1 override of TrainWithoutLock
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers (1)
3 references to TrainWithoutLock
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers (3)
Standard\SdcaBinary.cs (3)
615TrainWithoutLock(pch, cursorFactory, rands[iter], idToIdx, numThreads, duals, biasReg, invariants, lambdaNInv, weights, biasUnreg, l1IntermediateWeights, l1IntermediateBias, featureNormSquared);
639j => TrainWithoutLock(j == 0 ? pch : null, cursorFactory, rands[iter + j], idToIdx, numThreads, duals, biasReg, invariants, lambdaNInv, weights, biasUnreg, l1IntermediateWeights, l1IntermediateBias, featureNormSquared));
653j => TrainWithoutLock(j == 0 ? pch : null, cursorFactory, rands[iter + j], idToIdx, numThreads, duals, biasReg, invariants, lambdaNInv, weights, biasUnreg, l1IntermediateWeights, l1IntermediateBias, featureNormSquared));