3 writes to _image
Microsoft.ML.ImageAnalytics (3)
MLImage.cs (3)
257_image = null; 263_image = image; 284_image = image1;
44 references to _image
Microsoft.ML.ImageAnalytics (44)
MLImage.cs (44)
126Debug.Assert(_image is not null); 141var pixelData = _image.Pixels; 163Debug.Assert(_image.Info.BytesPerPixel == 4); 165return _image.GetPixelSpan(); 195return _image.Width; 207return _image.Height; 219Debug.Assert(_image.Info.BitsPerPixel == 32); 220return _image.Info.BitsPerPixel; 239using SKData data = _image.Encode(encodingFormat, 100); 254if (_image != null) 256_image.Dispose(); 265PixelFormat = _image.Info.ColorType switch 275Debug.Assert(_image.Info.ColorType != SKColorType.Bgra8888 && _image.Info.ColorType != SKColorType.Rgba8888); 277if (!_image.CanCopyTo(SKColorType.Bgra8888)) 282SKBitmap image1 = _image.Copy(SKColorType.Bgra8888); 283_image.Dispose(); 308private SKBitmap ResizeFull(int width, int height) => _image.Resize(new SKSizeI(width, height), SKFilterQuality.None); 312float widthAspect = (float)width / _image.Width; 313float heightAspect = (float)height / _image.Height; 321destX = (int)((width - (_image.Width * aspect)) / 2); 326destY = (int)((height - (_image.Height * aspect)) / 2); 329int destWidth = (int)(_image.Width * aspect); 330int destHeight = (int)(_image.Height * aspect); 333SKRect srcRect = new SKRect(0, 0, _image.Width, _image.Height); 339canvas.DrawBitmap(_image, srcRect, destRect, paint); 346float widthAspect = (float)width / _image.Width; 347float heightAspect = (float)height / _image.Height; 361destY = (int)(height - (_image.Height * aspect)); 364destY = (int)((height - (_image.Height * aspect)) / 2); 377destX = (int)(width - (_image.Width * aspect)); 380destX = (int)((width - (_image.Width * aspect)) / 2); 385int destWidth = (int)(_image.Width * aspect); 386int destHeight = (int)(_image.Height * aspect); 390SKRect srcRect = new SKRect(0, 0, _image.Width, _image.Height); 396canvas.DrawBitmap(_image, srcRect, destRect, paint); 414SKBitmap dst = new SKBitmap(_image.Width, _image.Height, isOpaque: true); 421SKBitmap destBitmap = new SKBitmap(_image.Width, _image.Height, isOpaque: true); 423canvas.DrawBitmap(_image, 0f, 0f, paint: paint); 447if (_image is null)