File: QuantizedLinearTests.cs
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Project: src\test\Microsoft.ML.GenAI.Core.Tests\Microsoft.ML.GenAI.Core.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.ML.GenAI.Core.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.ML.GenAI.Core.Extension;
using TorchSharp;
using Xunit;
using static TorchSharp.torch;
namespace Microsoft.ML.GenAI.Core.Tests;
public class QuantizedLinearTests
    public void Int4QuantizeSizeTests()
        // meta is critical for the test
        // as the size of the model to test is 372 GB
        // and can't be loaded in real device like cpu or cuda
        var device = "meta";
        var model = new QuantizedLinear(100000, 100, device: device);
        var sizeInBytes = model.GetSizeInBytes();
        var sizeInGigaBytes = sizeInBytes / 1024 / 1024;
        // to int4
        var sizeInBytesAfterInt8 = model.GetSizeInBytes();
        var sizeInGigaBytesAfterInt8 = sizeInBytesAfterInt8 / 1024 / 1024;
        sizeInGigaBytesAfterInt8.Should().Be(4); // 38 // 8 = 4
    public void Int8QuantizeSizeTests()
        // meta is critical for the test
        // as the size of the model to test is 372 GB
        // and can't be loaded in real device like cpu or cuda
        var device = "meta";
        var model = new QuantizedLinear(100000, 100, device: device);
        var sizeInBytes = model.GetSizeInBytes();
        var sizeInGigaBytes = sizeInBytes / 1024 / 1024;
        // to int8
        var sizeInBytesAfterInt8 = model.GetSizeInBytes();
        var sizeInGigaBytesAfterInt8 = sizeInBytesAfterInt8 / 1024 / 1024;
        sizeInGigaBytesAfterInt8.Should().Be(9); // 38 // 4 = 9
    public void Int4QuantizeForwardTest()
        var device = "cpu";
        var model = new QuantizedLinear(123, 10, device: device);
        // set both weight and bias to rand int8 values
        // and compare the result before and after ToInt8
        var input = torch.ones([10, 2200, 123], device: device);
        var weight = torch.ones([10, 123], device: device, dtype: ScalarType.Int64) * -1;
        var bias = torch.ones([10], device: device) * 2;
        var weightStr = weight.Peek("weight").ToString();
        weight = (weight + 8).view(-1).to(torch.uint8);
        var weightPlaceHolderDim = (int)weight.size(0);
        weightPlaceHolderDim = weightPlaceHolderDim / 2 + weightPlaceHolderDim % 2;
        var weightPlaceHolder = weight[..weightPlaceHolderDim];
        weightPlaceHolder = weightPlaceHolder * 16 + weight[weightPlaceHolderDim..];
        var high4Bit = weightPlaceHolder / 16;
        var low4Bit = weightPlaceHolder % 16;
        weight = Tensor[] { high4Bit, low4Bit }).view(10, 123);
        weight =;
        weight -= 8;
        model.load_state_dict(new Dictionary<string, Tensor>
            ["weight"] = weight,
            ["bias"] = bias
        var resultBeforeInt4 = model.forward(input);
        var resultAfterInt4 = model.forward(input);
        // compare the result
    public void Int8QuantizeForwardTest()
        var device = "cpu";
        var model = new QuantizedLinear(123, 10, device: device);
        // set both weight and bias to rand int8 values
        // and compare the result before and after ToInt8
        var input = torch.ones([10, 2200, 123], device: device);
        var weight = torch.ones([10, 123], device: device) * -1;
        var bias = torch.ones([10], device: device) * 2;
        model.load_state_dict(new Dictionary<string, Tensor>
            ["weight"] = weight,
            ["bias"] = bias
        var resultBeforeInt8 = model.forward(input);
        var resultAfterInt8 = model.forward(input);
        resultBeforeInt8.Peek("result").Should().Be("result: sum: 312.6933  dType: Float32 shape: [10,2200,10]");
        resultAfterInt8.Peek("result").Should().Be("result: sum: 312.6933  dType: Float32 shape: [10,2200,10]");