3 writes to FieldCount
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers (3)
FactorizationMachine\FieldAwareFactorizationMachineModelParameters.cs (3)
87FieldCount = fieldCount; 122FieldCount = fieldCount; 156FieldCount = fieldCount;
28 references to FieldCount
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers (28)
FactorizationMachine\FieldAwareFactorizationMachineModelParameters.cs (24)
72/// <param name="latentWeights">Latent representation of each feature. Note that one feature may have <see cref="FieldCount"/> latent vectors 92_latentWeightsAligned = new AlignedArray(FeatureCount * FieldCount * LatentDimAligned, 16); 96for (int f = 0; f < FieldCount; f++) 98int index = j * FieldCount * LatentDimension + f * LatentDimension; 99int indexAligned = j * FieldCount * LatentDimAligned + f * LatentDimAligned; 160_latentWeightsAligned = new AlignedArray(FeatureCount * FieldCount * LatentDimAligned, 16); 163for (int f = 0; f < FieldCount; f++) 165int vBias = j * FieldCount * LatentDimension + f * LatentDimension; 166int vBiasAligned = j * FieldCount * LatentDimAligned + f * LatentDimAligned; 202Host.Assert(FieldCount > 0); 206Host.Assert(_latentWeightsAligned.Size == FeatureCount * FieldCount * LatentDimAligned); 209ctx.Writer.Write(FieldCount); 213float[] latentWeights = new float[FeatureCount * FieldCount * LatentDimension]; 216for (int f = 0; f < FieldCount; f++) 218int vBias = j * FieldCount * LatentDimension + f * LatentDimension; 219int vBiasAligned = j * FieldCount * LatentDimAligned + f * LatentDimAligned; 234FieldAwareFactorizationMachineInterface.CalculateIntermediateVariables(FieldCount, LatentDimAligned, count, 262/// Latent representation of each feature. Note that one feature may have <see cref="FieldCount"/> latent vectors 270var latentWeights = new float[FeatureCount * FieldCount * LatentDimension]; 273for (int f = 0; f < FieldCount; f++) 275int index = j * FieldCount * LatentDimension + f * LatentDimension; 276int indexAligned = j * FieldCount * LatentDimAligned + f * LatentDimAligned; 342int featCount = Model.FieldCount; 414for (int i = 0; i < Model.FieldCount; i++)
FactorizationMachine\FieldAwareFactorizationMachineUtils.cs (4)
101var latentSum = new AlignedArray(_pred.FieldCount * _pred.FieldCount * _pred.LatentDimAligned, 16); 106var inputGetters = new ValueGetter<VBuffer<float>>[_pred.FieldCount]; 114for (int f = 0; f < _pred.FieldCount; f++)