = env.Register(nameof(SsaForecastingEstimator));
_host.CheckNonEmpty(options.Name, nameof(options.Name));
_host.CheckNonEmpty(options.Source, nameof(options.Source));
_options = options;
/// <summary>
/// Train and return a transformer.
/// </summary>
public SsaForecastingTransformer Fit(IDataView input)
_host.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
return new SsaForecastingTransformer(_host, _options, input);
/// <summary>
/// Schema propagation for transformers.
/// Returns the output schema of the data, if the input schema is like the one provided.
/// Creates three output columns if confidence intervals are requested otherwise
/// just one.
/// </summary>
public SchemaShape GetOutputSchema(SchemaShape inputSchema)
_host.CheckValue(inputSchema, nameof(inputSchema));
if (!inputSchema.TryFindColumn(_options.Source, out var col))
throw _host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(inputSchema), "input", _options.Source);
if (col.ItemType != NumberDataViewType.Single)
throw _host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(inputSchema), "input", _options.Source, "Single", col.GetTypeString());
var resultDic = inputSchema.ToDictionary(x => x.Name);
resultDic[_options.Name] = new SchemaShape.Column(
_options.Name, SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Vector, NumberDataViewType.Single, false);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_options.ConfidenceUpperBoundColumn))
resultDic[_options.ConfidenceLowerBoundColumn] = new SchemaShape.Column(
_options.ConfidenceLowerBoundColumn, SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Vector,
NumberDataViewType.Single, false);
resultDic[_options.ConfidenceUpperBoundColumn] = new SchemaShape.Column(
_options.ConfidenceUpperBoundColumn, SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Vector,
NumberDataViewType.Single, false);
return new SchemaShape(resultDic.Values);