File: RootCauseAnalyzer.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries\Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.csproj (Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries
    internal class RootCauseAnalyzer
        private static readonly double _anomalyRatioThreshold = 0.5;
        private static readonly double _anomalyPreDeltaThreshold = 2;
        private readonly RootCauseLocalizationInput _src;
        private readonly double _beta;
        private readonly double _rootCauseThreshold;
        private readonly List<RootCause> _preparedCauses;
        public RootCauseAnalyzer(RootCauseLocalizationInput src, double beta, double rootCauseThreshold)
            _src = src;
            _beta = beta;
            _rootCauseThreshold = rootCauseThreshold;
            _preparedCauses = new List<RootCause>();
        public RootCause Analyze()
            return AnalyzeOneLayer(_src).FirstOrDefault();
        public List<RootCause> AnalyzePossibleCauses()
            return AnalyzeOneLayer(_src);
        /// <summary>
        ///  This is a function for analyzing one layer for root cause. We rank dimensions according to their likelihood of containing the root case.
        ///  For each dimension, we select one dimension with values who contributes the most to the anomaly.
        /// </summary>
        private List<RootCause> AnalyzeOneLayer(RootCauseLocalizationInput src)
            DimensionInfo dimensionInfo = SeparateDimension(src.AnomalyDimension, src.AggregateSymbol);
            Tuple<PointTree, PointTree, Dictionary<Dictionary<string, object>, TimeSeriesPoint>> pointInfo = GetPointsInfo(src, dimensionInfo);
            PointTree pointTree = pointInfo.Item1;
            PointTree anomalyTree = pointInfo.Item2;
            Dictionary<Dictionary<string, Object>, TimeSeriesPoint> dimPointMapping = pointInfo.Item3;
            //which means there is no anomaly point with the anomaly dimension or no point under anomaly dimension
            if (anomalyTree.ParentNode == null || dimPointMapping.Count == 0)
                _preparedCauses.Add(new RootCause() { Items = new List<RootCauseItem>() });
                return _preparedCauses;
            LocalizeRootCausesByDimension(anomalyTree, pointTree, src.AnomalyDimension, dimensionInfo.AggDims);
            foreach (var dst in _preparedCauses)
                GetRootCauseDirectionAndScore(dimPointMapping, src.AnomalyDimension, dst, _beta, pointTree, src.AggregateType, src.AggregateSymbol);
            return _preparedCauses;
        protected List<TimeSeriesPoint> GetTotalPointsForAnomalyTimestamp(RootCauseLocalizationInput src)
            MetricSlice slice = src.Slices.Single(slice => slice.TimeStamp.Equals(src.AnomalyTimestamp));
            return slice.Points;
        private DimensionInfo SeparateDimension(Dictionary<string, Object> dimensions, Object aggSymbol)
            DimensionInfo info = new DimensionInfo();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Object> entry in dimensions)
                string key = entry.Key;
                if (object.Equals(aggSymbol, entry.Value))
            return info;
        private Tuple<PointTree, PointTree, Dictionary<Dictionary<string, object>, TimeSeriesPoint>> GetPointsInfo(RootCauseLocalizationInput src, DimensionInfo dimensionInfo)
            PointTree pointTree = new PointTree();
            PointTree anomalyTree = new PointTree();
            DimensionComparer dc = new DimensionComparer();
            Dictionary<Dictionary<string, object>, TimeSeriesPoint> dimPointMapping = new Dictionary<Dictionary<string, object>, TimeSeriesPoint>(dc);
            List<TimeSeriesPoint> totalPoints = GetTotalPointsForAnomalyTimestamp(src);
            Dictionary<string, Object> subDim = GetSubDim(src.AnomalyDimension, dimensionInfo.DetailDims);
            foreach (TimeSeriesPoint point in totalPoints)
                if (ContainsAll(point.Dimension, subDim))
                    if (!dimPointMapping.ContainsKey(point.Dimension))
                        dimPointMapping.Add(point.Dimension, point);
                        bool isValidPoint = point.IsAnomaly == true;
                        if (ContainsAll(point.Dimension, subDim))
                            BuildTree(pointTree, dimensionInfo.AggDims, point, src.AggregateSymbol);
                            if (isValidPoint)
                                BuildTree(anomalyTree, dimensionInfo.AggDims, point, src.AggregateSymbol);
            return new Tuple<PointTree, PointTree, Dictionary<Dictionary<string, Object>, TimeSeriesPoint>>(pointTree, anomalyTree, dimPointMapping);
        protected Dictionary<string, Object> GetSubDim(Dictionary<string, Object> dimension, List<string> keyList)
            return new Dictionary<string, object>(keyList.Select(dim => new KeyValuePair<string, object>(dim, dimension[dim])).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value));
        private void LocalizeRootCausesByDimension(PointTree anomalyTree, PointTree pointTree, Dictionary<string, Object> anomalyDimension, List<string> aggDims)
            IEnumerable<BestDimension> best;
            if (anomalyTree.ChildrenNodes.Count == 0)
                //has no children node information, should use the leaves node (whose point has no aggregated dimensions) information
                best = SelectOrderedDimension(pointTree.Leaves, anomalyTree.Leaves, aggDims);
                //has no leaves information, should calculate the entropy information according to the children nodes
                best = SelectOrderedDimensions(pointTree.ChildrenNodes, anomalyTree.ChildrenNodes, aggDims);
            if (best == null)
                _preparedCauses.Add(new RootCause { Items = new List<RootCauseItem>() { new RootCauseItem(anomalyDimension) } });
            bool rootAsAnomaly = false;
            foreach (var dimension in best)
                RootCause rootCause = new RootCause { Items = new List<RootCauseItem>() };
                rootCause.GainRatio = dimension.GainRatio;
                List<TimeSeriesPoint> children = null;
                if (anomalyTree.ChildrenNodes.ContainsKey(dimension.DimensionKey))
                    //Use children node information to get top anomalies
                    children = GetTopAnomaly(anomalyTree.ChildrenNodes[dimension.DimensionKey], anomalyTree.ParentNode, pointTree.ChildrenNodes[dimension.DimensionKey].Count > 0 ? pointTree.ChildrenNodes[dimension.DimensionKey] : pointTree.Leaves, dimension.DimensionKey, !(pointTree.ChildrenNodes[dimension.DimensionKey].Count > 0));
                    //Use leaves node information to get top anomalies
                    children = GetTopAnomaly(anomalyTree.Leaves, anomalyTree.ParentNode, pointTree.Leaves, dimension.DimensionKey, true);
                if (children == null)
                    //As the cause couldn't be found, the root cause should be itself
                    if (!rootAsAnomaly)
                        rootAsAnomaly = true;
                        rootCause.Items.Add(new RootCauseItem(anomalyDimension));
                    rootCause.Items.AddRange(children.Select(anomaly =>
                        new RootCauseItem(UpdateDimensionValue(anomalyDimension, dimension.DimensionKey, anomaly.Dimension[dimension.DimensionKey]), new List<string>() { dimension.DimensionKey })));
        protected double GetEntropy(int totalNum, int anomalyNum)
            double ratio = (double)anomalyNum / totalNum;
            if (ratio == 0 || ratio == 1)
                return 0;
            return -(ratio * Log2(ratio) + (1 - ratio) * Log2(1 - ratio));
        protected List<TimeSeriesPoint> GetTopAnomaly(List<TimeSeriesPoint> anomalyPoints, TimeSeriesPoint root, List<TimeSeriesPoint> totalPoints, string dimKey, bool isLeaveslevel = false)
            Dictionary<string, int> pointDistribution = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            UpdateDistribution(pointDistribution, totalPoints, dimKey);
            anomalyPoints = anomalyPoints.OrderBy(x => x.Delta).ToList();
            if (root.Delta > 0)
                anomalyPoints = anomalyPoints.FindAll(x => x.Delta < 0);
            if (anomalyPoints.Count == 1)
                return anomalyPoints;
            double delta = 0;
            double preDelta = 0;
            List<TimeSeriesPoint> causeList = new List<TimeSeriesPoint>();
            foreach (TimeSeriesPoint anomaly in anomalyPoints)
                if (StopAnomalyComparison(delta, root.Delta, anomaly.Delta, preDelta))
                delta += anomaly.Delta;
                preDelta = anomaly.Delta;
            int pointSize = isLeaveslevel ? pointDistribution.Count : GetTotalNumber(pointDistribution);
            if (ShouldSeparateAnomaly(delta, root.Delta, pointSize, causeList.Count))
                return causeList;
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        ///  Use leaves point information to select ordered dimensions
        /// </summary>
        protected IEnumerable<BestDimension> SelectOrderedDimension(List<TimeSeriesPoint> totalPoints, List<TimeSeriesPoint> anomalyPoints, List<string> aggDim)
            double totalEntropy = GetEntropy(totalPoints.Count, anomalyPoints.Count);
            SortedDictionary<BestDimension, double> entropyGainMap = new SortedDictionary<BestDimension, double>();
            Dictionary<BestDimension, double> entroyGainRatioMap = new Dictionary<BestDimension, double>();
            double sumGain = 0;
            foreach (string dimKey in aggDim)
                BestDimension dimension = new BestDimension();
                dimension.DimensionKey = dimKey;
                UpdateDistribution(dimension.PointDis, totalPoints, dimKey);
                UpdateDistribution(dimension.AnomalyDis, anomalyPoints, dimKey);
                double relativeEntropy = GetDimensionEntropy(dimension.PointDis, dimension.AnomalyDis);
                double gain = totalEntropy - relativeEntropy;
                if (Double.IsNaN(gain))
                    gain = 0;
                entropyGainMap.Add(dimension, gain);
                dimension.Gain = gain;
                double gainRatio = gain / GetDimensionIntrinsicValue(dimension.PointDis);
                if (Double.IsInfinity(gainRatio))
                    gainRatio = 0;
                entroyGainRatioMap.Add(dimension, gainRatio);
                dimension.GainRatio = gainRatio;
                sumGain += gain;
            double meanGain = sumGain / aggDim.Count();
            return OrderDimensions(entropyGainMap, entroyGainRatioMap, meanGain);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Use children point information to select ordered dimensions
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable<BestDimension> SelectOrderedDimensions(Dictionary<string, List<TimeSeriesPoint>> pointChildren, Dictionary<string, List<TimeSeriesPoint>> anomalyChildren, List<string> aggDim)
            SortedDictionary<BestDimension, double> entropyMap = new SortedDictionary<BestDimension, double>();
            Dictionary<BestDimension, double> entropyRatioMap = new Dictionary<BestDimension, double>();
            double sumGain = 0;
            foreach (string dimKey in aggDim)
                BestDimension dimension = new BestDimension();
                dimension.DimensionKey = dimKey;
                if (pointChildren.ContainsKey(dimKey))
                    UpdateDistribution(dimension.PointDis, pointChildren[dimKey], dimKey);
                if (anomalyChildren.ContainsKey(dimKey))
                    UpdateDistribution(dimension.AnomalyDis, anomalyChildren[dimKey], dimKey);
                double entropy = GetEntropy(dimension.PointDis.Count, dimension.AnomalyDis.Count);
                if (Double.IsNaN(entropy))
                    entropy = Double.MaxValue;
                entropyMap.Add(dimension, entropy);
                double gainRatio = entropy / GetDimensionIntrinsicValue(dimension.PointDis);
                if (Double.IsInfinity(gainRatio))
                    gainRatio = 0;
                entropyRatioMap.Add(dimension, gainRatio);
                dimension.GainRatio = gainRatio;
                sumGain += entropy;
            double meanGain = sumGain / aggDim.Count;
            return OrderDimensions(entropyMap, entropyRatioMap, meanGain, false);
        private AnomalyDirection GetRootCauseDirection(TimeSeriesPoint rootCausePoint)
            if (rootCausePoint.ExpectedValue < rootCausePoint.Value)
                return AnomalyDirection.Up;
            else if (rootCausePoint.ExpectedValue > rootCausePoint.Value)
                return AnomalyDirection.Down;
                return AnomalyDirection.Same;
        private void GetRootCauseDirectionAndScore(Dictionary<Dictionary<string, Object>, TimeSeriesPoint> dimPointMapping, Dictionary<string, Object> anomalyRoot, RootCause dst, double beta, PointTree pointTree, AggregateType aggType, Object aggSymbol)
            TimeSeriesPoint anomalyPoint = GetPointByDimension(dimPointMapping, anomalyRoot, pointTree, aggType, aggSymbol);
            if (dst.Items.Count > 1)
                //get surprise value and explanatory power value
                List<RootCauseScore> scoreList = new List<RootCauseScore>();
                foreach (RootCauseItem item in dst.Items)
                    TimeSeriesPoint rootCausePoint = GetPointByDimension(dimPointMapping, item.Dimension, pointTree, aggType, aggSymbol);
                    if (anomalyPoint != null && rootCausePoint != null)
                        Tuple<double, double> scores = GetSurpriseAndExplanatoryScore(rootCausePoint, anomalyPoint);
                        scoreList.Add(new RootCauseScore(scores.Item1, scores.Item2));
                        item.Direction = GetRootCauseDirection(rootCausePoint);
                //get final score
                for (int i = 0; i < scoreList.Count; i++)
                    if (aggType.Equals(AggregateType.Max) || aggType.Equals(AggregateType.Min))
                        dst.Items[i].Score = 1;
                        dst.Items[i].Score = GetFinalScore(scoreList[i].Surprise, Math.Abs(scoreList[i].ExplanatoryScore), beta);
            else if (dst.Items.Count == 1)
                TimeSeriesPoint rootCausePoint = GetPointByDimension(dimPointMapping, dst.Items[0].Dimension, pointTree, aggType, aggSymbol);
                if (anomalyPoint != null && rootCausePoint != null)
                    Tuple<double, double> scores = GetSurpriseAndExplanatoryScore(rootCausePoint, anomalyPoint);
                    if (aggType.Equals(AggregateType.Max) || aggType.Equals(AggregateType.Min))
                        dst.Items[0].Score = 1;
                        dst.Items[0].Score = GetFinalScore(scores.Item1, scores.Item2, beta);
                    dst.Items[0].Direction = GetRootCauseDirection(rootCausePoint);
        private TimeSeriesPoint GetPointByDimension(Dictionary<Dictionary<string, Object>, TimeSeriesPoint> dimPointMapping, Dictionary<string, Object> dimension, PointTree pointTree, AggregateType aggType, Object aggSymbol)
            if (dimPointMapping.ContainsKey(dimension))
                return dimPointMapping[dimension];
            int count = 0;
            TimeSeriesPoint p = new TimeSeriesPoint(dimension);
            DimensionInfo dimensionInfo = SeparateDimension(dimension, aggSymbol);
            Dictionary<string, Object> subDim = GetSubDim(dimension, dimensionInfo.DetailDims);
            foreach (TimeSeriesPoint leave in pointTree.Leaves)
                if (ContainsAll(leave.Dimension, subDim))
                    p.Value = +leave.Value;
                    p.ExpectedValue = +leave.ExpectedValue;
                    p.Delta = +leave.Delta;
            if (aggType.Equals(AggregateType.Avg))
                p.Value = p.Value / count;
                p.ExpectedValue = p.ExpectedValue / count;
                p.Delta = p.Delta / count;
            if (count > 0)
                return p;
                return null;
        private void BuildTree(PointTree tree, List<string> aggDims, TimeSeriesPoint point, Object aggSymbol)
            int aggNum = 0;
            string nextDim = null;
            foreach (string dim in aggDims)
                if (IsAggregationDimension(point.Dimension[dim], aggSymbol))
                    nextDim = dim;
            if (aggNum == aggDims.Count)
                tree.ParentNode = point;
            else if (aggNum == aggDims.Count - 1)
                if (!tree.ChildrenNodes.ContainsKey(nextDim))
                    tree.ChildrenNodes.Add(nextDim, new List<TimeSeriesPoint>());
            if (aggNum == 0)
        private IEnumerable<BestDimension> OrderDimensions(SortedDictionary<BestDimension, double> valueMap, Dictionary<BestDimension, double> valueRatioMap, double meanGain, bool isLeavesLevel = true)
            List<KeyValuePair<BestDimension, double>> valueMapAsList = valueMap.ToList();
            List<BestDimension> ordered = new List<BestDimension>();
            BestDimension best;
                best = null;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<BestDimension, double> dimension in valueMapAsList)
                    if (dimension.Key.AnomalyDis.Count == 1 || (isLeavesLevel ? dimension.Value >= meanGain : dimension.Value <= meanGain))
                        if (best == null)
                            best = dimension.Key;
                            bool isRatioNan = Double.IsNaN(valueRatioMap[best]);
                            if (dimension.Key.AnomalyDis.Count > 1)
                                if (best.AnomalyDis.Count != 1 && !isRatioNan && (isLeavesLevel ? valueRatioMap[best].CompareTo(dimension.Value) <= 0 : valueRatioMap[best].CompareTo(dimension.Value) >= 0))
                                    best = GetBestDimension(best, dimension, valueRatioMap);
                            else if (dimension.Key.AnomalyDis.Count == 1)
                                if (best.AnomalyDis.Count > 1)
                                    best = dimension.Key;
                                else if (best.AnomalyDis.Count == 1)
                                    if (!isRatioNan && (isLeavesLevel ? valueRatioMap[best].CompareTo(dimension.Value) <= 0 : valueRatioMap[best].CompareTo(dimension.Value) >= 0))
                                        best = GetBestDimension(best, dimension, valueRatioMap);
                if (best != null)
                    valueMapAsList.RemoveAll(kv => kv.Key == best);
            } while (best != null);
            return ordered;
        private BestDimension GetBestDimension(BestDimension best, KeyValuePair<BestDimension, double> dimension, Dictionary<BestDimension, Double> valueRatioMap)
            if (valueRatioMap[best].CompareTo(dimension.Value) == 0)
                if (dimension.Key.AnomalyDis.Count != dimension.Key.PointDis.Count)
                    best = dimension.Key;
                best = dimension.Key;
            return best;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the surprise score according to root cause point and anomaly point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootCausePoint">A point which has been detected as root cause</param>
        /// <param name="anomalyPoint">The anomaly point</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <format type="text/markdown">
        ///  [!include[io](~/../docs/samples/docs/api-reference/]
        /// </format>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>Surprise score</returns>
        private double GetSurpriseScore(TimeSeriesPoint rootCausePoint, TimeSeriesPoint anomalyPoint)
            double p;
            double q;
            if (anomalyPoint.ExpectedValue == 0)
                p = 0;
                p = rootCausePoint.ExpectedValue / anomalyPoint.ExpectedValue;
            if (anomalyPoint.Value == 0)
                q = 0;
                q = rootCausePoint.Value / anomalyPoint.Value;
            double surprise = 0;
            if (p == 0)
                surprise = 0.5 * (q * Log2(2 * q / (p + q)));
            else if (q == 0)
                surprise = 0.5 * (p * Log2(2 * p / (p + q)));
                surprise = 0.5 * (p * Log2(2 * p / (p + q)) + q * Log2(2 * q / (p + q)));
            return surprise;
        private double GetFinalScore(double surprise, double ep, double beta)
            double a = 0;
            double b = 0;
            if (surprise == 0)
                a = 0;
            if (ep == 0)
                b = 0;
                a = (1 - Math.Pow(2, -surprise));
                if (Double.IsNaN(a))
                    a = 1;
                b = (1 - Math.Pow(2, -ep));
            return beta * a + (1 - beta) * b;
        private Tuple<double, double> GetSurpriseAndExplanatoryScore(TimeSeriesPoint rootCausePoint, TimeSeriesPoint anomalyPoint)
            double surprise = GetSurpriseScore(rootCausePoint, anomalyPoint);
            double ep = anomalyPoint.Value - anomalyPoint.ExpectedValue == 0 ? 0 : Math.Abs((rootCausePoint.Value - rootCausePoint.ExpectedValue) / (anomalyPoint.Value - anomalyPoint.ExpectedValue));
            return new Tuple<double, double>(surprise, ep);
        private static Dictionary<string, Object> UpdateDimensionValue(Dictionary<string, Object> dimension, string key, Object value)
            Dictionary<string, Object> newDim = new Dictionary<string, Object>(dimension);
            newDim[key] = value;
            return newDim;
        private bool StopAnomalyComparison(double preTotal, double parent, double current, double pre)
            if (Math.Abs(preTotal) < Math.Abs(parent) * _rootCauseThreshold)
                return false;
            return Math.Abs(pre) / Math.Abs(current) > _anomalyPreDeltaThreshold;
        private bool ShouldSeparateAnomaly(double total, double parent, int totalSize, int size)
            if (Math.Abs(total) < Math.Abs(parent) * _rootCauseThreshold)
                return false;
            if (size == totalSize && size == 1)
                return true;
            return size <= totalSize * _anomalyRatioThreshold;
        private double GetDimensionEntropy(Dictionary<string, int> pointDis, Dictionary<string, int> anomalyDis)
            int total = GetTotalNumber(pointDis);
            double entropy = 0;
            foreach (string key in anomalyDis.Keys)
                double dimEntropy = GetEntropy(pointDis[key], anomalyDis[key]);
                entropy += dimEntropy * pointDis[key] / total;
            return entropy;
        private double GetDimensionIntrinsicValue(Dictionary<string, int> pointDis)
            int total = GetTotalNumber(pointDis);
            double intrinsicValue = 0;
            foreach (string key in pointDis.Keys)
                intrinsicValue -= Log2((double)pointDis[key] / total) * (double)pointDis[key] / total;
            return intrinsicValue;
        private int GetTotalNumber(Dictionary<string, int> distribution)
            int total = 0;
            foreach (int num in distribution.Values)
                total += num;
            return total;
        private void UpdateDistribution(Dictionary<string, int> distribution, List<TimeSeriesPoint> points, string dimKey)
            foreach (TimeSeriesPoint point in points)
                string dimVal = Convert.ToString(point.Dimension[dimKey]);
                if (!distribution.ContainsKey(dimVal))
                    distribution.Add(dimVal, 0);
                distribution[dimVal] = distribution[dimVal] + 1;
        private double Log2(double val) => Double.IsNaN(val) ? 0 : Math.Log(val) / Math.Log(2);
        private static bool ContainsAll(Dictionary<string, Object> bigDictionary, Dictionary<string, Object> smallDictionary)
            foreach (var item in smallDictionary)
                if (!bigDictionary.ContainsKey(item.Key) || !object.Equals(bigDictionary[item.Key], smallDictionary[item.Key]))
                    return false;
            return true;
        private bool IsAggregationDimension(Object val, Object aggSymbol)
            return object.Equals(val, aggSymbol);
    internal class DimensionInfo
        internal List<string> DetailDims { get; set; }
        internal List<string> AggDims { get; set; }
        public DimensionInfo()
            DetailDims = new List<string>();
            AggDims = new List<string>();
    internal class PointTree
        internal TimeSeriesPoint ParentNode;
        internal Dictionary<string, List<TimeSeriesPoint>> ChildrenNodes;
        internal List<TimeSeriesPoint> Leaves;
        public PointTree()
            Leaves = new List<TimeSeriesPoint>();
            ChildrenNodes = new Dictionary<string, List<TimeSeriesPoint>>();
    internal class BestDimension : IComparable
        internal string DimensionKey;
        internal Dictionary<string, int> AnomalyDis;
        internal Dictionary<string, int> PointDis;
        internal double Gain;
        internal double GainRatio;
        public BestDimension()
            AnomalyDis = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            PointDis = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            if (obj == null) return 1;
            BestDimension other = obj as BestDimension;
            if (other != null)
                return DimensionKey.CompareTo(other.DimensionKey);
                throw new ArgumentException("Object is not a BestDimension");
    internal class RootCauseScore
        internal double Surprise;
        internal double ExplanatoryScore;
        public RootCauseScore(double surprise, double explanatoryScore)
            Surprise = surprise;
            ExplanatoryScore = explanatoryScore;
    internal class DimensionComparer : EqualityComparer<Dictionary<string, object>>
        public override bool Equals(Dictionary<string, object> x, Dictionary<string, object> y)
            if (x == null && y == null)
                return true;
            if ((x == null && y != null) || (x != null && y == null))
                return false;
            if (x.Count != y.Count)
                return false;
            if (x.Keys.Except(y.Keys).Any())
                return false;
            if (y.Keys.Except(x.Keys).Any())
                return false;
            foreach (var pair in x)
                if (!object.Equals(pair.Value, y[pair.Key]))
                    return false;
            return true;
        public override int GetHashCode(Dictionary<string, object> obj)
            int code = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in obj)
                code = code ^ pair.GetHashCode();
            return code;