File: Dynamic\Trainers\Regression\LightGbmWithOptionsAdvanced.cs
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Project: src\docs\samples\Microsoft.ML.Samples\Microsoft.ML.Samples.csproj (Microsoft.ML.Samples)
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers.LightGbm;
namespace Samples.Dynamic.Trainers.Regression
    class LightGbmWithOptionsAdvanced
        // This example requires installation of additional NuGet package
        // for Microsoft.ML.LightGBM
        // at
        public static void Example()
            // Create a new ML context, for ML.NET operations. It can be used for
            // exception tracking and logging, as well as the source of randomness.
            var mlContext = new MLContext();
            // Download and load the housing dataset into an IDataView.
            var dataView = Microsoft.ML.SamplesUtils.DatasetUtils.LoadHousingRegressionDataset(mlContext);
            //////////////////// Data Preview ////////////////////
            /// Only 6 columns are displayed here.
            // MedianHomeValue    CrimesPerCapita    PercentResidental    PercentNonRetail    CharlesRiver    NitricOxides    RoomsPerDwelling    PercentPre40s     ...
            // 24.00              0.00632            18.00                2.310               0               0.5380          6.5750              65.20             ...
            // 21.60              0.02731            00.00                7.070               0               0.4690          6.4210              78.90             ...
            // 34.70              0.02729            00.00                7.070               0               0.4690          7.1850              61.10             ...
            var split = mlContext.Data.TrainTestSplit(dataView, testFraction: 0.1);
            // Create a pipeline with LightGbm estimator with advanced options.
            // Here we only need LightGbm trainer as data is already processed
            // in a form consumable by the trainer.
            var labelName = "MedianHomeValue";
            var featureNames = dataView.Schema
                .Select(column => column.Name) // Get the column names
                .Where(name => name != labelName) // Drop the Label
            var pipeline = mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate(
                "Features", featureNames)
                new LightGbmRegressionTrainer.Options
                    LabelColumnName = labelName,
                    NumberOfLeaves = 4,
                    MinimumExampleCountPerLeaf = 6,
                    LearningRate = 0.001,
                    Booster = new GossBooster.Options()
                        TopRate = 0.3,
                        OtherRate = 0.2
            // Fit this pipeline to the training data.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(split.TrainSet);
            // Get the feature importance based on the information gain used during
            // training.
            VBuffer<float> weights = default;
            model.LastTransformer.Model.GetFeatureWeights(ref weights);
            var weightsValues = weights.DenseValues().ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine($"weight 0 - {weightsValues[0]}");
            // CrimesPerCapita  (weight 0) = 0.1898361
            Console.WriteLine($"weight 5 - {weightsValues[5]}");
            // RoomsPerDwelling (weight 5) = 1
            // Evaluate how the model is doing on the test data.
            var dataWithPredictions = model.Transform(split.TestSet);
            var metrics = mlContext.Regression.Evaluate(
                labelColumnName: labelName);
            // Expected output
            //   L1: 4.97
            //   L2: 51.37
            //   LossFunction: 51.37
            //   RMS: 7.17
            //   RSquared: 0.08
        public static void PrintMetrics(RegressionMetrics metrics)
            Console.WriteLine("Mean Absolute Error: " + metrics.MeanAbsoluteError);
            Console.WriteLine("Mean Squared Error: " + metrics.MeanSquaredError);
                "Root Mean Squared Error: " + metrics.RootMeanSquaredError);
            Console.WriteLine("RSquared: " + metrics.RSquared);