// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFramework.Attributes;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFrameworkCommon.Attributes;
namespace Microsoft.ML.RunTests
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.EntryPoints;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFramework;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFrameworkCommon;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFrameworkCommon.Attributes;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers.LightGbm;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using TestLearners = TestLearnersBase;
/// <summary>
/// Tests using maml commands (IDV) functionality.
/// </summary>
public sealed partial class TestPredictors : BaseTestPredictors
protected override void Initialize()
protected override void InitializeEnvironment(IHostEnvironment environment)
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of datasets for binary classifier base test.
/// </summary>
public IList<TestDataset> GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest()
// MSM dataset is not yet ported.
return new[] {
/* TestDatasets.msm */
public IList<TestDataset> GetDatasetsForMulticlassClassificationTest()
return new[] {
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of datasets for regressor test.
/// </summary>
public IList<TestDataset> GetDatasetsForRegressorTest()
return new[] { TestDatasets.housing };
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of datasets for ranking test.
/// </summary>
public IList<TestDataset> GetDatasetsForRankingTest()
return new[] { TestDatasets.rankingText };
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of datasets for binary classifier base test.
/// </summary>
public IList<TestDataset> GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierMoreTest()
return new[] {
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of datasets for the WeightingPredictorsTest test.
/// </summary>
public IList<TestDataset> GetDatasetsForClassificationWeightingPredictorsTest()
return new[] { TestDatasets.breastCancerWeighted };
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
public void BinaryClassifierPerceptronTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.perceptron };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 6);
public void BinaryPriorTest()
var predictors = new[] {
RunAllTests(predictors, new[] { TestDatasets.breastCancerBoolLabel });
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void EarlyStoppingTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var dataset = TestDatasets.msm.Clone();
dataset.validFilename = dataset.testFilename;
var predictor = TestLearners.fastRankClassificationPruning;
Run_TrainTest(predictor, dataset);
/// <summary>
/// Multiclass Logistic Regression test.
/// </summary>
[X86X64Fact("Currently flaky on non x86/x64 devices. Disabling until we figure it out. See https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning/issues/6684")]
[TestCategory("Logistic Regression")]
public void MulticlassLRTest()
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.multiclassLogisticRegression, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 3);
/// <summary>
/// Multiclass Logistic Regression with non-negative coefficients test.
/// </summary>
[TestCategory("Logistic Regression")]
public void MulticlassLRNonNegativeTest()
// [TEST_STABILITY]: use lower digit precision as dotnet core 3.1 generates slightly different result
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.multiclassLogisticRegressionNonNegative, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 3);
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.multiclassLogisticRegressionNonNegative, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void MulticlassSdcaTest()
var predictors = new[] {
TestLearners.multiclassSdca, TestLearners.multiclassSdcaL1, TestLearners.multiclassSdcaSmoothedHinge };
var datasets = GetDatasetsForMulticlassClassificationTest();
RunAllTests(predictors, datasets);
/// <summary>
/// Multiclass Logistic Regression test with a tree featurizer.
/// </summary>
[TestCategory("Logistic Regression")]
//Skipping test temporarily. This test will be re-enabled once the cause of failures has been determined
public void MulticlassTreeFeaturizedLRTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.multiclassLogisticRegression, TestDatasets.irisTreeFeaturized, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.multiclassLogisticRegression, TestDatasets.irisTreeFeaturizedPermuted, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void MulticlassCVTest()
var predictor = new PredictorAndArgs
Trainer = new SubComponent("MulticlassLogisticRegression", "ot=1e-3 nt=1"),
MamlArgs = new[]
"loader=text{col=TextLabel:TX:0 col=Features:Num:~}",
"prexf=expr{col=Label:TextLabel expr={x=>single(x)>4?na(4):single(x)}}",
Run_CV(predictor, TestDatasets.mnistTiny28, extraTag: "DifferentClassCounts");
public void MulticlassReductionTest()
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.Ova, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 6);
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.OvaWithFastForest, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 6);
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.Pkpd, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 6);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void KMeansClusteringTest()
var predictors = new[] { TestLearners.KMeansDefault, TestLearners.KMeansInitPlusPlus, TestLearners.KMeansInitRandom };
var datasets = new[] { TestDatasets.adult, TestDatasets.mnistTiny28 };
RunAllTests(predictors, datasets);
public void LinearClassifierTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[]
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
public void BinaryClassifierLogisticRegressionTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.logisticRegression };
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.logisticRegression, TestDatasets.breastCancer, summary: true, digitsOfPrecision: 3);
// RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.logisticRegression, TestDatasets.msm);
public void BinaryClassifierSymSgdTest()
//Skipping test temporarily on Linux. This test will be re-enabled once the cause of failure has been determined.
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.symSGD, TestDatasets.breastCancer, summary: true, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
public void BinaryClassifierTesterThresholdingTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.logisticRegression };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new[] { TestDatasets.breastCancer };
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, new[] { "eval=BinaryClassifier{threshold=0.95 useRawScore=-}" }, "withThreshold", digitsOfPrecision: 3);
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
public void BinaryClassifierLogisticRegressionNormTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.logisticRegressionNorm };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers with non-negative coefficients
public void BinaryClassifierLogisticRegressionNonNegativeTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.logisticRegressionNonNegative };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new[] { TestDatasets.breastCancer };
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
public void BinaryClassifierLogisticRegressionBinNormTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.logisticRegressionBinNorm };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
// [TEST_STABILITY]: dotnet core 3.1 generates slightly different result
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 6);
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
public void BinaryClassifierLogisticRegressionGaussianNormTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.logisticRegressionGaussianNorm };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 2);
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
public void BinaryClassifierFastRankClassificationTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learner = TestLearners.fastRankClassification;
var data = TestDatasets.breastCancer;
string dir = learner.Trainer.Kind;
string prName = "prcurve-breast-cancer-prcurve.txt";
string prPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, prName);
string eval = $"eval=Binary{{pr={{{prPath} }}}}";
Run_TrainTest(learner, data, new[] { eval });
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) // PR curves are only generated on Windows.
CheckEqualityNormalized(dir, prName);
Run_CV(learner, data);
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
public void FastForestClassificationTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.FastForestClassification };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets);
/// <summary>
///A test for regressors
public void FastForestRegressionTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var regressionPredictors = new[] {
var regressionDatasets = GetDatasetsForRegressorTest();
RunAllTests(regressionPredictors, regressionDatasets, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Weighting Predictors")]
public void WeightingFastForestClassificationPredictorsTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
new[] { TestLearners.FastForestClassification },
new[] { TestDatasets.breastCancerDifferentlyWeighted });
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Weighting Predictors")]
public void WeightingFastForestRegressionPredictorsTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var regressionPredictors = new[] {
new[] { TestDatasets.housingDifferentlyWeightedRep });
public void FastTreeBinaryClassificationTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learners = new[] { TestLearners.FastTreeClassfier, TestLearners.FastTreeDropoutClassfier,
TestLearners.FastTreeBsrClassfier, TestLearners.FastTreeClassfierDisk };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset> { TestDatasets.breastCancerPipe };
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in binaryClassificationDatasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset);
public void LightGBMClassificationTest()
var learners = new[] { TestLearners.LightGBMClassifier };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset> { TestDatasets.breastCancerPipe };
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in binaryClassificationDatasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset);
/// <summary>
/// This test checks that the run-time behavior of LightGBM does not change by modifying the flags
/// used by LightGBM with <see cref="CursOpt.AllFeatures"/>, and that this change does not affect
/// the features extracted during validation. This is done by checking that an older LightGbm model
/// trained with <see cref="CursOpt.Features"/> produces the same baselines as it did before this change.
/// </summary>
public void LightGBMPreviousModelBaselineTest()
// The path of previously trained LightGBM model:
// "machinelearning/data/test/LightGBM-Train-breast-cancer-model.zip"
// The path of the expected baseline output:
// "machinelearning/test/BaselineOutput/Common/LightGBMBinary/LightGBM-Test-breast-cancer-out.txt"
string previousBaselineModelPath = GetDataPath("LightGBM-Train-breast-cancer-model.zip");
Run_Test(TestLearners.LightGBMClassifier, TestDatasets.breastCancerPipeWithoutMamlExtraSettings, previousBaselineModelPath);
[TestCategory("Binary"), TestCategory("LightGBM")]
public void GossLightGBMTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.LightGBMGoss };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset> { TestDatasets.breastCancerPipe };
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, extraTag: "goss");
public void DartLightGBMTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.LightGBMDart };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset> { TestDatasets.breastCancerPipe };
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, extraTag: "dart");
/// <summary>
/// A test for multi class classifiers.
/// </summary>
public void MulticlassifierLightGBMKeyLabelTest()
var multiPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.LightGBMMC };
var multiClassificationDatasets = new[] { TestDatasets.irisLoader };
RunAllTests(multiPredictors, multiClassificationDatasets, extraTag: "key");
/// <summary>
/// A test for multi class classifiers.
/// </summary>
public void MulticlassifierLightGBMKeyLabelU404Test()
var multiPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.LightGBMMC };
var multiClassificationDatasets = new[] { TestDatasets.irisLoaderU404 };
RunAllTests(multiPredictors, multiClassificationDatasets, extraTag: "keyU404");
/// <summary>
/// A test for regression.
/// </summary>
public void RegressorLightGBMTest()
var regPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.LightGBMReg };
var regDatasets = new[] { TestDatasets.generatedRegressionDataset };
RunAllTests(regPredictors, regDatasets, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
/// <summary>
/// A test for regression.
/// </summary>
public void RegressorLightGBMMAETest()
var regPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.LightGBMRegMae };
var regDatasets = new[] { TestDatasets.generatedRegressionDataset };
RunAllTests(regPredictors, regDatasets, extraTag: "MAE", parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
/// <summary>
/// A test for regression.
/// </summary>
public void RegressorLightGBMRMSETest()
var regPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.LightGBMRegRmse };
var regDatasets = new[] { TestDatasets.generatedRegressionDataset };
RunAllTests(regPredictors, regDatasets, extraTag: "RMSE", parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
/// <summary>
/// A test for ranking. The training does not seem to be accurate.
/// The evaluation is still based on nDCG which is not really convenient pair-wise ranking.
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need to find ranking dataset.")]
public void RankingLightGBMTest()
var args = new PredictorAndArgs
Trainer = new SubComponent("LightGBMRank",
"nt=1 iter=20 v=+ mil=20 nl=20 lr=0.2")
var rankPredictors = new[] { args };
var rankDatasets = new[] { TestDatasets.MQ2008 };
RunAllTests(rankPredictors, rankDatasets);
[NotArm32Fact("RyuJit codegen issue https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/7970")]
public void TestTreeEnsembleCombiner()
var dataPath = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromTextFile(dataPath);
var fastTrees = new PredictorModel[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fastTrees[i] = FastTree.TrainBinary(ML, new FastTreeBinaryTrainer.Options
FeatureColumnName = "Features",
NumberOfTrees = 5,
NumberOfLeaves = 4,
LabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
TrainingData = dataView
CombineAndTestTreeEnsembles(dataView, fastTrees);
[NotArm32Fact("RyuJit codegen issue https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/7970")]
public void TestTreeEnsembleCombinerWithCategoricalSplits()
var dataPath = GetDataPath("adult.tiny.with-schema.txt");
var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromTextFile(dataPath);
var cat = ML.Transforms.Categorical.OneHotEncoding("Features", "Categories").Fit(dataView).Transform(dataView);
var fastTrees = new PredictorModel[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fastTrees[i] = FastTree.TrainBinary(ML, new FastTreeBinaryTrainer.Options
FeatureColumnName = "Features",
NumberOfTrees = 5,
NumberOfLeaves = 4,
CategoricalSplit = true,
LabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
TrainingData = cat
CombineAndTestTreeEnsembles(cat, fastTrees);
private void CombineAndTestTreeEnsembles(IDataView idv, PredictorModel[] fastTrees)
IModelCombiner combiner = new TreeEnsembleCombiner(Env, PredictionKind.BinaryClassification);
var fastTree = combiner.CombineModels(fastTrees.Select(pm => (IPredictorProducing<float>)pm.Predictor));
var data = new RoleMappedData(idv, label: null, feature: "Features");
var scored = ScoreModel.Score(Env, new ScoreModel.Input() { Data = idv, PredictorModel = new PredictorModelImpl(Env, data, idv, fastTree) }).ScoredData;
var scoreColumn = scored.Schema.GetColumnOrNull("Score");
var probabilityColumn = scored.Schema.GetColumnOrNull("Probability");
var predictedLabelColumn = scored.Schema.GetColumnOrNull("PredictedLabel");
int predCount = Utils.Size(fastTrees);
var scoredArray = new IDataView[predCount];
var scoreColArray = new DataViewSchema.Column?[predCount];
var probColArray = new DataViewSchema.Column?[predCount];
var predColArray = new DataViewSchema.Column?[predCount];
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
scoredArray[i] = ScoreModel.Score(Env, new ScoreModel.Input() { Data = idv, PredictorModel = fastTrees[i] }).ScoredData;
scoreColArray[i] = scoredArray[i].Schema.GetColumnOrNull("Score");
probColArray[i] = scoredArray[i].Schema.GetColumnOrNull("Probability");
predColArray[i] = scoredArray[i].Schema.GetColumnOrNull("PredictedLabel");
var cursors = new DataViewRowCursor[predCount];
var cols = scored.Schema.Where(c => c.Name.Equals("Score") || c.Name.Equals("Probability") || c.Name.Equals("PredictedLabel"));
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
cursors[i] = scoredArray[i].GetRowCursor(cols);
using (var curs = scored.GetRowCursor(cols))
var scoreGetter = curs.GetGetter<float>(scoreColumn.Value);
var probGetter = curs.GetGetter<float>(probabilityColumn.Value);
var predGetter = curs.GetGetter<bool>(predictedLabelColumn.Value);
var scoreGetters = new ValueGetter<float>[predCount];
var probGetters = new ValueGetter<float>[predCount];
var predGetters = new ValueGetter<bool>[predCount];
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
scoreGetters[i] = cursors[i].GetGetter<float>(scoreColArray[i].Value);
probGetters[i] = cursors[i].GetGetter<float>(probColArray[i].Value);
predGetters[i] = cursors[i].GetGetter<bool>(predColArray[i].Value);
float score = 0;
float prob = 0;
bool pred = default;
var scores = new float[predCount];
var probs = new float[predCount];
var preds = new bool[predCount];
while (curs.MoveNext())
scoreGetter(ref score);
probGetter(ref prob);
predGetter(ref pred);
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
scoreGetters[i](ref scores[i]);
probGetters[i](ref probs[i]);
predGetters[i](ref preds[i]);
Assert.Equal(score, 0.4 * scores.Sum() / predCount, 0.00001);
Assert.Equal(prob, 1 / (1 + Math.Exp(-score)), 0.000001);
Assert.True(pred == score > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
public void TestEnsembleCombiner()
var dataPath = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromTextFile(dataPath);
var predictors = new PredictorModel[]
FastTree.TrainBinary(ML, new FastTreeBinaryTrainer.Options
FeatureColumnName = "Features",
NumberOfTrees = 5,
NumberOfLeaves = 4,
LabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
TrainingData = dataView
AveragedPerceptronTrainer.TrainBinary(ML, new AveragedPerceptronTrainer.Options()
FeatureColumnName = "Features",
LabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
NumberOfIterations = 2,
TrainingData = dataView,
NormalizeFeatures = NormalizeOption.No
LbfgsLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.TrainBinary(ML, new LbfgsLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.Options()
FeatureColumnName = "Features",
LabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
OptimizationTolerance = 10e-4F,
TrainingData = dataView,
NormalizeFeatures = NormalizeOption.No
LbfgsLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.TrainBinary(ML, new LbfgsLogisticRegressionBinaryTrainer.Options()
FeatureColumnName = "Features",
LabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
OptimizationTolerance = 10e-3F,
TrainingData = dataView,
NormalizeFeatures = NormalizeOption.No
CombineAndTestEnsembles(dataView, "pe", "oc=average", PredictionKind.BinaryClassification, predictors);
public void TestMulticlassEnsembleCombiner()
var dataPath = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromTextFile(dataPath);
var predictors = new PredictorModel[]
LightGbm.TrainMulticlass(Env, new LightGbmMulticlassTrainer.Options
FeatureColumnName = "Features",
NumberOfIterations = 5,
NumberOfLeaves = 4,
LabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
TrainingData = dataView
LbfgsMaximumEntropyMulticlassTrainer.TrainMulticlass(Env, new LbfgsMaximumEntropyMulticlassTrainer.Options()
FeatureColumnName = "Features",
LabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
OptimizationTolerance = 10e-4F,
TrainingData = dataView,
NormalizeFeatures = NormalizeOption.No
LbfgsMaximumEntropyMulticlassTrainer.TrainMulticlass(Env, new LbfgsMaximumEntropyMulticlassTrainer.Options()
FeatureColumnName = "Features",
LabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.Label,
OptimizationTolerance = 10e-3F,
TrainingData = dataView,
NormalizeFeatures = NormalizeOption.No
CombineAndTestEnsembles(dataView, "weightedensemblemulticlass", "oc=multiaverage", PredictionKind.MulticlassClassification, predictors);
private void CombineAndTestEnsembles(IDataView idv, string name, string options, PredictionKind predictionKind,
PredictorModel[] predictors)
var combiner = ComponentCatalog.CreateInstance<IModelCombiner>(
Env, typeof(SignatureModelCombiner), name, options, predictionKind);
var predictor = combiner.CombineModels(predictors.Select(pm => pm.Predictor));
var data = new RoleMappedData(idv, label: null, feature: "Features");
var scored = ScoreModel.Score(Env, new ScoreModel.Input() { Data = idv, PredictorModel = new PredictorModelImpl(Env, data, idv, predictor) }).ScoredData;
var predCount = Utils.Size(predictors);
var scoreCol = scored.Schema["Score"];
DataViewSchema.Column? probCol = null;
DataViewSchema.Column? predCol = null;
if (predictionKind == PredictionKind.BinaryClassification)
probCol = scored.Schema["Probability"];
predCol = scored.Schema["PredictedLabel"];
var scoredArray = new IDataView[predCount];
var scoreColArray = new DataViewSchema.Column?[predCount];
var probColArray = new DataViewSchema.Column?[predCount];
var predColArray = new DataViewSchema.Column?[predCount];
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
scoredArray[i] = ScoreModel.Score(Env, new ScoreModel.Input() { Data = idv, PredictorModel = predictors[i] }).ScoredData;
scoreColArray[i] = scoredArray[i].Schema["Score"];
if (predictionKind == PredictionKind.BinaryClassification)
probColArray[i] = scoredArray[i].Schema["Probability"];
predColArray[i] = scoredArray[i].Schema["PredictedLabel"];
probColArray[i] = null;
predColArray[i] = null;
var cursors = new DataViewRowCursor[predCount];
var cols = scored.Schema.Where(c => c.Name.Equals("Score") || c.Name.Equals("Probability") || c.Name.Equals("PredictedLabel"));
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
cursors[i] = scoredArray[i].GetRowCursor(cols);
using (var curs = scored.GetRowCursor(cols))
var scoreGetter = predictionKind == PredictionKind.MulticlassClassification ?
(ref float dst) => dst = 0 :
var vectorScoreGetter = predictionKind == PredictionKind.MulticlassClassification ?
curs.GetGetter<VBuffer<float>>(scoreCol) :
(ref VBuffer<float> dst) => dst = default;
var probGetter = predictionKind == PredictionKind.BinaryClassification ?
curs.GetGetter<float>(probCol.Value) :
(ref float dst) => dst = 0;
var predGetter = predictionKind == PredictionKind.BinaryClassification ?
curs.GetGetter<bool>(predCol.Value) :
(ref bool dst) => dst = false;
var scoreGetters = new ValueGetter<float>[predCount];
var vectorScoreGetters = new ValueGetter<VBuffer<float>>[predCount];
var probGetters = new ValueGetter<float>[predCount];
var predGetters = new ValueGetter<bool>[predCount];
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
scoreGetters[i] = predictionKind == PredictionKind.MulticlassClassification ?
(ref float dst) => dst = 0 :
vectorScoreGetters[i] = predictionKind == PredictionKind.MulticlassClassification ?
cursors[i].GetGetter<VBuffer<float>>(scoreColArray[i].Value) :
(ref VBuffer<float> dst) => dst = default;
probGetters[i] = predictionKind == PredictionKind.BinaryClassification ?
cursors[i].GetGetter<float>(probColArray[i].Value) :
(ref float dst) => dst = 0;
predGetters[i] = predictionKind == PredictionKind.BinaryClassification ?
cursors[i].GetGetter<bool>(predColArray[i].Value) :
(ref bool dst) => dst = false;
float score = 0;
VBuffer<float> vectorScore = default;
float prob = 0;
bool pred = false;
var scores = new float[predCount];
var vectorScores = new VBuffer<float>[predCount];
var probs = new float[predCount];
var preds = new bool[predCount];
while (curs.MoveNext())
scoreGetter(ref score);
vectorScoreGetter(ref vectorScore);
probGetter(ref prob);
predGetter(ref pred);
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
scoreGetters[i](ref scores[i]);
vectorScoreGetters[i](ref vectorScores[i]);
probGetters[i](ref probs[i]);
predGetters[i](ref preds[i]);
if (scores.All(s => !float.IsNaN(s)))
CompareNumbersWithTolerance(score, scores.Sum() / predCount, digitsOfPrecision: 5);
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
Assert.Equal(vectorScore.Length, vectorScores[i].Length);
for (int i = 0; i < vectorScore.Length; i++)
float sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < predCount; j++)
sum += vectorScores[j].GetItemOrDefault(i);
if (float.IsNaN(sum))
Assert.Equal((double)vectorScore.GetItemOrDefault(i), (double)sum / predCount, 0.001);
Assert.Equal(probs.Count(p => p >= prob), probs.Count(p => p <= prob));
for (int i = 0; i < predCount; i++)
public void FastTreeBinaryClassificationCategoricalSplitTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learners = new[] { TestLearners.FastTreeClassfier, TestLearners.FastTreeWithCategoricalClassfier,
TestLearners.FastTreeClassfierDisk, TestLearners.FastTreeWithCategoricalClassfierDisk };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset> { TestDatasets.adultOnlyCat, TestDatasets.adult };
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in binaryClassificationDatasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset, extraTag: "Cat", summary: true, saveAsIni: true, digitsOfPrecision: 3);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void FastTreeRegressionCategoricalSplitTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learners = new[] { TestLearners.FastTreeRegressor, TestLearners.FastTreeRegressorCategorical };
var regressionDatasets = new List<TestDataset> { TestDatasets.autosSample };
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in regressionDatasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset, extraTag: "Cat", summary: true, saveAsIni: true);
public void FastTreeBinaryClassificationNoOpGroupIdTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learners = new[] { TestLearners.FastTreeClassfier };
// In principle the training with this group ID should be the same as the training without
// this group ID, since the trainer should not be paying attention to the group ID.
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset> { TestDatasets.breastCancerGroupId };
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in binaryClassificationDatasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset);
public void FastTreeHighMinDocsTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learners = new[] { TestLearners.FastTreeClassfierHighMinDocs };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset> { TestDatasets.breastCancerPipe };
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in binaryClassificationDatasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void FastTreeRankingTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learners = new[] { TestLearners.FastTreeRanker, TestLearners.FastTreeRankerCustomGains };
var rankingDatasets = GetDatasetsForRankingTest();
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in rankingDatasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void FastTreeRegressionTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learners = new[] {
var datasets = GetDatasetsForRegressorTest();
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in datasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void GamRegressionTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learners = new[] { TestLearners.RegressionGamTrainer };
var datasets = GetDatasetsForRegressorTest();
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in datasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset);
public void GamBinaryClassificationTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learners = new[] { TestLearners.BinaryClassificationGamTrainer, TestLearners.BinaryClassificationGamTrainerDiskTranspose };
var datasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
foreach (var learner in learners)
foreach (TestDataset dataset in datasets)
Run_TrainTest(learner, dataset);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void FastTreeUnderbuiltRegressionTest()
// In this test, we specify we want, per tree, 30 splits with a minimum 30 docs per leaf,
// on a training set with only about 500 examples. This is to test the somewhat unusual
// case where the number of actual leaves is less than the number of maximum leaves per tree.
RunMTAThread(() =>
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.FastTreeUnderbuiltRegressor, TestDatasets.housing, null, "Underbuilt");
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void BinaryClassifierLinearSvmTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.linearSVM };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierMoreTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets);
/// <summary>
/// A test for regressors
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void RegressorFastRankTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var regressionPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.fastRankRegression };
var regressionDatasets = GetDatasetsForRegressorTest();
RunAllTests(regressionPredictors, regressionDatasets);
/// <summary>
/// A test for regressors.
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void RegressorOgdTest()
var regressionPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.OGD };
var regressionDatasets = GetDatasetsForRegressorTest();
RunAllTests(regressionPredictors, regressionDatasets);
/// <summary>
/// A test for ordinary least squares regression.
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void RegressorOlsTest()
var regressionPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.Ols, TestLearners.OlsNorm, TestLearners.OlsReg };
var regressionDatasets = GetDatasetsForRegressorTest();
RunAllTests(regressionPredictors, regressionDatasets);
/// <summary>
/// A test for ordinary least squares regression.
/// </summary>
public void RegressorOlsTestOne()
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.Ols, TestDatasets.generatedRegressionDataset, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
/// <summary>
/// Test method for SDCA regression.
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void RegressorSdcaTest()
var regressionPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.Sdcar, TestLearners.SdcarNorm, TestLearners.SdcarReg };
RunAllTests(regressionPredictors, new[] { TestDatasets.generatedRegressionDataset });
#region "Regressor"
#if OLD_TESTS // REVIEW: Port these tests?
/// <summary>
/// A test for ordinary least squares regression using synthetic data, under various
/// conditions. Unlike many other learners, OLS is an attempt to solve a problem exactly,
/// so we can more precisely judge the quality of the solution.
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void RegressorSyntheticOlsTest()
const int featureCount = 15;
const float scale = 2;
float[] model = new float[featureCount + 1];
Random rgen = new Random(0);
for (int i = 0; i < model.Length; ++i)
model[i] = scale * (2 * rgen.NextFloat() - 1);
ListInstances instances = new ListInstances();
for (int id = 0; id < 10 * model.Length; ++id)
float label = model[featureCount];
WritableVector vec;
if (rgen.Next(2) == 1)
// Dense
float[] features = new float[featureCount];
for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; ++i)
label += model[i] * (features[i] = scale * (2 * rgen.NextFloat() - 1));
vec = WritableVector.CreateDense(features, false);
// Sparse
int entryCount = rgen.Next(featureCount);
int[] indices = Utils.GetRandomPermutation(rgen, featureCount).Take(entryCount).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
float[] features = new float[indices.Length];
for (int ii = 0; ii < indices.Length; ++ii)
label += model[indices[ii]] * (features[ii] = scale * (2 * rgen.NextFloat() - 1));
vec = WritableVector.CreateSparse(featureCount, indices, features, false);
instances.Add(new Instance(vec, label, "", false) { Id = id });
const Double tol = 1e-4;
TrainHost host = new TrainHost(new Random(0));
var args = new OlsLinearRegressionTrainer.OldArguments();
// Exactly determined case.
Log("Train using exactly model.Length examples, so we have an exact solution, but no statistics.");
ListInstances subinstances = new ListInstances();
var trainer = new OlsLinearRegressionTrainer(args, host);
var pred = trainer.CreatePredictor();
pred = WriteReloadOlsPredictor(pred);
Assert.Equal(featureCount, pred.InputType.VectorSize, "Unexpected input size");
Assert.False(pred.HasStatistics, "Should not have statistics with exact specified model");
Assert.Null(pred.PValues, "Should not have p-values with no-stats model");
Assert.Null(pred.TValues, "Should not have t-values with no-stats model");
Assert.Null(pred.StandardErrors, "Should not have standard errors with no-stats model");
Assert.True(Double.IsNaN(pred.RSquaredAdjusted), "R-squared adjusted should be NaN with no-stats model");
foreach (Instance inst in subinstances)
Assert.Equal(inst.Label, pred.Predict(inst), tol, "Mismatch on example id {0}", inst.Id);
float finalNorm;
// Overdetermined but still exact case.
Log("Train using more examples with non-noised label, so we have an exact solution, and statistics.");
var trainer = new OlsLinearRegressionTrainer(args, host);
var pred = trainer.CreatePredictor();
pred = WriteReloadOlsPredictor(pred);
Assert.Equal(featureCount, pred.InputType.VectorSize, "Unexpected input size");
Assert.True(pred.HasStatistics, "Should have statistics");
Assert.Equal(1.0, pred.RSquared, 1e-6, "Coefficient of determination should be 1 for exact specified model");
Assert.True(FloatUtils.IsFinite(pred.RSquaredAdjusted), "R-squared adjusted should be finite with exact specified model");
Assert.Equal(featureCount, pred.Weights.Count, "Wrong number of weights");
Assert.Equal(featureCount + 1, pred.PValues.Count, "Wrong number of pvalues");
Assert.Equal(featureCount + 1, pred.TValues.Count, "Wrong number of t-values");
Assert.Equal(featureCount + 1, pred.StandardErrors.Count, "Wrong number of standard errors");
foreach (Instance inst in instances)
Assert.Equal(inst.Label, pred.Predict(inst), tol, "Mismatch on example id {0}", inst.Id);
finalNorm = pred.Weights.Sum(x => x * x);
// Suppress statistics and retrain.
args.perParameterSignificance = false;
var trainer2 = new OlsLinearRegressionTrainer(args, host);
args.perParameterSignificance = true;
var pred2 = trainer2.CreatePredictor();
pred2 = WriteReloadOlsPredictor(pred2);
Assert.Null(pred2.PValues, "P-values present but should be absent");
Assert.Null(pred2.TValues, "T-values present but should be absent");
Assert.Null(pred2.StandardErrors, "Standard errors present but should be absent");
Assert.Equal(pred.RSquared, pred2.RSquared);
Assert.Equal(pred.RSquaredAdjusted, pred2.RSquaredAdjusted);
Assert.Equal(pred.Bias, pred2.Bias);
var w1 = pred.Weights.ToArray();
var w2 = pred2.Weights.ToArray();
Assert.Equal(w1.Length, w2.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < w1.Length; ++i)
Assert.Equal(w1[i], w2[i]);
float[] regularizationParams = new float[] { 0, (float)0.01, (float)0.1 };
foreach (float regParam in regularizationParams)
foreach (bool subdefined in new bool[] { true, false })
// Overdetermined and inexact case, for which OLS solution is feasible but inexact.
Log("Train using noised label, reg param {0}, so solution is no longer exact", regParam);
ListInstances noisyInstances = new ListInstances();
float boundCost = 0;
foreach (Instance inst in instances)
// When we noise the label, we do it on an appreciable but still relatively small scale,
// compared to the regular distribution of the labels.
float diff = scale * (2 * rgen.NextFloat() - 1) / 3;
boundCost += diff * diff;
noisyInstances.Add(new Instance(inst.Features, inst.Label + diff, inst.Name, false) { Id = inst.Id });
// Make sure this solver also works, when we have
if (subdefined && 2 * noisyInstances.Count >= model.Length)
args.l2Weight = regParam;
// Transform the friendlier user-facing parameter into the actual value injected into the solver.
var regParam2 = regParam * regParam * noisyInstances.Count;
boundCost += regParam2 * finalNorm;
var trainer = new OlsLinearRegressionTrainer(args, host);
if (subdefined && regParam == 0)
// In the non-ridge regression case, ordinary least squares should fail on a deficient system.
bool caught = false;
catch (InvalidOperationException)
caught = true;
Assert.True(caught, "Failed to encounter an error, when running OLS on a deficient system");
var pred = trainer.CreatePredictor();
pred = WriteReloadOlsPredictor(pred);
Assert.Equal(featureCount, pred.InputType.VectorSize, "Unexpected input size");
Assert.True(0 <= pred.RSquared && pred.RSquared < 1, "R-squared not in expected range");
Func<Func<Instance, float>, float> getError = p =>
noisyInstances.Select(inst => inst.Label - p(inst)).Sum(e => e * e);
// In principle there should be no "better" solution with a lower L2 weight. Wiggle the parameters
// with a finite difference, and evaluate the change in error.
var referenceNorm = pred.Weights.Sum(x => x * x);
float referenceError = getError(pred.Predict);
float referenceCost = referenceError + regParam2 * referenceNorm;
float smoothing = (float)(referenceCost * 5e-6);
Log("Reference cost is {0} + {1} * {2} = {3}, upper bound was {4}", referenceError, regParam2, referenceNorm, referenceCost, boundCost);
Assert.True(boundCost > referenceCost, "Reference cost {0} was above theoretical upper bound {1}", referenceCost, boundCost);
float lastCost = 0;
var weights = pred.Weights.Sum(x => x * x);
for (int trial = 0; trial < model.Length * 2; ++trial)
int param = trial / 2;
bool up = (trial & 1) == 1;
float[] w = pred.Weights.ToArray();
Assert.Equal(featureCount, w.Length);
float b = pred.Bias;
bool isBias = param == featureCount;
float normDelta;
float origValue;
float newValue;
if (isBias)
origValue = OlsWiggle(ref b, out normDelta, up);
newValue = b;
// Bias not included in regularization
normDelta = 0;
origValue = OlsWiggle(ref w[param], out normDelta, up);
newValue = w[param];
Func<Instance, float> del = inst => b + inst.Features.AllValues.Select((v, i) => w[i] * v).Sum();
float wiggledCost = getError(del) + regParam2 * (referenceNorm + normDelta);
string desc = string.Format("after wiggling {0} {1} from {2} to {3}",
isBias ? "bias" : string.Format("weight[{0}]", param), up ? "up" : "down", origValue, newValue);
Log("Finite difference cost is {0} ({1}), {2}", wiggledCost, wiggledCost - referenceCost, desc);
Assert.True(wiggledCost > referenceCost * (float)(1 - 5e-7), "Finite difference cost {0} not higher than reference cost {1}, {2}",
wiggledCost, referenceCost, desc);
if (up)
// If the solution to the problem really does like at the base of the quadratic, then wiggling
// equal amounts up and down should lead to *roughly* the same error.
float ratio = 1 - (lastCost - referenceCost + smoothing) / (wiggledCost - referenceCost + smoothing);
Log("Wiggled up had a relative difference of {0:0.0%} vs. wiggled down", ratio);
Assert.True(0.1 > Math.Abs(ratio), "Ratio {0} of up/down too high, {1}", ratio, desc);
lastCost = wiggledCost;
private float OlsWiggle(ref float value, out float deltaNorm, bool up)
float origValue = value;
float wiggle = (float)Math.Max(1e-7, Math.Abs(1e-3 * value));
value += up ? wiggle : -wiggle;
deltaNorm = value * value - origValue * origValue;
return origValue;
private OlsLinearRegressionPredictor WriteReloadOlsPredictor(OlsLinearRegressionPredictor pred)
using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream())
PredictorUtils.Save(mem, pred, null, null, null, useFileSystem: true);
mem.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Microsoft.ML.Model.IDataModel model;
Microsoft.ML.Model.IDataStats stats;
return (OlsLinearRegressionPredictor)PredictorUtils.LoadPredictor(out model, out stats, mem, false);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void RegressorSyntheticDuplicatedOlsTest()
// OLS should result in the same predictor if we just simply duplicate data.
// Make certain that ridge regression works.
const int featureCount = 10;
const float scale = 2;
float[] model = new float[featureCount + 1];
Random rgen = new Random(1);
for (int i = 0; i < model.Length; ++i)
model[i] = scale * (2 * rgen.NextFloat() - 1);
ListInstances instances = new ListInstances();
for (int id = 0; id < 2 * model.Length; ++id)
float label = model[featureCount];
WritableVector vec;
if (rgen.Next(2) == 1)
// Dense
float[] features = new float[featureCount];
for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; ++i)
label += model[i] * (features[i] = scale * (2 * rgen.NextFloat() - 1));
vec = WritableVector.CreateDense(features, false);
// Sparse
int entryCount = rgen.Next(featureCount);
int[] indices = Utils.GetRandomPermutation(rgen, featureCount).Take(entryCount).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
float[] features = new float[indices.Length];
for (int ii = 0; ii < indices.Length; ++ii)
label += model[indices[ii]] * (features[ii] = scale * (2 * rgen.NextFloat() - 1));
vec = WritableVector.CreateSparse(featureCount, indices, features, false);
float diff = scale * (2 * rgen.NextFloat() - 1) / 5;
instances.Add(new Instance(vec, label + diff, "", false) { Id = id });
ListInstances instances2 = new ListInstances();
foreach (Instance inst in instances)
instances2.Add(new Instance(inst.Features, inst.Label, inst.Name, false) { Id = 2 * inst.Id });
instances2.Add(new Instance(inst.Features, inst.Label, inst.Name, false) { Id = 2 * inst.Id + 1 });
OlsLinearRegressionTrainer.OldArguments args = new OlsLinearRegressionTrainer.OldArguments();
args.l2Weight = (float)1;
TrainHost host = new TrainHost(new Random(0));
var trainer = new OlsLinearRegressionTrainer(args, host);
var pred = trainer.CreatePredictor();
var trainer2 = new OlsLinearRegressionTrainer(args, host);
var pred2 = trainer2.CreatePredictor();
var tol = 1e-5;
Assert.Equal(pred.RSquared, pred2.RSquared, tol);
Assert.Equal(pred.Bias, pred2.Bias, tol);
var w1 = pred.Weights.ToArray();
var w2 = pred2.Weights.ToArray();
Assert.Equal(w1.Length, w2.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < w1.Length; ++i)
Assert.Equal(w1[i], w2[i], tol);
/// <summary>
///A test for FR ranker
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void RankingTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var rankingPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.fastRankRanking };
var rankingDatasets = GetDatasetsForRankingTest();
RunAllTests(rankingPredictors, rankingDatasets);
/// <summary>
///A test for Poisson regression
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void PoissonRegressorTest()
var regressionPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.poissonRegression };
//AP: TestDatasets.displayPoisson is broken as it says header+ but training set does not have proper header
// Discovered when adding strict schema checks bwteen Train/Test
// I'm not quite sure how to fix train set. Perhaps just adding proper header is be sufficient (but the columns count between train/test differ so I drop this test set at this point and let someone who added those data fix it and possibly reenable unittest
var datasets = new[] { TestDatasets.childrenPoisson, TestDatasets.autosSample };
RunAllTests(regressionPredictors, datasets);
/// <summary>
///A test for Poisson regression with non-negative coefficients
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void PoissonRegressorNonNegativeTest()
var regressionPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.poissonRegressionNonNegative };
//AP: TestDatasets.displayPoisson is broken as it says header+ but training set does not have proper header
// Discovered when adding strict schema checks bwteen Train/Test
// I'm not quite sure how to fix train set. Perhaps just adding proper header is be sufficient (but the columns count between train/test differ so I drop this test set at this point and let someone who added those data fix it and possibly reenable unittest
var datasets = new[] { TestDatasets.childrenPoisson, TestDatasets.autosSample };
RunAllTests(regressionPredictors, datasets);
/// <summary>
/// Multiclass Logistic Regression test.
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Logistic Regression Sparse")]
public void MulticlassLRSparseTest()
new List<PredictorAndArgs>() { TestLearners.multiclassLogisticRegressionRegularized },
new List<TestDataset>() { TestDatasets.reutersMaxDim });
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of datasets for Calibrator test.
/// </summary>
public IList<TestDataset> GetDatasetsForCalibratorTest()
return new[] { TestDatasets.breastCancer };
/// <summary>
///A test for no calibrators
public void DefaultCalibratorPerceptronTest()
var datasets = GetDatasetsForCalibratorTest();
RunAllTests(new[] { TestLearners.perceptronDefault }, datasets, new string[] { "cali={}" }, "nocalibration", digitsOfPrecision: 5);
/// <summary>
///A test for PAV calibrators
public void PAVCalibratorPerceptronTest()
var datasets = GetDatasetsForCalibratorTest();
RunAllTests(new[] { TestLearners.perceptronDefault }, datasets, new[] { "cali=PAV" }, "PAVcalibration", digitsOfPrecision: 3);
/// <summary>
///A test for random calibrators
public void RandomCalibratorPerceptronTest()
var datasets = GetDatasetsForCalibratorTest();
RunAllTests(new[] { TestLearners.perceptronDefault }, datasets, new string[] { "numcali=200" }, "calibrateRandom");
/// <summary>
///A test for default calibrators
public void NoCalibratorLinearSvmTest()
var datasets = GetDatasetsForCalibratorTest();
RunAllTests(new[] { TestLearners.linearSVM }, datasets, new string[] { "cali={}" }, "nocalibration", digitsOfPrecision: 6);
/// <summary>
///A test for PAV calibrators
public void PAVCalibratorLinearSvmTest()
var datasets = GetDatasetsForCalibratorTest();
RunAllTests(new[] { TestLearners.linearSVM }, datasets, new string[] { "cali=PAV" }, "PAVcalibration", digitsOfPrecision: 5);
/// <summary>
///A test FR weighting predictors
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Weighting Predictors")]
public void WeightingClassificationFastRankPredictorsTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
var learner = TestLearners.fastRankClassificationWeighted;
var data = TestDatasets.breastCancerWeighted;
string dir = learner.Trainer.Kind;
string prName = "prcurve-breast-cancer-weighted-prcurve.txt";
string prPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, prName);
string eval = string.Format("eval=Binary{{pr={{{0}}}}}", prPath);
Run_TrainTest(learner, data, new[] { eval });
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) // PR curves are only generated on Windows.
CheckEqualityNormalized(dir, prName);
Run_CV(learner, data);
/// <summary>
/// Test weighted logistic regression.
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Weighting Predictors")]
[TestCategory("Logistic Regression")]
public void WeightingClassificationLRPredictorsTest()
new[] { TestLearners.logisticRegression },
/// <summary>
/// Test weighted neural nets.
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Weighting Predictors")]
[TestCategory("Neural Nets")]
public void WeightingClassificationNNPredictorsTest()
new[] { TestLearners.NnBinDefault },
/// <summary>
///A test FR weighting predictors
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Weighting Predictors")]
public void WeightingRegressionPredictorsTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.fastRankRegressionWeighted, TestDatasets.housingWeightedRep);
/// <summary>
///A test FR weighting predictors
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Weighting Predictors")]
public void WeightingRankingPredictorsTest()
RunMTAThread(() =>
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.fastRankRankingWeighted, TestDatasets.rankingWeighted);
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Neural Nets")]
public void NnConfigTests()
string path;
// The baseline should show an input mismatch message.
path = DeleteOutputPath(TestLearners.NnBinDefault.Trainer.Kind, "BcInputMismatch.nn");
input Data [8];
hidden H [20] from Data all;
output Out [2] from H all;
RunOneTrain(TestLearners.NnBinCustom(path), TestDatasets.breastCancer, null, "InputMismatch");
// The baseline should show an output mismatch message.
path = DeleteOutputPath(TestLearners.NnBinDefault.Trainer.Kind, "BcOutputMismatch.nn");
input Data [9];
hidden H [20] from Data all;
output Out [5] from H all;
RunOneTrain(TestLearners.NnBinCustom(path), TestDatasets.breastCancer, null, "OutputMismatch");
// The data matches the .nn, but the .nn is multi-class, not binary,
// so BinaryNeuralNetwork.Validate should throw.
path = DeleteOutputPath(TestLearners.NnBinDefault.Trainer.Kind, "BcNonBinData.nn");
input Data [4];
hidden H [20] from Data all;
output Out [3] from H all;
RunOneTrain(TestLearners.NnBinCustom(path), TestDatasets.iris, null, "NonBinData");
[Fact(Skip = "Test flaky. Disabling until resolved.")]
public void PcaAnomalyTest()
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.PCAAnomalyDefault, TestDatasets.mnistOneClass, extraSettings: new[] { "loader=text{sparse+}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.PCAAnomalyNoNorm, TestDatasets.mnistOneClass, extraSettings: new[] { "loader=text{sparse+}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
// REVIEW: This next test was misbehaving in a strange way that seems to have gone away
// mysteriously (bad build?).
// REVIEW: enable this test afte Expr transform is available. Currently maml breaks on xf=Expr setting
// Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.PCAAnomalyDefault, TestDatasets.azureCounterUnlabeled, summary: true);
/// <summary>
///A test for one-class svm (libsvm wrapper)
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void OneClassSvmLibsvmWrapperTest()
// We don't use the predictor that uses the MKL library, because results can be slightly different depending on the number of threads.
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.OneClassSvmLinear, TestDatasets.mnistOneClass, extraTag: "LinearKernel");
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.OneClassSvmPoly, TestDatasets.mnistOneClass, extraTag: "PolynomialKernel");
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.OneClassSvmRbf, TestDatasets.mnistOneClass, extraTag: "RbfKernel");
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.OneClassSvmSigmoid, TestDatasets.mnistOneClass, extraTag: "SigmoidKernel");
/// <summary>
///A test for one-class svm (libsvm wrapper)
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void OneClassSvmLibsvmWrapperDenseTest()
// We don't use the predictor that uses the MKL library, because results can be slightly different depending on the number of threads.
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.OneClassSvmLinear, TestDatasets.breastCancerOneClass, extraTag: "LinearKernel");
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.OneClassSvmPoly, TestDatasets.breastCancerOneClass, extraTag: "PolynomialKernel");
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.OneClassSvmRbf, TestDatasets.breastCancerOneClass, extraTag: "RbfKernel");
Run_TrainTest(TestLearners.OneClassSvmSigmoid, TestDatasets.breastCancerOneClass, extraTag: "SigmoidKernel");
/// <summary>
///A test for one-class svm (libsvm wrapper)
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void CompareSvmPredictorResultsToLibSvm()
var env = new LocalEnvironment(1, conc: 1);
IDataView trainView = new TextLoader(env, new TextLoader.Options(), new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(TestDatasets.mnistOneClass.trainFilename)));
trainView =
new NormalizeTransform.MinMaxArguments()
Column = new[] { new NormalizeTransform.AffineColumn() { Name = "Features", Source = "Features" } }
var trainData = new RoleMappedData(trainView, "Label", "Features");
IDataView testView = new TextLoader(env, new TextLoader.Options(), new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(TestDatasets.mnistOneClass.testFilename)));
ApplyTransformUtils.ApplyAllTransformsToData(env, trainView, testView);
var testData = new RoleMappedData(testView, "Label", "Features");
CompareSvmToLibSvmCore("linear kernel", "LinearKernel", env, trainData, testData);
CompareSvmToLibSvmCore("polynomial kernel", "PolynomialKernel{d=2}", env, trainData, testData);
CompareSvmToLibSvmCore("RBF kernel", "RbfKernel", env, trainData, testData);
CompareSvmToLibSvmCore("sigmoid kernel", "SigmoidKernel", env, trainData, testData);
private const float Epsilon = 0.0004f; // Do not use Single.Epsilon as it is not commonly-accepted machine epsilon.
private const float MaxRelError = 0.000005f;
public TestPredictors(ITestOutputHelper helper) : base(helper)
private void CompareSvmToLibSvmCore(string kernelType, string kernel, IHostEnvironment env, RoleMappedData trainData, RoleMappedData testData)
Contracts.Assert(testData.Schema.Feature != null);
var args = new OneClassSvmTrainer.Arguments();
CmdParser.ParseArguments(env, "ker=" + kernel, args);
var trainer1 = new OneClassSvmTrainer(env, args);
var trainer2 = new OneClassSvmTrainer(env, args);
var predictor1 = (IValueMapper)trainer1.CreatePredictor();
LibSvmInterface.ModelHandle predictor2;
trainer2.TrainCore(trainData, out predictor2);
LibSvmInterface.ChangeSvmType(predictor2, 4);
var predictions1 = new List<float>();
var predictions2 = new List<float>();
int instanceNum = 0;
int colFeat = testData.Schema.Feature.Index;
using (var cursor = testData.Data.GetRowCursor(col => col == colFeat))
float res1 = 0;
var buf = default(VBuffer<float>);
var getter = cursor.GetGetter<VBuffer<float>>(colFeat);
var map1 = predictor1.GetMapper<VBuffer<float>, float>();
while (cursor.MoveNext())
getter(ref buf);
map1(ref buf, ref res1);
float res2;
if (buf.IsDense)
fixed (float* pValues = buf.Values)
res2 = -LibSvmInterface.SvmPredictDense(predictor2, pValues, buf.Length);
fixed (float* pValues = buf.Values)
fixed (int* pIndices = buf.Indices)
res2 = -LibSvmInterface.SvmPredictSparse(predictor2, pValues, pIndices, buf.Count);
Assert.True(AreEqual(res1, res2, MaxRelError, Epsilon),
"Found prediction that does not match the libsvm prediction in line {0}, using {1}",
instanceNum, kernelType);
LibSvmInterface.FreeSvmModel(ref predictor2);
var predArray1 = predictions1.ToArray();
var predArray2 = predictions2.ToArray();
Array.Sort(predArray2, predArray1);
for (int i = 0; i < predictions1.Count - 1; i++)
Assert.True(IsLessThanOrEqual(predArray1[i], predArray1[i + 1], MaxRelError, Epsilon),
"Different ordering of our results and libsvm results");
private bool IsLessThanOrEqual(float a, float b, float maxRelError, float maxAbsError)
if (a <= b)
return true;
float diff = a - b;
if (diff <= maxAbsError)
return true;
return diff <= maxRelError * a;
private bool AreEqual(float a, float b, float maxRelError, float maxAbsError)
float diff = Math.Abs(a - b);
if (diff <= maxAbsError)
return true;
float largest = Math.Max(Math.Abs(a), Math.Abs(b));
return diff < largest * maxRelError;
#if OLD_TESTS // REVIEW: Some of this should be ported to the new world.
public sealed partial class TestPredictorsOld
#if OLD_TESTS // REVIEW: Need to port this old time series functionality to the new world.
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Time Series")]
public void TimeSeriesAnomalyDetectorTest1()
const string dir = "Anomaly";
const string windowDataFile = "AppFailure-unlabeled.windowed.txt";
const string consName = "LeastSquares.AppFailure-test-out.txt";
var dataset = TestDatasets.AppFailure;
var windowDataPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, windowDataFile);
//Test window features creation
var windowsGenerationArgs = "/c CreateInstances " + GetDataPath(dataset.trainFilename) +
" /inst=Text{sep=, name=0 attr=2 nolabel=+} /writer=WindowWriter{size=45 stride=25} /cifile="
+ windowDataPath + " /rs=1 /disableTracking=+";
CheckEquality(dir, windowDataFile);
//Test Least squares predictor
ConsoleGrabber consoleGrabber;
using (consoleGrabber = new ConsoleGrabber())
var testArgs = "/c Test " + windowDataPath + " /inst=Text{name=0 nolabel=+} /pred=LeastSquaresAnom /rs=1 /disableTracking=+";
int res = TestPredictorMain.MainWithArgs(testArgs);
if (res != 0)
Log("*** Predictor returned {0}", res);
string consOutPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, consName);
CheckEqualityNormalized(dir, consName);
#if OLD_TESTS // REVIEW: Figure out what to do with this in the IDV world.
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Time Series")]
public void StreamingTimeSeriesAnomalyDetectorTest()
const string dir = "Anomaly";
var instArgs = new TlcTextInstances.Arguments();
CmdParser.ParseArguments("sep=, name=0 nolabel=+", instArgs);
var dataset = TestDatasets.AppFailure;
var instances = new TlcTextInstances(instArgs, GetDataPath(dataset.trainFilename));
var predictor = new OLSAnomalyDetector(45, (float)0.1);
var sb = new StringBuilder().AppendLine("Instance\tAnomaly Score\tBad anomaly?");
foreach (var instance in instances)
float score, trend;
if (predictor.Classify(instance.Features[0], out score, out trend))
sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t{1:G4}\t{2}", instance.Name, score, trend > 0).AppendLine(); // trigger alert
const string outFile = "StreamingLeastSquares-out.txt";
File.WriteAllText(DeleteOutputPath(dir, outFile), sb.ToString());
CheckEquality(dir, outFile);
#if OLD_TESTS // REVIEW: Need to port Tremble to the new world.
/// <summary>
/// A test for tremble binary classifier using logistic regression
/// in leaf and interior nodes
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void BinaryClassifierTrembleTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.BinaryTrembleDecisionTreeLR };
var datasets = new[] {
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, datasets);
/// <summary>
/// A test for tremble multi-class classifier using logistic regression
/// in leaf and interior nodes
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void MulticlassClassificationTrembleTest()
var multiClassPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.MulticlassTrembleDecisionTreeLR };
var multiClassClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset>();
RunAllTests(multiClassPredictors, multiClassClassificationDatasets);
/// <summary>
/// A test for tremble default decision tree binary classifier
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("TrembleDecisionTree"), Priority(2)]
public void BinaryClassifierDecisionTreeTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.BinaryDecisionTreeDefault, TestLearners.BinaryDecisionTreeGini,
TestLearners.BinaryDecisionTreePruning, TestLearners.BinaryDecisionTreeModified };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset>();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets);
/// <summary>
/// A test for tremble default decision tree binary classifier on weighted data sets
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Weighting Predictors")]
[TestCategory("TrembleDecisionTree"), Priority(2)]
public void BinaryClassifierDecisionTreeWeightingTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.BinaryDecisionTreeDefault, TestLearners.BinaryDecisionTreeGini,
TestLearners.BinaryDecisionTreePruning, TestLearners.BinaryDecisionTreeModified, TestLearners.BinaryDecisionTreeRewt };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForClassificationWeightingPredictorsTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets);
/// <summary>
/// A test for tremble default decision tree multi-class classifier
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("TrembleDecisionTree"), Priority(2)]
public void MulticlassClassificationDecisionTreeTest()
var multiClassPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.MulticlassDecisionTreeDefault, TestLearners.MulticlassDecisionTreeGini,
TestLearners.MulticlassDecisionTreePruning, TestLearners.MulticlassDecisionTreeModified };
var multiClassClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset>();
RunAllTests(multiClassPredictors, multiClassClassificationDatasets);
/// <summary>
/// A test for tremble default decision tree multi-class classifier on weighted data sets
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
[TestCategory("Weighting Predictors")]
[TestCategory("TrembleDecisionTree"), Priority(2)]
public void MulticlassifierDecisionTreeWeightingTest()
var multiClassPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.MulticlassDecisionTreeDefault, TestLearners.MulticlassDecisionTreeGini,
TestLearners.MulticlassDecisionTreePruning, TestLearners.MulticlassDecisionTreeModified };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = new List<TestDataset>(GetDatasetsForClassificationWeightingPredictorsTest());
RunAllTests(multiClassPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets);
public sealed partial class TestPredictors
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
public void BinaryClassifierLDSvmTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.LDSVMDefault };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 2);
/// <summary>
///A test for binary classifiers
public void BinaryClassifierLDSvmNoBiasTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.LDSVMNoBias };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 2);
/// <summary>
/// A test for field-aware factorization machine.
/// </summary>
public void BinaryClassifierFieldAwareFactorizationMachineTest()
var binaryPredictors = new[] { TestLearners.FieldAwareFactorizationMachine };
var binaryClassificationDatasets = GetDatasetsForBinaryClassifierBaseTest();
RunAllTests(binaryPredictors, binaryClassificationDatasets, digitsOfPrecision: 4);
/// <summary>
/// Multiclass Naive Bayes test.
/// </summary>
[TestCategory("Multi Class Naive Bayes Classifier")]
public void MulticlassNaiveBayes()
RunOneAllTests(TestLearners.MulticlassNaiveBayesClassifier, TestDatasets.breastCancerPipe);
public void EnsemblesMultiClassBootstrapSelectorTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsembleMulticlass", "bp=mlr{t-} nm=20 st=BootstrapSelector{} tp=-"), "WE-Bootstrap");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 6, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesDefaultTest()
// This one does CV as well as TrainTest.
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "nm=20 tp=-"), "WE-Default");
RunOneAllTests(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 3, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesBaseLearnerTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "bp=AvgPer nm=3 tp=-"), "WE-AvgPer");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 5, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesHeterogeneousTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "bp=svm bp=ap nm=20 tp=-"), "WE-Hetero");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 5, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesVotingCombinerTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "nm=20 oc=Voting tp=-"), "WE-Voting");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 6, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesStackingCombinerTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "nm=5 oc=Stacking{bp=ap} tp=-"), "WE-StackingAP");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 4, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesAveragerCombinerTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "nm=20 oc=Average tp=-"), "WE-Average");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 3, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesBestPerformanceSelectorTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "nm=20 pt=BestPerformanceSelector tp=-"), "WE-BestPerf");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 4, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesBestDiverseSelectorTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "nm=20 pt=BestDiverseSelector tp=-"), "WE-Diverse");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 6, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesRandomPartitionInstanceSelectorTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "nm=5 st=RandomPartitionSelector tp=-"), "WE-RandomPartition");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 4, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesAllDataSetSelectorTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "nm=20 st=AllInstanceSelector tp=-"), "WE-All");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 6, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesRandomSubSpaceSelectorTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsemble", "nm=20 st=AllInstanceSelector{fs=RandomFeatureSelector} tp=-"), "WE-RandomFeature");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.breastCancer, new[] { "loader=Text{col=Label:BL:0 col=Features:R4:1-9}" }, digitsOfPrecision: 3, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesMultiAveragerTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsembleMulticlass", "bp=mlr{t-} nm=5 oc=MultiAverage tp=-"), "WE-Average");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 6, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesMultiVotingCombinerTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsembleMulticlass", "bp=mlr{t-} nm=5 oc=MultiVoting tp=-"), "WE-Voting");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 6, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesMultiStackCombinerTest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsembleMulticlass", "bp=mlr{t-} nm=5 oc=MultiStacking{bp=mlr{t-}} tp=-"), "WE-Stacking");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 3, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
public void EnsemblesMultiAveragerSDCATest()
var pa = new PredictorAndArgs(new SubComponent("WeightedEnsembleMulticlass", "bp=SDCAMC{nt=1} nm=5 oc=MultiAverage tp=-"), "WE-SDCA-Average");
Run_TrainTest(pa, TestDatasets.iris, digitsOfPrecision: 4, parseOption: NumberParseOption.UseSingle);
#if OLD_TESTS // REVIEW: We should have some tests that verify we can't deserialize old models.
public sealed partial class TestPredictorsOld
[Fact(Skip = "Need CoreTLC specific baseline update")]
public void TestFeatureHandlerModelReuse()
string trainData = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.breastCancer.trainFilename);
string dataModelFile = DeleteOutputPath(TestContext.TestName + "-data-model.zip");
string ciFile = DeleteOutputPath(TestContext.TestName + "-ci.tsv");
string argsString = string.Format(
"/c CreateInstances {0} /inst Text{{text=1,2,3}} /m {1} /cifile {2}",
var args = new TLCArguments();
Assert.True(CmdParser.ParseArguments(argsString, args));
// REVIEW: think of a test that would distinguish more dramatically the case when /im works and when it doesn't
// Right now the only difference is in the output of the feature handler training.
new[] { TestLearners.logisticRegression_tlOld },
new[] { TestDatasets.breastCancer },
new[] { string.Format("/inst Text{{text=1,2,3}} /im {0}", dataModelFile) },