3 types derived from UniformNumericOption
Microsoft.ML.SearchSpace (3)
Option\UniformNumericOption.cs (3)
98public sealed class UniformDoubleOption : UniformNumericOption 120public sealed class UniformSingleOption : UniformNumericOption 158public sealed class UniformIntOption : UniformNumericOption
9 references to UniformNumericOption
Microsoft.ML.SearchSpace (9)
Converter\NumericOptionConverter.cs (3)
14internal class NumericOptionConverter : JsonConverter<UniformNumericOption> 37public override UniformNumericOption Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) 50public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, UniformNumericOption value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
Converter\OptionConverter.cs (2)
38return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<UniformNumericOption>(ref reader, options); 56else if (value is UniformNumericOption uniformNumericOption)
Option\NestOption.cs (1)
14/// This class represent nest option, which is an option that contains other options, like <see cref="ChoiceOption"/>, <see cref="UniformNumericOption"/> or even <see cref="SearchSpace"/> itself.
Option\OptionBase.cs (1)
44/// <see cref="ChoiceOption.Choices"/>. And in <see cref="UniformNumericOption"/>, it's always [null]. And in <see cref="ML.SearchSpace.SearchSpace"/>, it's a combination of all <see cref="Step"/> in its options.
Option\UniformNumericOption.cs (1)
20/// Create a <see cref="UniformNumericOption"/> using <paramref name="min"/> and <paramref name="max"/>.
SearchSpace.cs (1)
17/// This class is used to represent a set of <see cref="OptionBase"/>, which can be either one of <see cref="ChoiceOption"/>, <see cref="UniformNumericOption"/> or another nested search space.