// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Numeric;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers;
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(LdSvmModelParameters), null, typeof(SignatureLoadModel), "LDSVM binary predictor", LdSvmModelParameters.LoaderSignature)]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers
public sealed class LdSvmModelParameters : ModelParametersBase<float>,
internal const string LoaderSignature = "LDSVMBinaryPredictor";
/// <summary>
/// Version information to be saved in binary format
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static VersionInfo GetVersionInfo()
return new VersionInfo(
modelSignature: "LDSVM BC",
verWrittenCur: 0x00010001,
verReadableCur: 0x00010001,
verWeCanReadBack: 0x00010001,
loaderSignature: LoaderSignature,
loaderAssemblyName: typeof(LdSvmModelParameters).Assembly.FullName);
// Classifier Parameters
private readonly int _numLeaf;
private readonly float _sigma;
private readonly VBuffer<float>[] _w;
private readonly VBuffer<float>[] _thetaPrime;
private readonly VBuffer<float>[] _theta;
private readonly float[] _biasW;
private readonly float[] _biasTheta;
private readonly float[] _biasThetaPrime;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor. w, thetaPrime, theta must be dense <see cref="VBuffer{T}"/>s.
/// Note that this takes over ownership of all such vectors.
/// </summary>
internal LdSvmModelParameters(IHostEnvironment env, VBuffer<float>[] w, VBuffer<float>[] thetaPrime, VBuffer<float>[] theta,
float sigma, float[] biasW, float[] biasTheta, float[] biasThetaPrime, int treeDepth)
: base(env, LoaderSignature)
// _numLeaf is 32-bit signed integer.
Host.Assert(treeDepth > 0 && treeDepth < 31);
int numLeaf = 1 << treeDepth;
Host.Assert(w.Length == numLeaf * 2 - 1);
Host.Assert(w.All(v => v.IsDense));
Host.Assert(w.All(v => v.Length == w[0].Length));
Host.Assert(thetaPrime.Length == numLeaf * 2 - 1);
Host.Assert(thetaPrime.All(v => v.IsDense));
Host.Assert(thetaPrime.All(v => v.Length == thetaPrime[0].Length));
Host.Assert(theta.Length == numLeaf - 1);
Host.Assert(theta.All(v => v.IsDense));
Host.Assert(theta.All(v => v.Length == theta[0].Length));
Host.Assert(biasW.Length == numLeaf * 2 - 1);
Host.Assert(biasTheta.Length == numLeaf - 1);
Host.Assert(biasThetaPrime.Length == numLeaf * 2 - 1);
Host.Assert((w[0].Length > 0) && (w[0].Length == thetaPrime[0].Length) && (w[0].Length == theta[0].Length));
_numLeaf = numLeaf;
_sigma = sigma;
_w = w;
_thetaPrime = thetaPrime;
_theta = theta;
_biasW = biasW;
_biasTheta = biasTheta;
_biasThetaPrime = biasThetaPrime;
InputType = new VectorDataViewType(NumberDataViewType.Single, _w[0].Length);
private LdSvmModelParameters(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
: base(env, LoaderSignature, ctx)
// *** Binary format ***
// int: _numLeaf
// int: numFeatures
// float: _sigma
// (_numLeaf * 2 - 1) times: a vector in _w
// float[numFeatures]
// (_numLeaf * 2 - 1) times: a vector in _thetaPrime
// float[numFeatures]
// (_numLeaf - 1) times: a vector in _theta
// float[numFeatures]
// float[_numLeaf * 2 - 1]: _biasW
// float[_numLeaf - 1]: _biasTheta
// float[_numLeaf * 2 - 1]: _biasThetaPrime
_numLeaf = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
Host.CheckDecode(_numLeaf > 1 && (_numLeaf & (_numLeaf - 1)) == 0);
int numFeatures = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
Host.CheckDecode(numFeatures > 0);
_sigma = ctx.Reader.ReadFloat();
_w = LoadVBufferArray(ctx, _numLeaf * 2 - 1, numFeatures);
_thetaPrime = LoadVBufferArray(ctx, _numLeaf * 2 - 1, numFeatures);
_theta = LoadVBufferArray(ctx, _numLeaf - 1, numFeatures);
_biasW = ctx.Reader.ReadFloatArray(_numLeaf * 2 - 1);
_biasTheta = ctx.Reader.ReadFloatArray(_numLeaf - 1);
_biasThetaPrime = ctx.Reader.ReadFloatArray(_numLeaf * 2 - 1);
WarnOnOldNormalizer(ctx, GetType(), Host);
InputType = new VectorDataViewType(NumberDataViewType.Single, numFeatures);
private void AssertValid()
Host.Assert(_numLeaf > 1 && (_numLeaf & (_numLeaf - 1)) == 0); // Check if _numLeaf is power of 2
Host.Assert(_w.Length == _numLeaf * 2 - 1);
Host.Assert(_w.All(v => v.IsDense));
Host.Assert(_w.All(v => v.Length == _w[0].Length));
Host.Assert(_thetaPrime.Length == _numLeaf * 2 - 1);
Host.Assert(_thetaPrime.All(v => v.IsDense));
Host.Assert(_thetaPrime.All(v => v.Length == _thetaPrime[0].Length));
Host.Assert(_theta.Length == _numLeaf - 1);
Host.Assert(_theta.All(v => v.IsDense));
Host.Assert(_theta.All(v => v.Length == _theta[0].Length));
Host.Assert(_biasW.Length == _numLeaf * 2 - 1);
Host.Assert(_biasTheta.Length == _numLeaf - 1);
Host.Assert(_biasThetaPrime.Length == _numLeaf * 2 - 1);
Host.Assert((_w[0].Length > 0) && (_w[0].Length == _thetaPrime[0].Length) && (_w[0].Length == _theta[0].Length)); // numFeatures
Host.Assert(InputType != null && InputType.GetVectorSize() == _w[0].Length);
/// <summary>
/// Create method to instantiate a predictor.
/// </summary>
private static IPredictorProducing<float> Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
env.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
return new LdSvmModelParameters(env, ctx);
private protected override PredictionKind PredictionKind { get { return PredictionKind.BinaryClassification; } }
/// <summary>
/// Save the predictor in binary format.
/// </summary>
private protected override void SaveCore(ModelSaveContext ctx)
// *** Binary format ***
// int: _numLeaf
// int: numFeatures
// float: _sigma
// (_numLeaf * 2 - 1) times: a vector in _w
// float[numFeatures]
// (_numLeaf * 2 - 1) times: a vector in _thetaPrime
// float[numFeatures]
// (_numLeaf - 1) times: a vector in _theta
// float[numFeatures]
// float[_numLeaf * 2 - 1]: _biasW
// float[_numLeaf - 1]: _biasTheta
// float[_numLeaf * 2 - 1]: _biasThetaPrime
int numFeatures = _w[0].Length;
Host.Assert(_w.Length == _numLeaf * 2 - 1);
SaveVBufferArray(ctx, _w);
Host.Assert(_thetaPrime.Length == _numLeaf * 2 - 1);
SaveVBufferArray(ctx, _thetaPrime);
Host.Assert(_theta.Length == _numLeaf - 1);
SaveVBufferArray(ctx, _theta);
Host.Assert(_biasW.Length == _numLeaf * 2 - 1);
Host.Assert(_biasTheta.Length == _numLeaf - 1);
Host.Assert(_biasThetaPrime.Length == _numLeaf * 2 - 1);
/// <summary>
/// Save an array of <see cref="VBuffer{T}"/> in binary format. The vectors must be dense.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The context where we will save the vectors.</param>
/// <param name="data">An array of vectors.</param>
private void SaveVBufferArray(ModelSaveContext ctx, VBuffer<float>[] data)
if (data.Length == 0)
int vectorLength = data[0].Length;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
var vector = data[i];
Host.Assert(vector.Length == vectorLength);
/// <summary>
/// Load an array of <see cref="VBuffer{T}"/> from binary format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The context from which to read the vectors.</param>
/// <param name="length">The length of the array of vectors.</param>
/// <param name="vectorLength">The length of each vector.</param>
/// <returns>An array of vectors.</returns>
private VBuffer<float>[] LoadVBufferArray(ModelLoadContext ctx, int length, int vectorLength)
Host.Assert(length >= 0);
Host.Assert(vectorLength >= 0);
VBuffer<float>[] result = new VBuffer<float>[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result[i] = new VBuffer<float>(vectorLength, ctx.Reader.ReadFloatArray(vectorLength));
Host.Assert(result[i].Length == vectorLength);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Compute Margin.
/// </summary>
private float Margin(in VBuffer<float> src)
double score = 0;
double childIndicator;
int current = 0;
while (current < _numLeaf - 1)
score += Math.Tanh(_sigma * (VectorUtils.DotProduct(in _thetaPrime[current], in src) + _biasThetaPrime[current])) *
(VectorUtils.DotProduct(in _w[current], in src) + _biasW[current]);
childIndicator = VectorUtils.DotProduct(in _theta[current], in src) + _biasTheta[current];
current = (childIndicator > 0) ? 2 * current + 1 : 2 * current + 2;
score += Math.Tanh(_sigma * (VectorUtils.DotProduct(in _thetaPrime[current], in src) + _biasThetaPrime[current])) *
(VectorUtils.DotProduct(in _w[current], in src) + _biasW[current]);
return (float)score;
public DataViewType InputType { get; }
public DataViewType OutputType => NumberDataViewType.Single;
ValueMapper<TIn, TOut> IValueMapper.GetMapper<TIn, TOut>()
Host.Check(typeof(TIn) == typeof(VBuffer<float>));
Host.Check(typeof(TOut) == typeof(float));
ValueMapper<VBuffer<float>, float> del =
(in VBuffer<float> src, ref float dst) =>
Host.Check(src.Length == InputType.GetVectorSize());
dst = Margin(in src);
return (ValueMapper<TIn, TOut>)(Delegate)del;