1 write to _ectx
Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries (1)
48 references to _ectx
Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries (48)
TrajectoryMatrix.cs (48)
70_ectx.Assert(0 <= end && end < _seriesLength, "The end index must be in [0, seriesLength).");
71_ectx.Assert(0 <= start && start <= end, "The start index must be in [0, end index].");
118_ectx.Check(windowSize > 0, "The window length should be greater than 0.");
119_ectx.CheckValue(data, nameof(data), "The input data cannot be null.");
120_ectx.Check(data.Length >= seriesLength, "The series length cannot be greater than the data length.");
123_ectx.Check(windowSize <= _seriesLength, "The length of the window should be less than or equal to the length of the data.");
137_ectx.Check(Utils.Size(data) >= _seriesLength, "The length of the input series cannot be less than that of the original series.");
192_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(cov) >= _windowSize * _windowSize);
264_ectx.Assert(srcIndex >= 0);
265_ectx.Assert(dstIndex >= 0);
266_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(vector) >= _k + srcIndex);
267_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(result) >= _windowSize + dstIndex);
294_ectx.Assert(srcIndex >= 0);
295_ectx.Assert(dstIndex >= 0);
296_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(vector) >= _k + srcIndex);
297_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(result) >= _windowSize + dstIndex);
368_ectx.Assert(srcIndex >= 0);
369_ectx.Assert(dstIndex >= 0);
370_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(vector) >= _windowSize + srcIndex);
371_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(result) >= _k + dstIndex);
398_ectx.Assert(srcIndex >= 0);
399_ectx.Assert(dstIndex >= 0);
400_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(vector) >= _windowSize + srcIndex);
401_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(result) >= _k + dstIndex);
489_ectx.Assert(0 <= ue && ue < _windowSize);
490_ectx.Assert(0 <= us && us <= ue);
491_ectx.Assert(0 <= ve && ve < _k);
492_ectx.Assert(0 <= vs && vs <= ve);
498_ectx.Assert(uIndex >= 0);
499_ectx.Assert(vIndex >= 0);
500_ectx.Assert(dstIndex >= 0);
501_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(u) >= _windowSize + uIndex);
502_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(v) >= _k + vIndex);
503_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(result) >= len + dstIndex);
562_ectx.Assert(0 <= ue && ue < _windowSize);
563_ectx.Assert(0 <= us && us <= ue);
564_ectx.Assert(0 <= ve && ve < _k);
565_ectx.Assert(0 <= vs && vs <= ve);
569_ectx.Assert(uIndex >= 0);
570_ectx.Assert(vIndex >= 0);
571_ectx.Assert(dstIndex >= 0);
572_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(u) >= _windowSize + uIndex);
573_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(v) >= _k + vIndex);
574_ectx.Assert(Utils.Size(result) >= len + dstIndex);