// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.CommandLine;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries;
[assembly: LoadableClass(SrCnnAnomalyDetector.Summary, typeof(IDataTransform), typeof(SrCnnAnomalyDetector), typeof(SrCnnAnomalyDetector.Options), typeof(SignatureDataTransform),
SrCnnAnomalyDetector.UserName, SrCnnAnomalyDetector.LoaderSignature, SrCnnAnomalyDetector.ShortName)]
[assembly: LoadableClass(SrCnnAnomalyDetector.Summary, typeof(IDataTransform), typeof(SrCnnAnomalyDetector), null, typeof(SignatureLoadDataTransform),
SrCnnAnomalyDetector.UserName, SrCnnAnomalyDetector.LoaderSignature)]
[assembly: LoadableClass(SrCnnAnomalyDetector.Summary, typeof(SrCnnAnomalyDetector), null, typeof(SignatureLoadModel),
SrCnnAnomalyDetector.UserName, SrCnnAnomalyDetector.LoaderSignature)]
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(IRowMapper), typeof(SrCnnAnomalyDetector), null, typeof(SignatureLoadRowMapper),
SrCnnAnomalyDetector.UserName, SrCnnAnomalyDetector.LoaderSignature)]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="ITransformer"/> resulting from fitting a <see cref="SrCnnAnomalyEstimator"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class SrCnnAnomalyDetector : SrCnnAnomalyDetectionBase, IStatefulTransformer
internal const string Summary = "This transform detects the anomalies in a time-series using SRCNN.";
internal const string LoaderSignature = "SrCnnAnomalyDetector";
internal const string UserName = "SrCnn Anomaly Detection";
internal const string ShortName = "srcnn";
internal sealed class Options : TransformInputBase
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The name of the source column.", ShortName = "src",
SortOrder = 1, Purpose = SpecialPurpose.ColumnName)]
public string Source;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The name of the new column.",
SortOrder = 2)]
public string Name;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The size of the sliding window for computing spectral residual", ShortName = "wnd",
SortOrder = 101)]
public int WindowSize = 24;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The number of points to the back of training window.",
ShortName = "backwnd", SortOrder = 102)]
public int BackAddWindowSize = 5;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The number of pervious points used in prediction.",
ShortName = "aheadwnd", SortOrder = 103)]
public int LookaheadWindowSize = 5;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The size of sliding window to generate a saliency map for the series.",
ShortName = "avgwnd", SortOrder = 104)]
public int AvergingWindowSize = 3;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The size of sliding window to calculate the anomaly score for each data point.",
ShortName = "jdgwnd", SortOrder = 105)]
public int JudgementWindowSize = 21;
[Argument(ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "The threshold to determine anomaly, score larger than the threshold is considered as anomaly.",
ShortName = "thre", SortOrder = 106)]
public double Threshold = 0.3;
private sealed class SrCnnArgument : SrCnnArgumentBase
public SrCnnArgument(Options options)
Source = options.Source;
Name = options.Name;
WindowSize = options.WindowSize;
InitialWindowSize = 0;
BackAddWindowSize = options.BackAddWindowSize;
LookaheadWindowSize = options.LookaheadWindowSize;
AvergingWindowSize = options.AvergingWindowSize;
JudgementWindowSize = options.JudgementWindowSize;
Threshold = options.Threshold;
public SrCnnArgument(SrCnnAnomalyDetector transform)
Source = transform.InternalTransform.InputColumnName;
Name = transform.InternalTransform.OutputColumnName;
WindowSize = transform.InternalTransform.WindowSize;
InitialWindowSize = 0;
BackAddWindowSize = transform.InternalTransform.BackAddWindowSize;
LookaheadWindowSize = transform.InternalTransform.LookaheadWindowSize;
AvergingWindowSize = transform.InternalTransform.AvergingWindowSize;
JudgementWindowSize = transform.InternalTransform.JudgementWindowSize;
Threshold = transform.InternalTransform.AlertThreshold;
private static VersionInfo GetVersionInfo()
return new VersionInfo(
modelSignature: "SRCNTRNS",
verWrittenCur: 0x00010001, // Initial
verReadableCur: 0x00010001,
verWeCanReadBack: 0x00010001,
loaderSignature: LoaderSignature,
loaderAssemblyName: typeof(SrCnnAnomalyDetector).Assembly.FullName);
private static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, Options options, IDataView input)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
env.CheckValue(options, nameof(options));
env.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
return new SrCnnAnomalyDetector(env, options).MakeDataTransform(input);
private static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx, IDataView input)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
env.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
env.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
return new SrCnnAnomalyDetector(env, ctx).MakeDataTransform(input);
internal static SrCnnAnomalyDetector Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
env.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
return new SrCnnAnomalyDetector(env, ctx);
private static IRowMapper Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx, DataViewSchema inputSchema)
=> Create(env, ctx).MakeRowMapper(inputSchema);
IStatefulTransformer IStatefulTransformer.Clone()
var clone = (SrCnnAnomalyDetector)MemberwiseClone();
clone.InternalTransform.StateRef = (SrCnnAnomalyDetectionBaseCore.State)clone.InternalTransform.StateRef.Clone();
clone.InternalTransform.StateRef.InitState(clone.InternalTransform, InternalTransform.Host);
return clone;
internal SrCnnAnomalyDetector(IHostEnvironment env, Options options)
: base(new SrCnnArgument(options), LoaderSignature, env)
private SrCnnAnomalyDetector(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
: base(env, ctx, LoaderSignature)
private SrCnnAnomalyDetector(IHostEnvironment env, SrCnnAnomalyDetector transform)
: base(new SrCnnArgument(transform), LoaderSignature, env)
private protected override void SaveModel(ModelSaveContext ctx)
InternalTransform.Host.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
// *** Binary format ***
// <base>
/// <summary>
/// Detect anomalies in time series using Spectral Residual(SR) algorithm
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <format type="text/markdown"><)
/// ### Estimator Characteristics
/// | | |
/// | -- | -- |
/// | Does this estimator need to look at the data to train its parameters? | No |
/// | Input column data type | <xref:System.Single> |
/// | Output column data type | 3-element vector of<xref:System.Double> |
/// | Exportable to ONNX | No |
/// ### Background
/// At Microsoft, we have developed a time-series anomaly detection service which helps customers to monitor the time-series continuously
/// and alert for potential incidents on time. To tackle the problem of time-series anomaly detection,
/// we propose a novel algorithm based on Spectral Residual (SR) and Convolutional Neural Network
/// (CNN). The SR model is borrowed from visual saliency detection domain to time-series anomaly detection.
/// And here we onboarded this SR algorithm firstly.
/// The Spectral Residual (SR) algorithm is unsupervised, which means training step is not needed while using SR. It consists of three major steps:
/// (1) Fourier Transform to get the log amplitude spectrum;
/// (2) calculation of spectral residual;
/// (3) Inverse Fourier Transform that transforms the sequence back to spatial domain.
/// Mathematically, given a sequence $\mathbf{x}$, we have
/// $$A(f) = Amplitude(\mathfrak{F}(\mathbf{x}))\\P(f) = Phrase(\mathfrak{F}(\mathbf{x}))\\L(f) = log(A(f))\\AL(f) = h_n(f) \cdot L(f)\\R(f) = L(f) - AL(f)\\S(\mathbf{x}) = \mathfrak{F}^{-1}(exp(R(f) + P(f))^{2})$$
/// where $\mathfrak{F}$ and $\mathfrak{F}^{-1}$ denote Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier Transform respectively.
/// $\mathbf{x}$ is the input sequence with shape $n × 1$; $A(f)$ is the amplitude spectrum of sequence $\mathbf{x}$;
/// $P(f)$ is the corresponding phase spectrum of sequence $\mathbf{x}$; $L(f)$ is the log representation of $A(f)$;
/// and $AL(f)$ is the average spectrum of $L(f)$ which can be approximated by convoluting the input sequence by $h_n(f)$,
/// where $h_n(f)$ is an $n × n$ matrix defined as:
/// $$n_f(f) = \begin{bmatrix}1&1&1&\cdots&1\\1&1&1&\cdots&1\\\vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\1&1&1&\cdots&1\end{bmatrix}$$
/// $R(f)$ is the spectral residual, i.e., the log spectrum $L(f)$ subtracting the averaged log spectrum $AL(f)$.
/// The spectral residual serves as a compressed representation of the sequence while the innovation part of the original sequence becomes more significant.
/// At last, we transfer the sequence back to spatial domain via Inverse Fourier Transform. The result sequence $S(\mathbf{x})$ is called the saliency map.
/// Given the saliency map $S(\mathbf{x})$, the output sequence $O(\mathbf{x})$ is computed by:
/// $$O(x_i) = \begin{cases}1, if \frac{S(x_i)-\overline{S(x_i)}}{S(x_i)} > \tau\\0,otherwise,\end{cases}$$
/// where $x_i$ represents an arbitrary point in sequence $\mathbf{x}$; $S(x_i)$is the corresponding point in the saliency map;
/// and $\overline{S(x_i)}$ is the local average of the preceding points of $S(x_i)$.
/// There are several parameters for SR algorithm. To obtain a model with good performance,
/// we suggest to tune <strong>windowSize</strong> and <strong>threshold</strong> at first,
/// these are the most important parameters to SR. Then you could search for an appropriate <strong>judgementWindowSize</strong>
/// which is no larger than <strong>windowSize</strong>. And for the remaining parameters, you could use the default value directly.
/// For more details please refer to the <a href="https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.03821">Time-Series Anomaly Detection Service at Microsoft</a> paper.
/// ]]>
/// </format>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Microsoft.ML.TimeSeriesCatalog.DetectAnomalyBySrCnn(TransformsCatalog, string, string, int, int, int, int, int, double)"/>
public sealed class SrCnnAnomalyEstimator : TrivialEstimator<SrCnnAnomalyDetector>
/// <param name="env">Host environment.</param>
/// <param name="outputColumnName">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
/// <param name="windowSize">The size of the sliding window for computing spectral residual.</param>
/// <param name="backAddWindowSize">The size of the sliding window for computing spectral residual.</param>
/// <param name="lookaheadWindowSize">The number of pervious points used in prediction.</param>
/// <param name="averagingWindowSize">The size of sliding window to generate a saliency map for the series.</param>
/// <param name="judgementWindowSize">The size of sliding window to calculate the anomaly score for each data point.</param>
/// <param name="threshold">The threshold to determine anomaly, score larger than the threshold is considered as anomaly.</param>
/// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of column to transform. The column data must be <see cref="System.Single"/>.</param>
internal SrCnnAnomalyEstimator(IHostEnvironment env,
string outputColumnName,
int windowSize,
int backAddWindowSize,
int lookaheadWindowSize,
int averagingWindowSize,
int judgementWindowSize,
double threshold = 0.3,
string inputColumnName = null)
: base(Contracts.CheckRef(env, nameof(env)).Register(nameof(SrCnnAnomalyEstimator)),
new SrCnnAnomalyDetector(env, new SrCnnAnomalyDetector.Options
Source = inputColumnName ?? outputColumnName,
Name = outputColumnName,
WindowSize = windowSize,
BackAddWindowSize = backAddWindowSize,
LookaheadWindowSize = lookaheadWindowSize,
AvergingWindowSize = averagingWindowSize,
JudgementWindowSize = judgementWindowSize,
Threshold = threshold
internal SrCnnAnomalyEstimator(IHostEnvironment env, SrCnnAnomalyDetector.Options options)
: base(Contracts.CheckRef(env, nameof(env)).Register(nameof(SrCnnAnomalyEstimator)), new SrCnnAnomalyDetector(env, options))
public override SchemaShape GetOutputSchema(SchemaShape inputSchema)
Host.CheckValue(inputSchema, nameof(inputSchema));
if (!inputSchema.TryFindColumn(Transformer.InternalTransform.InputColumnName, out var col))
throw Host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(inputSchema), "input", Transformer.InternalTransform.InputColumnName);
if (col.ItemType != NumberDataViewType.Single)
throw Host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(inputSchema), "input", Transformer.InternalTransform.InputColumnName, "Single", col.GetTypeString());
var metadata = new List<SchemaShape.Column>() {
new SchemaShape.Column(AnnotationUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Vector, TextDataViewType.Instance, false)
var resultDic = inputSchema.ToDictionary(x => x.Name);
resultDic[Transformer.InternalTransform.OutputColumnName] = new SchemaShape.Column(
Transformer.InternalTransform.OutputColumnName, SchemaShape.Column.VectorKind.Vector, NumberDataViewType.Double, false, new SchemaShape(metadata));
return new SchemaShape(resultDic.Values);