1 write to PixelFormat
Microsoft.ML.ImageAnalytics (1)
MLImage.cs (1)
265PixelFormat = _image.Info.ColorType switch
36 references to PixelFormat
Microsoft.ML.ImageAnalytics (1)
ImagePixelExtractor.cs (1)
366(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = src.PixelFormat switch
Microsoft.ML.Samples (2)
Dynamic\Transforms\ImageAnalytics\ConvertToGrayScaleInMemory.cs (2)
43(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = image.PixelFormat switch 51(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = grayImage.PixelFormat switch
Microsoft.ML.Tests (33)
ImagesTests.cs (33)
211(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = image.PixelFormat switch 261(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = grayImage.PixelFormat switch 284(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = transformedSingleImage.GrayImage.PixelFormat switch 376(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = restoredImage.PixelFormat switch 384(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = croppedImage.PixelFormat switch 451(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = restoredImage.PixelFormat switch 459(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = croppedImage.PixelFormat switch 527(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = restoredImage.PixelFormat switch 535(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = croppedImage.PixelFormat switch 602(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = restoredImage.PixelFormat switch 610(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = croppedImage.PixelFormat switch 677(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = restoredImage.PixelFormat switch 685(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = croppedImage.PixelFormat switch 753(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = restoredImage.PixelFormat switch 761(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = croppedImage.PixelFormat switch 828(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = restoredImage.PixelFormat switch 836(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = croppedImage.PixelFormat switch 904(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = restoredImage.PixelFormat switch 912(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = croppedImage.PixelFormat switch 978(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = restoredImage.PixelFormat switch 986(int alphaIndex1, int redIndex1, int greenIndex1, int blueIndex1) = croppedImage.PixelFormat switch 1031(int alphaIndex, int redIndex, int greenIndex, int blueIndex) = image.PixelFormat switch 1243Assert.Equal(image1.PixelFormat, image2.PixelFormat); 1246Assert.True(image1.PixelFormat == MLPixelFormat.Rgba32 || image1.PixelFormat == MLPixelFormat.Bgra32); 1253using MLImage image3 = MLImage.CreateFromPixels(image1.Width, image1.Height, image1.PixelFormat, image1.Pixels); 1257Assert.Equal(image1.PixelFormat, image3.PixelFormat); 1295Assert.Equal(image1.PixelFormat, image2.PixelFormat); 1315Assert.Equal(MLPixelFormat.Bgra32, image.PixelFormat); 1323Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => image.PixelFormat);