// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers
/// <summary>
/// A class that contains the current train state to use for learning rate scheduling.
/// </summary>
internal class DnnTrainState
public int CurrentBatchIndex;
public int CurrentEpoch;
public int BatchSize;
public int BatchesPerEpoch;
/// <summary>
/// This abstract class defines a learning rate scheduler.
/// </summary>
public abstract class LearningRateScheduler
internal LearningRateScheduler()
internal abstract float GetLearningRate(DnnTrainState options);
/// <summary>
/// This class implements linear scaling rule and LR decay.
/// Implementation adopted from RESNET-CIFAR benchmark test in Tensorflow slim.
/// https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/b974c3f95a37acedcc3c58566834c78fcae4b214/official/vision/image_classification/resnet_cifar_main.py
/// </summary>
public sealed class LsrDecay : LearningRateScheduler
/// <summary>
/// This structure represents a learning rate scheduler item type
/// </summary>
public readonly struct LearningRateSchedulerItem
/// <summary>
/// Start epoch to match with the scaling factor
/// </summary>
public readonly int Epoch;
/// <summary>
/// Scaling factor or multiplier that changes the learning rate for Linear scale rule
/// </summary>
public readonly float ScalingFactor;
public LearningRateSchedulerItem(int epoch, float scalingfactor) : this()
Epoch = epoch;
ScalingFactor = scalingfactor;
/// <summary>
/// Learning rate is scaled at epoch boundaries provided in LrSchedule to corresponding multiplier in the LrSchedule.
/// Format for LrSchedule: {start epoch, scaling factor}, ordered with largest start epoch first
/// </summary>
private readonly IReadOnlyList<LearningRateSchedulerItem> _lrSchedule;
/// <summary>
/// Base Learning rate to start off with.
/// </summary>
public readonly float BaseLearningRate;
private IReadOnlyList<LearningRateSchedulerItem> GetDefaultLearningDecayItems()
List<LearningRateSchedulerItem> lrs = new List<LearningRateSchedulerItem>();
int[] epochs = { 182, 136, 91, 0 };
float[] scalingFactor = { 0.0001f, 0.01f, 0.1f, 1.0f };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
LearningRateSchedulerItem item = new LearningRateSchedulerItem(epochs[i], scalingFactor[i]);
return lrs.AsReadOnly();
/// <summary>
/// Linear Scale rule and LR Decay construtor assigns a default LR scheduler.
/// </summary>
public LsrDecay(float baseLearningRate = 0.1f)
_lrSchedule = GetDefaultLearningDecayItems();
BaseLearningRate = baseLearningRate;
/// <summary>
/// Linear Scale rule and LR Decay construtor assigns a user defined LR scheduler.
/// </summary>
public LsrDecay(IReadOnlyList<LearningRateSchedulerItem> lrschedule, float baseLearningRate = 0.1f)
_lrSchedule = lrschedule;
BaseLearningRate = baseLearningRate;
/// <summary>
/// This function returns the corresponding scaling factor or multiplier for the given epoch from the LrSchedule.
/// </summary>
private float GetLearningRateScheduleMultiplier(int epoch)
for (int i = 0; i < _lrSchedule.Count; i++)
if (epoch >= _lrSchedule[i].Epoch)
return _lrSchedule[i].ScalingFactor;
return 1.0f;
/// <summary>
/// This function returns the Learning rate using linear scale rule and LR decay.
/// </summary>
internal override float GetLearningRate(DnnTrainState trainstate)
float learningrate;
float initialLearningRate = BaseLearningRate * trainstate.BatchSize / 128;
learningrate = initialLearningRate * GetLearningRateScheduleMultiplier(trainstate.CurrentEpoch);
return learningrate;
/// <summary>
/// This class implements Exponential Learning rate decay.
/// Implemented from the tensorflow documentation.
/// Source: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/compat/v1/train/exponential_decay
/// Default values and implementation of learning rate is from Tensorflow Slim model tests.
/// Source : https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/slim/train_image_classifier.py
/// </summary>
public sealed class ExponentialLRDecay : LearningRateScheduler
/// <summary>
/// Initial learning rate.
/// </summary>
public float LearningRate;
/// <summary>
/// The number of batches seen by the graph so far.
/// </summary>
public int GlobalStep;
/// <summary>
/// Number of decay steps
/// </summary>
public int DecaySteps;
/// <summary>
/// Learning rate decay factor.
/// </summary>
public float DecayRate;
/// <summary>
/// If Staircase is True the learning rate decays at discrete intervals and the decayed learning rate follows a staircase function.
/// </summary>
public bool Staircase;
/// <summary>
/// Number of epochs after which learning rate decays.
/// </summary>
public float NumEpochsPerDecay;
/// <summary>
/// This contructor initializes intial learning rate, number epochs per decay, decay rate and the staircase option.
/// The defaults are taken from Tensorflow Slim.
/// </summary>
public ExponentialLRDecay(float learningRate = 0.01f, float numEpochsPerDecay = 2.0f, float decayRate = 0.94f, bool staircase = true)
LearningRate = learningRate;
NumEpochsPerDecay = numEpochsPerDecay;
DecayRate = decayRate;
Staircase = staircase;
/// <summary>
/// Computes exponentially decayed learning rate
/// </summary>
internal override float GetLearningRate(DnnTrainState trainstate)
int numSamplesPerEpoch = trainstate.BatchSize * trainstate.BatchesPerEpoch;
DecaySteps = (int)(numSamplesPerEpoch * NumEpochsPerDecay / trainstate.BatchSize);
GlobalStep = (trainstate.CurrentEpoch) * (trainstate.BatchesPerEpoch) + trainstate.CurrentBatchIndex;
float decayPower = (float)GlobalStep / DecaySteps;
decayPower = Staircase ? (float)Math.Floor(decayPower) : decayPower;
float decayedLearningRate = LearningRate * (float)Math.Pow(DecayRate, decayPower);
return decayedLearningRate;
/// <summary>
/// This class implements polynomial Learning rate decay.
/// Implemented from the tensorflow documentation.
/// Source: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/compat/v1/train/polynomial_decay
/// Default values and implementation of learning rate is from Tensorflow Slim model tests.
/// Source : https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/slim/train_image_classifier.py
/// </summary>
public sealed class PolynomialLRDecay : LearningRateScheduler
/// <summary>
/// Initial learning rate.
/// </summary>
public readonly float LearningRate;
/// <summary>
/// The minimal end learning rate.
/// </summary>
public readonly float EndLearningRate;
/// <summary>
/// The power of the polynomial
/// </summary>
public readonly float Power;
/// <summary>
/// whether or not it should cycle once decay has been reached
/// </summary>
public readonly bool Cycle;
/// <summary>
/// Number of epochs after which learning rate decays.
/// </summary>
public readonly float NumEpochsPerDecay;
public PolynomialLRDecay(float learningRate = 0.01f, float numEpochsPerDecay = 2.0f, float endLearningRate = 0.0001f, float power = 1.0f, bool cycle = false)
LearningRate = learningRate;
NumEpochsPerDecay = numEpochsPerDecay;
EndLearningRate = endLearningRate;
Power = power;
Cycle = cycle;
internal override float GetLearningRate(DnnTrainState trainstate)
int numSamplesPerEpoch = trainstate.BatchSize * trainstate.BatchesPerEpoch;
int decaySteps = (int)(numSamplesPerEpoch * NumEpochsPerDecay / trainstate.BatchSize);
int globalStep = (trainstate.CurrentEpoch) * (trainstate.BatchesPerEpoch) + trainstate.CurrentBatchIndex;
float decayedLearningRate;
if (Cycle && globalStep > decaySteps)
float calculatedStep = (float)decaySteps * (float)Math.Ceiling((double)globalStep / (double)decaySteps);
decayedLearningRate = (LearningRate - EndLearningRate) * ((float)Math.Pow((1 - (float)globalStep / calculatedStep), Power)) + EndLearningRate;
float calculatedStep = Math.Min(globalStep, decaySteps);
decayedLearningRate = (LearningRate - EndLearningRate) * ((float)Math.Pow((1 - calculatedStep / (float)decaySteps), Power)) + EndLearningRate;
return decayedLearningRate;