1 write to Inputs
Microsoft.ML.OnnxTransformer (1)
OnnxTransform.cs (1)
289Inputs = (options.InputColumns.Count() == 0) ? Model.ModelInfo.InputNames.ToArray() : options.InputColumns;
18 references to Inputs
Microsoft.ML.OnnxTransformer (18)
OnnxTransform.cs (18)
120/// It's also possible that the <see cref="Inputs"/> contains less variables than ONNX model's input list. 121/// For each name in <see cref="Inputs"/>, an input tensor with the same name can be found in the underlying ONNX model. 426Host.CheckNonEmpty(Inputs, nameof(Inputs)); 427ctx.Writer.Write(Inputs.Length); 428foreach (var colName in Inputs) 511_inputColIndices = new int[_parent.Inputs.Length]; 512_inputTensorShapes = new OnnxShape[_parent.Inputs.Length]; 513_inputOnnxTypes = new Type[_parent.Inputs.Length]; 516for (int i = 0; i < _parent.Inputs.Length; i++) 518var inputNodeInfo = model.ModelInfo.GetInput(_parent.Inputs[i]); 526throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(_parent.Inputs[i], "Only 1 unknown dimension is allowed"); 531var col = inputSchema.GetColumnOrNull(_parent.Inputs[i]); 533throw Host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(inputSchema), "input", _parent.Inputs[i]); 550throw Host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(inputSchema), "input", _parent.Inputs[i], inputNodeInfo.DataViewType.GetItemType().ToString(), type.ToString()); 561throw Contracts.Except($"Input shape mismatch: Input '{_parent.Inputs[i]}' has shape {String.Join(",", inputShape)}, but input data is of length {typeValueCount}."); 1059for (var i = 0; i < Transformer.Inputs.Length; i++) 1062var input = Transformer.Inputs[i];