// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using Microsoft.ML.GenAI.Core;
using TorchSharp;
using TorchSharp.Modules;
using static TorchSharp.torch;
namespace Microsoft.ML.GenAI.Phi.Module;
internal class Phi2Attention : nn.Module<
Tensor, // hidden_states
Tensor, // position_ids
Tensor?, // attention_mask
int, // past_key_value_length
bool, // output_attentions
Tensor, // hidden_states,
Tensor?, // attentions,
Tensor? // present_key_value
private readonly int? _layerIdx;
private readonly Phi2Config _config;
private readonly double _attentionDropout;
private readonly int _hiddenSize;
private readonly int _numAttentionHeads;
private readonly int _headDim;
private readonly int _numKeyValueHeads;
private readonly int _numKeyValueGroups;
private readonly int _maxPositionEmbeddings;
private readonly double _ropeTheta;
private readonly double _partialRotaryFactor;
private readonly bool _qkLayernorm;
// we disable the warning for the private field name not in _camelCase format for all submodules fields
// because their name will be used as keys to load the corresponding weights from the checkpoint
#pragma warning disable MSML_PrivateFieldName // Private field name not in: _camelCase format
private readonly GenAILinear q_proj;
private readonly GenAILinear k_proj;
private readonly GenAILinear v_proj;
private readonly GenAILinear dense;
private readonly LayerNorm? q_layernorm;
private readonly LayerNorm? k_layernorm;
private readonly Phi2RotaryEmbedding phiRotaryEmbedding;
// cache_k, cache_v
private Tensor cache_k;
private Tensor cache_v;
#pragma warning restore MSML_PrivateFieldName // Private field name not in: _camelCase format
public Phi2Attention(Phi2Config config, int? layerIdx = null, int maxBatch = 2, int maxLength = 1024)
: base(nameof(Phi2Attention))
this._layerIdx = layerIdx;
this._config = config;
this._attentionDropout = config.AttentionDropout;
this._hiddenSize = config.HiddenSize;
this._numAttentionHeads = config.NumAttentionHeads;
this._headDim = this._hiddenSize / this._numAttentionHeads;
this._numKeyValueHeads = config.NumKeyValueHeads ?? throw new ArgumentException("num_key_value_heads must be specified");
this._numKeyValueGroups = this._numAttentionHeads / this._numKeyValueHeads;
this._maxPositionEmbeddings = config.MaxPositionEmbeddings;
this._ropeTheta = config.RopeTheta;
this._partialRotaryFactor = config.PartialRotaryFactor;
Contract.Assert(this._hiddenSize % (this._headDim * this._numAttentionHeads) == 0, "hidden_size must be divisible by num_attention_heads");
this.q_proj = new GenAILinear(this._hiddenSize, this._numAttentionHeads * this._headDim, hasBias: true, dtype: config.Dtype);
this.k_proj = new GenAILinear(this._hiddenSize, this._numKeyValueHeads * this._headDim, hasBias: true, dtype: config.Dtype);
this.v_proj = new GenAILinear(this._hiddenSize, this._numKeyValueHeads * this._headDim, hasBias: true, dtype: config.Dtype);
this.dense = new GenAILinear(this._numAttentionHeads * this._headDim, this._hiddenSize, hasBias: true, dtype: config.Dtype);
this._qkLayernorm = config.QkLayernorm;
if (this._qkLayernorm)
this.q_layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(this._hiddenSize / this._numAttentionHeads, eps: config.LayerNormEps, elementwise_affine: true, dtype: config.Dtype);
this.k_layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(this._hiddenSize / this._numAttentionHeads, eps: config.LayerNormEps, elementwise_affine: true, dtype: config.Dtype);
this.phiRotaryEmbedding = new Phi2RotaryEmbedding(
dim: (int)(this._partialRotaryFactor * this._headDim),
maxPositionEmbeddings: this._maxPositionEmbeddings,
baseValue: this._config.RopeTheta);
this.cache_k = torch.zeros(maxBatch, this._numKeyValueHeads, maxLength, this._headDim, dtype: config.Dtype);
this.cache_v = torch.zeros(maxBatch, this._numKeyValueHeads, maxLength, this._headDim, dtype: config.Dtype);
#pragma warning disable MSML_GeneralName // This name should be PascalCased
public override (Tensor, Tensor?, Tensor?) forward(
#pragma warning restore MSML_GeneralName // This name should be PascalCased
Tensor hiddenStates,
Tensor positionIds,
Tensor? attentionMask = null,
int pastKeyValueLength = 0,
bool outputAttentions = false)
// move cache to the same device as hiddenStates
if (this.cache_k.device != hiddenStates.device)
this.cache_k = this.cache_k.to(hiddenStates.device, disposeAfter: true).DetachFromDisposeScope();
this.cache_v = this.cache_v.to(hiddenStates.device, disposeAfter: true).DetachFromDisposeScope();
using var disposeScope = torch.NewDisposeScope();
var batchSize = (int)hiddenStates.shape[0];
var seqLen = (int)hiddenStates.shape[1];
var queryStates = this.q_proj.forward(hiddenStates);
var keyStates = this.k_proj.forward(hiddenStates);
var valueStates = this.v_proj.forward(hiddenStates);
if (this._qkLayernorm)
queryStates = this.q_layernorm!.forward(queryStates);
keyStates = this.k_layernorm!.forward(keyStates);
queryStates = queryStates.view(batchSize, seqLen, this._numAttentionHeads, this._headDim).transpose_(1, 2);
keyStates = keyStates.view(batchSize, seqLen, this._numKeyValueHeads, this._headDim).transpose_(1, 2);
valueStates = valueStates.view(batchSize, seqLen, this._numKeyValueHeads, this._headDim).transpose_(1, 2);
var kvSeqLen = pastKeyValueLength == 0 ? (int)keyStates.shape[2] : pastKeyValueLength + (int)keyStates.shape[2];
(var cos, var sin) = this.phiRotaryEmbedding.forward(valueStates, kvSeqLen);
// split the last dim of queryStates and keyStates into rotary and non-rotary parts
// shape: [batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, head_dim]
// queryRot: [batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, :head_dim * partial_rotary_factor]
// queryPass: [batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, head_dim * partial_rotary_factor:]
var keyRot = keyStates[.., .., .., ..this.phiRotaryEmbedding.Dim];
var keyPass = keyStates[.., .., .., this.phiRotaryEmbedding.Dim..];
var queryRot = queryStates[.., .., .., ..this.phiRotaryEmbedding.Dim];
var queryPass = queryStates[.., .., .., this.phiRotaryEmbedding.Dim..];
(var qRot, var kRot) = Utils.ApplyRotaryPosEmb(queryRot, keyRot, cos, sin, positionIds);
queryStates = torch.cat([qRot, queryPass], dim: -1);
// update cache
keyStates = torch.cat([kRot, keyPass], dim: -1);
this.cache_k[..batchSize, .., pastKeyValueLength..kvSeqLen, ..] = keyStates;
this.cache_v[..batchSize, .., pastKeyValueLength..kvSeqLen, ..] = valueStates;
keyStates = this.cache_k[..batchSize, .., ..kvSeqLen, ..];
valueStates = this.cache_v[..batchSize, .., ..kvSeqLen, ..];
var keyStates2 = Utils.Phi2RepeatKV(keyStates, this._numKeyValueGroups).transpose(2, 3);
var valueStates2 = Utils.Phi2RepeatKV(valueStates, this._numKeyValueGroups);
// Queries and keys upcast to fp32 is required by Phi-2 to avoid overflow
var attnWeights = torch.matmul(queryStates.to_type(float32), keyStates2.to_type(float32));
attnWeights = attnWeights / Math.Sqrt(this._headDim);
if (attentionMask is not null)
attnWeights = attnWeights + attentionMask;
attnWeights = nn.functional.softmax(attnWeights, dim: -1);
attnWeights = nn.functional.dropout(attnWeights, p: this._attentionDropout);
var attnOutput = torch.matmul(attnWeights, valueStates2.to_type(float32)).to_type(hiddenStates.dtype);
attnOutput = attnOutput.transpose_(1, 2).contiguous();
attnOutput = attnOutput.reshape(batchSize, seqLen, this._hiddenSize);
var result = this.dense.forward(attnOutput);
return (result.MoveToOuterDisposeScope(), null, null);