using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
namespace Samples.Dynamic
public static class ApplyOnnxModel
public static void Example()
// Download the squeeznet image model from ONNX model zoo, version 1.2
// https://github.com/onnx/models/tree/master/squeezenet or
// https://s3.amazonaws.com/download.onnx/models/opset_8/squeezenet.tar.gz
// or use Microsoft.ML.Onnx.TestModels nuget.
var modelPath = @"squeezenet\00000001\model.onnx";
// Create ML pipeline to score the data using OnnxScoringEstimator
var mlContext = new MLContext();
// Generate sample test data.
var samples = GetTensorData();
// Convert training data to IDataView, the general data type used in
// ML.NET.
var data = mlContext.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(samples);
// Create the pipeline to score using provided onnx model.
var pipeline = mlContext.Transforms.ApplyOnnxModel(modelPath);
// Fit the pipeline and get the transformed values
var transformedValues = pipeline.Fit(data).Transform(data);
// Retrieve model scores into Prediction class
var predictions = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable<Prediction>(
transformedValues, reuseRowObject: false);
// Iterate rows
foreach (var prediction in predictions)
int numClasses = 0;
foreach (var classScore in prediction.softmaxout_1.Take(3))
Console.WriteLine("Class #" + numClasses++ + " score = " +
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 10));
// Results look like below...
// Class #0 score = 4.544065E-05
// Class #1 score = 0.003845858
// Class #2 score = 0.0001249467
// ----------
// Class #0 score = 4.491953E-05
// Class #1 score = 0.003848222
// Class #2 score = 0.0001245592
// ----------
// inputSize is the overall dimensions of the model input tensor.
private const int inputSize = 224 * 224 * 3;
// A class to hold sample tensor data. Member name should match
// the inputs that the model expects (in this case, data_0)
public class TensorData
public float[] data_0 { get; set; }
// Method to generate sample test data. Returns 2 sample rows.
public static TensorData[] GetTensorData()
// This can be any numerical data. Assume image pixel values.
var image1 = Enumerable.Range(0, inputSize).Select(x => (float)x /
var image2 = Enumerable.Range(0, inputSize).Select(x => (float)(x +
10000) / inputSize).ToArray();
return new TensorData[] { new TensorData() { data_0 = image1 }, new
TensorData() { data_0 = image2 } };
// Class to contain the output values from the transformation.
// This model generates a vector of 1000 floats.
class Prediction
public float[] softmaxout_1 { get; set; }