3 instantiations of OnnxMapType
Microsoft.ML.OnnxTransformer (3)
OnnxMapType.cs (2)
16/// <see cref="OnnxMapType.OnnxMapType(Type,Type)"/>. 98DataViewTypeManager.Register(new OnnxMapType(_keyType, _valueType), type, this);
OnnxTypeParser.cs (1)
255return new OnnxMapType(keyType, valueType);
5 references to OnnxMapType
Microsoft.ML.OnnxTransformer (4)
OnnxMapType.cs (4)
14/// In other words, if an ONNX model produces a map, a column in <see cref="IDataView"/> may be typed to <see cref="OnnxMapType"/>. 16/// <see cref="OnnxMapType.OnnxMapType(Type,Type)"/>. 32if (other is OnnxMapType) 45/// To declare <see cref="OnnxMapType"/> column in <see cref="IDataView"/> as a field
Microsoft.ML.OnnxTransformerTest (1)
OnnxTransformTests.cs (1)
838/// to test if ML.NET can manipulate <see cref="OnnxMapType"/> properly. ONNXRuntime's C# API doesn't support map yet.