// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFramework;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFramework.Attributes;
using Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries;
using Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Tests
public sealed class TimeSeriesDirectApi : BaseTestClass
public TimeSeriesDirectApi(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output)
private sealed class Prediction
#pragma warning disable CS0649
public double[] Change;
#pragma warning restore CS0649
private sealed class ForecastPrediction
#pragma warning disable CS0649
public float[] Forecast;
public float[] MinCnf;
public float[] MaxCnf;
#pragma warning restore CS0649
public class Prediction1
public float Random;
private sealed class Data
public string Text;
public float Random;
public float Value;
public Data(float value)
Text = "random123value";
Random = -1;
Value = value;
class ForecastResult
#pragma warning disable CS0649
public float Forecast;
#pragma warning restore CS0649
class ForecastResultArray
#pragma warning disable CS0649
public float[] Forecast;
public float[] ConfidenceLowerBound;
public float[] ConfidenceUpperBound;
#pragma warning restore CS0649
private sealed class TimeSeriesData
public float Value;
public TimeSeriesData(float value)
Value = value;
private sealed class TimeSeriesDataDouble
public double Value { get; set; }
private sealed class SrCnnAnomalyDetection
public double[] Prediction { get; set; }
private static Object _rootCauseAggSymbol = "##SUM##";
private static int _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue = 0;
private static string _rootCauseAggSymbolForDiffDimValueType = "0";
public void ChangeDetection()
var env = new MLContext(1);
const int size = 10;
List<Data> data = new List<Data>(size);
var dataView = env.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);
for (int i = 0; i < size / 2; i++)
data.Add(new Data(5));
for (int i = 0; i < size / 2; i++)
data.Add(new Data((float)(5 + i * 1.1)));
var args = new IidChangePointDetector.Options()
Confidence = 80,
Source = "Value",
Name = "Change",
ChangeHistoryLength = size
// Train
var detector = new IidChangePointEstimator(env, args).Fit(dataView);
// Transform
var output = detector.Transform(dataView);
// Get predictions
var enumerator = env.Data.CreateEnumerable<Prediction>(output, true).GetEnumerator();
Prediction row = null;
List<double> expectedValues = new List<double>() { 0, 5, 0.5, 5.1200000000000114E-08, 0, 5, 0.4999999995, 5.1200000046080209E-08, 0, 5, 0.4999999995, 5.1200000092160303E-08,
0, 5, 0.4999999995, 5.12000001382404E-08};
int index = 0;
while (enumerator.MoveNext() && index < expectedValues.Count)
row = enumerator.Current;
Assert.Equal(expectedValues[index++], row.Change[0]);
Assert.Equal(expectedValues[index++], row.Change[1]);
Assert.Equal(expectedValues[index++], row.Change[2]);
Assert.Equal(expectedValues[index++], row.Change[3]);
public void ChangePointDetectionWithSeasonality()
var env = new MLContext(1);
const int changeHistorySize = 10;
const int seasonalitySize = 10;
const int numberOfSeasonsInTraining = 5;
const int maxTrainingSize = numberOfSeasonsInTraining * seasonalitySize;
List<Data> data = new List<Data>();
var dataView = env.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);
var args = new SsaChangePointDetector.Options()
Confidence = 95,
Source = "Value",
Name = "Change",
ChangeHistoryLength = changeHistorySize,
TrainingWindowSize = maxTrainingSize,
SeasonalWindowSize = seasonalitySize
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfSeasonsInTraining; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < seasonalitySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i));
for (int i = 0; i < changeHistorySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i * 100));
// Train
var detector = new SsaChangePointEstimator(env, args).Fit(dataView);
// Transform
var output = detector.Transform(dataView);
// Get predictions
var enumerator = env.Data.CreateEnumerable<Prediction>(output, true).GetEnumerator();
Prediction row = null;
// [TEST_STABILITY]: dotnet core 3.1 generates slightly different result
List<double> expectedValues = new List<double>() { 0, -3.31410551071167, 0.5, 5.12000000000001E-08, 0, 1.570083498954773, 5.2001145245395008E-07,
0.012414560443710681, 0, 1.2854313850402832, 0.2881081472302483, 0.020389485008225454, 0, -1.0950632095336914, 0.3666388047550645, 0.02695657272695535};
List<double> expectedValues = new List<double>() { 0, -3.31410598754883, 0.5, 5.12000000000001E-08, 0, 1.5700820684432983, 5.2001145245395008E-07,
0.012414560443710681, 0, 1.2854313254356384, 0.28810801662678009, 0.02038940454467935, 0, -1.0950627326965332, 0.36663890634019225, 0.026956459625565483};
int index = 0;
while (enumerator.MoveNext() && index < expectedValues.Count)
row = enumerator.Current;
Assert.Equal(expectedValues[index++], row.Change[0], 0.0000001); // Alert
Assert.Equal(expectedValues[index++], row.Change[1], 0.0000001); // Raw score
Assert.Equal(expectedValues[index++], row.Change[2], 0.0000001); // P-Value score
Assert.Equal(expectedValues[index++], row.Change[3], 0.0000001); // Martingale score
public void ChangePointDetectionWithSeasonalityPredictionEngineNoColumn()
const int changeHistorySize = 10;
const int seasonalitySize = 10;
const int numberOfSeasonsInTraining = 5;
const int maxTrainingSize = numberOfSeasonsInTraining * seasonalitySize;
List<Data> data = new List<Data>();
var ml = new MLContext(seed: 1);
var dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfSeasonsInTraining; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < seasonalitySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i));
for (int i = 0; i < changeHistorySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i * 100));
// Pipeline.
var pipeline = ml.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText("Text_Featurized", "Text")
.Append(new SsaChangePointEstimator(ml, new SsaChangePointDetector.Options()
Confidence = 95,
Source = "Value",
Name = "Change",
ChangeHistoryLength = changeHistorySize,
TrainingWindowSize = maxTrainingSize,
SeasonalWindowSize = seasonalitySize
// Train.
var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
//Create prediction function.
var engine = model.CreateTimeSeriesEngine<Data, Prediction1>(ml);
//Checkpoint with no inputs passed at prediction.
var modelPath = "temp.zip";
engine.CheckPoint(ml, modelPath);
//Load time series model and we will use this to pass two inputs and compare the raw score
//with "engine".
ITransformer model2 = null;
using (var file = File.OpenRead(modelPath))
model2 = ml.Model.Load(file, out var schema);
//Raw score after state gets updated with two inputs.
var engine2 = model2.CreateTimeSeriesEngine<Data, Prediction>(ml);
var prediction2 = engine2.Predict(new Data(1));
//Raw score after first input.
Assert.Equal(1.1661833524703979, prediction2.Change[1], 0.00001); // Raw score
prediction2 = engine2.Predict(new Data(1));
//Raw score after second input.
Assert.Equal(0.12216401100158691, prediction2.Change[1], 0.00001); // Raw score
//Even though time series column is not requested it will
// pass the observation through time series transform and update the state with the first input.
var prediction = engine.Predict(new Data(1));
Assert.Equal(-1, prediction.Random);
//Save the model with state updated with just one input.
engine.CheckPoint(ml, modelPath + 1);
ITransformer model3 = null;
using (var file = File.OpenRead(modelPath + 1))
model3 = ml.Model.Load(file, out var schema);
//Load the model with state updated with just one input, then pass in the second input
//and raw score should match the raw score obtained by passing the two input in the first model.
var engine3 = model3.CreateTimeSeriesEngine<Data, Prediction>(ml);
var prediction3 = engine3.Predict(new Data(1));
Assert.Equal(0.12216401100158691, prediction2.Change[1], 0.00001); // Raw score
public void ChangePointDetectionWithSeasonalityPredictionEngine()
const int changeHistorySize = 10;
const int seasonalitySize = 10;
const int numberOfSeasonsInTraining = 5;
const int maxTrainingSize = numberOfSeasonsInTraining * seasonalitySize;
List<Data> data = new List<Data>();
var ml = new MLContext(seed: 1);
var dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfSeasonsInTraining; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < seasonalitySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i));
for (int i = 0; i < changeHistorySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i * 100));
// Pipeline.
var pipeline = ml.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText("Text_Featurized", "Text")
.Append(ml.Transforms.Conversion.ConvertType("Value", "Value", DataKind.Single))
.Append(new SsaChangePointEstimator(ml, new SsaChangePointDetector.Options()
Confidence = 95,
Source = "Value",
Name = "Change",
ChangeHistoryLength = changeHistorySize,
TrainingWindowSize = maxTrainingSize,
SeasonalWindowSize = seasonalitySize
// Train.
var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
//Model 1: Prediction #1.
var engine = model.CreateTimeSeriesEngine<Data, Prediction>(ml);
var prediction = engine.Predict(new Data(1));
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Change[0], 0.0000001); // Alert
Assert.Equal(1.1661833524703979, prediction.Change[1], 0.00001); // Raw score
Assert.Equal(0.5, prediction.Change[2], 0.0000001); // P-Value score
Assert.Equal(5.1200000000000114E-08, prediction.Change[3], 0.0000001); // Martingale score
//Model 1: Checkpoint.
var modelPath = "temp.zip";
engine.CheckPoint(ml, modelPath);
//Model 1: Prediction #2
prediction = engine.Predict(new Data(1));
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Change[0], 0.0000001); // Alert
Assert.Equal(0.12216401100158691, prediction.Change[1], 0.00001); // Raw score
Assert.Equal(0.14823824685192111, prediction.Change[2], 0.00001); // P-Value score
Assert.Equal(1.5292508189989167E-07, prediction.Change[3], 0.0000001); // Martingale score
// Load Model 1.
ITransformer model2 = null;
using (var file = File.OpenRead(modelPath))
model2 = ml.Model.Load(file, out var schema);
//Predict and expect the same result after checkpointing(Prediction #2).
engine = model2.CreateTimeSeriesEngine<Data, Prediction>(ml);
prediction = engine.Predict(new Data(1));
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Change[0], 0.0000001); // Alert
Assert.Equal(0.12216401100158691, prediction.Change[1], 0.00001); // Raw score
Assert.Equal(0.14823824685192111, prediction.Change[2], 0.00001); // P-Value score
Assert.Equal(1.5292508189989167E-07, prediction.Change[3], 0.00001); // Martingale score
public void SsaForecast()
var env = new MLContext(1);
const int changeHistorySize = 10;
const int seasonalitySize = 10;
const int numberOfSeasonsInTraining = 5;
List<Data> data = new List<Data>();
var dataView = env.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);
var args = new SsaForecastingTransformer.Options()
ConfidenceLevel = 0.95f,
Source = "Value",
Name = "Forecast",
ConfidenceLowerBoundColumn = "MinCnf",
ConfidenceUpperBoundColumn = "MaxCnf",
WindowSize = 10,
SeriesLength = 11,
TrainSize = 22,
Horizon = 4,
IsAdaptive = true
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfSeasonsInTraining; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < seasonalitySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i));
for (int i = 0; i < changeHistorySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i * 100));
// Train
var detector = new SsaForecastingEstimator(env, args).Fit(dataView);
// Transform
var output = detector.Transform(dataView);
// Get predictions
var enumerator = env.Data.CreateEnumerable<ForecastPrediction>(output, true).GetEnumerator();
ForecastPrediction row = null;
// [TEST_STABILITY]: MKL generates different precision float number on Dotnet Core 3.1
// and cause the forecast result differs
List<float> expectedForecast = new List<float>() { 0.191492021f, 2.53994060f, 5.26454258f, 7.37313938f };
List<float> minCnf = new List<float>() { -3.9741986f, -2.36872721f, 0.09407699f, 2.18899393f };
List<float> maxCnf = new List<float>() { 4.3571825f, 7.4486084f, 10.435008f, 12.5572853f };
List<float> expectedForecast = new List<float>() { 0.191491723f, 2.53994083f, 5.26454258f, 7.37313938f };
List<float> minCnf = new List<float>() { -3.9741993f, -2.36872721f, 0.09407653f, 2.18899345f };
List<float> maxCnf = new List<float>() { 4.3571825f, 7.448609f, 10.435009f, 12.5572853f };
row = enumerator.Current;
for (int localIndex = 0; localIndex < 4; localIndex++)
Assert.Equal(expectedForecast[localIndex], row.Forecast[localIndex], 0.0000001);
Assert.Equal(minCnf[localIndex], row.MinCnf[localIndex], 0.0000001);
Assert.Equal(maxCnf[localIndex], row.MaxCnf[localIndex], 0.0000001);
public void SsaForecastPredictionEngine()
const int changeHistorySize = 10;
const int seasonalitySize = 10;
const int numberOfSeasonsInTraining = 5;
List<Data> data = new List<Data>();
var ml = new MLContext(seed: 1);
var dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);
var args = new SsaForecastingTransformer.Options()
ConfidenceLevel = 0.95f,
Source = "Value",
Name = "Forecast",
WindowSize = 10,
SeriesLength = 11,
TrainSize = 22,
Horizon = 4,
ConfidenceLowerBoundColumn = "ConfidenceLowerBound",
ConfidenceUpperBoundColumn = "ConfidenceUpperBound",
VariableHorizon = true
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfSeasonsInTraining; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < seasonalitySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i));
for (int i = 0; i < changeHistorySize; i++)
data.Add(new Data(i * 100));
// Train
var model = ml.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText("Text_Featurized", "Text")
.Append(ml.Transforms.Conversion.ConvertType("Value", "Value", DataKind.Single))
.Append(ml.Forecasting.ForecastBySsa("Forecast", "Value", 10, 11, 22, 4,
confidenceLowerBoundColumn: "ConfidenceLowerBound",
confidenceUpperBoundColumn: "ConfidenceUpperBound", variableHorizon: true))
.Append(ml.Transforms.Concatenate("Forecast", "Forecast", "ConfidenceLowerBound", "ConfidenceUpperBound"))
//Prediction engine.
var engine = model.CreateTimeSeriesEngine<Data, ForecastResultArray>(ml);
ForecastResultArray result = new ForecastResultArray();
// Forecast and change the horizon to 5.
engine.Predict(null, ref result, horizon: 5);
// [Forecast, ConfidenceLowerBound, ConfidenceUpperBound]
// [TEST_STABILITY]: dotnet core 3.1 generates slightly different result
Assert.Equal(new float[] { -1.02245092f, 0.08333033f, 2.6073704f, 5.397318f, 7.5008316f, -5.1881413f, -4.82533741f,
-2.563095f, 0.21317233f, 2.29317045f, 3.1432397f, 4.991998f, 7.777836f, 10.581464f, 12.708492f }, result.Forecast);
Assert.Equal(new float[] { -1.02245092f, 0.08333081f, 2.60737085f, 5.397319f, 7.500832f, -5.188142f, -4.82533741f,
-2.563095f, 0.213172823f, 2.29317045f, 3.14324f, 4.991999f, 7.777837f, 10.5814648f, 12.7084932f }, result.Forecast);
// Update the forecasting model.
engine.Predict(new Data(2));
// Update the model and then forecast.
engine.Predict(new Data(2), ref result);
engine.CheckPoint(ml, "model.zip");
// [Forecast, ConfidenceLowerBound, ConfidenceUpperBound]
// [TEST_STABILITY]: dotnet core 3.1 generates slightly different result
Assert.Equal(new float[] { 4.310586f, 6.397167f, 7.73934f, 8.029469f, 0.14489543f,
1.48849952f, 2.5688744f, 2.845323f, 8.476276f, 11.305835f, 12.909805f, 13.2136145f }, result.Forecast);
Assert.Equal(new float[] { 4.310587f, 6.39716768f, 7.73934f, 8.029469f, 0.144895911f,
1.48849952f, 2.568874f, 2.84532261f, 8.476278f, 11.3058357f, 12.9098063f, 13.2136145f }, result.Forecast);
// Checkpoint the model.
ITransformer modelCopy;
using (var file = File.OpenRead("model.zip"))
modelCopy = ml.Model.Load(file, out DataViewSchema schema);
// We must create a new prediction engine from the persisted model.
var forecastEngineCopy = modelCopy.CreateTimeSeriesEngine<Data, ForecastResultArray>(ml);
ForecastResultArray resultCopy = new ForecastResultArray();
// Update both the models.
engine.Predict(new Data(3));
forecastEngineCopy.Predict(new Data(3));
// Forecast values with the original and check-pointed model.
forecastEngineCopy.Predict(null, ref resultCopy, horizon: 5);
engine.Predict(null, ref result, horizon: 5);
// [Forecast, ConfidenceLowerBound, ConfidenceUpperBound]
// [TEST_STABILITY]: dotnet core 3.1 generates slightly different result
Assert.Equal(new float[] { 6.006588f, 7.506871f, 7.964249f, 7.1751432f,
5.0265527f, 1.84089744f, 2.5982034f, 2.7937837f, 1.9909977f,
-0.1811084f, 10.172278f, 12.415539f, 13.1347151f, 12.359289f, 10.234214f}, result.Forecast);
Assert.Equal(new float[] { 6.00658846f, 7.506871f, 7.96424866f, 7.17514229f,
5.02655172f, 1.84089744f, 2.59820318f, 2.79378271f, 1.99099624f,
-0.181109816f, 10.1722794f, 12.41554f, 13.1347151f, 12.3592882f, 10.2342129f}, result.Forecast);
// The forecasted results should be the same because the state of the models
// is the same.
Assert.Equal(result.Forecast, resultCopy.Forecast);
public void AnomalyDetectionWithSrCnn(bool loadDataFromFile)
var ml = new MLContext(1);
IDataView dataView;
if (loadDataFromFile)
var dataPath = GetDataPath(Path.Combine("Timeseries", "anomaly_detection.csv"));
// Load data from file into the dataView
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromTextFile(dataPath, new[] {
new TextLoader.Column("Value", DataKind.Single, 0),
}, hasHeader: true);
// Generate sample series data with an anomaly
var data = new List<TimeSeriesData>();
for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++)
data.Add(new TimeSeriesData(5));
data.Add(new TimeSeriesData(10));
for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
data.Add(new TimeSeriesData(5));
// Convert data to IDataView.
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);
// Setup the estimator arguments
string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesData.Value);
// The transformed data.
var transformedData = ml.Transforms.DetectAnomalyBySrCnn(outputColumnName, inputColumnName, 16, 5, 5, 3, 8, 0.35).Fit(dataView).Transform(dataView);
// Getting the data of the newly created column as an IEnumerable of SrCnnAnomalyDetection.
var predictionColumn = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<SrCnnAnomalyDetection>(transformedData, reuseRowObject: false);
int k = 0;
foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
if (k == 20)
Assert.Equal(1, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Prediction[0]);
k += 1;
[NativeDependencyTheory("MklImports"), CombinatorialData]
public void TestSrCnnBatchAnomalyDetector(
[CombinatorialValues(SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyOnly, SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndExpectedValue, SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndMargin)] SrCnnDetectMode mode,
[CombinatorialValues(true, false)] bool loadDataFromFile,
[CombinatorialValues(-1, 24, 26, 512)] int batchSize)
var ml = new MLContext(1);
IDataView dataView;
List<TimeSeriesDataDouble> data;
if (loadDataFromFile)
var dataPath = GetDataPath("Timeseries", "anomaly_detection.csv");
// Load data from file into the dataView
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromTextFile<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataPath, hasHeader: true);
data = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataView, reuseRowObject: false).ToList();
data = new List<TimeSeriesDataDouble>();
// Generate sample series data with an anomaly
for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++)
data.Add(new TimeSeriesDataDouble { Value = 5 });
data.Add(new TimeSeriesDataDouble { Value = 10 });
for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
data.Add(new TimeSeriesDataDouble { Value = 5 });
// Convert data to IDataView.
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);
// Setup the detection arguments
string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesDataDouble.Value);
// Do batch anomaly detection
var outputDataView = ml.AnomalyDetection.DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(dataView, outputColumnName, inputColumnName,
threshold: 0.35, batchSize: batchSize, sensitivity: 98.0, mode);
// Getting the data of the newly created column as an IEnumerable of SrCnnAnomalyDetection.
var predictionColumn = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<SrCnnAnomalyDetection>(
outputDataView, reuseRowObject: false);
int k = 0;
foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
switch (mode)
case SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyOnly:
Assert.Equal(3, prediction.Prediction.Length);
if (k == 20)
Assert.Equal(1, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Prediction[0]);
case SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndExpectedValue:
Assert.Equal(4, prediction.Prediction.Length);
if (k == 20)
Assert.Equal(1, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.Equal(5.00, prediction.Prediction[3], 0.01);
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Prediction[0]);
case SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndMargin:
Assert.Equal(7, prediction.Prediction.Length);
if (k == 20)
Assert.Equal(1, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.Equal(5.00, prediction.Prediction[3], 0.01);
Assert.Equal(5.00, prediction.Prediction[4], 0.01);
Assert.Equal(5.01, prediction.Prediction[5], 0.01);
Assert.Equal(4.99, prediction.Prediction[6], 0.01);
Assert.True(prediction.Prediction[6] > data[k].Value || data[k].Value > prediction.Prediction[5]);
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Prediction[0]);
k += 1;
[NativeDependencyTheory("MklImports"), CombinatorialData]
public void TestSrCnnAnomalyDetectorWithSeasonalData(
[CombinatorialValues(SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Stl, SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Mean, SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Median)] SrCnnDeseasonalityMode mode)
var ml = new MLContext(1);
IDataView dataView;
List<TimeSeriesDataDouble> data;
var dataPath = GetDataPath("Timeseries", "period_no_anomaly.csv");
// Load data from file into the dataView
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromTextFile<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataPath, hasHeader: true);
data = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataView, reuseRowObject: false).ToList();
// Setup the detection arguments
string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesDataDouble.Value);
// Do batch anomaly detection
var options = new SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions()
Threshold = 0.3,
BatchSize = -1,
Sensitivity = 64.0,
DetectMode = SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndMargin,
Period = 288,
DeseasonalityMode = mode
var outputDataView = ml.AnomalyDetection.DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(dataView, outputColumnName, inputColumnName, options);
// Getting the data of the newly created column as an IEnumerable of SrCnnAnomalyDetection.
var predictionColumn = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<SrCnnAnomalyDetection>(
outputDataView, reuseRowObject: false);
var index = 0;
foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
Assert.Equal(7, prediction.Prediction.Length);
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.True(prediction.Prediction[6] <= data[index].Value);
Assert.True(data[index].Value <= prediction.Prediction[5]);
[NativeDependencyTheory("MklImports"), CombinatorialData]
public void TestSrCnnAnomalyDetectorBigSpike(
[CombinatorialValues(SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyOnly, SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndExpectedValue, SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyOnly)] SrCnnDetectMode mode
var ml = new MLContext(1);
IDataView dataView;
List<TimeSeriesDataDouble> data;
var dataPath = GetDataPath("Timeseries", "big_spike_data.csv");
// Load data from file into the dataView
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromTextFile<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataPath, hasHeader: true);
data = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataView, reuseRowObject: false).ToList();
// Setup the detection arguments
string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesDataDouble.Value);
// Do batch anomaly detection
var options = new SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions()
Threshold = 0.3,
BatchSize = -1,
Sensitivity = 80.0,
DetectMode = mode,
Period = 0,
DeseasonalityMode = SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Stl
var outputDataView = ml.AnomalyDetection.DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(dataView, outputColumnName, inputColumnName, options);
// Getting the data of the newly created column as an IEnumerable of SrCnnAnomalyDetection.
var predictionColumn = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<SrCnnAnomalyDetection>(
outputDataView, reuseRowObject: false);
var anomalyIndex = 26;
int k = 0;
foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
if (anomalyIndex == k)
Assert.Equal(1, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Prediction[0]);
[NativeDependencyTheory("MklImports"), CombinatorialData]
public void TestSrCnnAnomalyDetectorWithSeasonalAnomalyData(
[CombinatorialValues(SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Stl, SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Mean, SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Median)] SrCnnDeseasonalityMode mode
var ml = new MLContext(1);
IDataView dataView;
List<TimeSeriesDataDouble> data;
var dataPath = GetDataPath("Timeseries", "period_anomaly.csv");
// Load data from file into the dataView
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromTextFile<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataPath, hasHeader: true);
data = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataView, reuseRowObject: false).ToList();
// Setup the detection arguments
string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesDataDouble.Value);
// Do batch anomaly detection
var options = new SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions()
Threshold = 0.23,
BatchSize = -1,
Sensitivity = 63.0,
DetectMode = SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndMargin,
Period = 288,
DeseasonalityMode = mode
var outputDataView = ml.AnomalyDetection.DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(dataView, outputColumnName, inputColumnName, options);
// Getting the data of the newly created column as an IEnumerable of SrCnnAnomalyDetection.
var predictionColumn = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<SrCnnAnomalyDetection>(
outputDataView, reuseRowObject: false);
var anomalyStartIndex = 2988;
var anomalyEndIndex = 3095;
int k = 0;
foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
Assert.Equal(7, prediction.Prediction.Length);
if (anomalyStartIndex <= k && k <= anomalyEndIndex)
Assert.Equal(1, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.True(prediction.Prediction[6] > data[k].Value || data[k].Value > prediction.Prediction[5]);
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.True(prediction.Prediction[6] <= data[k].Value);
Assert.True(data[k].Value <= prediction.Prediction[5]);
[NativeDependencyTheory("MklImports"), CombinatorialData]
public void TestSrCnnAnomalyDetectorWithAnomalyAtBeginning(
[CombinatorialValues(SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Stl, SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Mean, SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Median)] SrCnnDeseasonalityMode mode
var ml = new MLContext(1);
IDataView dataView;
List<TimeSeriesDataDouble> data;
var dataPath = GetDataPath("Timeseries", "anomaly_at_beginning.csv");
// Load data from file into the dataView
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromTextFile<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataPath, hasHeader: true);
data = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataView, reuseRowObject: false).ToList();
// Setup the detection arguments
string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesDataDouble.Value);
// Do batch anomaly detection
var options = new SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions()
Threshold = 0.30,
BatchSize = -1,
Sensitivity = 80.0,
DetectMode = SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndMargin,
Period = 0,
DeseasonalityMode = mode
var outputDataView = ml.AnomalyDetection.DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(dataView, outputColumnName, inputColumnName, options);
// Getting the data of the newly created column as an IEnumerable of SrCnnAnomalyDetection.
var predictionColumn = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<SrCnnAnomalyDetection>(
outputDataView, reuseRowObject: false);
var anomalyIndex = 1;
int k = 0;
foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
Assert.Equal(7, prediction.Prediction.Length);
if (anomalyIndex == k)
Assert.Equal(1, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.True(prediction.Prediction[6] > data[k].Value || data[k].Value > prediction.Prediction[5]);
Assert.Equal(0, prediction.Prediction[0]);
Assert.True(prediction.Prediction[6] <= data[k].Value);
Assert.True(data[k].Value <= prediction.Prediction[5]);
[NativeDependencyTheory("MklImports"), CombinatorialData]
public void TestSrcnnEntireDetectNonnegativeData(
[CombinatorialValues(true, false)] bool isPositive)
var ml = new MLContext(1);
IDataView dataView;
List<TimeSeriesDataDouble> data;
// Load data from file into the dataView
var dataPath = GetDataPath("Timeseries", "non_negative_case.csv");
// Load data from file into the dataView
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromTextFile<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataPath, hasHeader: true);
data = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(dataView, reuseRowObject: false).ToList();
if (!isPositive)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; ++i)
data[i].Value = -data[i].Value;
dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromEnumerable<TimeSeriesDataDouble>(data);
// Setup the detection arguments
string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesDataDouble.Value);
// Do batch anomaly detection
var options = new SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions()
Threshold = 0.10,
BatchSize = -1,
Sensitivity = 99.0,
DetectMode = SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndMargin,
Period = 0,
DeseasonalityMode = SrCnnDeseasonalityMode.Stl
var outputDataView = ml.AnomalyDetection.DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(dataView, outputColumnName, inputColumnName, options);
// Getting the data of the newly created column as an IEnumerable of SrCnnAnomalyDetection.
var predictionColumn = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<SrCnnAnomalyDetection>(
outputDataView, reuseRowObject: false);
if (isPositive)
foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
Assert.True(prediction.Prediction[3] >= 0);
foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
Assert.True(prediction.Prediction[3] <= 0);
public void RootCauseLocalization()
// Create an root cause localization input
var rootCauseLocalizationInput = new RootCauseLocalizationInput(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), GetRootCauseAnomalyDimension("UK", _rootCauseAggSymbol), new List<MetricSlice>() { new MetricSlice(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), GetRootCauseLocalizationPoints(_rootCauseAggSymbol)) }, AggregateType.Sum, _rootCauseAggSymbol);
var ml = new MLContext(1);
RootCause rootCause = ml.AnomalyDetection.LocalizeRootCause(rootCauseLocalizationInput);
Assert.Equal(1, (int)rootCause.Items.Count);
Assert.Equal(3, (int)rootCause.Items[0].Dimension.Count);
Assert.Equal(AnomalyDirection.Up, rootCause.Items[0].Direction);
Assert.Equal(1, (int)rootCause.Items[0].Path.Count);
Assert.Equal("DataCenter", rootCause.Items[0].Path[0]);
Dictionary<string, Object> expectedDim = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
expectedDim.Add("Country", "UK");
expectedDim.Add("DeviceType", _rootCauseAggSymbol);
expectedDim.Add("DataCenter", "DC1");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in rootCause.Items[0].Dimension)
Assert.Equal(expectedDim[pair.Key], pair.Value);
public void MultiDimensionalRootCauseLocalization()
// Create an root cause localization input
var rootCauseLocalizationInput = new RootCauseLocalizationInput(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), GetRootCauseAnomalyDimension("UK", _rootCauseAggSymbol), new List<MetricSlice>() { new MetricSlice(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), GetRootCauseLocalizationPoints(_rootCauseAggSymbol)) }, AggregateType.Sum, _rootCauseAggSymbol);
var ml = new MLContext(1);
List<RootCause> preparedCauses = ml.AnomalyDetection.LocalizeRootCauses(rootCauseLocalizationInput);
Assert.Equal(2, preparedCauses.Count);
Assert.Equal(1, (int)preparedCauses[0].Items.Count);
Assert.Equal(3, (int)preparedCauses[0].Items[0].Dimension.Count);
Assert.Equal(AnomalyDirection.Up, preparedCauses[0].Items[0].Direction);
Assert.Equal(1, (int)preparedCauses[0].Items[0].Path.Count);
Assert.Equal("DataCenter", preparedCauses[0].Items[0].Path[0]);
Dictionary<string, Object> expectedDim = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
expectedDim.Add("Country", "UK");
expectedDim.Add("DeviceType", _rootCauseAggSymbol);
expectedDim.Add("DataCenter", "DC1");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in preparedCauses[0].Items[0].Dimension)
Assert.Equal(expectedDim[pair.Key], pair.Value);
Assert.Equal(1, (int)preparedCauses[1].Items.Count);
Assert.Equal(3, (int)preparedCauses[1].Items[0].Dimension.Count);
Assert.Equal(AnomalyDirection.Up, preparedCauses[1].Items[0].Direction);
Assert.Equal(1, (int)preparedCauses[1].Items[0].Path.Count);
Assert.Equal("DeviceType", preparedCauses[1].Items[0].Path[0]);
expectedDim = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
expectedDim.Add("Country", "UK");
expectedDim.Add("DeviceType", "Mobile");
expectedDim.Add("DataCenter", _rootCauseAggSymbol);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in preparedCauses[1].Items[0].Dimension)
Assert.Equal(expectedDim[pair.Key], pair.Value);
public void RootCauseLocalizationForNullDimValue()
// Create an root cause localization input
object rootCauseAggSymbolForNullDimValue = null;
List<MetricSlice> slice = new List<MetricSlice>
new MetricSlice(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), GetRootCauseLocalizationPoints(rootCauseAggSymbolForNullDimValue))
var rootCauseLocalizationInput = new RootCauseLocalizationInput(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), GetRootCauseAnomalyDimension("UK", rootCauseAggSymbolForNullDimValue), slice, AggregateType.Sum, rootCauseAggSymbolForNullDimValue);
var ml = new MLContext(1);
RootCause rootCause = ml.AnomalyDetection.LocalizeRootCause(rootCauseLocalizationInput);
Assert.Equal(3, rootCause.Items[0].Dimension.Count);
Assert.Equal(AnomalyDirection.Up, rootCause.Items[0].Direction);
Assert.Equal("DataCenter", rootCause.Items[0].Path[0]);
Dictionary<string, object> expectedDim = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"Country", "UK" },
{"DeviceType", rootCauseAggSymbolForNullDimValue },
{"DataCenter", "DC1" }
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in rootCause.Items[0].Dimension)
Assert.Equal(expectedDim[pair.Key], pair.Value);
[InlineData(-1, 6)]
[InlineData(60, 6)]
[InlineData(20, -1)]
public void TestDetectSeasonality(int seasonalityWindowSize, int expectedPeriod)
// Create a detect seasonality input: y = sin(2 * Pi + x)
var input = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(x =>
new TimeSeriesDataDouble()
Value = Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI + x),
foreach (var data in input)
var mlContext = new MLContext();
var dataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(input);
SeasonalityDetector seasonalityDetector = new SeasonalityDetector();
int period = mlContext.AnomalyDetection.DetectSeasonality(dataView, nameof(TimeSeriesDataDouble.Value), seasonalityWindowSize);
Assert.Equal(expectedPeriod, period);
private static List<TimeSeriesPoint> GetRootCauseLocalizationPoints(object aggSymbol)
List<TimeSeriesPoint> points = new List<TimeSeriesPoint>();
Dictionary<string, Object> dic1 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic1.Add("Country", "UK");
dic1.Add("DeviceType", "Laptop");
dic1.Add("DataCenter", "DC1");
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(200, 100, true, dic1));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic2 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic2.Add("Country", "UK");
dic2.Add("DeviceType", "Mobile");
dic2.Add("DataCenter", "DC1");
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1000, 100, true, dic2));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic3 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic3.Add("Country", "UK");
dic3.Add("DeviceType", aggSymbol);
dic3.Add("DataCenter", "DC1");
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1200, 200, true, dic3));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic4 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic4.Add("Country", "UK");
dic4.Add("DeviceType", "Laptop");
dic4.Add("DataCenter", "DC2");
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(100, 100, false, dic4));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic5 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic5.Add("Country", "UK");
dic5.Add("DeviceType", "Mobile");
dic5.Add("DataCenter", "DC2");
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(200, 200, false, dic5));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic6 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic6.Add("Country", "UK");
dic6.Add("DeviceType", aggSymbol);
dic6.Add("DataCenter", "DC2");
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(300, 300, false, dic6));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic7 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic7.Add("Country", "UK");
dic7.Add("DeviceType", aggSymbol);
dic7.Add("DataCenter", aggSymbol);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1800, 850, true, dic7));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic8 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic8.Add("Country", "UK");
dic8.Add("DeviceType", "Laptop");
dic8.Add("DataCenter", aggSymbol);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(500, 450, false, dic8));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic9 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic9.Add("Country", "UK");
dic9.Add("DeviceType", "Mobile");
dic9.Add("DataCenter", aggSymbol);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1300, 400, true, dic9));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic10 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic10.Add("Country", "UK");
dic10.Add("DeviceType", "Mobile");
dic10.Add("DataCenter", "DC3");
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(100, 100, false, dic10));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic11 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic11.Add("Country", "UK");
dic11.Add("DeviceType", "Laptop");
dic11.Add("DataCenter", "DC3");
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(200, 250, false, dic11));
Dictionary<string, Object> dic12 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dic12.Add("Country", "UK");
dic12.Add("DeviceType", aggSymbol);
dic12.Add("DataCenter", "DC3");
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(300, 350, false, dic12));
return points;
private static Dictionary<string, Object> GetRootCauseAnomalyDimension(object val, object aggSymbol)
Dictionary<string, Object> dim = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
dim.Add("Country", val);
dim.Add("DeviceType", aggSymbol);
dim.Add("DataCenter", aggSymbol);
return dim;
private static DateTime GetRootCauseTimestamp()
return new DateTime(2020, 3, 23, 0, 0, 0);
public void RootCauseLocalizationForIntDimValue()
// Create an root cause localization input
List<MetricSlice> slice = new List<MetricSlice>
new MetricSlice(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), GetRootCauseLocalizationPointsForIntDimValue())
var rootCauseLocalizationInput = new RootCauseLocalizationInput(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), GetRootCauseAnomalyDimension(10, _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue), slice, AggregateType.Sum, _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue);
var ml = new MLContext(1);
RootCause rootCause = ml.AnomalyDetection.LocalizeRootCause(rootCauseLocalizationInput);
Assert.Equal(3, rootCause.Items[0].Dimension.Count);
Assert.Equal(AnomalyDirection.Up, rootCause.Items[0].Direction);
Assert.Equal("DataCenter", rootCause.Items[0].Path[0]);
Dictionary<string, int> expectedDim = new Dictionary<string, int>
{"Country", 10 },
{"DeviceType", _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue },
{"DataCenter", 30 }
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in rootCause.Items[0].Dimension)
Assert.Equal(expectedDim[pair.Key], pair.Value);
public void RootCauseLocalizationForDiffDimValueType()
// Create an root cause localization input
Dictionary<string, object> expectedDim = GetRootCauseAnomalyDimension(10, _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue);
List<MetricSlice> slice = new List<MetricSlice>
new MetricSlice(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), GetRootCauseLocalizationPointsForIntDimValue())
var rootCauseLocalizationInput = new RootCauseLocalizationInput(GetRootCauseTimestamp(), expectedDim, slice, AggregateType.Sum, _rootCauseAggSymbolForDiffDimValueType);
var ml = new MLContext(1);
RootCause rootCause = ml.AnomalyDetection.LocalizeRootCause(rootCauseLocalizationInput);
private static List<TimeSeriesPoint> GetRootCauseLocalizationPointsForIntDimValue()
List<TimeSeriesPoint> points = new List<TimeSeriesPoint>();
Dictionary<string, object> dic1 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic1.Add("Country", 10);
dic1.Add("DeviceType", 20);
dic1.Add("DataCenter", 30);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(200, 100, true, dic1));
Dictionary<string, object> dic2 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic2.Add("Country", 10);
dic2.Add("DeviceType", 21);
dic2.Add("DataCenter", 30);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1000, 100, true, dic2));
Dictionary<string, object> dic3 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic3.Add("Country", 10);
dic3.Add("DeviceType", _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue);
dic3.Add("DataCenter", 30);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1200, 200, true, dic3));
Dictionary<string, object> dic4 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic4.Add("Country", 10);
dic4.Add("DeviceType", 20);
dic4.Add("DataCenter", 31);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(100, 100, false, dic4));
Dictionary<string, object> dic5 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic5.Add("Country", 10);
dic5.Add("DeviceType", 21);
dic5.Add("DataCenter", 31);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(200, 200, false, dic5));
Dictionary<string, object> dic6 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic6.Add("Country", 10);
dic6.Add("DeviceType", _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue);
dic6.Add("DataCenter", 31);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(300, 300, false, dic6));
Dictionary<string, object> dic7 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic7.Add("Country", 10);
dic7.Add("DeviceType", _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue);
dic7.Add("DataCenter", _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1800, 850, true, dic7));
Dictionary<string, object> dic8 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic8.Add("Country", 10);
dic8.Add("DeviceType", 20);
dic8.Add("DataCenter", _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(500, 450, false, dic8));
Dictionary<string, object> dic9 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic9.Add("Country", 10);
dic9.Add("DeviceType", 21);
dic9.Add("DataCenter", _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1300, 400, true, dic9));
Dictionary<string, object> dic10 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic10.Add("Country", 10);
dic10.Add("DeviceType", 21);
dic10.Add("DataCenter", 32);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(100, 100, false, dic10));
Dictionary<string, object> dic11 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic11.Add("Country", 10);
dic11.Add("DeviceType", 20);
dic11.Add("DataCenter", 32);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(200, 250, false, dic11));
Dictionary<string, object> dic12 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic12.Add("Country", 10);
dic12.Add("DeviceType", _rootCauseAggSymbolForIntDimValue);
dic12.Add("DataCenter", 32);
points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(300, 350, false, dic12));
return points;