1 write to _sparse
Microsoft.ML.FastTree (1)
FastTree.cs (1)
2417_sparse = new List<KeyValuePair<int, double>>(_nonZeroElements);
20 references to _sparse
Microsoft.ML.FastTree (20)
FastTree.cs (20)
2406_sparse.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, double>(index, value)); 2421_sparse.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, double>(i, _dense[i])); 2440Contracts.Assert(_sparse.Count == 0 || _sparse[_sparse.Count - 1].Key < length); 2441return _sparse.Count(kvp => kvp.Value > gtValue) + (0 > gtValue ? length - _sparse.Count : 0); 2464Contracts.Assert(_sparse.Count == 0 || _sparse[_sparse.Count - 1].Key < lim); 2469foreach (var kvp in _sparse) 2484foreach (var kvp in _sparse) 2532int count = _sparse.Count; 2535for (int i = 0; i < _sparse.Count; ++i) 2537editor.Indices[i] = _sparse[i].Key; 2538editor.Values[i] = _sparse[i].Value; 2570Contracts.AssertValue(_sparse); 2574foreach (var kvp in _sparse) 2586foreach (var kvp in _sparse) 2657var sp = values._sparse;