1 write to L1Weight
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers (1)
Standard\LogisticRegression\LbfgsPredictorBase.cs (1)
260L1Weight = LbfgsTrainerOptions.L1Regularization;
9 references to L1Weight
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers (9)
Standard\LogisticRegression\LbfgsPredictorBase.cs (5)
320Optimizer opt = (L1Weight > 0) 321? new L1Optimizer(Host, BiasCount, L1Weight / NumGoodRows, MemorySize, DenseOptimizer, null, EnforceNonNegativity) 556OneDalLbfgs.LogisticRegressionCompute(featuresPtr, labelsPtr, weightsPtr, useSampleWeights, betaPtr, NumGoodRows, nFeatures, ClassCount, L1Weight, L2Weight, OptTol, MaxIterations, MemorySize, numThreads); 712if ((L1Weight > 0 && !Quiet) || ShowTrainingStats) 715if (L1Weight > 0 && !Quiet)
Standard\LogisticRegression\LogisticRegression.cs (2)
245if (L1Weight > 0) 251deviance -= (float)regLoss * L1Weight * 2;
Standard\LogisticRegression\MulticlassLogisticRegression.cs (2)
331if (L1Weight > 0) 337deviance -= (float)regLoss * L1Weight * 2;