// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.ML.Command;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Model;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFramework;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFramework.Attributes;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFrameworkCommon;
using Microsoft.ML.Tools;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.ML.RunTests
public abstract partial class TestCommandBase : TestDataViewBase
protected const string Cat = "Command";
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper for a path to some file that will be output by some process within the
/// tests of commands. This class comes up with a suitable path derived from a user
/// provided suffix and the test name, and then allows that path to be easily phrased
/// as an argument to input commands and tested for equality versus its baseline.
/// </summary>
protected sealed class OutputPath
private readonly string _dir;
private readonly string _name;
public readonly string Path;
private readonly TestCommandBase _testCmd;
private bool CanBeBaselined { get { return _testCmd != null; } }
/// <summary>
/// A path wrapper to a "raw" file. This will not delete or reinitialize this file.
/// </summary>
public OutputPath(string path)
Path = path;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new instance. Note that this will attempt to delete the file at
/// the output directory, assuming any exists.
/// </summary>
public OutputPath(TestCommandBase test, string dir, string name)
_testCmd = test;
_dir = dir;
_name = name;
Path = _testCmd.DeleteOutputPath(_dir, _name);
public bool CheckEquality(int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default)
return _testCmd.CheckEquality(_dir, _name, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption);
public bool CheckEqualityNormalized(int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default)
return _testCmd.CheckEqualityNormalized(_dir, _name, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption);
public string ArgStr(string name)
return string.Format("{0}={{{1}}}", name, Path);
private static string[] Append(string one, string[] many)
if (Utils.Size(many) == 0)
return new string[] { one };
string[] retval = new string[many.Length + 1];
retval[0] = one;
many.CopyTo(retval, 1);
return retval;
/// <summary>Convenience to express this as a <see cref="PathArgument"/> that should be used as
/// an argument only, with no comparison.</summary>
public PathArgument ArgOnly(string name, params string[] names)
return new PathArgument(this, PathArgument.Usage.Both, PathArgument.Usage.None, false, Append(name, names));
/// <summary>Convenience to express this as a <see cref="PathArgument"/> that should be used only
/// for a non-normalized comparison, but not automatically inserted as an argument.</summary>
public PathArgument ArgNone()
return new PathArgument(this, PathArgument.Usage.None, PathArgument.Usage.Both, false);
/// <summary>Convenience to express this as a <see cref="PathArgument"/> that should be used for
/// both automatic insertion as an argument, as well as a non-normalized comparison.</summary>
public PathArgument Arg(string name, params string[] names)
return new PathArgument(this, PathArgument.Usage.Both, PathArgument.Usage.Both, false, Append(name, names));
/// <summary>Convenience to express this as a <see cref="PathArgument"/> that should be used for
/// both automatic insertion as an argument, as well as a normalized comparison.</summary>
public PathArgument ArgNorm(string name, params string[] names)
return new PathArgument(this, PathArgument.Usage.Both, PathArgument.Usage.Both, true, Append(name, names));
/// <summary>
/// This contains a convenience class for capturing the very common test case where
/// one wants to first incorporate a path as an argument to a command, and then
/// immediately turn around and run some sort of comparison based on it. It is sort
/// of a decorated path that describes how the TestCore and similar
/// methods should incorporate it into the arguments.
/// </summary>
protected sealed class PathArgument
public enum Usage : byte
/// <summary>
/// This indicates that the argument should not actually be automatically
/// added, and only comparisons should be done.</summary>
None = 0x0,
/// <summary>
/// Argument will be automatically appended to the loader arguments, that
/// is, those arguments that are only specified when we are not ingesting
/// a data model.
/// </summary>
Loader = 0x1,
/// <summary>
/// Argument will be automatically appended to the arguments appended when
/// loading a data model from a file, and will be omitted otherwise.
/// </summary>
DataModel = 0x2,
/// <summary>
/// Argument will be automatically appended to all arguments, whether we
/// are ingesting a data model or not.
/// </summary>
Both = 0x3
public readonly OutputPath Path;
/// <summary>When the path should be inserted into the arguments.</summary>
public readonly Usage ArgUsage;
/// <summary>When the path should be subject to a baseline comparison.</summary>
public readonly Usage CmpUsage;
/// <summary>Whether that baseline comparison should be a normalized comparison.</summary>
public readonly bool Normalized;
private readonly string[] _names;
private string _argString;
public string ArgString
if (ArgUsage == Usage.None)
return null;
if (_argString == null)
var argString = Path.ArgStr(_names[_names.Length - 1]);
for (int i = _names.Length - 1; --i >= 0;)
argString = string.Format("{0}{{{1}}}", _names[i], argString);
_argString = argString;
return _argString;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a path argument explicitly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argUsage">Indicates to the test method in what broad situation
/// this path should be auto-appended as an argument</param>
/// <param name="cmpUsage">Indicates to the test method in what broad situation
/// this path should be subjected to a baseline comparison</param>
/// <param name="normalized">Whether this is intended to be a normalized comparison</param>
/// <param name="names">The arguments names. Normally this will be a single value, but if
/// it were a subcomponent, you would list the names of the subcomponent with the last name
/// being the actual path argument name. So if you wanted to have the argument be <c>a{b=path}</c>,
/// the names would be <c>"a","b"</c>.
/// </param>
public PathArgument(OutputPath path, Usage argUsage, Usage cmpUsage, bool normalized, params string[] names)
// The names should be empty iff usage is none.
Contracts.Assert((argUsage == Usage.None) != (Utils.Size(names) >= 1));
Path = path;
ArgUsage = argUsage;
CmpUsage = cmpUsage;
Normalized = normalized;
_names = names;
public bool CheckEquality(int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default)
if (Normalized)
return Path.CheckEqualityNormalized(digitsOfPrecision, parseOption);
return Path.CheckEquality(digitsOfPrecision, parseOption);
protected abstract class RunContextBase
public readonly TestCommandBase Test;
public readonly string BaselineDir;
public readonly string BaselineNamePrefix;
// Whether to write the progress to the output console file or not.
public readonly bool BaselineProgress;
public virtual bool NoComparisons { get { return false; } }
public RunContextBase(TestCommandBase test, string dir, string namePrefix, bool baselineProgress)
Test = test;
BaselineDir = dir;
BaselineNamePrefix = namePrefix;
BaselineProgress = baselineProgress;
public OutputPath InitPath(string suffix)
if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(suffix.FirstOrDefault()))
suffix = "-" + suffix;
string name = BaselineNamePrefix + suffix;
return new OutputPath(Test, BaselineDir, name);
public virtual OutputPath StdoutPath()
return InitPath("out.txt");
public virtual OutputPath ModelPath()
return InitPath("model.zip");
public virtual OutputPath FoldModelPath(int fold)
return InitPath(string.Format("model.fold{0:000}.zip", fold));
public virtual OutputPath MetricsPath()
return InitPath("metrics.txt");
protected virtual void InitializeEnvironment(IHostEnvironment environment)
protected bool TestCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string args, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCore(ctx, cmdName, args, DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption.Default, toCompare);
/// <summary>
/// Runs a command with some arguments. Note that the input
/// <paramref name="toCompare"/> objects are used for comparison only.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Whether this test succeeded.</returns>
protected bool TestCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string args, int digitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
OutputPath outputPath = ctx.StdoutPath();
using (var newWriter = OpenWriter(outputPath.Path))
using (_env.RedirectChannelOutput(newWriter, newWriter))
int res = MainForTest(_env, newWriter, string.Format("{0} {1}", cmdName, args), ctx.BaselineProgress);
if (res != 0)
Log("*** Predictor returned {0}", res);
bool all = true;
if (!ctx.NoComparisons)
all &= outputPath.CheckEqualityNormalized(digitsOfPrecision, parseOption);
if (toCompare != null)
foreach (var c in toCompare)
all &= c.CheckEquality(digitsOfPrecision, parseOption);
return all;
/// <summary>
/// Invoke MAML with specified arguments. This is intended to be used for testing.
/// The progress is not displayed interactively, but if <paramref name="printProgress"/> is true,
/// the log is attached at the end.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="env">The environment to use.</param>
/// <param name="writer">
/// The writer to print the <see cref="BaseTestBaseline.ProgressLogLine"/>. Usually this should be the same writer that is used in <paramref name="env"/>.
/// </param>
/// <param name="args">The arguments for MAML.</param>
/// <param name="printProgress">Whether to print the progress summary. If true, progress summary will appear in the end of baseline output file.</param>
private protected static int MainForTest(ConsoleEnvironment env, TextWriter writer, string args, bool printProgress = false)
int result = Maml.MainCore(env, args, false);
if (printProgress)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Checks that <paramref name="testOutPath"/>'s contents are a suffix of <paramref name="trainTestOutPath"/>'s
/// contents, assuming one skips <paramref name="skip"/> lines from <paramref name="testOutPath"/>.
/// </summary>
protected bool CheckTestOutputMatchesTrainTest(string trainTestOutPath, string testOutPath, int skip = 0)
Contracts.Assert(skip >= 0);
// Normalize the output file.
bool res = CheckOutputIsSuffix(trainTestOutPath, testOutPath, skip, ProgressLogLine);
if (res)
File.Delete(testOutPath + RawSuffix);
return res;
/// <summary>
/// A test class with some convenience methods for those commands that involve
/// the saving or loading of data models.
/// </summary>
public abstract partial class TestDmCommandBase : TestCommandBase
private bool TestCoreCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string dataPath, PathArgument.Usage situation,
OutputPath inModelPath, OutputPath outModelPath, string loaderArgs, string extraArgs, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCoreCore(ctx, cmdName, dataPath, situation, inModelPath, outModelPath, loaderArgs, extraArgs, DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption.Default, toCompare);
private bool TestCoreCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string dataPath, PathArgument.Usage situation,
OutputPath inModelPath, OutputPath outModelPath, string loaderArgs, string extraArgs, int digitsOfPrecision,
NumberParseOption parseOption, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(toCompare) == 0 || toCompare.All(x => x != null));
// Construct the arguments for the version of the command where we will
// create then save the data model file.
List<string> args = new List<string>();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataPath))
args.Add(string.Format("data={{{0}}}", dataPath));
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loaderArgs))
foreach (var pa in toCompare)
if ((pa.ArgUsage & situation) != PathArgument.Usage.None)
if (inModelPath != null)
if (outModelPath != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(extraArgs))
var argString = string.Join(" ", args);
var paths = toCompare.Where(pa => (pa.CmpUsage & situation) != PathArgument.Usage.None).ToArray();
return TestCore(ctx, cmdName, argString, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision, parseOption: parseOption, toCompare: paths);
/// <summary>
/// Run a single command, with the loader arguments, saving an output data model.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The run context from which we can generate our output paths</param>
/// <param name="cmdName">The loadname of the <see cref="ICommand"/></param>
/// <param name="dataPath">The path to the input data</param>
/// <param name="loaderArgs">The arguments that get passed only to the loader version
/// of the command, typically only the loader arguments. Note that convenience arguments
/// like <c>xf</c> that become part of a loader would also fit in this category.</param>
/// <param name="extraArgs">Extra arguments passed to both loader/datamodel versions
/// of the command</param>
/// <param name="toCompare">Extra output paths to compare to baseline, besides the
/// stdout</param>
/// <returns>Whether this test succeeded.</returns>
protected bool TestCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string dataPath, string loaderArgs, string extraArgs, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCoreCore(ctx, cmdName, dataPath, PathArgument.Usage.DataModel, null, ctx.ModelPath(), loaderArgs, extraArgs, toCompare);
protected bool TestCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string dataPath, string loaderArgs, string extraArgs, int digitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCoreCore(ctx, cmdName, dataPath, PathArgument.Usage.DataModel, null, ctx.ModelPath(), loaderArgs, extraArgs, digitsOfPrecision, parseOption, toCompare);
/// <summary>
/// Run one command loading the datafile loaded as defined by a model file, and comparing
/// against standard output. This utility method will load a model, but not save a model.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The run context from which we can generate our output paths</param>
/// <param name="cmdName">The loadname of the <see cref="ICommand"/></param>
/// <param name="dataPath">The path to the input data</param>
/// <param name="modelPath">The model to load</param>
/// <param name="extraArgs">Arguments passed to the command</param>
/// <param name="toCompare">Extra output paths to compare to baseline, besides the
/// stdout</param>
/// <returns>Whether this test succeeded.</returns>
protected bool TestInCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string dataPath, OutputPath modelPath, string extraArgs, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCoreCore(ctx, cmdName, dataPath, PathArgument.Usage.Loader, modelPath, null, null, extraArgs, toCompare);
protected bool TestInCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string dataPath, OutputPath modelPath, string extraArgs, int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCoreCore(ctx, cmdName, dataPath, PathArgument.Usage.Loader, modelPath, null, null, extraArgs, digitsOfPrecision, parseOption, toCompare);
/// <summary>
/// Run one command loading the datafile loaded as defined by a model file, and comparing
/// against standard output. This utility method will both load and save a model.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The run context from which we can generate our output paths</param>
/// <param name="cmdName">The loadname of the <see cref="ICommand"/></param>
/// <param name="dataPath">The path to the input data</param>
/// <param name="modelPath">The model to load</param>
/// <param name="extraArgs">Arguments passed to the command</param>
/// <param name="toCompare">Extra output paths to compare to baseline, besides the
/// stdout</param>
/// <returns>Whether this test succeeded.</returns>
protected bool TestInOutCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string dataPath, OutputPath modelPath, string extraArgs, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCoreCore(ctx, cmdName, dataPath, PathArgument.Usage.Both, modelPath, ctx.ModelPath(), null, extraArgs, toCompare);
/// <summary>
/// Run one command loading the datafile loaded as defined by a model file, and comparing
/// against standard output. This utility method will both load and save a model.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The run context from which we can generate our output paths</param>
/// <param name="cmdName">The loadname of the <see cref="ICommand"/></param>
/// <param name="dataPath">The path to the input data</param>
/// <param name="modelPath">The model to load</param>
/// <param name="extraArgs">Arguments passed to the command</param>
/// <param name="toCompare">Extra output paths to compare to baseline, besides the
/// stdout</param>
/// <returns>Whether this test succeeded.</returns>
protected bool TestInOutCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string dataPath, OutputPath modelPath, string extraArgs, int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption parseOption = NumberParseOption.Default, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCoreCore(ctx, cmdName, dataPath, PathArgument.Usage.Both, modelPath, ctx.ModelPath(), null, extraArgs, digitsOfPrecision, parseOption, toCompare);
/// <summary>
/// Run two commands, one with the loader arguments, the second with the loader loaded
/// from the data model, ensuring that stdout is the same compared to baseline in both cases.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The run context from which we can generate our output paths</param>
/// <param name="cmdName">The loadname of the <see cref="ICommand"/></param>
/// <param name="dataPath">The path to the input data</param>
/// <param name="loaderArgs">The arguments that get passed only to the loader version
/// of the command, typically only the loader arguments. Note that convenience arguments
/// like <c>xf</c> that become part of a loader would also fit in this category. Any
/// arguments that you would not want specified when loading the data model from a file
/// must go here!</param>
/// <param name="extraArgs">Extra arguments passed to both loader/datamodel versions
/// of the command</param>
/// <param name="dmArgs">The arguments that get passed to only the datamodel version
/// of the command</param>
/// <param name="toCompare">Extra output paths to compare to baseline, besides the
/// stdout</param>
/// <returns>Whether this test succeeded.</returns>
protected bool TestReloadedCore(RunContextBase ctx, string cmdName, string dataPath, string loaderArgs, string extraArgs,
string dmArgs, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
OutputPath dmPath = ctx.ModelPath();
// Only run the reloading if the first test succeeded. Otherwise we'll obscure the proximate cause of the failure.
return TestCoreCore(ctx, cmdName, dataPath, PathArgument.Usage.DataModel, null, dmPath, loaderArgs, extraArgs, toCompare)
&& TestCoreCore(ctx, cmdName, dataPath, PathArgument.Usage.Loader, dmPath, null, null, extraArgs, toCompare);
/// <summary>
/// Utility method utilized by the test methods to produce the <c>data</c>
/// argument, assuming that one should exist.
/// </summary>
private string DataArg(string dataPath)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataPath))
return "";
return string.Format("data={{{0}}}", dataPath);
protected void TestPipeFromModel(string dataPath, OutputPath model)
var env = new MLContext(seed: 42);
var files = new MultiFileSource(dataPath);
bool tmp;
IDataView pipe;
using (var file = Env.OpenInputFile(model.Path))
using (var strm = file.OpenReadStream())
using (var rep = RepositoryReader.Open(strm, env))
ModelLoadContext.LoadModel<IDataView, SignatureLoadDataLoader>(env,
out pipe, rep, ModelFileUtils.DirDataLoaderModel, files);
using (var c = pipe.GetRowCursorForAllColumns())
tmp = CheckSameValues(c, pipe, true, true, true);
Check(tmp, "Single value same failed");
public abstract class TestSteppedDmCommandBase : TestDmCommandBase
protected TestSteppedDmCommandBase(ITestOutputHelper helper) : base(helper)
_step = 0;
_paramsStep = -1;
_params = null;
/// <summary>
/// Multiple commands we sometimes expect to produce the same stdout,
/// for example, rerunning. If you want to move on to another stdout comparison
/// file, increment this.
/// </summary>
protected int _step;
private int _paramsStep;
private RunContextBase _params;
protected RunContextBase Params
return _params;
private sealed class RunParamaters : RunContextBase
public RunParamaters(TestCommandBase test)
: base(test, Cat, test.TestName, false)
public RunParamaters(TestCommandBase test, int step)
: base(test, Cat, step == 0 ? test.TestName : string.Format("{0}-{1}", test.TestName, step), false)
private void EnsureRunParams()
if (_step == _paramsStep && _params != null)
_params = new RunParamaters(this, _step);
_paramsStep = _step;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a canonical output path for stdout captures.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected OutputPath StdoutPath()
return Params.StdoutPath();
/// <summary>
/// Generates a canonical output path for per-instance output metrics.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected OutputPath MetricsPath()
return Params.MetricsPath();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current model path for this step. This can be called multiple times
/// if a test wants to access the data model path from a run for its own purposes.
/// </summary>
protected OutputPath ModelPath()
// REVIEW: Should at some point probably just call this "model," as we also
// have tests using this for saving the predictor model, etc. etc. Also make the index
// consistent with the step above.
return Params.ModelPath();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current model path for fold for this step.
/// </summary>
protected OutputPath FoldModelPath(int fold)
return Params.FoldModelPath(fold);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an output path with a suffix based on the test name. For new tests please
/// do not use this, but instead utilize the <see cref="TestCommandBase.RunContextBase.InitPath"/>
/// method.
/// </summary>
protected OutputPath CreateOutputPath(string suffix)
// REVIEW: When convenient move the baseline files, and use Params.InitPath.
if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(suffix.FirstOrDefault()))
suffix = '-' + suffix;
return new OutputPath(this, Params.BaselineDir, TestName + suffix);
protected bool TestCore(string cmdName, string dataPath, string loaderArgs, string extraArgs, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCore(Params, cmdName, dataPath, loaderArgs, extraArgs, DigitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption.Default, toCompare);
protected bool TestCore(string cmdName, string dataPath, string loaderArgs, string extraArgs, int digitsOfPrecision, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCore(Params, cmdName, dataPath, loaderArgs, extraArgs, digitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption.Default, toCompare);
protected bool TestCore(string cmdName, string args, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestCore(Params, cmdName, args, toCompare);
protected bool TestReloadedCore(string cmdName, string dataPath, string loaderArgs, string extraArgs,
string dmArgs, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestReloadedCore(Params, cmdName, dataPath, loaderArgs, extraArgs, dmArgs, toCompare);
protected bool TestInCore(string cmdName, string dataPath, OutputPath modelPath, string extraArgs, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestInCore(Params, cmdName, dataPath, modelPath, extraArgs, toCompare);
protected bool TestInCore(string cmdName, string dataPath, OutputPath modelPath, string extraArgs, int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestInCore(Params, cmdName, dataPath, modelPath, extraArgs, digitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption.Default, toCompare);
protected bool TestInOutCore(string cmdName, string dataPath, OutputPath modelPath, string extraArgs, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestInOutCore(Params, cmdName, dataPath, modelPath, extraArgs, toCompare);
protected bool TestInOutCore(string cmdName, string dataPath, OutputPath modelPath, string extraArgs, int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision, params PathArgument[] toCompare)
return TestInOutCore(Params, cmdName, dataPath, modelPath, extraArgs, digitsOfPrecision, NumberParseOption.Default, toCompare);
// REVIEW: This class doesn't really belong in a file called TestCommandBase.
// And the name of this class isn't real suggestive or accurate.
public sealed partial class TestDmCommand : TestSteppedDmCommandBase
// REVIEW: Migrate existing tests where the train/score/evaluate runs
// are explicit in favor of the more generic tests where appropriate.
public void EvaluateRankingWithMaml()
RunMTAThread(() =>
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
string extraArgs = $"tr=FastRankRanking{{t=1}} eval=RankingEvaluator{{t=10}} prexf=rangefilter{{col=Label min=20 max=25}} " +
$"prexf=term{{col=Strat:Label}} xf=term{{col=Label}} xf=hash{{col=GroupId}} threads- norm=Warn";
string loaderArgs = "loader=text{col=Features:R4:10-14 col=Label:R4:9 col=GroupId:TX:1 header+}";
TestCore("cv", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandShowSchema()
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer-withheader.txt");
TestReloadedCore("showschema", pathData, "loader=text{header+}", "slots+", null);
public void CommandShowSchemaModel()
string trainDataPath = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
string modelPath = ModelPath().Path;
string args =
@"train data={{{0}}}
trainer=ft{{numberOfTrees=1 numberOfLeaves=2}}
out={{{1}}}", trainDataPath, modelPath);
RunMTAThread(new ThreadStart(() => MainForTest(args)));
TestCore("showschema", string.Format("steps+ in={{{0}}} meta+", modelPath));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandShowDataTextSlotNames()
// First create the text loader data model.
var path = CreateOutputPath("DataA.txt");
File.WriteAllLines(path.Path, new string[] {
var modelPath = ModelPath();
TestCore("showdata", path.Path, "loader=text{col=A:I4:0-1 col=B:I4:~ header+ sep=comma}", "");
// The slot names should have been retained in the data model somehow.
TestInCore("showdata", null, modelPath, "");
// If a new file is specified, the intent is that header will "override" the
// stored header. This will extend to the new output data model. Also incidentally
// check whether ~ is "materialized" into the specific range of slot indices 2-5.
var path2 = CreateOutputPath("DataB.txt");
File.WriteAllLines(path2.Path, new string[] {
var modelPath2 = ModelPath();
TestInOutCore("showdata", path2.Path, modelPath, "");
// Ensure that the new data model has picked up the new slot names.
TestInCore("showdata", null, modelPath2, "");
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandSavePredictor()
// Train on a file with header
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer-withheader.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=text{header+}", "tr=ap{shuf-}");
// Save the model as text
OutputPath textModel = CreateOutputPath("model_dense_names.txt");
TestInCore("savepredictor", null, trainModel, null, textModel.Arg("text"));
// Train on a file without header
pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer.txt");
trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "", "tr=ap{shuf-}");
// Save the model as text
textModel = CreateOutputPath("model_no_names.txt");
TestInCore("savepredictor", null, trainModel, null, textModel.Arg("text"));
// Train on a file without header, but make the feature names sparse
pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer.txt");
trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=Text{col=Label:0 col=A:1 col=B:2 col=Rest:3-*}", "xf=Concat{col=Features:A,Rest,B} tr=ap{shuf-}");
// Save the model as text
textModel = CreateOutputPath("model_sparse_names.txt");
TestInCore("savepredictor", null, trainModel, null, textModel.Arg("text"));
// Train on a file without header, but make the feature names almost dense
pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer.txt");
trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=Text{col=Label:0 col=A:1 col=B:2 col=C:3 col=D:4 col=E:5 col=F:6 col=Rest:7-*}",
"xf=Concat{col=Features:A,B,C,D,E,F,Rest} tr=ap{shuf-}");
// Save the model as text
textModel = CreateOutputPath("model_almost_dense.txt");
TestInCore("savepredictor", null, trainModel, null, textModel.Arg("text"));
// Train OneClassSvm anomaly detector
pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer.txt");
trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=Text{col=Features:1-*}", "tr=OneClassSvm{}");
// Save the model as text
textModel = CreateOutputPath("model_one_class_svm.txt");
TestInCore("savepredictor", null, trainModel, null, textModel.Arg("text"));
//Train empty lr model without weights
pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "data-for-empty-predictor.txt");
trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=TextLoader{col=Label:R4:0 col=Features:R4:1-2 header=+}", "tr=LogisticRegression {l2=0 l1=1000}");
//Save the model as text
textModel = CreateOutputPath("lr_without_weights.txt");
TestInCore("savepredictor", null, trainModel, null, textModel.Arg("text"));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void SaveMulticlassLrPredictorAsSummary()
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath("iris.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=TextLoader{col={name=Label src=0} col={name=Features src=1-4}}",
"lab=Label feat=Features seed=42 tr=mlr{nt=1 l1=0.1 maxiter=70} norm=Warn");
// Save the model summary
OutputPath summaryModel = CreateOutputPath("summary.txt");
TestInCore("savepredictor", null, trainModel, null, summaryModel.Arg("sum"));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandCrossValidation()
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer-withheader.txt");
var summaryFile = CreateOutputPath("summary.txt");
var prFile = CreateOutputPath("pr.txt");
var metricsFile = MetricsPath();
// Use a custom name for the label and features to ensure that they are communicated to the scorer and evaluator.
const string extraArgs = "eval=bin lab=Lab feat=Feat tr=lr{t-} threads- opf+ norm=Warn";
// Need a transform that produces the label and features column to ensure that the columns are resolved appropriately.
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=L:0 col=F:1-*} xf=Copy{col=Lab:L col=Feat:F}";
TestCore("cv", pathData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, summaryFile.Arg("sf"), prFile.Arg("eval", "pr"), metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
public void CommandCrossValidationKeyLabelWithFloatKeyValues()
RunMTAThread(() =>
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
var perInstFile = CreateOutputPath("perinst.txt");
// Create a copy of the label column and use it for stratification, in order to create different label counts in the different folds.
string extraArgs = $"tr=FastRankRanking{{t=1}} strat=Strat prexf=rangefilter{{col=Label min=20 max=25}} prexf=term{{col=Strat:Label}} xf=term{{col=Label}} xf=hash{{col=GroupId}} threads- norm=Warn dout={{{perInstFile.Path}}}";
string loaderArgs = "loader=text{col=Features:R4:10-14 col=Label:R4:9 col=GroupId:TX:1 header+}";
TestCore("cv", pathData, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
public void CommandCrossValidationWithTextStratificationColumn()
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
string extraArgs = $"tr=lr{{{TestLearnersBase.logisticRegression.Trainer.SubComponentSettings}}} strat=Strat threads- norm=Warn";
string loaderArgs = "loader=text{col=Features:R4:9-14 col=Label:R4:0 col=Strat:TX:1 header+}";
TestCore("cv", pathData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, 5);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandCrossValidationVectorNoNames()
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer.txt");
var metricsFile = MetricsPath();
// Load breast-cancer.txt with a vector valued but no slot names Name column,
// to test whether cross validation handles that correctly.
const string extraArgs = "tr=lr{t-} threads-";
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{col=Label:0 col=Features:1-* col=Name:0-1}";
TestCore("cv", pathData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandCrossValidationFCC()
string pathData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
var metricsFile = MetricsPath();
const string loaderArgs = "loader=TextLoader{col=Features:R4:9-14 col=workclass:TX:1 col=education:TX:2 col=marital_status:TX:3 " +
" col=occupation:TX:4 col=relationship:TX:5 col=ethnicity:TX:6 col=sex:TX:7 col=native_country:TX:8 col=label_IsOver50K_:R4:0 header=+} " +
" xf=CopyColumns{col=Label:label_IsOver50K_} xf=CategoricalTransform{col=workclass col=education col=marital_status col=occupation col=relationship col=ethnicity col=sex col=native_country} " +
" xf=Concat{col=Features:Features,workclass,education,marital_status,occupation,relationship,ethnicity,sex,native_country}" +
" prexf=Take{c=100}";
const string extraArgs = "tr=ap{shuf-} threads- norm=Yes scorer=fcc";
var f1 = Params.InitPath("metrics.fold000.txt");
var f2 = Params.InitPath("metrics.fold001.txt");
TestCore("cv", pathData, loaderArgs, extraArgs + " collate-", metricsFile.ArgOnly("dout"), f1.ArgNone(), f2.ArgNone());
TestCore("cv", pathData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Multiclass")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandCrossValidationAndSave()
const int numFolds = 2;
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..\V3\Data\20NewsGroups", "all-data_small.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
OutputPath[] foldModels = new OutputPath[numFolds];
for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; i++)
foldModels[i] = FoldModelPath(i);
string extraArgs = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} k={4}", "prexf=Term{col=Label:Cat} prexf=CategoricalTransform{col=Cat01}",
"xf=TextTransform{col=Text} xf=Concat{col=Features:Cat01,Text}",
"threads- tr=MulticlassLogisticRegression{numThreads=1}", "norm=No", numFolds);
const string loaderArgs = "loader=TextLoader{col=Label:R4:0 col=Cat:TX:1 col=Cat01:TX:2 col=Text:TX:3 header=+}";
TestCore("cv", pathData, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; i++)
TestInCore("test", pathData, foldModels[i], "");
// Purpose of this test is to validate what our code correctly handle situation with
// multiple different FastTree (Ranking and Classification for example) instances in different threads.
// FastTree internally fails if we try to run it simultaneously and if this happens we wouldn't get model file for training.
public async Task CommandTrainFastTreeInDifferentThreads()
var dataPath = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.adult.testFilename);
var firstModelOutPath = DeleteOutputPath("TreeTransform-model2.zip");
var secondModelOutPath = DeleteOutputPath("TreeTransform-model1.zip");
var trainArgs = $"Train tr=SDCA {TestDatasets.adult.loaderSettings} {TestDatasets.adult.mamlExtraSettings[0]} {TestDatasets.adult.mamlExtraSettings[1]}" +
" xf=TreeFeat{tr=FastTreeBinaryClassification} xf=TreeFeat{tr=FastTreeRanking} xf=Concat{col=Features:Features,Leaves,Paths,Trees}";
var firsttrainArgs = $"{trainArgs} data={dataPath} out={firstModelOutPath}";
var secondTrainArgs = $"{trainArgs} data={dataPath} out={secondModelOutPath}";
var t = new Task<int>[2];
t[0] = new Task<int>(() => MainForTest(firsttrainArgs));
t[1] = new Task<int>(() => MainForTest(secondTrainArgs));
var t0 = await t[0];
var t1 = await t[1];
Assert.Equal(0, t0);
Assert.Equal(0, t1);
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FastTree")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
string testData = GetDataPath(@"..\UCI", "adult.test.tiny");
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Lab:0 col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14 col=Name:TX:9} "
+ "xf=Cat{col=Cat} xf=MinMax{col=Num} xf=Concat{col=Feat:Cat,Num}";
OutputPath metricsFile = MetricsPath();
string extraArgs = string.Format("test={{{0}}} tr=ft{{t=1}} lab=Lab feat=Feat norm=Warn", testData);
TestCore("traintest", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FastTree"), TestCategory("Transposer")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainTestTranspose()
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
string testData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Label:0 col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14 col=Name:TX:9} "
+ "xf=Cat{col=Cat} xf=MinMax{col=Num} xf=Concat{col=Features:Cat,Num}";
OutputPath transTrainData = CreateOutputPath("adult_train.tdv");
OutputPath modelPath = ModelPath();
TestCore("savedata", trainData, loaderArgs, "saver=trans",
OutputPath transTestData = CreateOutputPath("adult_test.tdv");
TestCore("savedata", testData, "", "saver=trans",
modelPath.ArgOnly("in"), transTestData.ArgOnly("dout"));
// The resulting output file should be similar to the vanilla train-test above,
// except for the note about how the data is being prepared, and there is also
// a possibility of slightly different results on account of different sparsity
// schemes, though this does not appear to be present here.
RunMTAThread(() =>
OutputPath metricsFile = MetricsPath();
const string extraArgs = "tr=ft{t=1} norm=Warn";
TestCore("traintest", transTrainData.Path, "loader=trans", extraArgs,
metricsFile.Arg("dout"), transTestData.ArgOnly("test"));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FastTree")]
public void CommandTrainTestWithFunkyFeatureColName()
RunMTAThread(() =>
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
string testData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
const string featureColumnName = "{Funky \\} feat\\{col name}";
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Lab:0 col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14 col=Name:TX:9} "
+ "xf=Cat{col=Cat} xf=Concat{col={name=" + featureColumnName + " src=Cat src=Num}}";
OutputPath metricsFile = MetricsPath();
string extraArgs = string.Format("test={{{0}}} tr=ft{{t=1}} lab=Lab feat={1} norm=Yes", testData, featureColumnName);
TestCore("traintest", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Logistic Regression"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainingLrWithInitialization()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Lab:0 col=Num:9-14}";
const string extraArgs = "tr=lr{t=-} lab=Lab feat=Num";
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
string moreTrainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
TestInOutCore("train", moreTrainData, trainModel, extraArgs + " " + loaderArgs + " cont+");
private void CommandTrainingLinearLearnerTest(string trArg)
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Lab:0 col=Num:9-14}";
string extraArgs = "tr=" + trArg + " lab=Lab feat=Num";
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
string moreTrainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
TestInOutCore("train", moreTrainData, trainModel, extraArgs + " cont+");
// Save model summary.
OutputPath modelSummary = CreateOutputPath("summary.txt");
TestInCore("savemodel", null, trainModel, "", modelSummary.Arg("sum"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("SymSGD"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
//SymSGD seems is not deterministic at times.
public void CommandTrainingSymSgdWithInitialization() => CommandTrainingLinearLearnerTest("SymSGD{}");
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("SGD"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainingSgdWithInitialization() => CommandTrainingLinearLearnerTest("sgd{nt=1 checkFreq=-1}");
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("SVM"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainingSvmWithInitialization() => CommandTrainingLinearLearnerTest("svm{iter=1}");
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("AP"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainingAvgPerWithInitialization() => CommandTrainingLinearLearnerTest("avgper{}");
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("OGD"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainingOgdWithInitialization() => CommandTrainingLinearLearnerTest("ogd{}");
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Logistic Regression")]
public void CommandTrainingLrWithStats()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Lab:0 col=Num:9-14}";
const string extraArgs = "tr=lr{t=- stat=+} lab=Lab feat=Num";
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
// Save model summary.
OutputPath modelSummary = CreateOutputPath("summary.txt");
TestInCore("savemodel", null, trainModel, "", digitsOfPrecision: 4, modelSummary.Arg("sum"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Logistic Regression")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainingLrNonNegative()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=TextLoader{col=Label:R4:0 col=Features:R4:4-17 header=+}";
const string extraArgs = "tr=LogisticRegression {l2=0 ot=1E-04 t=- nn=+}";
string trainData = GetDataPath(@"..\SvmLite", "australian");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
// Save model summary.
OutputPath modelSummary = CreateOutputPath("summary.txt");
TestInCore("savemodel", null, trainModel, "", modelSummary.Arg("sum"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Multiclass"), TestCategory("Logistic Regression"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainingMlrWithInitialization()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=TextLoader{col=Label:0 col=Features:1-4} ";
const string extraArgs = "lab=Label feat=Features seed=13 tr=mlr{t=-}";
string trainData = GetDataPath("iris.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
TestInOutCore("train", trainData, trainModel, extraArgs + " " + loaderArgs + " cont+");
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Multiclass"), TestCategory("Logistic Regression")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainingMlrNonNegative()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=TextLoader{col=Label:R4:0 col=Features:R4:1-4}";
const string extraArgs = "tr=LogisticRegression {t=- nn=+}";
string trainData = GetDataPath("iris.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
// Save model summary.
OutputPath modelSummary = CreateOutputPath("summary.txt");
TestInCore("savemodel", null, trainModel, "", modelSummary.Arg("sum"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Multiclass"), TestCategory("Logistic Regression")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainMlrWithLabelNames()
// Train MultiLR model.
const string loaderCmdline = @"loader=TextLoader{col=Label:TX:0 col=Features:R4:1-4 header=+}";
string pathTrain = GetDataPath("iris-label-name.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
const string trainArgs = "tr=MulticlassLogisticRegression{maxiter=100 t=-} xf=Term{col=Label} seed=1";
TestCore("train", pathTrain, loaderCmdline, trainArgs);
// Save model summary.
OutputPath modelSummary = CreateOutputPath("summary.txt");
TestInCore("savemodel", null, trainModel, "", modelSummary.Arg("sum"));
// Save model as text.
OutputPath modelText = CreateOutputPath("text.txt");
TestInCore("savemodel", null, trainModel, "", modelText.Arg("text"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Multiclass"), TestCategory("Logistic Regression")]
public void CommandTrainMlrWithStats()
// Train MultiLR model.
const string loaderCmdline = @"loader=TextLoader{col=Label:TX:4 col=Features:R4:0-3 sep=,}";
string pathTrain = GetDataPath("iris.data");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
const string trainArgs = "tr=MultiClassLogisticRegression{maxiter=100 t=- stat=+} xf=Term{col=Label} seed=1";
TestCore("train", pathTrain, loaderCmdline, trainArgs, 4);
// Save model summary.
OutputPath modelSummary = CreateOutputPath("summary.txt");
TestInCore("savemodel", null, trainModel, "", modelSummary.Arg("sum"));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainingPoissonRegNonNegative()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=Text{col=Label:0 col=Cat3:TX:3 col=Cat4:TX:4 col=Cat5:TX:5 col=Cat6:TX:6 col=Cat7:TX:7 col=Cat8:TX:8 col=Cat9:TX:9 col=Cat15:TX:15 col=Cat16:TX:16 col=Cat18:TX:18 col=Features:~}";
const string extraArgs = "xf=Cat{col=Cat3 col=Cat4 col=Cat5 col=Cat6 col=Cat7 col=Cat8 col=Cat9 col=Cat15 col=Cat16 col=Cat18} " +
"xf=Concat{col=Features:Features,Cat3,Cat4,Cat5,Cat6,Cat7,Cat8,Cat9,Cat15,Cat16,Cat18}" +
"tr=PoissonRegression {nt=1 nn=+ ot=1e-3}";
string trainData = GetDataPath("auto-sample.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
// Save model summary.
OutputPath modelSummary = CreateOutputPath("summary.txt");
TestInCore("savemodel", null, trainModel, "", modelSummary.Arg("sum"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FastTree")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainTestRegression()
RunMTAThread(() =>
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Lab:0 col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14 col=Name:TX:9,1} "
+ "xf=Cat{col=Cat} xf=MinMax{col=Num} xf=Concat{col=Feat:Cat,Num}";
// Perform two FastTree trainings, one with and one without negated labels.
// The negated labels training should be the same (more or less, up to the
// influence of any numerical precision issues).
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
string testData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
OutputPath metricsFile = MetricsPath();
string extraArgs = string.Format("test={{{0}}} tr=ftr{{t=1 numTrees=5 dt+}} lab=Lab feat=Feat norm=Warn", testData);
TestCore("traintest", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
metricsFile = MetricsPath();
TestCore("traintest", trainData, loaderArgs + " xf=Expr{col=Lab expr={x=>-x}}", extraArgs, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FastTree")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainTestMoreGains()
var dataPath = CreateOutputPath("Traindata.txt");
File.WriteAllLines(dataPath.Path, new string[] {
"0,0,1,2", "3,0,4,5", "4,0,5,6", "0,1,1,2", "3,1,4,5", "5,1,5,6" });
const string customGains = "0,3,7,15,35,63";
RunMTAThread(() =>
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{col=Label:0 col=GroupId:U4[0-*]:1 col=Features:~ sep=comma}";
string extraArgs = string.Format("test={{{0}}} tr=ftrank{{mil=1 nl=2 iter=5 gains={1} dt+}} eval=rank{{gains={1}}}", dataPath.Path, customGains);
OutputPath metricsFile = MetricsPath();
TestCore("traintest", dataPath.Path, loaderArgs, extraArgs, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FastTree")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
// First run a training.
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", trainData,
"loader=text{header+ col=Lab:0 col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14} xf=Cat{col=Cat} xf=MinMax{col=Num} xf=Concat{col=Feat:Cat,Num}",
"tr=ft{t=1} lab=Lab feat=Feat");
// Then run the testing.
string testData = GetDataPath(@"..\UCI", "adult.test");
TestInCore("test", testData, trainModel, "lab=Lab feat=Feat");
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandDataPerformance()
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer-withheader.txt");
// These should all have the same stdout.
TestReloadedCore("dataperf", pathData, "loader=text{header+}", "col=Label col=Features", null);
TestReloadedCore("dataperf", pathData, "loader=text{header+}", "col=*", null);
TestReloadedCore("dataperf", pathData, "loader=text{header+}", "col=0 col=Features", null);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandScoreComposable()
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer-withheader.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=text{header+ col=Label:0 col=F:1-9} xf[norm]=ZScore{col=F}", "feat=F tr=ap{shuf-}");
// Then, run the score.
// Note that the loader doesn't include the label column any more.
// We're not baselining this output, it's created to compare against the below.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("scored.tsv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
string loadArgs = string.Format("loader=text{{header+ col=F:Num:1-9}} xf=Load{{tag=norm {0}}}", trainModel.ArgStr("in"));
const string extraScore = "all=+ saver=Text feat=F";
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, loadArgs + " " + extraScore, scorePath.Arg("dout"));
TestPipeFromModel(pathData, scoreModel);
// Another version of scoring, with loadTransforms=true and custom loader.
// The result should be the same as above.
OutputPath scorePath2 = CreateOutputPath("scored2.tsv");
scoreModel = ModelPath();
loadArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=F:Num:1-9}";
const string extraScore2 = "all=+ loadTrans+ saver=Text feat=F";
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, loadArgs + " " + extraScore2, scorePath2.ArgOnly("dout"));
TestPipeFromModel(pathData, scoreModel);
// Check that the 2nd output matches the 1st output.
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, scorePath.Path, scorePath2.Path);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandScoreKeyLabelsBinaryClassification()
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..\UCI\iris", "iris.data");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=Text{sep=comma col=Features:0-3 col=Label:TX:4}" +
" xf=Expr{col=Label expr={x:x==\"Iris-versicolor\"?\"Iris-virginica\":x}} xf=Term{col=Label}", "tr=lr{t-}");
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, "all=+ pxf=KeyToValue{col=PredictedLabelText:PredictedLabel}", scorePath.ArgOnly("dout"));
TestPipeFromModel(pathData, scoreModel);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandDefaultLearners()
string pathData = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
TestCore("train", pathData, "", "seed=1 norm=Warn");
string extraTrainTest = string.Format("seed=2 norm=Warn test={{{0}}}", pathData);
TestCore("traintest", pathData, "", extraTrainTest);
TestCore("cv", pathData, null, "seed=3 norm=Warn threads-");
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainScoreEvaluate()
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer-withheader.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=text{header+ col=L:0 col=F:1-9}", "lab=L feat=F tr=lr{t-}");
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, "all=+ feat=F", scorePath.ArgOnly("dout"));
TestPipeFromModel(pathData, scoreModel);
// Duplicate score columns
_step += 100;
OutputPath scorePath2 = CreateOutputPath("data2.idv");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary xf=Copy{col=PredictedLabel1:PredictedLabel col=Score1:Score}",
"saver=binary", scorePath2.ArgOnly("dout"));
_step -= 100;
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath2.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
// First, evaluate the binary saved scores.
var outputFile1 = StdoutPath();
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath2.Path, null, "lab=L");
// Now, evaluate the text saved scores.
var outputFile2 = StdoutPath();
const string evalLoaderArgs = "loader=Text{header+ col=L:Num:0 col=PredictedLabel:Num:10 col=Score:Num:11 col=Probability:Num:12}";
const string evalExtraArgs = "evaluator=Binary{score=Score prob=Probability} lab=L";
TestCore("evaluate", scorePathTxt.Path, evalLoaderArgs, evalExtraArgs);
// Check that the evaluations produced the same result.
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, outputFile1.Path, outputFile2.Path);
// Score with a probability threshold
OutputPath scorePathTxtProbThresh = CreateOutputPath("prob_thresh_data.txt");
const string extraScoreProbThresh = "all=+ feat=F scorer=Binary{threshold=0.9 tcol=Probability}";
TestInCore("score", pathData, trainModel, extraScoreProbThresh, scorePathTxtProbThresh.Arg("dout"));
// Score with a raw score threshold
OutputPath scorePathTxtRawThresh = CreateOutputPath("raw_thresh_data.txt");
const string extraScoreRawThresh = "all=+ feat=F scorer=Binary{threshold=2}";
TestInCore("score", pathData, trainModel, extraScoreRawThresh, scorePathTxtRawThresh.Arg("dout"));
// Evaluate with a probability threshold
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath.Path, null, "evaluator=Binary{threshold=0.9 useRawScore-} lab=L");
// Evaluate with a raw score threshold
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath.Path, null, "evaluator=Binary{threshold=2} lab=L");
// Score using custom output column names
OutputPath scoreCustomCols = CreateOutputPath("custom_output_columns_data.txt");
const string extraScoreCustomCols = "all=+ feat=F scorer=Binary{ex=1}";
TestInCore("score", pathData, trainModel, extraScoreCustomCols, scoreCustomCols.Arg("dout"));
// Evaluate output from the previous step.
TestCore("evaluate", scoreCustomCols.Path, null, "evaluator=Binary{score=Score1 prob=Probability1} lab=L");
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Multiclass")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainScoreEvaluateMulticlass()
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath("iris-label-name.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=TextLoader{header+ col=Label:TX:0 col=Features:1-4} xf=Term{col=Label}",
"lab=Label feat=Features seed=42 tr=MulticlassNeuralNetwork{output=3 accel=sse lr=0.1 iter=70} norm=Warn");
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
string extraScore = string.Format("all=+ feat=Features {0}", scorePath.ArgStr("dout"));
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, extraScore);
TestPipeFromModel(pathData, scoreModel);
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
// First, evaluate the binary saved scores.
var outputFile1 = StdoutPath();
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath.Path, "", "");
// Now, evaluate the text saved scores.
var outputFile2 = StdoutPath();
var metricsPath = MetricsPath();
const string evalLoaderArgs = "loader=Text{header+ col=Label:TX:0 col=PredictedLabel:5 col=Score:6-8} xf=Term{col=Label} evaluator=Multiclass{score=Score}";
TestCore("evaluate", scorePathTxt.Path, evalLoaderArgs, null, metricsPath.Arg("dout"));
// Check that the evaluations produced the same result.
// REVIEW: The following used to pass, until the evaluator started putting the class names in.
// The trouble is, that the text loader from the output *score* is just a number at the point it is
// output, since by that time it is key, and the text does not preserve the metadata of columns.
//CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestContext.TestName, outputFile1.Path, outputFile2.Path);
const string evalLoaderArgs2 = "loader=Text{header+ col=Label:0 col=PredictedLabel:5 col=Score:6-8} evaluator=Multiclass{score=Score opcs+}";
TestCore("evaluate", scorePathTxt.Path, evalLoaderArgs2, null, metricsPath.Arg("dout"));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainScoreEvaluateUncalibratedBinary()
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=TextLoader xf[norm]=MinMax{col=Features}", "tr=ap{shuf=-} cali={}");
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
string extraScore = string.Format("all=+ feat=Features {0}", scorePath.ArgStr("dout"));
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, extraScore);
TestPipeFromModel(pathData, scoreModel);
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
// First, evaluate the binary saved scores.
var outputFile1 = StdoutPath();
OutputPath metricPath1 = MetricsPath();
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath.Path, "", "", metricPath1.Arg("dout"));
// Now, evaluate the text saved scores.
var outputFile2 = StdoutPath();
const string evalLoaderArgs = "loader=Text{header+ col=Label:0 col=Score:11}";
OutputPath metricPath2 = MetricsPath();
const string evalExtraArgs = "evaluator=Bin{score=Score}";
TestCore("evaluate", scorePathTxt.Path, evalLoaderArgs, evalExtraArgs, metricPath2.Arg("dout"));
// Check that the evaluations produced the same result.
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, metricPath1.Path, metricPath2.Path);
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, outputFile1.Path, outputFile2.Path);
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FastTree")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainScoreEvaluateRegression()
RunMTAThread(() =>
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..\Housing (regression)", "housing.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=text", "lab=Label feat=Features tr=FastTreeRegression{dt+}");
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
string extraScore = string.Format("all=+ feat=Features {0}", scorePath.ArgStr("dout"));
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, extraScore);
TestPipeFromModel(pathData, scoreModel);
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
// First, evaluate the binary saved scores.
var outputFile1 = StdoutPath();
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath.Path, "", "");
// Now, evaluate the text saved scores.
var outputFile2 = StdoutPath();
const string evalLoaderArgs = "loader=Text{header+ col=Label:Num:0 col=Score:Num:14}";
const string evalExtraArgs = "evaluator=Regression{score=Score}";
TestCore("evaluate", scorePathTxt.Path, evalLoaderArgs, evalExtraArgs);
// Check that the evaluations produced the same result.
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, outputFile1.Path, outputFile2.Path);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainScoreFCCSdcaR()
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..\Housing (regression)", "housing.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=text", "lab=Label feat=Features tr=Sdcar{l2=0.01 l1=0 iter=10 checkFreq=-1 nt=1} seed=1");
// Get features contributions.
OutputPath fccScorerPath = CreateOutputPath("score-fcc.txt");
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, "scorer=fcc outputColumn=FeatureContributions", fccScorerPath.Arg("dout"));
fccScorerPath = CreateOutputPath("score-fcc_top3.txt");
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, "scorer=fcc{top=3 bottom=3} outputColumn=FeatureContributions", fccScorerPath.Arg("dout"));
fccScorerPath = CreateOutputPath("score-fcc_top3_noNorm.txt");
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, "scorer=fcc{top=3 bottom=3 norm-}", fccScorerPath.Arg("dout"));
public void CommandTrainTestFCCAdult()
string trainData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
string testData = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Lab:0 col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14 col=Name:TX:9} "
+ "xf=Cat{col=Cat} xf=MinMax{col=Num} xf=Concat{col=Feat:Cat,Num}";
OutputPath metricsFile = CreateOutputPath("metrics-fcc.txt");
string extraArgs = string.Format("test={{{0}}} tr=AP{{shuf-}} scorer=fcc{{top=3 bottom=3}} xf=Take{{c=5}} lab=Lab feat=Feat norm=Warn", testData);
TestCore("traintest", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, digitsOfPrecision: 6, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
// Check stringify option.
metricsFile = CreateOutputPath("metrics-fcc-str.txt");
extraArgs = string.Format("test={{{0}}} tr=AP{{shuf-}} scorer=fcc{{top=3 bottom=3 str+}} xf=Take{{c=5}} lab=Lab feat=Feat norm=Warn", testData);
TestCore("traintest", trainData, loaderArgs, extraArgs, digitsOfPrecision: 6, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainScoreFCCText()
// Train binary classifier on a small subset of 20NG data
const string textTransform =
"xf=TextTransform{{col={0} remover=PredefinedStopWordsRemover punc=- num=- charExtractor={{}} wordExtractor=NgramExtractor}} ";
string loaderArgs = "loader = TextLoader{col=ID:R4:0 col=Label:TX:1 col=Title:TX:2 col=Body:TX:3 header=+} "
+ "xf=SkipFilter{c=700} xf=TakeFilter{c=400} xf=Term{col=Label max=2} "
+ string.Format(textTransform, "Title")
+ string.Format(textTransform, "Body")
+ "xf=Concat{col=Features:Body,Title}";
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..\V3\Data\20NewsGroups", "all-data_small.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, loaderArgs, "tr=AP{shuf-} seed=1");
// Get features contributions.
OutputPath fccScorerPath = CreateOutputPath("score-fcc.txt");
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, "scorer=fcc{top=3 bottom=3 str+} xf=Take{c=10} loadTrans+", fccScorerPath.Arg("dout"));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainScoreEvaluateSdcaRegression()
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..\Housing (regression)", "housing.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=text", "lab=Label feat=Features tr=Sdcar{l2=0.01 l1=0 iter=10 checkFreq=-1 nt=1} seed=1");
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
string extraScore = string.Format("all=+ feat=Features {0}", scorePath.ArgStr("dout"));
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, extraScore);
TestPipeFromModel(pathData, scoreModel);
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
// First, evaluate the binary saved scores.
var outputFile1 = StdoutPath();
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath.Path, "", "");
// Now, evaluate the text saved scores.
var outputFile2 = StdoutPath();
const string evalLoaderArgs = "loader=Text{header+ col=Label:Num:0 col=Score:Num:14}";
const string evalExtraArgs = "evaluator=Regression{score=Score}";
TestCore("evaluate", scorePathTxt.Path, evalLoaderArgs, evalExtraArgs);
// Check that the evaluations produced the same result.
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, outputFile1.Path, outputFile2.Path);
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FastForest")]
[Fact(Skip = "Temporarily skipping while Intel/AMD difference is resolved. Tracked in issue #5845")]
public void CommandTrainScoreEvaluateQuantileRegression()
RunMTAThread(() =>
// First run a training.
string pathData = GetDataPath("housing.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathData, "loader=Text{header+}", "lab=Label feat=Features tr=FastForestRegression{dt+}");
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
string extraScore = string.Format("all=+ feat=Features scorer=QuantileRegression {0}", scorePath.ArgStr("dout"));
TestInOutCore("score", pathData, trainModel, extraScore);
TestPipeFromModel(pathData, scoreModel);
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
// First, evaluate the binary saved scores.
var outputFile1 = StdoutPath();
var metricsFile1 = MetricsPath();
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath.Path, "", "", metricsFile1.Arg("dout"));
// Now, evaluate the text saved scores.
var outputFile2 = StdoutPath();
const string evalLoaderArgs = "loader=Text{header+ col=Label:Num:0 col=Score:Num:14-18}";
const string evalExtraArgs = "evaluator=QuantileRegression{score=Score}";
TestReloadedCore("evaluate", scorePathTxt.Path, evalLoaderArgs, evalExtraArgs, null);
// Check that the evaluations produced the same result.
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, outputFile1.Path, outputFile2.Path);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandSaveData()
// Default to breast-cancer.txt.
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer-withheader.txt");
OutputPath dataPath = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestReloadedCore("savedata", pathData, "loader=text{header+}", null, null, dataPath.Arg("dout"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("CountTargetEncoding")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandDraculaInfer()
string pathData = GetDataPath(@"..", "breast-cancer-withheader.txt");
var inferArgs = "b=Simple{featureCount=4 col=Features lab=Label}";
TestReloadedCore("draculaInfer", pathData, "loader=Text{header+ col=Features:TX:1-3 col=Label:0}", inferArgs, null);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandUnsupervisedTrain()
// First run a training.
TestDataset dataset = TestDatasets.azureCounterUnlabeled;
var pathTrain = GetDataPath(dataset.trainFilename);
var pathTest = GetDataPath(dataset.testFilename);
var args = "tr=PCAAnom{seed=1} norm=Warn";
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathTrain, "loader=Text{sep=space col=Features:1-*}", args);
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
TestInOutCore("score", pathTest, trainModel, "all=+ feat=Features", scorePath.ArgOnly("dout"));
TestPipeFromModel(pathTest, scoreModel);
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainScoreEvaluateAnomalyDetection()
// First run a training.
TestDataset dataset = TestDatasets.mnistOneClass;
var pathTrain = GetDataPath(dataset.trainFilename);
var pathTest = GetDataPath(dataset.testFilename);
var args = "tr=PCAAnom{seed=1} norm=Warn";
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
const string trainLoaderArgs = "loader=Text{col=Label:0 col=Features:1-*}";
TestCore("train", pathTrain, trainLoaderArgs, args);
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
string extraScore = string.Format("all=+ feat=Features {0}", scorePath.ArgStr("dout"));
TestInOutCore("score", pathTest, trainModel, extraScore);
TestPipeFromModel(pathTest, scoreModel);
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
// First, evaluate the binary saved scores.
OutputPath outputFile1 = StdoutPath();
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath.Path, "", "");
// Now, evaluate the text saved scores.
OutputPath outputFile2 = StdoutPath();
OutputPath metricsPath = MetricsPath();
const string evalLoaderArgs = "loader=Text{header+ col=Label:0 col=Score:785}";
const string evalExtraArgs = "evaluator=Anomaly{score=Score}";
TestCore("evaluate", scorePathTxt.Path, evalLoaderArgs, evalExtraArgs, metricsPath.Arg("dout"));
// Check that the evaluations produced the same result.
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, outputFile1.Path, outputFile2.Path);
// Run a train-test. The output should be the same as the train output, plus the test output.
string trainTestExtra = string.Format("{0} test={{{1}}}", args, pathTest);
TestCore(Params, "traintest", pathTrain, trainLoaderArgs, trainTestExtra);
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Ranking"), TestCategory("FastTree")]
public void CommandTrainRanking()
// First run a training.
var dataPath = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.adultRanking.trainFilename);
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
const string extraArgs = "xf=Term{col=Label col=GroupId:Workclass} xf=Copy{col=Features:NumericFeatures} tr=frrank{mil=30 lr=0.1 iter=10 dt+}";
RunMTAThread(() => TestCore("train", dataPath, TestDatasets.adultRanking.loaderSettings, extraArgs));
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
string extraScore = string.Format("all=+ feat=Features {0}", scorePath.ArgStr("dout"));
TestInOutCore("score", dataPath, trainModel, extraScore);
TestPipeFromModel(dataPath, scoreModel);
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
// First, evaluate the binary saved scores. This exercises the saved score type in the metadata,
// that is, we are deliberately not specifying the evaluator type.
OutputPath outputFile1 = StdoutPath();
OutputPath summaryFile1 = CreateOutputPath("summary1.txt");
OutputPath metricsFile1 = MetricsPath();
TestCore("evaluate", scorePath.Path, "", null, summaryFile1.Arg("sf"), metricsFile1.Arg("dout"));
// Now, evaluate the text saved scores. Also exercise the gsf evaluator option while we're at it.
OutputPath outputFile2 = StdoutPath();
OutputPath summaryFile2 = CreateOutputPath("summary2.txt");
OutputPath metricsFile2 = MetricsPath();
OutputPath groupSummaryFile2 = CreateOutputPath("gsummary2.txt");
TestCore("evaluate", scorePathTxt.Path, "loader=Text", "eval=Ranking{score=Score}",
groupSummaryFile2.Arg("eval", "gsf"), summaryFile2.ArgOnly("sf"), metricsFile2.ArgOnly("dout"));
// Check that the evaluations produced the same result.
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, outputFile1.Path, outputFile2.Path);
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, summaryFile1.Path, summaryFile2.Path);
CheckEqualityFromPathsCore(TestName, metricsFile1.Path, metricsFile2.Path);
//// Run a train-test. The output should be the same as the train output, plus the test output.
string trainTestExtra = string.Format("{0} test={1}", extraArgs, dataPath);
RunMTAThread(() => TestCore("traintest", dataPath, TestDatasets.adultRanking.loaderSettings, trainTestExtra));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("EarlyStopping"), TestCategory("FastTree")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainTestEarlyStopping()
const string loaderCmdline = @"loader=Text{header+ col=Label:1 col=Features:2-*}";
string pathTrain = GetDataPath("MSM-sparse-sample-train.txt");
string pathValid = GetDataPath("MSM-sparse-sample-test.txt");
// The extra xf=Concat transform is used to make sure that the transforms are applied to the validation set as well.
string extraArgs = string.Format("tr=FastRank{{nl=5 mil=5 lr=0.25 iter=1000 pruning=+ esr=PQ esmt=0 dt+}} test={{{0}}} valid={{{0}}}", pathValid);
RunMTAThread(() => TestCore("traintest", pathTrain, loaderCmdline, extraArgs));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("EarlyStopping")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainEarlyStopping()
TestDataset dataset = TestDatasets.mnistTiny28;
var pathTrain = GetDataPath(dataset.trainFilename);
var pathValid = GetDataPath(dataset.testFilename);
// The extra xf=Concat transform is used to make sure that the transforms are applied to the validation set as well.
var extraArgs = string.Format("tr=mcnn{{output=10 lr=0.1 iter=1000 esr=PQ esmt=0 accel=sse}} seed=13 valid={{{0}}}", pathValid);
TestCore("Train", pathTrain, "loader=Text{col=Label:0 col=Fx:1-*} xf=Concat{col=Features:Fx}", extraArgs);
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("Clustering")]
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CommandTrainClustering()
// First run a training.
const string loaderCmdline = "loader=text{header+ col=Label:0 col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14} xf=Cat{col=Cat} xf=MinMax{col=Num} xf=Concat{col=Features:Cat,Num}";
const string loaderCmdlineNoLabel = "loader=text{header+ col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14} xf=Cat{col=Cat} xf=MinMax{col=Num} xf=Concat{col=Features:Cat,Num}";
const string trainArgs = "seed=13 tr=KM{init=random nt=1}";
string pathTrain = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
OutputPath trainModel = ModelPath();
TestCore("train", pathTrain, loaderCmdline, trainArgs);
// Then, run the score.
OutputPath scorePath = CreateOutputPath("data.idv");
OutputPath scoreModel = ModelPath();
string extraScore = string.Format("all=+ feat=Features {0}", scorePath.ArgStr("dout"));
TestInOutCore("score", pathTrain, trainModel, extraScore);
TestPipeFromModel(pathTrain, scoreModel);
// Transform the score output to txt for baseline
OutputPath scorePathTxt = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestCore("savedata", scorePath.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", scorePathTxt.Arg("dout"));
// Run a train-test. The output should be the same as the train output, plus the test output.
OutputPath metricsFile = MetricsPath();
string trainTestExtra = string.Format("{0} test={{{1}}} eval=Clustering{{dbi+}}", trainArgs, pathTrain);
TestCore("traintest", pathTrain, loaderCmdline, trainTestExtra, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
// Now run the same train-test with no label, make sure the output is produced correctly.
metricsFile = MetricsPath();
trainTestExtra = string.Format("{0} test={{{1}}} eval=Clustering{{dbi+}}", trainArgs, pathTrain);
TestCore("traintest", pathTrain, loaderCmdlineNoLabel, trainTestExtra, metricsFile.Arg("dout"));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FieldAwareFactorizationMachine"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
public void CommandTrainingBinaryFactorizationMachineWithInitialization()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{col=Label:0 col=Features:1-*}";
const string extraArgs = "xf=minmax{col=Features} tr=ffm{d=7 shuf- iters=3 norm-}";
string data = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
OutputPath model = ModelPath();
TestCore("traintest", data, loaderArgs, extraArgs + " test=" + data, 6);
TestInOutCore("traintest", data, model, extraArgs + " " + loaderArgs + " " + "cont+" + " " + "test=" + data, 6);
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FieldAwareFactorizationMachine"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
public void CommandTrainingBinaryFieldAwareFactorizationMachineWithInitialization()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{col=Label:0 col=FieldA:1-2 col=FieldB:3-4 col=FieldC:5-6 col=FieldD:7-9}";
const string extraArgs = "tr=ffm{d=7 shuf- iters=3} col[Feature]=FieldA col[Feature]=FieldB col[Feature]=FieldC col[Feature]=FieldD";
string data = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
OutputPath model = ModelPath();
TestCore("traintest", data, loaderArgs, extraArgs + " test=" + data, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
TestInOutCore("traintest", data, model, extraArgs + " " + loaderArgs + " " + "cont+" + " " + "test=" + data, 6);
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FieldAwareFactorizationMachine"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Missing Dataset.")]
public void CommandTrainingBinaryFactorizationMachineWithValidation()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=Text{header+ col=Label:1 col=Features:2-*}";
string trainData = GetDataPath("MSM-sparse-sample-train.txt");
string validData = GetDataPath("MSM-sparse-sample-test.txt");
const string extraArgs = "xf=minmax{col=Features} tr=ffm{d=5 shuf- iters=3 norm-} norm=No";
OutputPath model = ModelPath();
string args = $"{loaderArgs} data={trainData} valid={validData} test={validData} {extraArgs} out={model}";
OutputPath outputPath = StdoutPath();
using (var newWriter = OpenWriter(outputPath.Path))
using (_env.RedirectChannelOutput(newWriter, newWriter))
int res = MainForTest(_env, newWriter, string.Format("{0} {1}", "traintest", args), true);
Assert.True(res == 0);
// see https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning/issues/404
// in Linux, the clang sqrt() results vary highly from the ones in mac and Windows.
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
Assert.True(outputPath.CheckEqualityNormalized(digitsOfPrecision: 4));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FieldAwareFactorizationMachine"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Missing Dataset.")]
public void CommandTrainingBinaryFieldAwareFactorizationMachineWithValidation()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=Text{header+ col=Label:1 col=FieldA:2-20 col=FieldB:21-40 col=FieldC:41-60 col=FieldD:61-*}";
string trainData = GetDataPath("MSM-sparse-sample-train.txt");
string validData = GetDataPath("MSM-sparse-sample-test.txt");
const string extraArgs = "tr=ffm{d=5 shuf- iters=3} norm=No xf=minmax{col=FieldA col=FieldB col=FieldC col=FieldD} col[Feature]=FieldA col[Feature]=FieldB col[Feature]=FieldC col[Feature]=FieldD";
OutputPath model = ModelPath();
string args = $"{loaderArgs} data={trainData} valid={validData} test={validData} {extraArgs} out={model}";
OutputPath outputPath = StdoutPath();
using (var newWriter = OpenWriter(outputPath.Path))
using (_env.RedirectChannelOutput(newWriter, newWriter))
int res = MainForTest(_env, newWriter, string.Format("{0} {1}", "traintest", args), true);
Assert.Equal(0, res);
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FieldAwareFactorizationMachine"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Temporarily skipping while Intel/AMD difference is resolved. Tracked in issue #5845")]
public void CommandTrainingBinaryFactorizationMachineWithValidationAndInitialization()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{col=Label:0 col=Features:1-*}";
const string extraArgs = "xf=minmax{col=Features} tr=ffm{d=5 shuf- iters=2 norm-}";
string data = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
OutputPath model = ModelPath();
TestCore("traintest", data, loaderArgs, extraArgs + " test=" + data, 6);
OutputPath outputPath = StdoutPath();
string args = $"data={data} test={data} valid={data} in={model.Path} cont+" + " " + loaderArgs + " " + extraArgs;
using (var newWriter = OpenWriter(outputPath.Path))
using (_env.RedirectChannelOutput(newWriter, newWriter))
int res = MainForTest(_env, newWriter, string.Format("{0} {1}", "traintest", args), true);
Assert.True(res == 0);
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
Assert.True(outputPath.CheckEqualityNormalized(digitsOfPrecision: 4));
[TestCategory(Cat), TestCategory("FieldAwareFactorizationMachine"), TestCategory("Continued Training")]
[Fact(Skip = "Temporarily skipping while Intel/AMD difference is resolved. Tracked in issue #5845")]
public void CommandTrainingBinaryFieldAwareFactorizationMachineWithValidationAndInitialization()
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{col=Label:0 col=FieldA:1-2 col=FieldB:3-4 col=FieldC:5-6 col=FieldD:7-9}";
const string extraArgs = "tr=ffm{d=5 shuf- iters=2} col[Feature]=FieldA col[Feature]=FieldB col[Feature]=FieldC col[Feature]=FieldD";
string data = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
OutputPath model = ModelPath();
TestCore("traintest", data, loaderArgs, extraArgs + " test=" + data, 6);
OutputPath outputPath = StdoutPath();
string args = $"data={data} test={data} valid={data} in={model.Path} cont+" + " " + loaderArgs + " " + extraArgs;
using (var newWriter = OpenWriter(outputPath.Path))
using (_env.RedirectChannelOutput(newWriter, newWriter))
int res = MainForTest(_env, newWriter, string.Format("{0} {1}", "traintest", args), true);
Assert.True(res == 0);
public void Datatypes()
string idvPath = GetDataPath("datatypes.idv");
OutputPath intermediateData = CreateOutputPath("intermediateDatatypes.idv");
OutputPath textOutputPath = CreateOutputPath("datatypes.txt");
TestCore("savedata", idvPath, "loader=binary", "saver=text", textOutputPath.Arg("dout"));
TestCore("savedata", idvPath, "loader=binary", "saver=binary", intermediateData.ArgOnly("dout"));
TestCore("savedata", intermediateData.Path, "loader=binary", "saver=text", textOutputPath.Arg("dout"));
public void SavePipeChooseColumnsByIndex()
string dataPath = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Label:0 col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14 col=Name:TX:9}";
OutputPath modelPath = ModelPath();
string extraArgs = "xf=ChooseColumnsByIndex{ind=3 ind=0}";
TestCore("showdata", dataPath, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
TestCore("showdata", dataPath, string.Format("in={{{0}}}", modelPath.Path), "");
public void SavePipeTextLoaderWithMultilines()
string dataPath = GetDataPath("multiline-escapechar.csv");
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{sep=, quote+ multilines+ header+ escapechar=\\ col=id:Num:0 col=description:TX:1 col=animal:TX:2}";
OutputPath modelPath = ModelPath();
string extraArgs = null;
TestCore("showdata", dataPath, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
TestCore("showdata", dataPath, string.Format("in={{{0}}}", modelPath.Path), "");
public void SavePipeTextLoaderWithMissingRealsAsNaNs()
string dataPath = GetDataPath("missing_fields.csv");
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{sep=, quote+ multilines+ header+ escapechar=\\ missingrealnan+ " +
"col=id:Num:0 col=description:TX:1 col=date:DT:4 " +
"col=sing1:R4:2 col=sing2:R4:3 col=singFt1:R4:2-3 " +
OutputPath modelPath = ModelPath();
string extraArgs = null;
TestCore("showdata", dataPath, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
TestCore("showdata", dataPath, string.Format("in={{{0}}}", modelPath.Path), "");
public void SavePipeChooseColumnsByIndexDrop()
string dataPath = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
const string loaderArgs = "loader=text{header+ col=Label:0 col=Cat:TX:1-8 col=Num:9-14 col=Name:TX:9}";
OutputPath modelPath = ModelPath();
string extraArgs = "xf=ChooseColumnsByIndex{ind=3 ind=0 drop+}";
TestCore("showdata", dataPath, loaderArgs, extraArgs);
TestCore("showdata", dataPath, string.Format("in={{{0}}}", modelPath.Path), "");
public void CommandShowDataSvmLight()
// Test with a specified size parameter. The "6" feature should be omitted.
// Also the blank and completely fully commented lines should be omitted,
// and the feature 2:3 that appears in the comment should not appear.
var path = CreateOutputPath("DataA.txt");
File.WriteAllLines(path.Path, new string[] {
" -1 cost:5\t2:4 \t4:7\t6:-1 ",
"1\t5:-2 # A comment! 2:3",
"# What a nice full line comment",
"1 cost:0.5\t2:3.14159",
var pathA = path.Path;
const string chooseXf = " xf=select{keepcol=Label keepcol=Weight keepcol=GroupId keepcol=Comment keepcol=Features}";
TestReloadedCore("showdata", path.Path, "loader=svm{size=5}" + chooseXf, "", "");
// Test with autodetermined sizes. The the "6" feature should be included,
// and the feature vector should have length 6.
TestCore("showdata", path.Path, "loader=svm" + chooseXf, "");
// Test with a term mapping, instead of the actual SVM^light format that
// requires positive integers. ALso check that qid works here.
var modelPath = ModelPath();
path = CreateOutputPath("DataB.txt");
File.WriteAllLines(path.Path, new string[] {
"1 qid:1 aurora:3.14159 beachwood:123",
"-1 qid:5 beachwood:345 chagrin:-21",
TestReloadedCore("showdata", path.Path, "loader=svm{indices=names}" + chooseXf, "", "");
// We reload the model, but on a new set of data. The "euclid" key should be
// ignored as it would not have been detected by the term transform.
path = CreateOutputPath("DataC.txt");
File.WriteAllLines(path.Path, new string[] {
"-1 aurora:1 chagrin:2",
"1 chagrin:3 euclid:4"
TestInCore("showdata", path.Path, modelPath, "");
path = CreateOutputPath("DataD.txt");
File.WriteAllLines(path.Path, new string[] { "1 aurora:2 :3" });
TestReloadedCore("showdata", path.Path, "loader=svm{indices=names}" + chooseXf, "", "");
// If we specify the size parameter, and zero-based feature indices, both indices 5 and 6 should
// not appear.
TestReloadedCore("showdata", pathA, "loader=svm{size=5 indices=zerobased}" + chooseXf, "", "");
public void CommandSaveDataSvmLight()
string pathData = GetDataPath("breast-cancer-withheader.txt");
OutputPath dataPath = CreateOutputPath("data.txt");
TestReloadedCore("savedata", pathData, "loader=text{header+}", "saver=svmlight{b+}", null, dataPath.Arg("dout"));
dataPath = CreateOutputPath("data-0.txt");
TestReloadedCore("savedata", pathData, "loader=text{header+}", "saver=svmlight{zero+}", null, dataPath.Arg("dout"));