// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using FloatType = System.Single;
using FloatType = System.Double;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Command;
using Microsoft.ML.CommandLine;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree;
[assembly: LoadableClass(typeof(SumupPerformanceCommand), typeof(SumupPerformanceCommand.Arguments), typeof(SignatureCommand),
"", "FastTreeSumupPerformance", "ftsumup")]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree
using Stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch;
/// <summary>
/// This is an internal utility command to measure the performance of the IntArray sumup operation.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class SumupPerformanceCommand : ICommand
public sealed class Arguments
// REVIEW: Convert to using subcomponents.
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The type of IntArray to construct", ShortName = "type", SortOrder = 0)]
public IntArrayType Type = IntArrayType.Dense;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The length of each int arrays", ShortName = "len", SortOrder = 1)]
public int Length;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The number of int arrays to create", ShortName = "c", SortOrder = 2)]
public int Count;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The number of bins to have in the int array", ShortName = "b", SortOrder = 3)]
public int Bins;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The random parameter, which will differ depending on the type of the feature", ShortName = "p", SortOrder = 4)]
public double Parameter;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The number of seconds to run sumups in each trial", ShortName = "s", SortOrder = 5)]
public double Seconds = 5;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Random seed", ShortName = "seed", SortOrder = 101)]
public int? RandomSeed;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Verbose?", ShortName = "v", Hide = true)]
public bool? Verbose;
// This is actually an advisory value. The implementations themselves are responsible for
// determining what they consider appropriate, and the actual heuristics is a bit more
// complex than just this.
HelpText = "Desired degree of parallelism in the data pipeline", ShortName = "n", SortOrder = 6)]
public int? Parallel;
private readonly IHost _host;
private readonly IntArrayType _type;
private readonly int _len;
private readonly int _count;
private readonly int _bins;
private readonly int _parallel;
private readonly double _param;
private readonly double _seconds;
public SumupPerformanceCommand(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
// Capture the environment options from args.
env.CheckUserArg(!args.Parallel.HasValue || args.Parallel > 0, nameof(args.Parallel), "If defined must be positive");
_host = env.Register("FastTreeSumupPerformance", args.RandomSeed, args.Verbose);
_host.CheckValue(args, nameof(args));
_host.CheckUserArg(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(IntArrayType), args.Type) && args.Type != IntArrayType.Current, nameof(args.Type), "Value not defined");
_host.CheckUserArg(args.Length >= 0, nameof(args.Length), "Must be non-negative");
_host.CheckUserArg(args.Count >= 0, nameof(args.Count), "Must be non-negative");
_host.CheckUserArg(args.Bins > 0, nameof(args.Bins), "Must be positive");
_host.CheckUserArg(args.Seconds > 0, nameof(args.Seconds), "Must be positive");
_type = args.Type;
_len = args.Length;
_count = args.Count;
_bins = args.Bins;
_parallel = args.Parallel ?? Environment.ProcessorCount;
_param = args.Parameter;
_seconds = args.Seconds;
private IEnumerable<int> CreateDense(IChannel ch, Random rgen)
for (int i = 0; i < _len; ++i)
yield return rgen.Next(_bins);
private IEnumerable<int> CreateSparse(IChannel ch, Random rgen)
ch.CheckUserArg(0 <= _param && _param < 1, nameof(Arguments.Parameter), "For sparse arrays");
// The parameter is the level of sparsity. Use the geometric distribution to determine the number of
// Geometric distribution (with 0 support) would be Math.
double denom = Math.Log(1 - _param);
if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(denom))
// The parameter is so high, it's effectively dense.
foreach (int v in CreateDense(ch, rgen))
yield return 0;
yield break;
if (denom == 0)
// The parameter must have been so small that we effectively will never have an "on" entry.
for (int i = 0; i < _len; ++i)
yield return 0;
yield break;
ch.Assert(FloatUtils.IsFinite(denom) && denom < 0);
int remaining = _len;
while (remaining > 0)
// A value being sparse or not we view as a Bernoulli trial, so, we can more efficiently
// model the number of sparse values as being a geometric distribution. This reduces the
// number of calls to the random number generator considerable vs. the naive sampling.
double r = 1 - rgen.NextDouble(); // Has support in [0,1). We subtract 1-r to make support in (0,1].
int numZeros = (int)Math.Min(Math.Floor(Math.Log(r) / denom), remaining);
for (int i = 0; i < numZeros; ++i)
yield return 0;
if ((remaining -= numZeros) > 0)
yield return rgen.Next(_bins);
ch.Assert(remaining == 0);
private IntArray[] CreateRandomIntArrays(IChannel ch)
IntArray[] arrays = new IntArray[_count];
using (var pch = _host.StartProgressChannel("Create IntArrays"))
int created = 0;
pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader("arrays"), e => e.SetProgress(0, created, arrays.Length));
IntArrayBits bits = IntArray.NumBitsNeeded(_bins);
ch.Info("Bits per item is {0}", bits);
int salt = _host.Rand.Next();
Func<IChannel, Random, IEnumerable<int>> createIntArray;
switch (_type)
case IntArrayType.Dense:
createIntArray = CreateDense;
case IntArrayType.Sparse:
createIntArray = CreateSparse;
if (_param == 1)
createIntArray = CreateDense;
throw _host.ExceptNotImpl("Haven't yet wrote a random generator appropriate for {0}", _type);
ParallelEnumerable.Range(0, arrays.Length).ForAll(i =>
Random r = new Random(salt + i);
arrays[i] = IntArray.New(_len, _type, bits, createIntArray(ch, r));
return arrays;
private IEnumerator<double> Geometric(double p, Random rgen)
double denom = Math.Log(1 - p);
if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(denom))
// The parameter is so high, it's effectively dense.
while (true)
yield return 0;
else if (denom == 0)
// The parameter must have been so small that we effectively will never have an "on" entry.
while (true)
yield return double.PositiveInfinity;
while (true)
double r = 1 - rgen.NextDouble(); // Has support in [0,1). We subtract 1-r to make support in (0,1].
yield return Math.Floor(Math.Log(r) / denom);
private IEnumerable<int> CreateDocIndicesCore(double sparsity, Random rgen)
_host.Assert(0 < sparsity && sparsity < 1);
int remaining = _len;
IEnumerator<double> g = Geometric(sparsity, rgen);
int currDoc = -1;
while (remaining > 0)
double skippedDocs = g.Current + 1; // Number docs till the next good one.
if (skippedDocs >= remaining)
yield break;
int sd = (int)skippedDocs;
remaining -= sd;
yield return (currDoc += sd);
private IEnumerable<int> CreateDocIndices(double sparsity, Random rgen)
_host.Assert(0 <= sparsity && sparsity <= 1);
if (sparsity == 1)
return Enumerable.Range(0, _len);
if (sparsity == 0)
return Enumerable.Empty<int>();
return CreateDocIndicesCore(sparsity, rgen);
private void InitSumupInputData(SumupInputData data, double sparsity, Random rgen)
int count = 0;
foreach (int d in CreateDocIndices(sparsity, rgen))
data.DocIndices[count++] = d;
_host.Assert(Utils.IsIncreasing(0, data.DocIndices, count, _len));
data.TotalCount = count;
FloatType osum = 0;
if (data.Weights == null)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
osum += (data.Outputs[i] = (FloatType)(2 * rgen.NextDouble() - 1));
data.SumWeights = count;
FloatType wsum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
osum += (data.Outputs[i] = (FloatType)(2 * rgen.NextDouble() - 1));
wsum += (data.Weights[i] = (FloatType)(2 * rgen.NextDouble() - 1));
data.SumWeights = wsum;
data.SumTargets = osum;
public void Run()
using (var ch = _host.Start("Run"))
IntArray[] arrays = CreateRandomIntArrays(ch);
FeatureHistogram[] histograms =
arrays.Select(bins => new FeatureHistogram(bins, _bins, false)).ToArray(arrays.Length);
long bytes = arrays.Sum(i => (long)i.SizeInBytes());
ch.Info("Created {0} int arrays taking {1} bytes", arrays.Length, bytes);
// Objects for the pool.
ch.Info("Parallelism = {0}", _parallel);
AutoResetEvent[] events = Utils.BuildArray(_parallel, i => new AutoResetEvent(false));
AutoResetEvent[] mainEvents = Utils.BuildArray(_parallel, i => new AutoResetEvent(false));
SumupInputData data = new SumupInputData(_len, 0, 0, new FloatType[_len], null, new int[_len]);
Thread[] threadPool = new Thread[_parallel];
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
long ticksPerCycle = (long)(Stopwatch.Frequency * _seconds);
double[] partitionProportion = { 1, 1, 0.5, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4 };
long completed = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < threadPool.Length; ++t)
Thread thread = threadPool[t] = Utils.RunOnForegroundThread((object io) =>
int w = (int)io;
AutoResetEvent ev = events[w];
AutoResetEvent mev = mainEvents[w];
for (int s = 0; s < partitionProportion.Length; s++)
long localCompleted = 0;
for (int f = w; ; f = f + threadPool.Length < arrays.Length ? f + threadPool.Length : w)
// This should repeat till done.
arrays[f].Sumup(data, histograms[f]);
if (sw.ElapsedTicks > ticksPerCycle)
Interlocked.Increment(ref completed);
foreach (double partition in partitionProportion)
InitSumupInputData(data, partition, _host.Rand);
completed = 0;
foreach (var e in events)
foreach (var e in mainEvents)
double ticksPerDoc = (double)ticksPerCycle / (completed * data.TotalCount);
double nsPerDoc = ticksPerDoc * 1e9 / Stopwatch.Frequency;
ch.Info("Partition {0} ({1} of {2}), completed {3} ({4:0.000} ns per doc)",
partition, data.TotalCount, _len, completed, nsPerDoc);