6 instantiations of X64Fact
Microsoft.Data.Analysis.Tests (4)
PrimitiveDataFrameColumnTests.cs (3)
14[X64Fact("32-bit doesn't allow to allocate more than 2 Gb")] 469[X64Fact("32-bit doesn't allow to allocate more than 2 Gb")] 477[X64Fact("32-bit doesn't allow to allocate more than 2 Gb")]
VBufferColumnTests.cs (1)
43[X64Fact("32-bit doesn't allow to allocate more than 2 Gb")]
Microsoft.ML.AutoML.Tests (2)
AutoFitTests.cs (2)
121[X64Fact("Only x64 is supported.")] 149[X64Fact("Only x64 is supported.")]