1 override of CheckConvergence
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers (1)
Standard\SdcaMulticlass.cs (1)
340private protected override bool CheckConvergence(
5 references to CheckConvergence
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers (5)
Standard\SdcaBinary.cs (5)
617converged = CheckConvergence(pch, iter + 1, cursorFactory, duals, idToIdx, weights, bestWeights, biasUnreg, bestBiasUnreg, biasReg, bestBiasReg, count, metrics, ref bestPrimalLoss, ref bestIter); 631converged = CheckConvergence(pch, iter, cursorFactory, duals, idToIdx, weights, bestWeights, biasUnreg, bestBiasUnreg, biasReg, bestBiasReg, count, metrics, ref bestPrimalLoss, ref bestIter); 648converged = CheckConvergence(pch, iter, cursorFactory, duals, idToIdx, weights, bestWeights, biasUnreg, bestBiasUnreg, biasReg, bestBiasReg, count, metrics, ref bestPrimalLoss, ref bestIter); 658converged = CheckConvergence(pch, maxIterations, cursorFactory, duals, idToIdx, weights, bestWeights, biasUnreg, bestBiasUnreg, biasReg, bestBiasReg, count, metrics, ref bestPrimalLoss, ref bestIter); 735/// Returns the names of the metrics reported by <see cref="CheckConvergence"/>, as well as the initial values.